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Chapter 261 The Spirit of the Wilderness died in battle!


"Harald's elephant army has actually been dispatched!" Boromir's expression turned extremely ugly.

Although they call the warlike peoples in the fringe lands Dongyi and Nanman, none of these ethnic groups are easy to mess with. They all possess unique skills, are brave and good at fighting, and have many weird magics and armies.

"The orc army with explosive weapons is also very difficult." Aragorn looked around and couldn't think of a way to break the situation. "We are really too reluctant to rely on ourselves."

"Don't worry, I believe Lord Skeleton King will soon deal with the Witch King of Angmar and arrive." The Skeleton Giant standing in front of everyone said the Skeleton General's unswerving voice.

At this moment, the giant's arms were covered with black marks from the explosion, and the forearm that had been hit the most had clearly visible pits!

And those unsuspecting Gondor soldiers fell to the ground in large areas, with either their foreheads wide open or the backs of their heads missing, as if they had been blasted by air-to-ground missiles, killing and injuring at least hundreds of people.

It can be seen that the industrial pioneer Saruman has made greater progress in the research of black powder. Perhaps he also enchanted the explosives, such as a blasting spell that enhanced the penetration ability.


Seeing that their comrades were injured, the skeleton soldiers around them gathered together and merged into one. Their overall quality was greatly improved.

"Trebuchet, yes, use the trebuchet to attack the giant elephant!" Gandalf had an idea, turned around and shouted.

But he was a step too late. There were obviously smart people in the Orc army. The trolls took the lead and launched another round of boulders falling. More than a dozen big rocks were aimed at the few seven or eight trebuchets in White City.

When the smoke and dust rose, there were less than three trebuchets, and the once glorious city turned into a battle-damaged version of smoke billowing and screaming.

Even if the civilians want to escape, there is no safe passage, because the White City is backed by the White Mountains, and outside the city is an unobstructed plain. Even a flying pigeon will be shot down by the Oak army.

What's more, it's an out-and-out world war. The entire eastern part of Gondor has been reduced to a war-torn purgatory. Where can we find a safe haven?

"The fight between trapped beasts will only lead to death," the Skeleton General's voice came from inside the giant, "We must take the initiative to break the situation, otherwise there will be no hope!"

"I understand, but how to break it?" Boromir spat out a bloody tooth from his mouth, his eyes like a caged wolf filled with murderous intent.


Aragorn pulled out the Emperor's sword from his waist, and his confusion flashed away, replaced by perseverance, "We are the 'Broken'. At times like this, of course we have to take the lead and kill the enemy. As for whether we will die or not,

It’s not important, what’s important is whether we can create a glimmer of hope for humanity and Middle-earth.”

The skeleton giant who was ravaging the Oak looked back and said in a gratified tone, "He is indeed the Human Emperor that adults call him. You and I have the same idea."

"Isn't it just to lead the charge? I'm very good at it!" Gimli eagerly waved his battle ax.

Suddenly, several people discovered that Legolas had come out on his white horse and said to Gimli, "Let's see who can kill more enemies."

"Oh? Then I can't lose to the elves!" Gimli smiled and rode on a big-horned argali sent from Gushan. Although this mount is not as tall as a tall horse, it has muscular chest and limbs, and a pair of heads.

The curved angle is enough to easily collapse a human chest.

The conversation came to an abrupt end, and everyone looked at each other in tacit understanding and gave each other an encouraging smile.

At this moment, all the communication between the men was silent, one look and one movement explained everything.

"Arnault's lost glory will be inherited by us. You guys, please let us old bones fight a bloody path for our descendants!"

The skeleton general roared loudly, and everyone in the skeleton army responded with all their strength.

The skeletal giant spread its long and strong legs, led Aragorn and others into the overlapping enemy troops, and rushed toward the enemy camp and Harad's army in the rear.



The Skeleton Giant in its full state does not need to deliberately attack at all. It can send away dozens of Orcs with a casual sweep and kick of its legs.

With him clearing the way, it was like entering an uninhabited land, followed closely by an elite army led by Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, and Boromir. Moreover, with their example leading by example, our own morale was high.

The chaotic human army regrouped and began to form an orderly defensive formation, and some bravely joined Aragorn and the others.

