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Chapter 34 Strange

Chapter 34 Strange

Tonight, I know that the spring air is warm, and the sound of insects is new through the green window screen...

"Master." Fang Wu pressed his head, holding gauze on his forehead, his face was red and swollen, and he lay on the bed in an imageless manner.

When he saw the two people coming in, he wanted to sit up, but Bei Jixuan stopped him and continued to lean.

"Tell me what you know. This is your family member's confession. It's different." Ji Xuan said and handed it to Fang Wu.

"What she said is wrong. I have nothing to do with this family. However, this sentence is really strange. I don't remember much about what happened when I was a child." Fang Wu looked at what the Fang family had written, and she

Say it's not right.

Then she went to look at her father's, but the things on it made her feel wrong.

It said that when she moved to Fang's house, she had a lot of money with her, part of which was used to enter the Yamen, and part of which was used by Fang's father to get married and support the family.

She only remembered that she was in the flames of war, and her parents died because of the war. After that, she moved to the Fang family several times, but she never had much money in her hands.

When she was taking the Yamen examination, her father secretly gave her some silver, saying that it was supposed to be hers, and if she left it with him, she might not be able to keep it, so she could see what she could do.

So, she collected the money and came to the Yamen. She asked her father repeatedly, but she couldn't find out anything.

"In that case, do you want to ask?" Ji Xuan asked.

This is correct inside and out. After all, what the person involved said should not be wrong. Besides, Ji Xuan doesn't think Fang Wu would lie about this matter.

He had understood that Fang Wu and Fang Yue were indeed not related by blood. The elders in the village said that Fang Wu's father got married first.

Moreover, they also checked and found that Fang Wu's father had no history of marriage.


Ji Xuan checked the affairs of Fang Wu's family when Fang Wu entered the Yamen and later when Fang Wu's family came to Ji Xuan and knew that Fang Wu was not doing well at home. However, Ji Xuan really did not expect that Fang Wu

Things like this are done at home.

Letting his elder sister go out for his younger sister, and also letting her older sister pave the way for her younger sister, Fang Wu is independent and strong, but what? At home, it is just to avoid causing trouble, so he gives in step by step. After all, when he did not come to the Yamen before

, Fang Wu has nowhere else to go, right?

Can you still leave a place where you have lived for more than ten years?

It has always been easy for girls in this era to live. Although Daman was very tolerant towards women, it was still very restrictive.

Who would be willing to be a slave and sell their skin and flesh when they can basically control their own lives? Therefore, this is the reason why Fang Wu did not risk his life and broke up with this family.

But now, it's impossible not to break up.

"Think about it carefully. I don't think the Fang family will adopt you for no reason. I also asked the government to ask about the Fang family's past. Did you feel anything was wrong before you were drugged?" Ji Xuan looked at it.

Fang Wu asked.

While asking, Ji Xuan still had some records in his hand. In any case, this leakage was considered a matter, so it also needed to be verified.

Because we still don’t know who set it off, but the two fires before and after seemed to be man-made. Since it was man-made, the government naturally wanted to investigate.

The missing horse matter must be investigated, but it is not impossible to postpone it. After all, this leaked matter is more important. Who knows whether it was done by the same person.

They had read the notes of the children in the Yamen School, and were basically certain that the place in the haystack was theirs, but the one in the backyard had nothing to do with them.

"I just felt that my head was heavy, and nothing else was wrong. Although I felt something was wrong, I couldn't express it. In addition, I had some things to say, so I went to the vernacularist's house."

Fang Wu let go of his hand, thought for a moment and then said: "Actually, everything is verified, that is, the wedding dress itself was made for me, but I didn't notice it at first, I just noticed that it was bigger than Fang Yue's body

But I didn't expect them to do this. Now that I think about it..." Well, there are signs for everything, but no one thought that Fang Yue and her daughter would be so bad.

Fang Wu said half of what he said, but Ji Xuan already understood.

"What are you going to do next?" Ji Xuan asked.

"I'm so upset. I definitely won't go back. To be honest, I shouldn't have gone back in the first place." Fang Wu said without hesitation.

She didn't want to get involved in the Fang family's affairs. Although she grew up in the Fang family,

She has suffered many injustices. She wants to know now whether the Fang family raised her because of their kindness or because of the money she had.

She didn't remember much, but she also knew that when she was a child, she moved around a lot and had money in her hands. Otherwise, where would her daily food and drink come from?

She remembered clearly that she had never begged. In this case, what Fang's father wrote should be good. She did bring money to Fang's house. But what about the specific amount? She really had no influence.

"Okay, don't worry, you can stay in the Yamen. I will take you on more cases in the future, so I hope you can stay." Ji Xuan agreed happily, but he was also a little embarrassed.

"Well, thank you, master." Fang Wudao said, she had no other choice, and this was undoubtedly the best choice.

"No, I should, it's just, I..." Ji Xuan said intermittently. He just felt that Fang Wu should really have an explanation with the Fang family, but he didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Fang Wu squeezed out a smile and said seriously: "It's okay, Master, I don't understand what's going on. From now on, Master will be used for the Fang family's affairs. I just hope you won't be embarrassed verbally."

She really wanted to end the Fang family once and for all, otherwise it would only be endless trouble in the future.

Therefore, she immediately decided to get off the donkey and ask Ji Xuan to help. Ji Xuan was already involved anyway.

Ji Xuan naturally agreed, and Zhang Xuan also said that she could live with peace of mind in the Yamen, and no one would say anything...

However, Fang Wu didn't see the Fang family, so he kept the Fang family for another night and then let them go.

Fang Wu said he would not pursue the case. As for Yuan Wailang, he just asked for some money from the Fang family, cursed a few times and left, obviously not caring about these dirty things.

However, one wave after another happened again. Fang Wu didn't want to cause more trouble, but Fang Yue was different.

After leaving the Yamen that day, many rumors about Fang Wu had already spread, which were outrageous and unpleasant.

Fang Wu's reputation is really bad, but for Fang Yue and her daughter, it's the complete opposite.

In the market, everyone praises and despises Fang Wu, saying that Fang Wu is not good.

Because of the disaster, many people lived in the emergency relief centers set up in the government offices. Of course, those who were not seriously injured still lived in their own homes.

For example, the Fang family and Painter Bai's family can still live in each other, so they have not moved out, but this does not prevent rumors from spreading...

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(End of chapter)

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