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Chapter 409 Everyone gathers and opens the dragon!

Warships disguised as cargo ships sailed into Tokyo Port one after another. Under Norma's operation, the border defense department of Neon Country was not aware of it at all.

What's even more outrageous is that more than a dozen military helicopters of various types flew across the sky. Inside was a task force composed of commissioners from the Kassel Executive Department. Interim Minister Daiberg and Principal Angers personally led the team. No matter in terms of size or equipment,

All far exceed the lineup planned by Norton.

Angers named this operation "Fire of Vengeance".

Because their dress and behavior were too professional, even the patrol police did not dare to stop them when they docked, and could only ask a few symbolic questions.

"Interpol and the SEALs have launched a special mission. The specific details are not disclosed. Please immediately organize the evacuation of the people into the underground place and follow the instructions of the text message for all actions." Daiberg held a shotgun, a submachine gun on his waist, and strapped crosses on his back.

There are two black hunting knives, and the tactical vest on the chest is filled with alchemical ammunition and alchemical fragmentation grenades.

In fact, even if several police officers wanted to confirm their identities, there was no way. After all, their communications were completely taken over by Kaguya and Norma, and they could not even contact the police station a few kilometers away.

What's more, Daiberg and others were all armed with live ammunition, and the heavy firepower stunned them. Who would be ignorant and seek death?

"Wait a minute, what is that box? If I read correctly, they are all bombs!" Officer A whispered in shock.

"That's nothing," Police Officer B said with a worried look, "Look at that, there's a close-in anti-aircraft gun on that freighter. The key is that our country doesn't have anything like this."

"Oh, what happened?" Police Officer C sighed.

"Don't think so much, just do your part. We can't worry about big things." Police Officer A clapped his hands and said.

As emergency text messages spread, the entire Tokyo was shrouded in panic. The continuous loud explosions in Shibuya, Minato, and Shinjuku districts were no small matter. The fire element filling the air conveyed danger to everyone.


In particular, the complete paralysis of the communication network has undoubtedly made people panic. Everyone is rushing back home from work and school. At this time, family members and lovers are extremely important.

At this time, a helicopter broke away from the large team of the execution department and flew towards the port area.

"This guy really escaped from the battlefield," Angers looked at the map location on the computer and twitched the corner of his mouth, "Fortunately, we investigated him before, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with."

Soon, the helicopter he was riding in landed on the grass of a park. Angers jumped off quickly, lit a cigarette and strode towards the street. His beast-like eyes quickly scanned the panicked cheeks, as if picking prey.

Suddenly, he stopped in the surging crowd, and smoke rings floated from his mouth.

Pedestrians around him seemed to be afraid of his aura. Whether they were wearing high-end suits or dojo training uniforms, they all avoided him, leaving a piece of open space in the crowd.

Ten meters away, Uesugi Koshi, who was dragging his suitcase, stopped and stared directly at Angers. He hesitated for a moment, pretended to be nothing, and passed by Angers, then rushed to the airport.

"The former emperor wanted to run away when the war came?" Angers asked.

"You have the wrong person." Uesugoshi said without looking back.

"If you leave, you will regret it." Angers followed behind him, keeping a relatively constant speed.

"Regret? I vowed not to get involved in mixed-race affairs. This is the decision I made when I regretted it." Uesugoshi's few words contained a lot of past stories.

"You don't even care about your own offspring?" Angers offered Wang Zha.

Uesugoshi was stunned and turned around in disbelief, "What did you say?"

"You once donated sperm. By coincidence, someone used them to breed your Uesugoshi child, and there was more than one. Don't question the authenticity of what I said, because as long as you follow me, I will see you soon.

Excellent son," Angers said, every word hammering into his heart like nails.

He has lived alone for many years, with no expectations or interest in anyone or anything. The so-called honor, glory, and responsibility don't matter. Otherwise, how could he, who is extremely powerful, choose to run away like thousands of ordinary people.

But at this moment, when he learned that he still had an heir, Uesugi hesitated, and emotions he had never experienced before were brewing rapidly in his chest.

Angers came closer and lit a cigarette for him, "If you leave, you will really be alone for the rest of your life. Don't people live for certain people and certain things in this life?"