But this is a cruel battlefield, not to mention that the enemy is far stronger than imagined. Courage is both a good medicine and a poisonous wine.


The orc army once again fired hundreds of explosive arrows.

Even though the giant skeleton resisted for a third of the time with his body, dozens of people died tragically in an instant. Metal beads spattered out, piercing their skulls and shattering their brains.

Obviously, the explosive arrow this time was different from the previous ones. Saruman's thinking was extremely advanced and malleable, and he even created a Middle-earth version of a steel ball grenade.

No, it should be Steel Ball RPG.


The skeleton giant roared angrily, suddenly accelerated and jumped towards the location of the strong orc army.

The orcs who were about to carry out the third round of attack were suddenly startled and broke out in cold sweat, and hurriedly drove the wargs to avoid them.

There was a "boom" and the ground shook violently.

Many wargs were blown away, followed by the orcs above.

In an instant, the orcs from all directions gathered fire to besiege the skeletal giant. Seeing this, the commander of Mordor immediately followed his survival instinct and retreated, causing the formation of the army to become loose.

And Aragon and the others lived up to their expectations, seizing this perfect opportunity to break through, piercing through the largest phalanx with blood and corpses in one fell swoop.

They can't rest here yet, because the real fierce battle has just begun.

Five hundred meters away is the giant elephant army of the Haradh people!

Whether they are Orcs or Trolls, they are not as much of a threat when it comes to sieges as those behemoths with ferocious fangs.

Once the giant elephants come to the city gate, no matter what material the city wall is made of, their size will collapse if they push hard twice.

Therefore, Aragorn and the others' goal is to eliminate the Mammoth Legion.

"Special size, why are these beasts so big?" Gimli swallowed uncontrollably.

"Cut their heels and be careful of the Haradurs above." Aragorn made a quick judgment.

Each giant elephant carried a wooden tower on its back, and there were seven or eight Haradur archers. No, when they saw Aragorn and the others, they all started to draw their bows and shoot arrows.



The royal capital, Edoras.

After the cavalry army had rested, Théoden glanced at the spirit of the wilderness lying not far away, and then at the destroyed canyon, feeling somewhat strange.

However, he was still very grateful to the Skeleton King for once again being kind to Rohan. As a king, he must find an opportunity to repay, he thought.

Dusk has arrived and the sky is getting dark.

As the people looked on with concern and respect, the army marched southward in mighty force.

However, just after marching a short distance and still within sight of Edoras, the army stopped.

"Is that the sunset?" Eomond looked at the mountains to the west suspiciously.

Behind the gray ridge, a large group of shining red light was rising. It was said to be sunset, but there was no such dark red and strange glow.

"I don't feel good, get in line!" Théoden followed his sensitive intuition.

And the spirit of the wilderness also emerged from the ground with a skull head, staring at the increasingly intense and fiery "sunset glow" as if facing a formidable enemy.

The war horses began to feel uneasy, as if they sensed an approaching crisis.

"what is that?"

On the high platform of the royal palace in Edoras, Éodwin said in horror.

She was in a higher position, so she had a broader field of vision. At this moment, several people, including the prince and princess, all saw a huge figure wrapped in blazing flames.

Carrying the flames that illuminated the night, it climbed to the top of the mountain step by step, looking down at the Rohan cavalry unruly and violently.

In the blink of an eye, the whole world was filled with scorching hot breath, and the majestic evil power continued to spread. The brave horses' limbs became weak and they retreated continuously.

"How is that possible?" Théoden's eyes widened and he said in disbelief.

"What kind of creature is that?" Iomond asked in a trembling voice. As a military marshal, he found himself trembling uncontrollably, and the fear in his heart surged out uncontrollably.

"The powerful demon that exists in ancient books, the Balrog that lives in flames and shadows." Théoden choked.


The Balrog walked down the hillside step by step, and his burly body of twenty meters was revealed in the moonlight.

The humanoid body has a skeleton-like face and huge demonic horns. Dark red flames erupt from the whole body, making the skin look like red-hot rock charcoal. The hair on the temples around the neck is the most burned, as if it is covered with bright lights.

The fire cloak.


Every time it takes a step, the cavalry army will take a step back, the unified formation will be quietly disrupted, and the morale of the army will be unstable in an instant.


