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Chapter Fourteen

"Don't worry, the health-preserving medicine will cure your illness!"

Zhu Ying said without caring at all.

The main reason why back carbuncle can kill people and is difficult to cure in this era is that there are no antibiotics or disinfectants in this era.

Therefore, there is no way to completely eliminate Staphylococcus aureus in back carbuncles.

If these germs cannot be eliminated, they will become more numerous, until the whole body is infected, and finally cause purulent sepsis, leading to the death of the host.

But in the 21st century, this thing is simply easier to treat than a cold.

In Zhu Biao's case, you don't even need injections for drainage. You just need to squeeze out the pus and blood inside, bandage it, and take some medicine and it will heal on its own.

"In that case, let's get treatment quickly!"

Lan Yu couldn't help but urge.

"Why are you anxious? The emperor is not anxious, but the eunuch is. At least he should ask why he got carbuncle first, so that I can prescribe the right medicine to ensure that it will not relapse in the future!"

Zhu Ying rolled her eyes and continued talking.

"There are two reasons why people get carbuncle on their back."

"One is that individuals do not pay attention to hygiene. For example, when there is a wound on the body, they do not treat it in time, causing the wound to fester. This situation is the most common. Soldiers or Orion mountain people often suffer from back problems for this reason.


"The second reason is that the bones of the body are too weak, overworked, and the physical and psychological pressure are too great. For example, the prince I told you earlier was caused by this reason."

"Our Ming prince not only has to deal with a mountain of government affairs, but also has to face His Majesty's accusations and even beatings."

"I see that Boss Zhu, who has such tender skin and tender flesh, is obviously not for the first reason, but for the second reason."

"You are already in your twenties, your father won't still beat you every day, right?"

Zhu Ying asked curiously.

Zhu Biao looked back at Zhu Yuanzhang with a resentful look on his face, already full of curses in his heart.

"Dad, why did you say that you beat me up and it became known to everyone? Forget it, I am going to be ridiculed by my own son now. The problem is that we can't beat my own son like you!"

"Dad, I'm so frustrated!"

"I am also a prince after all. Don't I want to lose face?"

However, all he got was a fierce glare from Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Since ancient times, isn't it natural for me to beat my son? As the old saying goes, a filial son emerges from under a stick, and he cannot be effective unless beaten. If you have the guts, try beating him back. Do you believe that I will give you a discount on your legs?"

Lan Yu held Zhu Biao's clothes, looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, and then at Zhu Biao.

"That's all, don't argue anymore, why don't you give me some face, Lao Lan, and let's treat the disease first, okay?"

The three of them looked at me, and I looked at you, and their eyes communicated for a long time. Then Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly and looked at Zhu Ying.

"Boy, you are a fed man and don't know a hungry man is hungry. After all, we are also an official. In the future, the boss will not inherit this official position. What's wrong with us being more strict with him for the sake of his future? Is there any problem?"

"What, you have a throne in your family and you want him to inherit it? Everything must be done at a certain level. If it is exceeded, it will be bad!"

Zhu Ying smiled and nodded, not forgetting to tease!

Unexpectedly, when the words fell, the three of them were stunned for a moment.

How do you know that our family has a throne to inherit?

Not only does the boss have to inherit, but your kid won’t be able to run away in the future either!

Now let your kid have fun outside for a few days, just to make up for our failure to fulfill our responsibilities as a grandpa these years.

When I get married to you later, I will have plenty of opportunities to educate you!

"Okay, okay, we get it, we'll just take it easy from now on, you should treat the disease first!"

Zhu Yuanzhang rolled his eyes and waved his hand to urge.

If I hadn't realized that your kid has suffered a lot in the past few years, I would not only beat your father, but I would also beat you too!

I, the mighty Emperor Hongwu, need your grandson to teach me how to do things?

"Okay, just wait a moment!"

Zhu Ying got up and walked towards the house, and soon came out with a small medicine box.

This medicine box was also given by the sign-in system over the years. It contains not only iodine and amoxicillin capsules, but also cotton swabs and scalpels.

These are enough to treat Zhu Biao's back carbuncle.

The official positions of military generals in the Ming Dynasty were all inherited by sons and inherited by the eldest son of the family.

Therefore, if Lao Zhu burps one day, he will have to inherit this official position. In order to make money for himself and unify Nanyang, let the light of China spread all over the world, this disease must be cured for him, and he must be cured.


The entire treatment process was very simple and smooth.

After sterilizing the scalpel, cut open the carbuncle on the back, squeeze out the pus and blood inside, and apply some iodine to disinfect it.

Then bandage it up, give him a few tablets of amoxicillin, and take it for a few days and that's it.

People in this era do not have drug resistance.

Therefore, whether it is iodophor or amoxicillin, the efficacy of the medicine is simply not very good.

Even the high fever subsided immediately, and Zhu Biao's mental state improved instantly.

"I can't thank you enough for saving my life. I will treat you like my own son from now on!"

Zhu Biao noticed the improvement in his health and couldn't help but express his gratitude to Zhu Ying with a serious look on his face.

This back carbuncle had been bothering him for several years, and the imperial doctors in the palace were helpless as it had recurred countless times.

This time, it only took a cup of tea, but it was cured!

Although he knew that Zhu Ying was his own son, his father Zhu Yuanzhang had warned him, so he still had to perform the play, but his gratitude was genuine.

Zhu Ying frowned and rolled her eyes: "We have saved your life anyway, but you still want to take advantage of me?"

That's all, for the sake of money, we don't have the same experience as you, not to mention that you are really old enough to be our father at your age.

Lan Yu on the side looked at the scene in front of her and was dumbfounded.

Are you, Mr. Zhu, all drama queens?

Look at it like this, it's only a matter of time before you recognize your relatives!

After all, we are also this boy’s great-uncle!

No, we have to get on well with this guy!

"Okay, okay, don't stand still. In order to celebrate Goryeo's surrender without a fight, and to celebrate the boss's recovery, let's have a few drinks!"

"Wen Xi, make some food and bring it over, and bring some good wine over too!"

Zhu Ying smiled and ordered Da Wenxi.

"Master, I hope you can call me by my full name, Dawenxi."

"Okay, Wen Xi, go get the wine quickly!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Go, Wenxi!"

Naturally, the wine was not made by Daming, but was given to me when I signed in by the system.

As soon as the bottle cap was opened, a burst of fragrant wine overflowed.

Even people like Zhu Biao who rarely drink alcohol want to take a few sips.

If Zhu Ying hadn't stopped him, he might have died early.

If you mix cephalosporins with wine, it will be hard for the King of Hell to save you!

This chapter has been completed!
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