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930. Don't help her

Lu Tran remembered very clearly that when he first entered the house surrounded by cabinets storing various collectibles and antiques, he confirmed that there were no other humans or creatures in the environment here.

So now, the obviously human whimpering sound coming from behind the black safe, and who does it come from?

The voice sounded familiar to Lu Tan. He and Xia looked at each other, then looked left and right behind the safe.

All he saw was a girl in a skirt sitting there with her legs folded, hidden among various antiques and pottery.

It's red leaves.

"Why are you here?"

Shia immediately walked up and tried to help Hongye up, but Lu Tan suddenly spoke.

"Don't help her."

"What's wrong?"

Stopped by Lu Tan's words, Shia looked at him in confusion.

"You remember, we checked here when we came in just now, and we didn't see anyone else."

Lu Tiao said, and he glanced at Drizzt beside him. Drizzt remained vigilant and did not act rashly.

"...You mean...this is fake?"

Shia immediately took half a step back. She stared at Hongye. The girl raised her face, looked at Shia, and then looked at Lu Tian.


She said with a slightly complaining tone, as if she didn't care about what Lu Tian said.

"How did you get here, where's Amber?"

Lu Tan didn't quite understand Hongye's words, so he asked.

"Hubo and I were waiting for you in the room, but there was a crashing sound outside. I went to take a look out of curiosity, and then I passed out. When I woke up, we were here. There was nothing around and it was pitch black.

I was so scared that I couldn't help crying, and then...I saw you."

Hongye said while sniffing.

Her words made Shia think of a similar situation, and Shia couldn't help but glance at Lu Trip and Drizzt.

The situation described by Hongye is very similar to Drizzt’s experience!

"Do you know you weren't here just now?"

Lu Tan continued to ask.

Hongye showed a slightly confused expression, like a cat who excitedly came to the can only to find that it was an empty shell.

"Just now...where was this?"

Hongye looked around in confusion, and then she noticed that she was actually in the storage room below.

"This is an underground storage room. The contents of the safe have disappeared."

Lu Tan said something.

Hearing his words, Hongye wiped away her tears. She stood up slowly, checked the surrounding situation, and looked at Lu Kian again.

"Amber is still in the room!"

Hongye suddenly remembered something and said, wanting to confirm the condition of his friend.

"Wait a minute, we just confirmed that there is no one in the room."

Shia pulled Hongye, her hand came into contact with Hongye's body, and she suddenly retracted.

"It's so hot. Are you sick?"

Shia removed her hand and placed it on Hongye's forehead.

A burst of hot temperature passed over, which was obviously a high fever.

"I have no idea......"

Hongye's eyes were a little blurry, and she was more worried about the current situation than her physical condition.

"Where's Amber? Have you found Amber?"

Hong Ye suddenly asked again. She didn't know whether the high fever caused her abnormal mental state, or whether something happened in a place unknown to Lu Jian and the others, which made her become sensitive and nervous.

"Not yet, we want to know what happened."

Drizzt reassured him and put down the broken suitcase.

"You said you were in total darkness just now, so did you hear any sounds or see anything?"

Lu Tan asked.

"I don't know. I just remember that you said you would come back, but you never came back. You lied to us."

Hong Ye stared at Lu Tian rather resentfully.

"Well, this is an illusion."

Lu Jian explained.

He had heard before that some girls would dream about boys doing something wrong, and then scold them after waking up. If the boy refuted that it was a dream, he would also say that it was because of the boy's actions during the day that he had nightmares at night.

Anyway, even if I am 99% wrong, don't you have 1% problem?

However, with Hongye's current situation, it's hard to say whether she really encountered something.

Of course, Lu Tian also suspected that the red leaves were also fake and were disguised by some monsters.

The same question remains, what are these monsters trying to do by pretending to be the people around Lu Tiao.

Drizzt has no intention of murdering Lu Jian now. He looks no different from the normal old Cui.

It can’t be that the [Man of Darkness] just can’t stand it any longer and decided to play a game of “Everyone in the group is my alt” with Lu Jian.

Since you can't tell it now, it doesn't matter if you think of her as the real Momiji.


At this time, a crashing sound suddenly came from outside.

The voice seemed so familiar that it made Hongye tremble suddenly, like a battlefield veteran who had triggered PTSD.

Lu Tiao could clearly tell that this sound was the one he heard in the hotel before.

He winked at Shia and motioned her to take care of the red leaves, and he and Drizzt walked out of the storage room with flashlights.

The lights in the corridor went dark at some point, and the entire villa fell into silence, illuminated only by the moonlight outside the window. There seemed to be monsters in every corner, and danger lurked under every shadow.

Lu Jian turned on the flashlight and illuminated the villa.

He heard the sound coming from the gate, climbed the stairs, and headed there.

Drizzt was behind Lu Tiao, also holding a flashlight and a swing stick, keeping an eye on what was behind the two of them.

Arriving at the door, Lu Tiao heard the sound getting louder and louder.

At the same time, the door kept shaking, as if something was knocking hard on the door.

Lu Tan tried to peek outside through the crack in the door, but the door was tightly closed and there was no way to see outside like in the movie. He could only come to the window.

Outside the window, the street lights in the parking lot had been extinguished long ago, and it was pitch black. The moonlight was obscured by dark clouds, making the world fall into silence.

There seemed to be something outside, but Lu Tian couldn't see clearly. He moved slightly closer to the window, trying to see clearly what it was.


The next moment, a head hit the glass of the window, and there was only a thin layer of glass separating Lu Jian's face.

In the holes on the head, countless tentacles with eyeballs at the end are pressing hard against the glass, trying to get in through the gaps. The squirming appearance, combined with the movement of these monsters, is like disgusting big bugs.


The dark clouds drifted away at this time, and the moonlight illuminated the earth again.

Lu Jian saw that the entire parking lot, on street lights, under cars, and on the road, were densely packed with white monsters.

There were not hundreds but a thousand of these monsters, and they were rushing towards the villa. The sound of the collision was caused by these monsters hitting the door with their bodies, trying to enter the villa.

Peng Pengpeng——

The glass made a sound, and the monsters quickly shook the window, as if they were about to break in the next moment and completely occupy the place.

This chapter has been completed!
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