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891. Piano sound

Just when Lu Jian and Hippocrates were confronting Cleopatra.

Feng Yu was outside the city of Utopia, looking at the fleeing crowds and the city-state that had been covered by heavy rain.

She could feel that there was a presence in that city that was difficult for anyone to resist. Neither she, nor Lu Tian, ​​nor Du Danping could compete with him.

Even if Leopard's true form arrives, it may not be able to save everyone from the opponent.

What's more, Leopard may not be willing to risk his life to help them.

There are still some gaps before the closed loop of fate, and Feng Yu is thinking about his next strategy in his heart.

At this time, she saw that the dark clouds covering the city became thicker, and crimson lightning fell, directly destroying the pyramid.

Amidst the howling rain, there seemed to be something coming.

Feng Yu listened carefully and saw that it was the sound of a piano.



Countless crawling insects grew larger in the rain. At the same time, flesh spiders began to move towards Lu Tiao. These are the "citizens" of Utopia. If they were attacked, Lu Tiao and Hippocrates would definitely do the same.

was sanctioned.

In fact, the moment Lu Jian pulled the trigger on Cleopatra, Utopia's will had already punished her.

Lu Jian's blood vessels began to turn blue and black as if they were filled with deadly toxins. His blood began to deteriorate, corroding blood vessels, nerves, muscles, and bones. His face turned black, and his vitality was disappearing.

If you are an ordinary person, even an extraordinary person who has had a little contact with foreign knowledge, your life will not be long at this moment, and you can only close your eyes in regret.

But after all, Lu Tan has experienced hundreds of battles and has never seen any big storms or waves.

He immediately melts himself to neutralize the sanctions of Utopia.

Theoretically speaking, he has died once now and can naturally escape punishment.

However, while Lu Jiao was melting and reorganizing, Cleopatra did not stand idly by and squirmed towards him.

The big bug was surrounded by dark purple smoke, and everything that came into contact with the smoke began to decay and decline. This was the product of Queen Marie's poison combined with Plato's power, stripping away the appearance and essentially disintegrating everything around it.

The flesh-and-blood spiders came like a tide, covering the sky and the sun, and even the heavy rain seemed a bit silent.

Hippocrates knew very well that there was no way out now.

He let out a long sigh, and his whole body swelled up, bursting his clothes.

The muscles exploded, the skin was chapped, and the bones were broken. Hippocrates' eyes were red and his face turned dark purple.

Then, he exploded like a balloon.

Among the flesh and blood, Hippocrates' flesh and blood spattered, and the damage caused by this explosion alone turned several flesh and blood spiders in the front into mud.

Utopia's punishment came as expected, but Hippocrates didn't care.

In the blood mist of the heavy rain, a swarm of insects flew up from his corpse.

Those bugs are like eight-legged mosquitoes with three pairs of wings. They are as big as a palm, and their number is far beyond imagination.

This is the flying insect represented by the name of Hippocrates. From the abdomen of the flying insect, like a showerhead, black mist spurts out.

The mist dispersed in all directions and was not affected at all by the rain curtain.

A flesh and blood spider suddenly twitched when it came into contact with the pure black mist. In the blink of an eye, it shrank into a ball and lost its life.

Countless flying insects flew towards every corner of the city, releasing deadly poisonous mist.

Hippocrates may not have thought when he got this name that he would one day show such a form in Utopia.

The power of the saint comes from insects, and different insects have completely different powers.

For example, Plato can influence the spirit, peer into the ideal world, and directly defeat the enemy at the level of will.

Cleopatra, on the other hand, can control creatures affected by her spores, and can also use toxins to attack others.

As for Hippocrates, his abilities are more auxiliary, just saving people. But when he becomes an adult, the black mist can become a murder weapon. After all, the drug itself is poison.

If Hippocrates wanted to, it would be easy to destroy an entire city.

Now, these flying insects are flying towards every corner of the storm-covered Utopia, bringing poison to the city-state and destroying every life here.

This was a move that went against the doctor's instructions, but it was also the last gift that Hippocrates could leave to those who fled.

If these flesh-and-blood spiders were allowed to survive, it would be impossible for those who fled the city to escape subsequent pursuit.

At this time, Hippocrates seemed to hear a sound of music coming from his ears.

The piano melody is soothing and seems to calm restless emotions.

Some of the countless people saw a man playing music under the pyramid.

Illusive black and white piano keys appeared in front of him, and a beautiful melody flowed from them.

This melody dispersed the black poisonous mist, solidified those flesh and blood spiders, and made the cold rainstorm automatically stay away.

Du Danping is coming towards the pyramid.

He kept playing, and the melody lingered in Cleopatra's will, persuading her, making her mind become distracted, and eliminating the desire to attack.

And when Lu Jian heard the sound of the piano, he also accelerated the recovery process and reshaped his human form.

Cleopatra's body suddenly split open and several pairs of transparent wings bloomed.

The insect became extremely large, like a monster, entrenched above the broken pyramid.

The buzzing sound of wings intertwined with the sound of the piano, seeming to weaken part of the power of the sound.

Lu Tiao returned to his human form at this time, and a silver revolver [Last Word] materialized in his hand, and he fired several shots at the huge worm.

The noisy babble once again occupied Cleopatra's mind, and together with the irritating piano sound, gave her a splitting headache.

Almost at the same time, Hippocrates' flying insects pounced on the big insect entrenched on the pyramid, biting the opponent wildly, blood and flesh flying everywhere, and Cleopatra could hardly resist.

"Leave this place to me and you can leave."

Hippocrates' will flowed into the minds of Lu Jian and Du Danping through the insects.

"This is my destiny. After all, this world does not belong to saints like us, but to human beings whose lives are short but perishable."

His voice was calm, without any pain or regret.

But Lu Tiao had no intention of leaving. He rushed towards Cleopatra, and like a cannonball, he crashed into the big insect's body.

Countless toxins that can make things essentially collapse eroded Lu Jian, but at the same time, he was also destroying Cleopatra's last will.

When the two forces converge, the spread of pollution blooms into a dark flower.

Dark purple lightning fell, hitting Cleopatra and the Great Pyramid.

There seemed to be a little light leaking through the dark clouds.

That's sunshine.


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