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Chapter 4 Collusion

Chapter 4 Collusion

"Yes. But he didn't give us any money, and he didn't bring anything back. My mother used the money to sew some purses and sell them in the market."

Hearing this, Fang Wu, who was asking the villagers watching the theater at the door, turned around.

The child was generous, standing straight, making no small movements on his body, and what he said did not sound like he was lying.

Fang Wu looked at him and walked over and said, "What about your parents' relationship in daily life?"

She asked simply and did not avoid the villagers present.

"Many times I would be woken up by my father yelling and cursing me in my sleep. He wanted to steal the money from my mother. He only wanted the money and would not tell my mother about the rest, and he would not answer my mother's questions when he met me."

The child thought for a while and said.

Fang Wu nodded and pulled Zhang Xuan away: "I think this family is very strange."

"Really? Do you have any ideas?"

"Perhaps we can treat the deceased's husband as a suspect and launch an investigation. The child is only four or five years old. Ordinary children should not be very sensible at this time, right?"

It has always been the case that the children of the poor have become the masters early, but this child is not only distressed, but also weird...

Yamen prison room.

The three of them were crowded together, and Ji Xuan occupied the only chair and was squinting at the portrait of the deceased.

"The deceased, Liu Shumei, was forty-two years old and weighed fifty-five kilograms." As he spoke, Fang Wu introduced the life story borrowed from the household registration.

"This man has a lot of control over his woman, or maybe she doesn't have extra time to communicate with other people."

Zhang Xuan took a quick look and found that the deceased's social relationship was very simple. He would only go out to the market during the tenth day of the month.

But the strange thing is that they only found a small amount of needles and threads, which shows that the deceased may have other places to stay, or that the deceased has not yet had time to dispose of them.

"Is there anything unusual about the people in the village?" Ji Xuan asked.

Fang Wu said: "I can't tell for the time being."

"The third team of government officials also visited the pharmacies and clinics near them, but no men came to buy black pockmark seeds. Should we expand the scope of the visit?" When no one spoke, Fang Wu continued to arrive.

This case seems to have a lot of clues, but they are scattered and there is no one line that can connect them.

Or maybe some necessary evidence is missing.

"Maybe the person who reports the crime is the key. Imagine how this case would be handled if there was no reporter?" Ji Xuan tapped the child's portrait.

"Accident? Or was it buried hastily?" Fang Wu guessed.

Daman's system is not yet complete, and as long as there is no trouble, the government will not take action.

Sometimes, when a person dies, it’s just a matter of family members taking the place of residence to the household registration office.

"We won't intervene at all, let alone file a case." Zhang Xuan whistled impatiently.

He is a veteran in handling cases. He grew up in a yamen and is familiar with the county. He has long lost his luck with human nature.

"So we use the child as a breakthrough point to see how the child is different today or recently. Also, this child is not so dependent on his parents." Fang Wu nodded.

"Well, just do this..." Ji Xuan confirmed Fang Wu's idea.

A child is also a breakthrough point, but this breakthrough is more risky

Because the word "child" is inherently ambiguous, it may bring misunderstandings to them.

But it was better than having no direction, so everyone immediately followed up on the matter from the person who reported the case.

At the same time, don't relax in other directions, after all, big men are also strange.

"Perhaps we can detain the children together with the big men and monitor their contact, words and deeds. One is to prevent collusion in confessions, and the other is to avoid quarrels. It would be best if it can be done in secret." Fang Wu suggested.

Collusive confessions can make a case more difficult to handle.

At about this time, several government officials ran in, holding a crumpled piece of paper in their hands and saying, "A suicide note was found in the yard. Could it be that the deceased committed suicide?"

"Impossible." At this time, Fang Wu and Ji Xuan retorted almost at the same time.

While speaking, Fang Wu had already taken the suicide note and glanced at it, while Ji Xuan only moved her lips.

"Can you please stop jumping to conclusions?" Ji Xuan raised her head and gritted her teeth.

Fang Wu was wearing a stipulated light blue silk official skirt that reached her ankles, but it still couldn't stop her childishness, and it also suppressed Ji Xuan's usual sternness.

"The handwriting on this is imitation. Give it to me and I can write it."

Fang Wu walked over, handed the suicide note to Ji Xuan and said seriously.

She would not blindly follow Ji Xuan just because he was his master.

"The first character doesn't have any crooked strokes, and it doesn't look very confident, but the further back it goes, the stronger the strokes become. It's not a pause without moving, so it's not a beginner.

Fang Wu handed the suicide note to Ji Xuan and explained: "Although the paper is wrinkled, you can see the complexity of the ink marks, so there is more possibility of imitation."

"Also, the reason why I came to this conclusion is that I believe you. Do you think I should doubt you?"

Fang Wu puffed up his mouth and said somewhat unhappily.

Ji Xuan said with some embarrassment: "I, I'll go see those two people, you and that one go buy a meal."

Ji Xuan said as she walked out of the prison room and headed towards the signing room at the back.

Fang Wu was stunned for a moment. This was the first time she had seen Ji Xuan move so fast.

"Let's go buy food for your incompetent and hot-tempered boss." Zhang Xuan grabbed Fang Wu and walked out carelessly.

I don't care at all whether the strength in my hands is appropriate or not.

"Why do you order him so happily?"

Fang Wu didn't quite understand. In her reflection, the two people had always been incompatible in private.

"Because he gave me this! Otherwise, why do you think those government officials would help look through the yard?" Zhang Xuan said as he picked out a few coins from his sleeves and weighed them in his hands.

Fang Wu took advantage of his lack of strength to pull away his hand and followed him.

She knew that Ji Xuan must have given Zhang Xuan a lot on this trip. She had heard that Zhang Xuan grew up eating a lot of food from hundreds of families and was the kind of person who wanted money but not moral integrity. She could make him turn around and use the money to give

Being a yamen servant is definitely not what he can do with the few copper coins in his hand.

"If he didn't let me bribe him, he started bribing him himself." Fang Wu said somewhat unconvinced.

She was admitted to the Yamen and studied with Ji Xuan for about three months. She had sorted out a lot of case files and watched the two of them quarrel over money. She had never seen Ji Xuan solve a case.

"He is protecting you, so you have to learn from it. Although he may seem strict, he is actually lazy." Zhang Xuan grabbed Fang Wu and said.

"You guys..." Fang Wu was stunned. She didn't quite react. He actually spoke for him?

"We grew up together, and he looked different inside and out." Zhang Xuan also cherished this girl.

Although Daman has rules for women to serve as officials and even encourages women to become officials, the number of women serving as officials in Daman is less than one-tenth of the men.

(End of chapter)

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