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Chapter Thirty-Six He's Too Crazy

"That's too much! You've gone too far!"

"How come the civil and military officials of our Ming Dynasty are not as good as the Tatar Emperor's men? He is so capable, why haven't we driven him to the prairie to drink in the wind? We have beaten him to pieces?"

"Your words are too irrational!"

Seeing that his uncles all turned pale and anxious, Prince Zhu Biao couldn't help but get angry.

In fact, since the Qin Dynasty unified the six kingdoms, China has basically been crushing the barbarians from other countries. Therefore, as a Han Chinese, it is naturally impossible for him to feel ashamed and feel that he is inferior to those barbarians.

"I only refer to talents in business. Why are you all so excited? The talents of the Emperor of Tatar in this field cannot be compared to those of our Ming Emperor!"

"Talent for business?"

When Zhu Ying finished speaking, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

Zhu Ying had already guessed what these people were thinking and continued to explain.

"The Tatar emperor was not good at other things, but he was good at using talents. Therefore, the talents in the court came from all over the world. In addition to the Han people and the Tatars themselves, there were also Persians, people from the Western Regions, Semu people, etc. These people traveled north and south and were well-informed.

Everyone has certain insights into doing business.”

"Looking at our Ming Dynasty again, those who can serve as officials in the court are nine times out of ten who are not from the lower classes. Most of them are children of scholarly families. Naturally, these people do not know how to do business, so it is true to say that they do not understand.

It’s normal.”

Zhu Ying explained calmly.

"I see!"

"Wouldn't it be better if you said this earlier?"

"That's right, let me just say, how can our Ming Dynasty be inferior to the Tatars?"


Zhu Ying explained that here, everyone finally understood what Zhu Ying wanted to express.

In the Han dynasty, the social hierarchy was extremely strict. The first place must be scholars, followed by farmers, then workers, and the lowest ones were merchants.

Although businessmen hold wealth, their status in society is not high.

Li Shanchang and Wu Lin in front of them are typical children from scholarly families, so they look down on businessmen in their hearts.

Even military generals such as Xu Da and Lan Yu, who decided to make a career in the first place, would rather put their heads in their belts and rebel with Zhu Yuanzhang than do business.

Therefore, in the dynasty when the Tatars were in power, they themselves had no interest in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, but instead valued businessmen who knew how to do business.

After Zhu Yuanzhang drove him to Mobei to take advantage of the situation, and the Han people became the masters of the country again, it became a matter of course that the civil and military officials in the court did not understand the way of doing business.

"In this case, I don't understand something, and I hope Mr. Zhu can teach me!"

"How do the talented people under the Tatar Emperor judge whether there are too many banknotes or too few banknotes on the market? How do they determine how much is more or how much is less, so as to determine the amount of reprinting or destruction?"

Li Shanchang thought for a while, and his IQ regained the high ground.

"Li Buju, Li Buju! Let's just say that you are the smartest here. Our Ming Dynasty did not let you be the prime minister. It is really a bit unfair!"

Zhu Ying looked at Li Shanchang with a look of approval, but as soon as he finished speaking, Li Shanchang turned pale again.

Damn it, do we need to control our mouth?

What a weird thing!

If you don't care about it, you may die from this bad mouth one day!

"Master Zhu, hurry up and get down to business. How did the Tatars make the decision?"

At this time Xu Da couldn't help but ask further questions.

As long as we know how the Tatar emperor judged the amount of banknotes to keep, these problems will naturally be solved.

"It's quite simple to say. The reason why the Tatar emperor could judge the quantity of banknotes was because they compared banknotes with goods."

"Every time the imperial court prints a banknote, the treasury will also prepare a gold or silver banknote of the denomination. When people take the banknote and want to exchange it for real gold and silver, they can exchange it at any time."

"The amount of banknotes is strictly controlled by the Ministry of Accounts. If you want to know the quantity, you only need to go to the Ministry of Accounts to check. Then look at how much real money and silver there is in the treasury and compare the difference. Then it will become clear.


"If there are too many banknotes, then destroy the excess."

"If there is less paper money, then print more."

"Easy, right?"

Zhu Ying smiled calmly.

I see!

It's so simple?

"Then according to your statement, as long as we have enough real gold and silver in the Ming Dynasty's treasury, then there will be no situation where the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes will depreciate, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

The Tatars can do it, why can’t we?

We don’t believe it anymore. We are really not as good as the Tatar Emperor who was pressed to the ground and rubbed by us.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't know, but after hearing this, everyone showed a calm look on their faces.

Seeing these people sigh in relief, Zhu Ying sneered.

"It's superficial, isn't it?"

"Although it seems simple, this is the so-called running to death. The theory is feasible, but the practice is extremely difficult!"

"how do I say this?"

Li Shanchang frowned and asked again.

Since the Qin Dynasty unified the six kingdoms, all the Han dynasties in the Central Plains have regarded themselves as the Celestial Dynasty, while the other tribes in the surrounding areas have been regarded as barbarians.

Therefore, no one expected that what the barbarians can do, we cannot do in China?

It’s simply unreasonable!

"It's extremely difficult because of two things!"

"The first is the army, and the second is real gold and silver."

Zhu Ying smiled and stretched out two fingers.

"That's not right. The Ming Dynasty also has armies and real money!"

Lan Yu had a question mark on her face.

When it comes to the army, the Tatars are really not as good as the Ming Dynasty. I beat the shit out of those Tatar troops more than once!

Although my Ming Dynasty’s real money is not much, it is still quite a lot!

"No, no!"

When Zhu Ying heard this, he shook his head.

"The Tatars I am talking about do not refer to the remnants of the Northern Yuan Dynasty who were driven to Mobei by our Ming Dynasty to drink in the wind, but to the tribes descended from the Golden Family Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire that dominates the world today."

"The huge empire established by Genghis Khan's golden family is not only the Northern Yuan Dynasty, but also four huge khanates. The area is extremely vast, ranging from southeast to northwest. If you just walk around, you can't finish it in less than a year.


"These huge forces, through the army, firmly control the occupied territories under their command."

"The local nobles can only surrender. After a long period of time, these nobles have been influenced by their ears and eyes. If they are not descendants of the Golden Family, they are the younger brothers of the Golden Family. They are more or less related to the Golden Family."

"Therefore, no matter how the four great khanates were divided, the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty would always be their master. Therefore, the Tatar emperor had incomparable convenience in doing business."

This chapter has been completed!
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