When they saw the terrifying demon's face clearly, Théoden and Eomund couldn't help but shudder.

Don't blame them, even Gandalf, who is the demi-god Maia, would show despair when he saw it.

The Balrog clan were all minor gods of the same level as Sauron and Gandalf. They were corrupted by the evil power of Morgoth into fallen gods who mastered the flames of sin.

As a former protoss, there is no doubt about the combat effectiveness of the Balrog. It can be said to be one of the most powerful legions under Morgoth. In terms of performance, none of the dragon clan can match it.

After all, the flightless Balrog often rides a dragon into battle.

After Morgoth was imprisoned and exiled, the Balrogs were defeated and killed one by one, leaving only a few bereaved dogs hiding in the dark corners of Middle-earth, waiting for the dark forces to rise again.

And this Balrog came from the abandoned mines of Moria by the dwarves and has been hiding underground.

In fact, Chu Xin went to the Mines of Moria and killed all the Orcs occupying it. However, he went all the way to the deepest point and did not find the Balrog that appeared in the movie. Instead, he smelled

The lingering smell of old acquaintance.

In fact, it was Sauron who ordered Saruman to go to the mines of Moria. After all, the Balrog and Sauron were on the same level, so asking the Witch King of Angmar to be a messenger would most likely result in failure. Saruman

He successfully persuaded the Balrog to come out of the mountain and handed over Sauron's gift - the Balrog's Heart. After eating the heart of the same kind, the Balrog of Moria's strength greatly increased, and his height also increased from more than ten meters to twenty meters.

The Balrog happened to be absorbing the energy of the Balrog's Heart in the territory of Rohan, and the movement caused by the Wild Spirit attracted its attention.

"Humans? Together with your ugly nests, you ants will be reduced to ashes in my flames. There are actually dirty undead creatures that will accept my hot baptism together!"

The Balrog, which had not killed for a long time, suddenly developed killing intent. It changed from walking in an orderly manner to running at a high speed. In addition, it was on a downhill road, and the momentum it erupted in an instant was simply terrifying.

"Lair?" Théoden looked back and immediately understood what he was talking about.

The undulating outline in the distance is none other than the royal capital of Edoras!

In an instant, the expressions of the cavalrymen changed dramatically, and their eyes showed the determination to look forward to death.

Fear, panic, and trembling are all transformed into courage and protection.

Are you scared?

Of course I was scared to death, but I was even more afraid of the Balrog storming into my home and killing them wantonly!

Therefore, we can no longer retreat!

"Spears, array." Théoden roared in a deep voice.

Swish, swish, swish!

Long spears came out diagonally upward, forming a charge formation.

But the Spirit of the Wild struck first.


I saw it burrowing into the ground, making a loud and dull noise. Along with the tremors, the rock and soil under the Balrog's feet exploded.

In the smoke, the huge skeletal body suddenly pounced forward, waving its two sharp claws at each other.

In terms of size, the Spirit of the Wilderness is larger than the Balrog, but in terms of intimidation and momentum, the Balrog completely crushes it.


The flames expanded and burned all the earth and rocks, and the vision was restored.

With a "clang" sound, the lava fire sword drawn by Balrog's right hand cut off the entire right arm of the wilderness spirit.


The spirit of the wilderness ignored it and struck hard on the Balrog's arm with his left claw, leaving three long scratches on the surface.


Balrog clenched his left fist and struck the Wild Spirit's abdominal spine with a heavy blow.

In an instant, the dense gaps opened and spread, and the spirit of the wilderness let out a shrill roar.

Without waiting for it to react, the Balrog, who was experienced in fighting, held the fire sword in his hand and slashed hard, cutting off half of the wilderness spirit's ribs.

Then, the Balrog stepped forward and suppressed the Spirit of the Wilderness beneath him.

"It is a great honor for a filthy creature like you to die in my hands."

The Balrog taunted arrogantly, while holding the struggling head of the Wild Spirit with both hands, and using both big arms to pull out a huge white skull with great cruelty.

Not only that, it also crushed the sternum of the Wild Spirit with one foot, and the bones and debris were all over the hillside.


The burning eyes of the wilderness spirit gradually extinguished and lost their vitality.

