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866. peace of mind

The human face in the mist was ferocious and strange, but to Lu Jian, it gave him a sense of security.

Old friend.

It seems that the people of Wudu are not like their colleagues, the four-eyed boys. The whole world has been occupied and destroyed by alien gods, but they can still walk in every corner of the foreign land to complete their missions.

The human face is distorted, surrounding the people of the Huangsha Brotherhood, like a guardian spirit.

For ordinary people, the smoke is so thin that they cannot be found or noticed at all. Without corresponding knowledge of foreign lands and direct experience of contact with people in Wudu, they would never expect that this is a person.

"It seems that the people of Wudu support the Huangsha Brotherhood. They want to make this place lose the motivation to explore and let other city-states gradually dismember the city."

Lu Tan closed the illusory book and muttered to himself.

Ke Cheng came back to his senses. He listened to Lu Tiao's words and had no idea what happened.

"Huh? If the people in Fogdu are causing trouble behind the scenes, then why can't Utopia's rules detect this?"

Lu Tan thought of this again.

The people of Wudu are obviously not in the same camp as the wasteland, or in other words, the gods and silence behind them are not the gods of the road. The people of Wudu will definitely not get any tasks such as making Utopia great again, or leading the hard-working and brave people of Utopia to common prosperity.


His mission, in all likelihood, is to bring Utopia to its destruction.

So, with the intervention of the Wudu people, why was the Huangsha Brotherhood not sanctioned?

Are these people in Fog City really that patient?

Thinking of this, Lu Tian felt that he needed to go and see the situation of the Huangsha Brotherhood.

But according to the rules of Utopia, it is definitely illegal to spy on others. If you want to sneak into the Huangsha Brotherhood's residence and investigate the behavior of the people in Wudu, you will definitely be punished.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Jian quickly came up with a plan.

"What are you going to do?"

Feng Yu glanced at Baopao and then looked at Lu Tiao.

"Just go and ask them directly."

Lu Tan replied immediately.


Feng Yu didn't quite understand.


next day

The Yellow Sands Brotherhood headquarters located in the north of Utopia.

This is the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, where all traveling merchants certified by the Huangsha Brotherhood can receive hospitality, get introductions and some business help.

In the original rules of Utopia, everyone's private property is sacred and inviolable, but similarly, individuals cannot occupy the means of production, etc. However, with the development of cities, various imbalances will always occur.

Powerful extraordinary beings can gain higher profits from exploration and production, while weak ordinary people can only pick up some leftovers. If these gains are forced to be equal, it will only weaken the desire of the strong to explore and eventually stagnate development.


Therefore, as Utopia continued to develop, a special group of businessmen gradually formed.

They gained primitive accumulation by initially exploring the relics, and then used their ingenuity or some luck to earn a lot of wealth. However, they currently have no way to continue to create wealth with their existing wealth, because this is the rule of Utopia.

Not allowed.

In fact, they do not have the right to hire others for production. In Utopia, farmers who breed insects and produce food rely on the saints of Utopia. The products of the old civilization need to rely on the explorers of the academy. As for daily necessities,

The barren life has almost no demand for daily necessities. Most of them are agricultural products, which are derivatives of insects, and have not yet developed to the level of handicraft industry.

Therefore, although businessmen have a huge amount of wealth, their lives have not changed drastically. It is not that they no longer need to work. They just don’t have to work in the fields. Basic bartering and transaction settlement still take a lot of time.

Some merchants also need to travel to other city-states to conduct trade.

Of course, in the long history, there are also businessmen who choose to take their property and flee Utopia directly to other city-states. However, the journey is far away, and in other city-states, these businessmen are not protected by the legal rules of Utopia, so they have better luck.

Those who are unlucky will either get lost in the sandstorm and become a treasure buried in the desert, or they will encounter robbers on the road and lose their lives and wealth.

, and some, after going through all kinds of hardships, when they arrived at the destination city-state, they were directly arrested by the people of that city-state, and all their property went into other people's pockets.

Because of this, the businessmen of the Huangsha Brotherhood want to obtain the status of saints and become the rulers of Utopia, and further consolidate their wealth status by explaining the rules.

In the chamber of commerce headquarters of the Huangsha Brotherhood, there was a woman sitting.

She looks to be in her thirties, but she still has charm and charm.

In the wilderness where the average life expectancy is only over 20 years old, such women are extremely rare.

This is not because he looks older, but because some extraordinary power is showing his strength.

If you look closely, you will find that her clothes expose a large area of ​​skin, and there is no crystal between her voluptuous figure.

This is a saint.

The de facto leader of the Yellow Sand Brotherhood is a woman named Cleopatra, who inherited the name Queen Marie.

The woman is holding a transparent glass in her hand. There is a light red liquid in the glass. This is not wine made from honey worms, but wine brewed using the techniques of the ancient civilization. Of course, the specific raw materials are still worms.

There are also some plants, but the taste is endless. After being chilled, it is even more intoxicating. It was Cleopatra's favorite drink.

Beside her, there was a looming cloud of smoke. This seemed to be a very ordinary picture at first glance, but in the desert, smoke itself was extremely rare.

"I know what you want, don't play those tricks in front of me."

Cleopatra said, looking at the cloud of smoke, there was only a joking emotion in her words.

"But you still accepted our help."

The cloud of smoke responded, and the language he used was not the native language of the wasteland, but the meaning could be transmitted to Cleopatra's mind through some indescribable supernatural power.

"You should know that our most fundamental purpose is to destroy this city, but you don't seem to care about this."

"Utopia will not be destroyed because of this. Your purpose was nihilistic from the beginning."

Cleopatra said, she put down her wine glass and looked at the cloud of smoke.

"Thanks to Utopia, we can have these exchanges openly and honestly. You have your purpose, and I have mine. As long as it allows me to inherit this city, I don't mind cooperating with you."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a voice coming from outside.

"Sir, there is a person who wants to see you. He says that he is a representative from the college."

This chapter has been completed!
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