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Chapter 57: Closing the case 3

Chapter 57 Case Closed (3)

"It depends on the situation. If they take care of this case, I will handle it. This is my opinion." Tan Sihan smiled and said unceremoniously,

He didn't feel at all that he needed to give Ji Xuan any face.

"Mr. Qin, this case..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Ji, I don't take credit, let alone kill innocent people indiscriminately. But Mr. Ji, you have to understand that if your apprentice loses his horse, he will have to pay a certain amount of responsibility." Tan Sihan interrupted: "And for such a major case,

Mr. Ji has no rights in the first place and has full authority to deal with it."

"I just want to remind Mr. Tan that there are still many loopholes in this case. Mr. Tan should not make any promises at this time." Ji Xuan smiled.

He doesn't care about that, he also knows that he must be responsible for everything.

"This is natural. I also said it depends on the situation." Qin Sihan nodded.

"We originally came out together, and I brought a bunch of vegetables with me to take to the Xu Mansion. However, he saw some roux at the pickling shop next to the Xu Mansion. I didn't go in, but went into the ready-to-wear shop next to the Xu Mansion.


"The result is coming out..."

As a result, when he came out, there was no trace of the Zhang girl. He searched several alleys and had no choice but to send the vegetables to the Xu Mansion first and then look for someone.

But unexpectedly, he saw the Zhang family girl in the yard behind the kitchen.

The two said some words, and Xue Chen left in a hurry.

After that, the two families came up with this idea together. The Zhang family found Su San to help find out if any horses had stopped at the inn recently.

But the Xue family went to buy Baiyao and make preparations...

The Zhang family gave more than the government, so Su San naturally wanted to help them. He was suffering from tuberculosis, and tuberculosis was a disease of wealth that they could not afford.

Naturally, it is not to cure the disease, but to provide a living for the whole family.

The Zhang family also bought Baiyao to confuse the public. The reason why they kept talking about him was because they were afraid that the county government would combine with the Xu family to cover up the truth.

It wasn't until something happened to the Xu family and they met Qin Sihan that all the grudges in their hearts were eliminated.

They also knew that this case involved neither their family nor Xu Ziyu, an official.

It was an accident that Qin Sihan was able to make a full decision on this matter.

After integrating the cases, Ji Xuan temporarily left the two families in the Yamen and waited anxiously for the girls from good families to be sent back from the capital.

Two days later, there was a strong wind and a slight drizzle.

There was a dark crowd inside the Yamen.

In fact, not all girls from good families were sent back. Some girls were unwilling to come back and wanted to stay in the capital.

Some did become concubines, but some also worked in some teahouses and other places in the capital.

No matter what, at least this choice is made by the girls themselves and is not forced by others.

Therefore, the family members waiting here are all girls from good families who have promised to come back.

Ji Xuan and Qin Sihan also stood aside, looking at their anxious expressions.

"No matter what happens, Mr. Qin, I still want to say thank you."

I have to say that having Qin Sihan here really provided them with a lot of convenience.

"This is our Qin family. The Qin family has the responsibility to protect every citizen in this land. Lord Ji, you don't have to thank me." Qin Sihan didn't appreciate it.

Ji Xuan didn't say anything.

There is nothing wrong with this.

The whole world is not the land of the king, and the soldiers who lead the land are not the king's ministers. Every common person on this land has a responsibility to the Qin family.

The Qin family has enjoyed their sincerity and respect, so they must pay certain obligations.

"How long will it take?" Zhang Xuan asked at some point.

"It's noon," Bai Xi replied.

"Xue Zhang, what should we do with the two families?" Fang Wu asked.

He knew that the court should give him a certain degree of leniency, but he didn't know to what extent.

"The two families were exiled to Lanzhou and reclaimed wasteland until they died." Bai Xi said helplessly when he saw that both Tan Sihan and Tong Ruoqi didn't speak.

I don't know why, but perhaps because Tan Sihan and Tong Ruoqi were both there, the Criminal Department was watching this matter a little more closely.

Qin Sihan dealt with it a lot, and he became so accommodating.

"Actually, there is another possibility, and that is to join the army. But you also know that Daman has joined the army, so this girl may not be able to get married to Mr. Xue."

Tong Ruoqi said lightly. Therefore, the only possibility is exile.

"Not decided yet?" Ji Xuan was stunned.

Doesn’t the imperial court give official documents?

"The dog officer of the Ministry of Justice asked me to choose, but he didn't let me sentence him generously." Qin Sihan cursed, which was considered as a reply to Ji Xuan's words.

"I think it's better to be exiled. It's really a stain. It's been all morning. Is this one step forward and three steps back?" Zhang Xuan said impatiently, wiping the rain on his face with his hand.

Qin Sihan said: "It will come eventually, and there will be official documents. Once it is stamped, it is time to serve the sentence. I just don't know how they will choose."

Exiled to farmland, there is no possibility of rising again.

But it's different with the army.

Adult men in Daman's army can participate in the war, and can still return home with honors after achieving military merit. However, the elderly or women, in addition to marrying army lieutenants, do laundry and cooking. But they are exiled to farmland, and there is no such thing.

Recovery is possible.

There are many people in this world who can share hardships, but not necessarily those who share joys.

After hearing this, no one said anything. After all, they knew that the adults of the two families did not want the young couple to be together.

But looking at the faces of the Xue family, you can tell that this is the case, and there might be some surprises.

"In any case, we have done everything we can." Ji Xuan smiled.

It depends on how far this pair can go.

Time passed minute by minute.

Finally, amid the sounds of raindrops, I heard the sound of a windlass turning.

"Master, we're here."

Fang Wu reminded them and they walked forward together.

It's a carriage.

There is nothing heroic about the handlebar-like pale face, but rather a bit of femininity.

"Eunuch Bai, why did you leave the palace?" Tan Sihan looked over and asked with a smile.

Only then did Ji Xuan and others realize that this handlebar type was actually a chamberlain.

"The Zajia family is still wondering if I can see you. Your Majesty asked the Zajia family to say hello to you." Seeing Tan Sihan, Baishi stopped the carriage, jumped down to greet Tan Sihan, and then raised his hand to block the rain.

"Tell him later that I'm fine." Tan Sihan didn't have a good temper.

"Master Tong is also here, who are these?" Bai Shi held his hands towards Tong Ruoqi again, and then looked at Ji Xuan and the others.

"A few local officials, Mr. Ji and Mr. Zhang, one of them is named Fang, and the other is from Eunuch Bai's family." Tong Ruoqi said.

Shiraishi nodded.

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(End of chapter)

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