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876. We unite!

"Do more good deeds?"

When Lei Lei heard this sentence, he was really confused.

And, where do people need them?

He didn't understand it at all.

At this time, beside Lei Lei, a man with crystallized eyes suddenly stood up.

"I see."

"What did you understand?"

Others were also confused. At this time, someone suddenly stood up and said that he understood. That was naturally a good thing, so they asked one after another.

"The meaning of the oracle is that we can't just look at ourselves, we must help others more and win the support of the people. If there is no support from the people, even if we can make everyone in Utopia ascend, it will just repeat the current situation. Everyone will still do their own thing.

Fighting, unable to unite."

He said, while clenching his fists, as if he wanted to twist everyone into a rope.

"We must unite and unite all the forces that can be united! Now, the citizens of Utopia definitely need our help, and we must help them as much as possible so that Utopia can go further when the new era comes!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Lu Jian expectantly, trying to get the god's approval.

Lu Tan didn't answer. He felt that these people were so imaginative that he himself didn't even think that much.

If they say yes, then so be it.

"Principle 3: Learn more, get in touch, and expand your horizons."

"Article 4..."

Lu Tan racked his brains, his whole body twitched, and finally compiled ten commandments.

"Article 10: Go to bed early and get up early to keep fit."

Every time he said something, the people in the Quicksand Council would discuss it and come up with a set of guidelines for action.

"Indeed, even if we can't get things done, we still need to balance work and rest."

"Yes, yes, only with sufficient experience can we cope with possible crises."

"I have decided, from today on, I will be an early person!"

The people of the Quicksand Council quickly recorded these commandments and the corresponding explanations they summarized, and placed them in the room on the third floor as the "Ten Commandments of Heavenly Father".

Lu Tan thought that these people might not be able to do anything for the time being, so he decided to retreat.

After all, he had been gone for too long, and maybe the guys who were following him were impatient and went to peek outside Lu Tiao's house.

"I will continue to send down oracles. You should abide by the commandments and praise my name."

Lu Tan then said.

“Praise the Father!”

Thunder said first.

“Praise the Father!”

Others should agree.

When Lu Tan heard this, he heard Heavenly Father's cursing words coming to his ears again.

He diluted himself contentedly and disappeared into the ground.

After Lu Tan left, Lei Lei looked at the others.

"Everyone, [Heavenly Father] has pointed out the way for what we are going to do next. You should know what to do, right?"

The other people in the room looked at each other.

At this time, someone suddenly spoke.

"Lord Thunder, why do I feel that what Lord [Heavenly Father] said is a bit strange?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a group of people looking at him.

"No, I mean, these precepts are very good, but is the style a little different from what we did before?"

He defended hastily.

"The revelations given by the gods to people are usually vague, because God never cares about what humans will think or do specifically, so we need people like us to listen to God's instructions and interpret them to those believers."

Lei Lei was not angry, but explained slowly.

After all, being calm and being kind to others are also the precepts left by Lu Kan.

“Our previous understanding of God’s revelations was deviated, but now [Heavenly Father] has appeared in person and corrected it. This is proof of our piety.”

Lei Lei patted the other party's shoulder lightly.

"Praise be to Heavenly Father, who has given us who are lost the only salvation."

“Praise the Father!”

“Praise the Father!”

Everyone lowered their heads again and chanted.

"First, let's start with cleaning."

Seeing that everyone was extremely pious, Lei Lei said.


Almost at the same time, somewhere in the wilderness.

Above a sand dune, the sky is dim. Clouds that have not been seen in the desert for decades are gathering. Among the deep black clouds, red lightning is twisting and turning. Where the dark clouds are shrouded, there is torrential rain.

It soaked into the sand and washed away the sharp particles on the surface, revealing the original appearance of the earth.

If you can overlook the earth from a high altitude, you can see that the clouds stretch for thousands of kilometers, covering almost most of the land visible to the naked eye.

In the center of the heavy rain, water gathered into a vast ocean, and dust-covered things that had been buried under the gravel for hundreds of years were being opened up in the torrent, life was being nurtured, and there was a fierce confrontation with the drastic changes in the environment.

And on the edge of the rainstorm, a figure stood up from the sand, cursing.

Although he has a body similar to that of a human being, his lower body is made up of countless octopus-like tentacles, while his upper body is wrapped in a yellow protective suit. He seems to have no arms, normal limbs, and the position of his head.

There is a huge transparent helmet, and his head can be seen inside the helmet.

The head was round and round, with eyes scattered around the head, peering around. He had no mouth, nose, or ears, only the countless eyes that opened and closed on the bare head.

Among his tentacles, he held a strange statue.

If Lu Jian were here, he would definitely recognize it at a glance. It is exactly the same as the [Kindly Statue of Heavenly Father].

"Who on earth can actually interfere with my communications?"

The monster's eyes kept opening and closing, and the complex flashes formed a piece of information, showing his thoughts.

I have been chosen by the gods and have come from my own world to foreign lands to complete tasks many times. This time the task is unprecedentedly difficult [Brilliant].

However, the goal of the mission is very simple, it is just to help one camp win.

For him, it is easy to destroy a city, let alone help them win.

He really couldn't imagine how difficult this task could be.

However, after understanding the characteristics of that city, he did not enter rashly, but used the statue.

The statues of gods are grouped in pairs and can communicate with each other. However, this communication has the quality of contamination, and it is extremely easy for the weak one to surrender.

Even he must be careful when using it, because the god represented by this statue is probably sealed somewhere. Although he will not suddenly wake up and attack him, if he uses the statue for a long time, he will still fall into pollution.

Cognitive loss.

It turned out that he had seduced traveling merchants, used this statue to sneak into Utopia, and had already controlled the forces of those naughty children.

The next step is to use the power of the idol to spread the plague and turn the people in the entire city into zombies. As long as the people in the entire city become zombies, then he has completed the task.

But, what was that person just now?

This chapter has been completed!
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