Tu tu tu tu~

The helicopter took off and flew to Shinjuku.

"What does my son look like! He is now..." Uesugoshi's question stopped abruptly.

He stared at the scene behind a few buildings with trembling fear. His body, mind and soul were controlled for several seconds, and the majestic giant shadow was reflected in his pupils.

"Dragon, the real dragon, King Norton!" Ange shouted sternly on the side, as excited as a berserker.

This is not worship, nor fanaticism, but madness mingled with anger and hatred.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of dense gunfire was endless, resounding through the sky, enough to compete with the dragon's roar.

Figures surrounded Chu Xin in the center of the circle in rings, launching a fierce offensive from three levels: the ground, the roof, and the air. Modern firepower such as rifles, heavy machine guns, machine cannons, sniper rifles, howitzers, small missiles, bombs, etc.

Chu Xin was completely wrapped in bright and gorgeous fireworks.

With such a huge size, it is extremely difficult to aim, and the enemy's bullets are basically in vain.

But his scales are extremely hard, and it is difficult for ordinary ammunition to cause effective damage. The huge bullets of Barrett's heavy sniper can only be deflected, not to mention using the spirit of words, and the small missiles explode on his body.

It's nothing serious, it can't penetrate the elemental flow layer covering the body surface at all.

Under the joint destruction of both parties, the remaining lower half of Genji Heavy Industries was turned into overturned ruins. If it had not been reinforced and constructed underground, this street would have collapsed into a ravine long ago.

Until the Executive Department and the Neon Division activated alchemical ammunition.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Alchemy weapons used in combat can inhibit the spirit and elements, and also have significant restraint on the dragon body, but this depends on the quality and properties of the alchemy weapon itself.

For example, with the extremely precious Philosopher's Stone, as long as the time, place and people are right, it is even possible to kill the complete Dragon King.

However, Chu Xin was not a target that stood still. He leaped into the sky, dodging most of the attacks as the sonic boom burst out. He spun his body like a dragon dancing in the wind, and his wings immediately exploded with beams of fire.



Waves of flames rushed toward the nearest ring of fire. In an instant, nearly a hundred people were burned to black charcoal. Nine helicopters fell and crashed. Buildings turned into burning bonfires. People on the rooftop suddenly became

Ants on a hot pot.

"Then! Did you see it?" Ange pointed to the top of a tall building and said loudly, "Your son, Yuan Zhisheng!"

Uesugoshi looked at the tall and straight young figure from a distance, and for a moment his whole body was full of energy. He took the sword Ange had prepared for him and jumped directly from a height of several hundred meters.

Just as Angers was about to follow, Norma's voice sounded in the headset.

"A large number of armored humanoid corpse guards and animal-shaped dead attendants appeared in the southeast, numbering about six hundred. There is also a pure-blood dragon, suspected to be a corpse guard."

Ange was startled and quickly called up the computer screen and saw the low-flying Luoshen and the monster army it led, exuding a fishy aura and rushing to the main battlefield.

"Tokyo Port is under attack! It's Dragon Attendant Samson! The Tokyu is under attack! The Daitengu is sunk!" The members of the eight Sheki families exclaimed on the public channel.

Sure enough, bad news came one after another.

At this point, all parties have gathered and both sides are in their respective positions.

Chu Xin, Samson, Luo Shen, Bronze Corpse Guard, Dragon Blood Beast Servant VS Kassel Academy Executive Department, Sheqi Hachiya, Uesugoshi, Anger, Chu Zihang, Caesar.

The base camp in Tokyo faced a life-and-death crisis, and the eight Sheqi families were mobilized, especially the Fuma family, the Inuyama family, and the Ryoma family. In addition to the black combat uniforms of the executive department, there were cosplay-like ninja legions and tattooed gangsters on the battlefield.

, extremely professional special forces.

The Miyamotos are not good at fighting, so they control equipment from behind and provide support with modern long-range weapons.

The Sakurai family is mainly responsible for business and does not have a decent large-scale combat department. However, the female head of the family, Sakurai Nanami, is present and serves as one of the indispensable defense commanders.

"It won't work like this. If it continues like this, there is no need for Norton to fight back. We will soon be exhausted and run out of ammunition and food." Yuan Zhisheng took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He turned around and asked, "Where is the principal?"

