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928. Car accident

Lu Tan couldn't help but glance at Drizzt beside him.

The policeman was staring out the window, thinking about something.

The blood on his body had long since dried up, and he looked tired and decadent.

Lu Tan thought of the figure he had just seen in the room on the second floor of the hotel. There was no doubt that it was Drizzt.

But the other party just stared at him without making any movement.

If that was Drizzt, then who is he next to now?

Lu Tiao remembered that when Drizzt described his experience, there were many places that were extremely vague and difficult to believe.

For example, who did the blood on Drizzt's body belong to? His gun and bullets were gone. Why did Drizzt just lie on the ground after being attacked and not treated in any other way?

In other words, Lu Tan began to suspect that Drizzt around him might be fake.

For Lu Jian, this is a relatively false world, and everything may be just his illusion, or a dream created by the [Man of Darkness].

Therefore, it is not completely impossible for a false Drizzt to appear.

But, what is the other party’s purpose?

If he just wanted to hurt Lu Jian, then the fake Drizzt could have done it long ago, and there was no need to perform so many scenes.

Lu Jian looked beyond the car window and looked ahead. The thin mist gradually dissipated with the increase in altitude. The moonlight illuminated the road ahead, and the ancient villa was brightly lit, guiding the direction.

Everyone in the car was speechless and seemed to be relying on silence to calm themselves down.

Lu Tan began to sort out his current experiences and next goals.

Obviously, there are extraordinary things on this island. There is a high probability that the cultists want to summon evil gods and communicate with those indescribable great beings in exchange for power. Their rituals are not known to succeed or fail, but in short, they have brought about the previous intense concentration.


Lu Tiao now has two choices. The first is to find the leader of the cultists, find the place where they held the ceremony, and then help these cultists to summon the evil god in a serious way, and fight with this evil god through the evil god who does not know who it is.

Hedging against illusions to find a way to escape.

Another option is to thwart the cultists' conspiracy, escape unscathed first, and then find an opportunity to study how much supernatural power there is in this world.

The former choice obviously has a bit of a knife-edge licking blood. In this world, Lu Jian does not have that strong resistance to pollution. If he really colludes with the cultists, maybe the great being's simple response will make Lu Jian

Kizuna and the believers went crazy on the spot and turned into a piece of rotten meat without self-awareness before returning to reality.

The latter option is much longer. Extraordinary events are rare and rare. There is no guarantee that Lu Jian will encounter them again in the future. It is possible that he may not be able to come into contact with similar events even after spending decades in this illusion.


He decided to observe Drizzt's condition first. If this was Drizzt disguised by something, there must be some appeal.

As the car passed through the gate, Lu Tiao discovered that the security guard who was originally guarding the security booth was nowhere to be found. He stopped at the gate of the guard post, rolled down the window, and Lu Tiao took a look inside.

The lights in the security booth were on and the air conditioner was running normally, as if the security guard inside had deserted or went to the toilet.

They waited for two minutes. It was quiet and there was no one around.

Lu Tiao killed a mosquito that came up to him, and his palms were filled with blood.

Rolling up the window, he took out a tissue from the armrest box next to the driver's seat and wiped it.

"I don't know where people have gone."

Sia continued to drive forward. Although the road was bright, it gave people a strange feeling. The car lights illuminated the road ahead, which was a bit monotonous.

Suddenly, something seemed to rush out from the side of the road.

The white shadow tried to pass by the car, but it was not fast enough and was directly hit by Shia. The huge impact caused the thing to fly out and disappear from the range of the car lights.

Shia hurriedly stepped on the brakes, she was a little nervous.

"Was that a human just now?"

She looked forward, but except for the area illuminated by the car lights, there were only hazy shadows elsewhere, making it difficult to see clearly.

"It should just be a small animal, a rabbit or something."

Lu Tiao thought of the classic Australian joke again. There were no native rabbits on the Australian islands, but some good people brought them in on boats and released them into the wild. As a result, rabbits with no natural predators became rampant and multiplied in just a few years.

To tens of billions.

There are probably no rabbits on this island. If we bring a few pairs of rabbits, rabbit meat may become cheaper than fish in a few years.

"I don't feel like it. It's too heavy."

Sia held the steering wheel tightly, started the vehicle again, slowly moved forward, and said at the same time.

"You testify that I was not drinking or speeding. That thing hit me on its own."

Drizzt looked around, trying to find any trace of the thing that had been knocked away just now.

Lu Jian looked at the area illuminated by the light. The rough surface was bumpy and unchanging, until...a hand appeared in the light.

The pale hands were like sweaters washed with bleach, and had a disgusting grainy feel. Shia immediately slowed down, and the low beam quickly illuminated the whole thing clearly.

It was a humanoid creature.

Its size is only equivalent to that of an eight or nine-year-old child. It is all white, and its skin is as rough as a pilling carpet. It has six arms, and its legs seem to have degenerated and are only as long as arms. The whole person looks like a giant spider.


Its head is round and round, and most of its facial features cannot be seen clearly. Only the top of its head has many holes like a honeycomb, which looks quiet and scary in the dim light.

"What's this......"

Even Shia couldn't hide the panic on her face after seeing such strange things with her own eyes.

Just like, although cockroaches are very common, and students in the south see too many big cockroaches to count, if you hear a noise in the kitchen while going to the toilet in the middle of the night, run over and turn on the light, you will find one as big as a husky.

Cockroaches, everyone would have learned Spider-Man's wall-climbing skills right away.

This thing completely surpasses human imagination, as if there really is a god in this world, and the aesthetics of this god are extremely disgusting. In an era of ignorance and darkness, such an existence is enough to be called "blasphemy".

Even after more than ten years of education and seeing the weird and wonderful imaginations of patients with various mental illnesses, Shia still believed that the thing in front of her should not exist in this world.

For a moment, there was no sound in the car, and even the sound of breathing became faint.

"Shall we get out of the car and take a look?"

Lu Tan suggested, and he could hear Drizzt swallowing his saliva next to him, feeling a little uneasy.

"...There's a flashlight in the back seat, I'll go take a look."

Shia said, Lu Qian handed her the flashlight, opened the car door, lit the flashlight, and walked towards the motionless "creature" on the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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