Balrog held the skull and looked at it for a while, then put his left hand through its mouth and put it on his forearm, using it as a shield.

"Your head is worth more than your life."

And it completely ignored the Rohan cavalry two thousand meters away, adjusting the comfort level of the "shield" on its own.

This scene undoubtedly penetrated the hearts of Théoden and others like a needle.

Anger, frustration and other emotions emerged all at once, making their blood boil.

"Avenge it!" Eomond said ferociously.

"Old man, don't worry," Théoden suddenly patted Eomond on the shoulder, "You lead a team of troops back to Edoras as quickly as possible and organize the people to evacuate. We stay to stop the Balrog and give

You buy time."

"What are you talking about? I'm the Grand Marshal, and it's me who wants to stay!" Of course Iomond didn't want to.

"Don't forget that I am the King of Rohan! After Eomond's orders, he immediately returned to the city to protect the people, and don't let Theodwen and the children be in danger!" Théoden was furious and yelled.

Eomond clenched his fists, gritted his teeth with red eyes, "Guards, follow me!"

Watching hundreds of people leaving quickly, Théoden finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes changed from relief to determination.

"Everyone, do you know what the Balrog is? It is a corrupted god, and today we are going to fight the god!"

He took off the red cloak on his back, revealing a suit of silver-grey armor, and then drew out his sword and raised it high.


Théoden leads the way, followed by thousands of murderous troops.

Throughout the wars of Rohan, large and small, almost all generals, marshals and even kings took the lead in charging, standing in front of the most dangerous army without hesitation. They did not need words to prove that every move had already written a hymn of courage.

"A mantis' arm is like a chariot, and it is vulnerable to a single blow."

The Balrog raised his eyes, pulled out the fire sword inserted in the spirit of the wilderness's leg bone, and jumped straight down from a cliff.


Dozens of tons of Balrogs fell heavily on the center of the cavalry army, and hundreds of soldiers and horses died in one encounter.

"There is no retreat in today's battle. As long as one person survives, we will fight to the bitter end!" Théoden turned back, took the lead in charging, and slashed at the Balrog's heel with his sword.

Tens of thousands of cavalrymen, with red eyes, swarmed forward like a pack of desperate bloodthirsty wolves.

"A mere human dares to point his sword at me!"

The Balrog thrust the sword into the ground fiercely, and then swirled it hard. The rolling flames spread like a wind, and all the people and horses that were infected were turned into charcoal that broke at the touch of a touch.

Even so, the cavalry continued to charge, charge, charge. Regardless of whether they were injured or not, they brandished their swords and guns again and again, leaving insignificant marks one after another on the Balrog's body.

"Théogede, when the sun rises tomorrow, you will be the next King of Rohan." Théoden faced the flaming sword without hesitation and threw the last blow of his life.

When he was burned by the sword blade, the royal spear that came out of his hand was like an afterimage, piercing Balrog's left eye.

I don’t know how long it took, but a touch of fish belly white appeared on the bloody sky.

The Balrog stood alone on the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, destroying the bones of the cavalry with an angry look on his face.

It felt so humiliated that it was delayed for most of the night by a group of ants, and even had its left eye blinded by a human.



Endless anger was squeezed out of his heart, and clusters of flames violently burst out of his pores.

"Killing~I need more killing~"


Balrog's back trembled, and a pair of huge black and red flesh wings spread out.

It flew towards Edoras, leaving debris all over the ground.

None of the cavalry legions, including King Théoden of Rohan, survived, and all died heroically.

But their sacrifices were not meaningless. When the Balrog arrived in Edoras, they discovered that it was already an empty city.


It was so angry that it set the entire Rohan King on fire, and the raging fire spread from bottom to top until it engulfed the palace that was prostrate on the top of the mountain.

Next, the Balrog flew towards the south. After all, it promised Sauron to destroy a dragon that betrayed Lord Morgoth.

In a hidden valley, thousands of people gathered together in exhaustion and sorrow.

Eomond looked at the rising thick black smoke, his eyes red and he clenched his teeth.

He turned around and knelt on one knee in front of his nephew, "Thiojed, from today on, you are the king of Rohan. I will assist you for the rest of my life, and I will fight for Rohan until I die of old age.

that moment."

This chapter has been completed!
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