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095. [One Hundred People]

"...Well, I understand, I understand, thank you for reminding me."

Lu Tian hung up the phone.

The person who called him just now was He Youwu from the police station. He Youwu told him that when the police went to find the intermediary, the other person had already left the building and even the identity of the intermediary was fake. In fact, there was someone else.

Man, he pretended to be the intermediary and wandered around Jiangcheng.

"Indeed, if you pretend to be a real estate agent, you can appear in many places without a trace without arousing suspicion. However, there should not be many such people. Didn't the police notice?"

Lu Tan still felt a little confused.

In addition, He Youwu reminded Lu Tian that because he had seen the appearance of the intermediary and had communicated with him, the other party might attack Lu Tian, ​​so Lu Tian should be careful.

Or perhaps because of this, the prisoner has not committed any more crimes recently, probably because he is worried that the police will set a trap to lure him into arrest.

"Having said that, I'm about to go on a mission."

Lu Tiao might still be missing for several days. Not to mention the murderer, not even the police could find him.

There is less than one day left before the start of the mission. Lu Jian has checked some information related to art in the past few days, such as impressionism, modernism, and classical schools. Since he is going to participate in the poetry festival of Wajima, he naturally needs to know something about it.

, otherwise you will be laughed at.

In his field of vision, the cold text of the system appeared on the computer screen. Lu Jian clicked on the [Silent Department Store], preparing to find a convenient weapon of mass destruction.

The tragedy of the last wedding was still vivid in his mind. If Lu Jian had a big killer weapon like [Fake Sun Flame], he could just find a way to shoot that ball of sludge. There was no need to risk his life.

As a person who is cautious in everything, plans before taking action, and takes action only to destroy people's lives, Lu Jian believes in the importance of firepower.

However, the points he has accumulated now are only 36,000 points, which is far less than 50,000 points. He has no way to open the next stage of the store. He can only choose between the shorter ones and the taller ones among [excellent] quality products.

This is not to say that Lu Tan likes the new and hates the old. He feels that the quality of goods does not necessarily represent the ultimate strength. For example, the suona he bought for a few hundred points can connect to a great being who knows where, and the crowbar bought for a thousand points

, it is easier to hold in hand than other things.

Scanning his eyes, Lu Tan had already memorized several of the things he had noticed before.

The first is a pumpkin-shaped product, which looks about the size of a palm.



[In the Kingdom of Darkness, Halloween represents the day when the dead and the living meet]

[Pumpkin, as a legendary item that can communicate with the dead, is the most common Halloween food]

[Eat it and all you will think about is Halloween]

【"Halloween Halloween Halloween!!!"】

[Price: 5555 Silence Points]

This pumpkin should be an item that can only be used once. According to the item description, as long as you eat this pumpkin, you will only think about Halloween.

Lu Jian speculated that this should be a powerful control item. If he encountered any big octopus or shark on Hejima Island, he would just throw it into the mouth of those monsters and the other party would lose consciousness.

He looked down at the second product, which was a thread-bound book. It looked shabby and old, with signs of being burned.

【Brilliant Thunder】


[Xianjia Taoism experienced several twists and turns, and finally settled down in the abandoned capital and founded the sect]

[The technique of drawing thunder has always been a secret among the immortal families in the abandoned capital]

[Legend has it that Taoist Heming, the founder of the Immortal Family, sat under a cypress tree for thirty days without eating or drinking, and finally attained the Supreme Way, causing thunder to shine brightly in the sky]

[It’s just that whether the incomplete Taoism is still effective remains to be discussed]

【"It's true, everything I said is true!!!"】

[Price: 26,000 Silence Points]

This is a good guy, as you can tell from the price. Twenty thousand Silence Points, if purchased, would be enough to wipe out all Lu Tian's wealth.

But this product is also what Lu Tan seems to be the most capable of fighting. The method of attracting thunder seems very fantasy at first glance. As we all know, all the monsters in the fantasy world are upgrade experience packs for the protagonist. If one lightning strike doesn't kill him, there will be another one.

However, the Taoist He Ming in the item description made Lu Tiao a little frightened. This Taoist seemed to have been contaminated by those great beings, and the notes he wrote were enough to ward off evil spirits. Maybe the thunder from the sky did not strike from the clouds, but from the clouds.

It was sprayed from the mouth of another evil god.

Of course, Lu Jian didn't mind that it was too expensive, but this thing might be a little too early for Lu Jian.

He looked at the third item.

【glazed fire】


[The weapon most feared by Wajima pirates]

[Once it spreads, even the sea surface will rise into blazing flames]

[It is said that this flame comes from the sigh of a god. Only Saio can control it. If a mortal uses it without permission, he will burn himself to death.]

[Some people believe that the flame that never goes out in the main hall of Washima Taisha Shrine is the glass fire]

["A flame that never goes out and a flame that never burns are the same thing."]

[Price: 7654 Silence Points]

Lu Tiao likes this product relatively well.

Mainly because it is produced in Hejima. If Lukan uses it in Hejima's mission, it can be regarded as the original soup.

"[The Sigh of the Uncertain Mist] should often appear on the sea of ​​Wajima. The people there must have mastered the method of expelling or collecting them to avoid them. This flame is related to the shrine maiden of Wajima Taisha Shrine. Maybe it is used by that world.

A means to disperse the dense fog.”

The more Lu Tan thought about it, the more he thought it was possible.

He thought for a moment and exchanged it for [Glass Fire].

A bottle appeared in his hand.

This bottle is about the same size as a mini Coke. It is made of glass, and the mouth of the bottle is directly sealed. Inside the transparent bottle, there is a burning flame.

The flame was different from what Lu Jian usually saw. It was like some kind of flowing liquid. In addition to crimson, there were also deep black, dark green, blue, and orange colors flowing in it. When the bottle was turned, those colors also accompanied the flow of the bottle.

It moves and changes, flowing, showing blurred colors.

Holding it in your hand, there is no high temperature, but it feels slightly cold.

Obviously, this is also a prop that can only be used once.

Lu Tiao tapped the bottle with his fingers. The bottle was quite sturdy. It looked like glass, but it was actually similar to an iron can. There was no need to worry about leakage.

He put away the bottle of glazed fire and checked his backpack.

After sending messages to Feng Yu, Qin Tiantian, and two police comrades that he was going to collect information from other places, Lu Tan clicked on the task selection panel of the system.

He chose [One Hundred People's Song]

[One song for hundreds of people]

[The triennial Poetry Festival is a cultural event on Wajima]

[People from different islands and regions will gather on Song Island to carry out artistic exchanges]

[However, this year’s poetry festival is a little different]

[The huge puppet suspended in the air, the pale gray fog that makes it difficult to breathe, and the missing artist all tell the story of the strangeness]

[Task Difficulty: Optional]

[Task requirements: Participate in the poetry festival and find the missing artist]

[Task requirement: Survive until the end of the poetry festival]

["Communication first, life second!"]

This chapter has been completed!
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