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836. The listener

"... It was too late, but it was so fast that I saw Lord Shenzi stepping forward. The monster's forward momentum was immediately stopped by a palm. The white jade palm formed a contrast with the ferocious monster.

, so that everyone can be said to be stunned..."

In the market, a man held a folding fan in his hand and was vividly telling the story of how the shrine maidens of Washima Taisha Shrine slayed evil spirits. After finishing the story, he picked up the tea and took a sip.

Hedao is becoming more and more prosperous. This island is now home to more than one tenth of the world's people, and more refugees live on the surrounding islands. I don't know whether it is Leopard's operation, or the earth's crust caused by the appearance of filth.

Due to changes, many large and small islands appeared near Wajima, which became a place for refugees to live. Various houses were quickly built, and they lived crowded and humble lives.

After listening to the storyteller's passage, many people applauded, and some people threw a few coins on his table. He thanked everyone and collected the coins one by one.

"Master, what you just said, did you see it with your own eyes?"

At this time, a woman with long hair combed behind her head suddenly asked.

"That's not true. The heroic appearance of Lord Shenzi is not something that mortals like us can witness, but I believe that if I can see Lord Shenzi with my own eyes, I will definitely remember her appearance for the rest of my life."

The storyteller took a sip of tea and said again.

"Although I didn't see this story with my own eyes, I think Lord Shenzi must be full of martial virtue, and he may be even more wise and powerful than what I described. He can easily kill more than a dozen monsters with one punch."

Hearing the storyteller's description, the woman frowned slightly.

Next to her, another young woman couldn't help covering her face and snickering, while the man seemed to be thinking about something.

"But I think Shenzi-sama should not be...violent. Since she is a miko, she should be more elegant after all."

The woman said again.

"Elegance? How can such a weak person fight those monsters? Miss, it seems that you are not very exposed to society. In a life-or-death situation, only strength can solve the problem."

The storyteller smiled.

"Furthermore, I heard the description from an acquaintance of Wajima Taisha Shrine. Does she understand Kamiko-sama better, or do you understand Kamiko-sama better?"

He didn't explain anymore, took the money and left, going to the next place to tell stories.

The corner of the woman's mouth twitched and she glanced at the two people beside her.

"What are you laughing at?"

Baopao looked at the little witch who couldn't help laughing and asked.

"No, nothing..."

The little witch immediately stopped smiling and looked serious.

"These storytellers are all making up nonsense to destroy my image."

Leopard muttered.

"After all, they have never seen real filth."

Lu Jian explained.

"You are a god, how can you compete with ordinary people?"

"I don't care."

Leopard shouted.

"I just want these people who spread rumors to know how many eyes their God Son has!"

"Okay, Master Shenzi, don't be angry. I'll buy you dumplings, okay?"

The little witch quickly comforted her.


Baopao immediately put the storyteller's words behind him and swayed on his little feet waiting for the little witch to buy the dumplings.

Seeing the little witch leave, Lu Tiao sighed.

"You don't have to do this."

Over the past few days, Baopao and the little witch had become very close. Not only did they often eat and sleep together, but they also took her on a whim to pay her a private visit incognito.

The relationship between the two has also changed from awe and fear at the beginning to a relationship as close as sisters.

Playing coquettishly and rolling around is commonplace.

From Lu Tiao's perspective, the little witch is like Leopard's guardian, worrying about all kinds of things.

And all this is foreshadowing.

Lu Jian knew it very well.

This shrine maiden will be the real first officiating shrine maiden of Wajima Taisha Shrine. When everything is ready, she will be sacrificed to the sacred Sakura and to Shia, and her soul will be blended into this giant tree.

Inside, it becomes fuel for the pure fire.

What Leopard did was just to find more excitement for herself.

Lu Jian knew very well that when a person can even use her own emotions as a pawn to play with, then nothing can hurt her anymore.

At night, in the courtyard, Baobao and the little witch were sitting on the steps, with a few pieces of fruit similar to watermelon placed next to them.

The moonlight was clear, and a few cherry blossoms fell down and landed on the watermelon. The little witch picked up one piece, without paying attention to the petals, and bit into it. The cold juice flowed from the corner of her mouth and dripped to the ground.

"Eat slowly."

Baopao said softly. She wiped the corners of the other person's mouth with a handkerchief. The distance between the two of them was so close that the little witch suddenly blushed and turned away.

"Sir Son of God, I was supposed to be the one taking care of you."

The little witch said.

"We are friends, aren't we?"

Baopao smiled and said, her smile seemed to have a magical power that could make people forget all their worries.

The little witch's face became even redder.

She hesitated for a while and then said.

"Lord Son of God, those monsters, can we defeat them?"

"Why do you ask?"

Baopao gently brushed the messy hair hanging down by the little witch's ears back and asked with a smile.

"I heard...I heard that those filth cannot be completely eradicated, and the power of the Son of God can only temporarily annihilate them. The Son of God can protect us for decades or hundreds of years, but it cannot protect us forever."

The little witch lowered her eyelashes, her eyes full of melancholy.

"Yes, I will leave one day, but Shenying's power will continue, and Shenying's power will find a suitable successor."

Baopao said. She looked at the little witch and hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"If you were given a chance, would you be willing to be the heir?"


The little witch didn't react at first. It took her a while before she made a questioning sound and looked at Leopard blankly.

"Me? How could I..."

"Shenying has already told me the answer. You are qualified."

Baobao gently held the little witch's hand.

"Can you protect this world for me until the end of your life?"

Hearing Baopao's words, the little witch was a little confused, but soon, she felt a little hopeful again.

After all, this is the power that can save the world.

If I can help Lord Son of God share some of the burden.

If you have the power to save this world.

So, can the tomorrow we welcome become better?

She nodded confusedly and looked into Leopard's eyes, which seemed to be filled with bright stars.

Late at night, the little witch had fallen asleep. Baobao got up, covered her with a blanket, and went to the courtyard.

The moonlight was like water, and she saw Lu Tan sitting in the yard, as if recording something.

"She has already agreed."

Baopao looked at Lu Tiao and said.

Lu Tan didn't answer.

Minding his own business, Baobao said again.

"I do regret that I chose her to be the next one."

Her face was a bit sad, which made her even more lovable.

"I am always thinking about whether there is any way I can make her give up and make her my beloved, gain eternal life and stay with me."

Lu Tan looked up and saw that Bao Bao's face was covered with tears, and his eyes were filled with regret.

"This is exactly what you prayed for."

Lu Tan said calmly.


Leopard wiped away his tears with his sleeves.

"This is the meaning of my existence."

This chapter has been completed!
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