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Chapter 80

Chapter 80

"I think I don't need to pay attention to you," Bai Xi said.

Qin Sihan didn't say anything, only smiled and asked: "You said that many people have been in this situation recently, what was the reaction of the government offices in the two states?"

Bai Xi replied: "Still under tight control."

Qin Sihan thought for a while and asked, "What did the people you stayed in Fanzhi tell you?"

He probably knows how many people Bai Xi has under his command,

As for how many people he has left in Fanzhi, he is not sure, but there must be some.

Bai Xi, wherever he goes, will leave some people behind to collect some information for him.

Tan Sihan can usually know things that others don't know, and he also knows more in detail.

Therefore, many people who wanted to kill Qin Sihan were killed because of this, but not returned.

Of course, Bai Xi spends countless amounts of money here every year, but even so, they still haven't found the person they were looking for.

I don’t know if it’s because the matter took too long, or because the other party doesn’t exist at all, or because they hide it too deeply.

"I didn't say anything." Bai Xi licked his lips secretly and said. Of course, it wasn't that he didn't say anything. They received internal information from the Ministry of Justice, saying that someone above wanted to get the two state yamen to come together to investigate this matter. They

I don’t think this happened by chance,

Perhaps it is said that this is simply man-made,

However, the government did not announce this information. What they obtained was internal information.

As for Bai Xi, he could hide such a thing from Tan Sihan for a day. He would never let him get into Tan Sihan's ears until this matter was over. He was afraid that Tan Sihan would join in the fun.

Going from Shanyin to Fanzhi, I passed through countless woods. It was only a matter of time before Qin Sihan reacted. It was not that he thought it was troublesome, but that he didn't want to let Qin Sihan suffer.

When Qin Sihan heard this, he took a deep look at Bai Xi, who then looked calm. He didn't notice anything.

Then he looked at Muying who was kneeling on the ground. Muying was busy with matters in the yamen. He didn't even know that when he was looked at, he just lowered his head lower without showing any expression.

He turned around and asked Bai Xi: "When did this start?"

"About a week or so." Qin Sihan asked again: "How many people were injured in the two states."

Bai Xi said: "About thirty."

Although he didn't want Tan Sihan to ask too many questions, he would always answer Tan Sihan's questions, and he would never lie about such a thing.

"If there is any change in this matter, please tell me as soon as possible." Tan Sihan sighed and ordered.

This is not a trivial matter. I wonder if it is a plague.

"Sir, the brothers below have checked carefully. Although they are roughly the same, it is not an epidemic, and the brothers who have been in contact have not been infected."

Bai Xi seemed to understand Tan Sihan's worries and said.

Qin Sihan took a step forward and looked at the yard. They were the only ones in the yard. He was very satisfied and asked bluntly: "Didn't you just tell me that they didn't say anything?"

Bai Xi was stunned. He secretly thought that it was not good, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "It was because of the carelessness of my subordinates. They also said that the Yamen has opened up a place for the unconscious people, and the people's lives are not in danger." Bai Xi said

He still knelt and took a step back, bending slightly.

He was a little cautious when he spoke.

"This time, I allow you to do this. Next time, if I find out about this kind of thing again, you can prevaricate me. It's up to you."

Qin Sihan raised his hand, lifted Bai Xi's chin, slapped him, said something, and then entered the room.

In the yard, only Bai Xi and Mu Ying were left.

Neither of them dared to say a word. They even breathed carefully. They only covered their bodies low and knelt there.

Mu Qing, who was in the house, went up to the roof again, as if this incident had not happened at all.

In fact, people falling into coma often happen, even in Baiwei County where Ji Xuan is located.

Ji Xuan gathered all the officials in Baiwei County together.

It was probably around the same time that Qin Sihan had the attack.

There were only five people sitting in the deserted yamen. Except for Ji Xuan, everyone was wearing official robes and sitting at the bottom, secretly watching Ji Xuan.

They had not been in contact with this Shangguan for a long time. They were prejudiced against him at first, and later they admired him, but they did not understand him very well.

Moreover, in their image, he was unsmiling and kind to the people, so no one dared to say much about such things.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Ji Xuan looked at the crowd and asked, "..., this incident has happened nearby, and the yamen have also said that it has also happened in other counties, including Fanzhizhou.

I wonder what you guys think.”

As Ji Xuan spoke, her eyes swept over everyone, and everyone lowered their heads.

If these subordinate officials didn't know Ji Xuan's temperament, Ji Xuan knew very little about them and even said very few words.

"The official thinks that these people have returned from going out. Next time someone in the county goes out, we can stop them."

The man in official robes sitting at the end stood up, raised his hands and said.

Ji Xuan said: "No, this method will not cure the root cause." Moreover, it might cause panic among the people in the county, but he did not say it out loud.

"The official thinks that you should send the injured people to the county government where there are good doctors. This will facilitate treatment and explain the matter clearly to the people. Tell them clearly that the government will care about this matter and will never ignore the people.


A seventh-grade official sitting in the middle stood up and said, seeing that Ji Xuan was not angry when he spoke, he continued: "In addition, if there are people who are concerned, they can go with them. After all, the matter will be investigated by the officials now, and it will not be contagious.


"It must be given as a gift. Will the other party accept it? Who will send it? Also, what does the government think?" Ji Xuan looked at the man and said,

He didn't have a deep impression of this person, but his words made people agree.

He never received a response from the superior government.

In fact, as soon as such a thing appeared in Baiwei County, he sent news to both Baixi and Shanyin Prefectural Government Offices.

But neither the former nor the latter gave him an answer.

The former stopped it and didn't hand it over to Qin Sihan at all. The latter received it but didn't care. Baiwei County is not important to Shanyin Prefecture.

Moreover, there were only four injured and unconscious people in Baiwei County, which was nothing compared to the twenty-five in other counties. Therefore, the governor of Shanyin Prefecture did not take it to heart.

"If you don't mind, sir, I'd like to go."

The second official who offered advice said.

Ji Xuan didn't know whether to agree or not. This was easier said than done. He thought as he picked up the tea and drank a cup, his eyes filled with thoughts.

(End of chapter)

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