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Chapter 29 Yin-Yang Strange Qi

Chapter 29 The strange yin and yang

"Eldest sister, I'm back now. I thought that eldest sister didn't want to congratulate my sister." As soon as Fang Wu entered the house, the Fang family member raised his head and said.

The words were full of yin and yang, and even though he was talking about tricky topics, he still kept killing chickens in his hands.

Fang Wu gave a casual and perfunctory answer. She had inquired before and found out that her sister Fang Yue was a concubine for a foreigner from Zhouxue County next door. This marriage was nothing for a family like theirs.

However, she remembered that when she was at home, her mother said that she would find her sister a job as the first wife of a wealthy family.

At that time, she thought it was impossible.

Now, wouldn't such a marriage be a slap in the face? So Fang Wu felt that it was abnormal,

Of course, this sentence alone was not enough to make her care so much about this matter.

What's more, why do you need to prepare for a concubine? You just choose the time and send it in. Moreover, she also asked, this foreign minister is already over fifty years old.

But her sister is only twenty-seven years old.

Inside and out, the bright red outfit seemed normal to everyone, but in Fang Wu's eyes, the red color seemed a bit weird.

Fang Wu's family is not big. It has a three-bedroom courtyard. She has a younger sister and a younger brother. She is the eldest daughter.


Her mother was strong, and her father was a boring gourd who couldn't say a single useful word even if he hit her with a stick. Therefore, her life at home was not as comfortable as in the yamen.

She and her sister live together in a suite, one in front of the other. She is in the front and her sister is in the back. This shows that Fang Wu lives at home and there is basically no privacy.

Because she didn't know when her sister Fang Yue would come out.

Fang Wu closed the bed curtains and changed into loose clothes, then sat under the window and drank a glass of cold water.

There were many people at home and it was very noisy. Even though she was a little sleepy, she still supported her.

Fang Wu originally wanted to think about the case quietly like this. After all, the Zhang family was indeed a bit strange, and she still remembered the matter about Magistrate Xu.

However, God does not fulfill people’s wishes,

"Sister, come on, help me see if this wedding dress looks good." A sweet voice came from inside, interrupting Fang Wu's train of thought.

"Okay." Fang Wu responded and walked in. There were no bright red decorations in this room. It was very ordinary, which was in sharp contrast with the outside.

Fang Yue was holding a wedding dress in her hand and comparing it with her own body, with a calculating look in her eyes. Fang Wu took a look step by step, not only noticing Fang Yue behaving like this, but also the messy dressing table.


Fang Yue is very petite, but her wedding dress is a bit too big. The material is not good, it is not even red, and the embroidery is not very detailed.

Daman's rules are not very strict, and I can also use red, as long as it is not particularly over-the-top.

"How about trying it on?" Fang Wu hesitated.

Their relationship was really not very good, and Fang Wu couldn't figure out why Fang Yue asked her to help look at wedding dresses.

Moreover, based on her understanding of Fang Yue, she would not have made the wedding dress so carelessly. Fang Yue is a woman who loves beauty.

Although she felt something was wrong, she didn't express it. She just kept it silently in her heart and looked at ease as she helped Fang Yue arrange her wedding dress.

Fang Yue pursed her lips and said: "This wedding dress is only worn on the day when I go out. Otherwise it will be old. The new beginning cannot be tainted with the old, as the meaning is not good."

Fang Wu only nodded and said nothing.

She has never supported or opposed such nonsense...

Here they are trying on a wedding dress, and there they are playing with a corpse.

It belongs to Su San.

Because there were no clues, Ji Xuan decided to find Mr. Tan to see if he could dissect Su San's body.

Why not look for Su San's family members? They really couldn't find them. Neither the shop nor the neighbors knew where Su San's family had moved. It seemed like the family had disappeared from the world.

And as mentioned before, according to Daman law, corpses that died of illness cannot be dissected at will, so Ji Xuan asked Mr. Qin for help.

However, Mr. Qin obviously didn't care about this matter and only replied, Master Ji will do it if he feels it is necessary.

He also asked the guards to hand the royal private seal to Ji Xuan, saying that it would make it easier for Ji Xuan.

In fact,

Ji Xuan never saw Mr. Tan's people after that day, and she always sent messages through the guards.

Mr. Tan didn't know whether he believed in Ji Xuan, or didn't care about the matter, or he was really unavailable and treated Ji Xuan harshly. He was really afraid of causing trouble and tried not to cause any trouble to Ji Xuan.

All in all, he doesn't care about anything.

Ji Xuan took off Su San's clothes and placed them on the ground. It was a piece of burlap, which everyone usually wears when going out on the street.

"Remember, he did die a month ago. The cause of death was recurrence of tuberculosis, hemoptysis and suffocation."

Ji Xuan spoke slowly, obviously taking care of Bai An who was writing the autopsy form.

Bai An's handwriting is not pretty, but it is square and square, with some space between the two words, so you can recognize it at a glance.

"There are traces of moving and dragging on the wrists, and the lower limbs are beginning to rot." In the weather in April, even if it is frozen and soaked in special antiseptic liquid, it cannot prevent rot.

Saying that, Ji Xuan picked up the scalpel. The first step was to shave the hair cleanly. There was no trauma on the hair, and then the internal organs were cut open.

There was some dirt in my stomach for some reason. I couldn't tell what the soil was, but it was indeed soil.

Ji Xuan carefully put the things into the evidence bag, handed them to Zhang Xuan, and asked him to think of a solution.

Zhang Xuan also acted cautiously when he took it over.

There was some cotton wool and some undigested meat in the large and small intestines, which looked like fish.

Ji Xuan also collected them silently. Seeing that Bai An had already remembered them, she continued to look down.

"Check the drug store. See if he has visited Buju." Ji Xuan's face showed no change, and she just said calmly.

Zhang Xuan was stunned: "No? Are you sure he has a son?"

"I didn't say that he stopped raising children when he was young. Besides, who said that the son must be his? Have you ever seen a son who didn't say a word after his father died?" Ji Xuan raised her head and rolled her eyes at Zhang Xuan.

Zhang Xuan licked his mouth and responded.

Ji Xuan then looked down and found nothing, so he had to initially restrain the body.

He took the autopsy form and signed it, then handed it to Zhang Xuande and said, "Stamped it, take it to the back office and see if the person wants to read it."

This one and that one are naturally referring to Mr. Qin.

Zhang Xuan nodded, they couldn't control what others did, at least they couldn't let others find loopholes. After all, looking at it now, this Young Master Tan was definitely not easy to get along with.

End of fall

(End of chapter)

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