"He led a team to stop Norton's army." The person who answered him was not Caesar, Yabuki Sakura or Chu Zihang, but Uesugi Koshi who came up behind everyone at some point.

"Who are you?" Yuan Zhisheng didn't have time to ask, he heard Yabuki Sakura speak very quickly and eloquently.

"The Sakurai family has detained high-level military officials. Kaguya has gained full authority over the Self-Defense Forces. With the help of Norma, she has successfully invaded and taken control of several nearby American military bases. Now she can

Launch more intense fire suppression on Norton!"

"Dad, where are you? I need your advice." Minamoto said hesitantly, thinking of Masamune Tachibana who he had always regarded as his father.

He didn't understand that the dignified parents couldn't be contacted at such an important time. Could it be that there was an accident?

"Trust your own judgment, don't hesitate, don't regret." Uesugi walked closer and patted Minamoto's shoulder. His generous and warm palm made the latter feel inexplicably reassured.

"Output firepower," Yuan Zhisheng gave the order with firm eyes. "After the bombing, there will be a fight with swords. Gentlemen, I hope we will win today."



Chu Xin's huge body nimbly wandered between the buildings, as if the void was filled with invisible and intangible sea water.

He doesn't need to deliberately target anyone. With a flick of his tail, a flutter of his wings, and a wave of his claws, he can beat one hybrid after another to pieces, leaving them dead without a single body.

Those alchemy shells do pose a certain threat, but they have to hit. Chu Xin is very familiar with modern thermal weapons. He can completely predict all the trajectory, speed, arc and other factors of a bullet from the time it comes out of the chamber to the time it hits.

, it is easy to evade, not to mention that he has the spirit of speech, and the flames he spurts out are undoubtedly an excellent interception system. The academy cannot break through his defense with this firepower alone, let alone pose any threat.

Whether they are powerful ninjas or tattooed sumo wrestlers who are as strong as an ox, even if they use the word spirit, they can only hold on for two or three seconds. If Chu Xin intentionally attacks, they will definitely die.


One after another, high-rise buildings collapsed under Chu Xin's brute force. The circular front lines were as fragile as wafer biscuits. How likely they were to be broken through completely depended on whether Chu Xin thought about it or not.

As time passed, the strong smell of blood began to float in the air. After being repeatedly roasted by the fire element, it made people feel nauseous.

The most prosperous and lively area in Shinjuku District has become a killing ground for Shura. The death toll of the eight Seraki families is shocking. The walls and streets are all covered with blood. Broken limbs and internal organs are scattered everywhere.

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, dense black spots appeared on the sky in all directions.

That was countless artillery fire.

The Ground Self-Defense Force and the Maritime Self-Defense Force poured out all their long-range firepower. Many warships at the America military base launched all the missiles in their reserves into the air. Top fighter jets and bombers came out in droves, forming a terrifying air formation.


Two B2 bombers came to the altitude above Chu Xin's head and dropped two of the world's most sophisticated ground-penetrating bombs.

Upon seeing this, the Executive Department and the Eight Sheqi Families also launched a large number of alchemical thermal weapons. Tens of thousands of alchemical bullets were transported from the underground Rock Flow Research Institute to the surface, and there was a tendency to exhaust the inventory at once.

At this moment, unless Chu Xin drilled a tunnel, he had nowhere to escape or hide.

He no longer flew by, but quietly and solemnly suspended in mid-air.

Longwen, as dull as thunder, chanted from his throat, and the fire elements between heaven and earth were harnessed and gathered around him.



A sun-like fireball enveloped Chu Xin.

Almost at the same time, thermal weapons such as ground-penetrating bombs, medium-range missiles, dense rocket launchers, and alchemical bombs were concentrated at one point.


The lunatics in the college's equipment department often say "explosion is art." Angers, who was teaming up with Daiberg to fight against Los Angeles, looked back and agreed from the bottom of his heart.


The monstrous shock wave spread, and the hybrids that were close to each other flew into the sky.

But the fun has just begun.

With a thought in Chu Xin's mind, "Sun" exploded on its own initiative.


The explosion-like brilliance of a solar flare temporarily shut down everyone's vision, and the people in mid-air were the first to melt out of thin air.

