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Chapter 40: The eldest grandson of the emperor, you are the most prodigal

After Zhu Ying's words fell, everyone suddenly realized.

Isn't this thing the Ming Dynasty version of Dong Zhuo's deception?

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo came to Beijing.

The younger brother who followed him at first was only the advance troops, which was a small part of the Xiliang cavalry, and the number was not large.

But in order to make the civil and military officials of the imperial court take him seriously, Dong Zhuo had all his 800 thoughts and tricks. He asked his younger brother to sneak out of the north gate quietly every day as soon as it got dark, and then beat the gong again at dawn.

The drummer entered the city through the west gate.

As a result, everyone didn't know what was going on, thinking that Dong Zhuo's younger brothers had come in so many that all the civil and military officials in the court were trembling with fear, and no one dared to take the lead.

By the time everyone discovered the clues, Dong Zhuo's younger brothers had already arrived one after another, and it was already too late.

Isn’t the strategy of Emperor Changsun similar to this allusion?

It’s just like changing the soup without changing the medicine!

What's more, Dong Zhuo is just a local snake even if he is strangled to death. How can he be compared with our Hongwu Emperor?

Taking a step back, Dong Zhuo only deceived officials of the imperial court. Our Majesty only needs to deceive the common people. Isn't that a sure thing?

The emperor’s grandson is indeed a great talent!

Why didn't I think of this method?

Everyone looked at Zhu Ying one after another, their eyes filled with little stars.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao also looked proud!

Did you see that none of our old Zhu family members are cowards?

Xu Da, Wu Lin and others, who were close friends with Zhu Ying, had previously felt that the emperor's eldest grandson was too young and was only promoted by His Majesty because of his high status, so they were somewhat contemptuous.

At this time, the contempt in my heart had long been replaced by worship.

It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each wave is higher than the last!

The emperor’s eldest grandson, Lang!

The emperor’s eldest grandson, what a waste!

The emperor’s eldest grandson, you are the most profligate!

"In that case, there is no need to worry."

Zhu Yuanzhang breathed a sigh of relief with a proud look on his face.

I had a sleepless night last night and was so worried. Now the problem was solved and I could finally sleep peacefully.

But Zhu Ying couldn't help but be dumbfounded when she saw the group of people breathing a sigh of relief.

I still want to fool you and expand my territory with this young master!


Now that the problem has been solved, do you think you are ready to stay in Ming Dynasty and continue to shine?

"Old Zhutou, you are happy too early!"

Zhu Ying rolled her eyes, looking like she couldn't be more cruel.

"The disadvantages of this Ming Dynasty treasure note have not been completely avoided!"

"Therefore, I would like to remind you that those Ming Dynasty treasure coins in your hands should be sold as soon as possible!"

"Don't lose your pants by then. It's my fault that I didn't remind you!"

Zhu Ying said calmly.

"What? Isn't this solved perfectly? Are there any other problems?"

After Zhu Ying finished speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but ask further questions.

Just now, it was Shang Yang who set up a tree, and it was Dong Zhuo who deceived the city. After going back and forth, is there any problem?

As long as the Ming Dynasty is still there, the shortcomings of the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes will not appear!

What's the problem?

Not only Zhu Yuanzhang, but the rest of the people also had question marks on their faces.

A group of people all looked at Zhu Ying.

"Can paper cover fire?"

"This method can solve the urgent problem, but it cannot cure it completely. The disadvantages will still appear sooner or later."

The core of the solution I just proposed is for the court to gain the trust of the people and make the people of the Ming Dynasty believe that the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes will not depreciate in value.

But this is easier said than done.

Not to mention today's Ming Dynasty, the world's most powerful country in the 21st century, with powerful military forces all over the world, has used countless media resources to brainwash the people every day, but it has failed to do so.

What about the Ming Dynasty at this time?

"What should we do?"

"Is our Ming Dynasty destined to..."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Our Ming Dynasty is bound to last for generations to come and will always stand firm!"

Everyone has transformed into a king with a strong mouth, and even a dead duck's mouth is still strong.

At this time, no one would doubt Zhu Ying's words.

This guy said that the disadvantages of Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes will still appear, so it will definitely happen.

If someone really knows the shortcomings of Ming Dynasty Baoqian, how should they solve it then?

"Are Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes really destined to depreciate in value?"

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed.

I thought that as long as this guy's method was used, the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes would continue to be strong.

Unexpectedly, this method can only solve the urgent need, but cannot cure the root cause.

"This problem cannot be solved. There is only one way to solve it, and that is to have the same amount of cash in the treasury as Mongolian dollars, which is inexhaustible!"

Zhu Ying's words immediately made Zhu Yuanzhang's finally relaxed mood become heavy again.

What China lacks most is cash.

During the peak period of the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, many large transactions were not conducted using cash, but instead used items such as silk and linen that could substitute for currency.

The most famous example in history was the Three Warriors' Extermination of Buddha. The fundamental reason was not that they wanted to destroy Buddhism, but that the court had no copper coins, so they could only melt those Buddha statues to cast copper coins.

In the entire Chinese feudal society for thousands of years, the only one that was not short of money was actually during the Wanli period, when the imperial court conducted overseas transactions with Europe and subsequently plundered countless gold and silver from the Americas.

But it will take another two hundred years for this to happen.

This is why Zhu Ying wants to go to Nanyang!

Because that area is basically an unowned land now, but there are countless resources.

"Old Li, although I am not as old as you, I am still over fifty. I think I have always had a good eye for people. If there is anyone in our Ming Dynasty who can solve this problem, it must be Mr. Zhu."

"Yes, I have the same idea as you. Mr. Zhu looks so calm. He must have already known the answer to the problem."

"Master Zhu must have a clever plan!"

Li Shanchang and Wu Lin were both literati, so they thought more carefully. Seeing Zhu Ying's calm expression, they both subconsciously felt that Zhu Ying could solve this problem perfectly.

For the sake of the Ming Dynasty, for the peace of the world, and for the sake of future generations, two white-haired people did not hesitate to brag in front of a group of people.

Xu Da and Lan Yu on the side looked at it and smacked their tongues!

But the next second, except Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao, everyone else joined in the flattery process.

Even if this kid has no solution, he is still the eldest grandson of our Ming Emperor!

From now on, the throne of the Ming Dynasty will belong to this boy. If you flatter this boy, isn't that just flattering your future majesty?

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, please take a photo first to respect it!

Besides, didn't you see the smug looks on His Majesty's and the Prince's faces when we flattered the Emperor's eldest grandson?

It is simply more exciting for them than flattering His Majesty and the Crown Prince!


Must shoot!

Shoot to death!

We must make this flattering photo shoot in a unique way today!

I said it!

It’s useless even if the Jade Emperor comes!

This chapter has been completed!
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