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873. Insect Burritos

Speaking of the cultists in the wasteland, it is [Heavenly Father].

Followers of this god spread disease across the desert, terrorizing entire cities and eventually becoming his followers.

Lu Jian also mentioned in this mission that there might be gods from other lands trying to get involved in Utopia.

From this perspective, the Quicksand Council is indeed the most suitable to enter.

However, Lu Tuan did not take action immediately. Instead, he asked Ke Cheng to go to the city to inquire about information about Liusha Council, including their recent actions, their contacts with the outside world, and their relationship with ordinary citizens.

Ke Cheng certainly couldn't inquire very carefully. Rather, his current actions were likely to be captured and discovered by other camps, especially the Quicksand Council.

This is exactly what Lu Tan wants.

Sometimes, if you want to know what a naughty kid is thinking and what he is doing secretly, it may not work to force him to tell you. It is better to do the opposite and use some other means to misinterpret what he is doing, then he will be very confused.

It's possible that you jumped out and refuted it yourself.

To put it bluntly, if the Quicksand Council really had an affair with Heavenly Father as Du Danping said, the most it would do is to be killed by the other party.

At that time, if Baobao is here, there is no need to worry about the safety of Kecheng, because those people will also show their chicken feet.

Although Lu Tian thinks that the Quicksand Council shouldn't be so stupid.

As for Lu Jian, he must have been noticed by Cleopatra now. The Yellow Sand Brotherhood will always pay attention to his actions. Taking rash actions will be thankless.

Thinking of this, Lu Tan decided to eat first.

Visitors are provided with a burrito-like food in the library.

Use gray insect wings as the base, sprinkle various insect legs, insect pupae, squirming insects, etc. on it, smear it with a sauce mixed with plant and insect juice, and then roll it up, and you will have a delicious and delicious insect burrito.


Lu Tan's face wrinkled into a bitter melon.

He was holding the burrito, which was a little hard to swallow.

Feng Yu, on the other hand, ate without changing his expression.

After one bite, the crunchy worms combined with the dark green sauce stuck to the corners of Feng Yu's mouth. It looked like the same thing.

Lu Tiao swallowed.

took a bite.

The worms look like they have been fried, with crispy skin and tender and juicy inside. Different worms have different textures, some are as dense as cheese, some are crispy like potato chips, and some are chewy and taste like beef.


The sauce is sour and sweet, which relieves the greasiness of the food.

The outermost insect wings are like dough, with a certain degree of flexibility, but not too chewy. It is quite satisfying to eat them mixed with the fillings.

As long as you accept this setting, it tastes pretty good.


Lu Tan burped and felt a little nauseous.

He finished one burrito, took another, and put it in his pocket.

"what are you up to?"

Feng Yu looked a little confused at Lu Tiao's actions.

"Meeting gift."

Lu Tan said mysteriously.

Feng Yu frowned and did not ask carefully.

After eating, Lu Tan said goodbye to Feng Yu and left the library.

He walked on the street, scanning the crowd, and soon discovered that someone was secretly watching him.

[In the 0.42 seconds she just looked at you, she has already spent an entire life with you]

[He was struggling in his heart as to whether he should step forward with his left foot or his right foot first]

[He is very worried about whether he has been discovered by you, but fortunately, his worry is unnecessary]

[She is hesitant to follow you. After all, you have seen her location three times just now]

Lu Jian saw the behavior of passers-by like this.

At least five people were following and monitoring him from different locations.

Lu Tiaotao is not worried about danger. In Utopia, these people will definitely not be able to do anything unnatural.

However, it was not convenient for Lu Tan to move as he kept following him.

Of course he had already expected this.

Lu Tiao walked through the alley, and those people followed him, pretending to look around at the scenery.

He walked around in a circle and soon arrived at the empty houses in Utopia. There were no people here during the day. The merchants had all gone to sell things in the market, and there were no worries about thieves here.

Lu Tan found an empty room at random, quickly picked up a stone on the ground, carved his name on the outside of the door, and got into the house.

The second after Lu Tiao entered the house, the few people following him screamed secretly and hurriedly hid themselves and observed this place.

Naturally, they couldn't just enter the house whose name was written by Lu Jian. They could only monitor outside the house.

But no one knew what Lu Tan did in the house.

They winked at each other and hid near the house.

As for Lu Jian, after he entered the house, he looked around.

Immediately, the whole person collapsed and melted into a ball of rotten flesh and blood.

Leave a little bit behind, shape it into the shape of the paper man Lu Jian, and let the paper man Lu Jian lie in the room.

Then, Lu Tiao's entire body penetrated into the sand.

Although the gaps between the sand grains are small, they are more than enough to accommodate the land.

His whole body sank, and suddenly he came out again.

After carefully wrapping up the insect burrito that fell to the ground, Lu Tiao sank down again.

Traveling through the sand, Lu Tiao quickly arrived at the headquarters of the Quicksand Council.

This is a three-story hut, close to the oasis. You can see the oasis lake from the courtyard, which is full of greenery.

Several members of the Quicksand Council were sitting in the courtyard, eating finger-sized insect snacks and communicating in low voices.

Lu Tiao bypassed these people and turned into a ball of slime, flowing among the gravel on the ground.

Entering this building, Lu Jian tried to find evidence of whether the Quicksand Council had communicated with other beings.

The first floor is the lobby, the second floor is the conference hall, and the third floor has many small rooms for people to be alone. I don't know what they are used for.

Lu Tiao turned around and found nothing.

He hid from the people passing by and used [True Sight] to look around.

Soon, Lu Tiao discovered that there was a secret door in a corner of the hall.

I don't know where the mechanism of this door is, but Lu Tiao doesn't need to go through the main entrance anyway, so he sneaks in.

This is a basement located under the building.

As soon as he entered the basement, Lu Tiao felt a throbbing sensation.

It is obvious that there is some kind of extraordinary power in this basement. This power is competing with the rules of Utopia, forming a wonderful area that cannot be affected by the rules.

In the center of the basement, a bloody corpse was arranged in a complicated array in a strange way. His blood had long since dried up, and his ferocious and twisted expression made people feel sincerely frightened.

And where the magic circle was enshrined, there stood a statue of a god.

That statue is very familiar to Lu Jian. In the Quiet Place, it is called the [Image of the Kind Heavenly Father].

It seems that the Quicksand Council has indeed chosen the most effective way to win.


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