What followed was an earth-shattering scorching shock wave. After a loud noise like the clouds and cracking rocks, the load-bearing columns of countless buildings collapsed, and the walls were torn apart like cardboard.

The Fuma family ninja legion, which had been looking for opportunities to attack in close combat, was killed by three-quarters in an instant. The head of the family, Fuma Kotaro, had no time to find a bunker, and his flesh and bones were separated under Sakurai Nanami's splitting eyes, and he disappeared from the world.

However, the number of missiles continued to fly in force, and they plunged into the center of the black smoke-filled explosion, adding fuel to the fire, causing the explosion to never stop.



Waves of artillery fire came one after another. It was obviously a desperate swan song. The ruthless style of success or failure was very consistent with the consistent style of the Neon people and the Sheqi family.

I don’t know how long the explosion lasted. Anyway, neither the naked eye nor the instruments could detect the situation in the explosion area. The black and gray smoke screen was overwhelming, which was no less than an exaggerated scene of a nuclear explosion.


When the bombing was over and the smoke was about to dissipate, a dragon roar came out, ordering Luo Shen and the others to evacuate this place and not to affect his subsequent performance.

Chu Xin was entrenched on the devastated earth, covered in blood, and dragon's blood like magma flames flowed between the gaps in his dark red scales.

After "Sun", he did not deliberately defend himself, but resisted with his flesh and blood.

There is no other reason. I just want to see how my current physical strength and regeneration capacity are. Otherwise, my understanding of this body will only be superficial. This principle is like a father testing his daughter's maximum alcohol capacity.


The cells rapidly multiplied, the bleeding stopped, and the wound gradually healed. Apart from looking slightly embarrassed, there was no serious trauma, but the physical energy consumption was particularly obvious, and the control over the elements was slightly reduced.

Don't underestimate these waves of fire bombardment. If you put it on the original Herzog version of the White King, you won't die, but you will definitely have to shed a layer of skin.

"Everyone, he's not dead yet, prepare to give it a go! End this fight in a dragon's way!" Ange's voice sounded in everyone's ears, like a charge horn.

After saying this, Angre recited the secret mantra of Longwen.

Secret Party Forbidden Technique·Violent Blood!

Everyone knows that this moment is the only opportunity for close combat, and they must find Norton's weaknesses in order to truly break the situation.

Caesar, Chu Zihang, and Daiberg also murmured the same obscure dragon text, and followed closely one by one with violent bloodshed.

Once upon a time it was bloody!

It hasn't stopped yet, the four of them are still chanting.

Second bloodshed!

Among them, Chu Zihang and Ange, the craziest ones, continued to sing regardless, while the other two were more than capable.

Three times of bloodshed!

The dragon-like characteristics are highlighted!

"A bunch of lunatics," Uesugoshi said with a domineering grin on his lips, "Then I'll go crazy with you too!"


The mighty momentum of the strongest hybrid surged, causing Yuan Zhisheng and others to take two steps back in shock.

"Son, I'll go first!" Uesugoshi laughed boldly, leaped hundreds of meters away, and ran resolutely towards the huge figure looming in the smoke.

With his human body, he exploded with terrifying strength comparable to a second blood explosion.

"Son?" Yuan Zhisheng suppressed his restless and suspicious heart, drew his sword and galloped to join the group.

Ryoma Genichiro and the few remaining close combat experts from the Shiki Hakashi family also joined in. Knowing that there was an abyss of death ahead, the dragon slayers did not hesitate and continued to fight.


However, the passion must be the passion, the tragedy must be the tragedy, and it is by no means a simple matter of superiority. Sakurai Nanami, Yabuki Sakura and others began to deploy the remaining long-range equipment, leaving backup options and escape routes for many possibilities in the future.

The deputy director of the Yanliu Research Institute received the authorization from Miyamoto Shio and unlocked the sealed super alchemy weapon, a giant cold weapon called "Amaterasu's Wrath".

This is a giant crossbow arrow passed down from thousands of years ago. It was refined by ancient alchemists and engraved with the alchemical formula for breaking armor. The electromagnetic crossbow it fires was developed by the Yanliu Research Institute, making it an ancient weapon.

The product is a combination of modern, cold weapons and hot weapons.

This chapter has been completed!
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