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Chapter 10 Night Climbing Beiyang Mountain (1)

Mobei University of Political Science and Law, Graduate School of Criminal Investigation.

When several people returned to the office, Murong Shui checked the information on the USB flash drive, and his face gradually became more and more serious as he said: "Boss! Chen Jialuo, this bad boy, seems to have a family that is not simple. In addition to his father owning the largest factory in Mobei City, Recently, they have developed a high-end resort in Beiyang Mountain, and it is conservatively estimated that their assets will rank among the top in Mobei City."

Xu Tiannan thought: "It seems that this boy's family is rich and he is really a second-generation rich man."

"Then we..." Murong Shui seemed very hesitant and said in a voice like a mosquito: "Do we really want to wade into this muddy water? Will it anger the other party and involve us in it?"

Xu Tiannan smiled and asked: "Why, are you afraid?"

Power and money, these are the fears and yearnings engraved in human genes. Although Murong Shui was very scared at this time, he still said stubbornly: "If you are not afraid, I will not be afraid!"

Xu Tiannan smiled and said: "Facing an opponent with such strength, who can not be afraid? No one knows how many big names will be involved if this case is further investigated, but I am even more afraid that this missing persons case will become a In the 'frozen case', I am even more afraid that justice will not be served."

After hearing this, Murong Shui gradually regained his composure and nodded firmly, "Yes! You are right! In order for justice to be heard, we must continue to investigate!"

Xu Tiannan said: "But don't worry, I won't continue the investigation like this. As long as we find enough clues to file the case, I will immediately hand it over to Wen Sibao, and the rest of the matter will still be handed over to Wen Sibao. Let the police handle it."

Murong Shui nodded, clenched his fists in front of his face, and said firmly: "Well! Don't worry, boss. If you encounter any danger during this period, I will protect you!"

Xu Tiannan: "..."

A few minutes later, Murong Shui suddenly stared at the computer screen and said, "Come and take a look! This time, in the information I copied back, I found a key clue to Li Xiangqin's disappearance!"

Murong Shui opened a screenshot from the USB flash drive and explained: "Didn't we see Chen Jialuo's car this afternoon? I wrote down his car number at that time, and I found it just now through Wen Baobao's intranet. According to this car’s violation record, the most recent speeding record happened about an hour after work last Friday, and it can be seen in the photo that the person in the passenger seat is Li Xiangqin.”

After hearing the news about her sister, Li Xianglan rushed over immediately and found that the girl on the screen was her sister Li Xiangqin. She said loudly: "It's Qinqin! That's right! She was indeed taken away by that boy. Miss Murong, hurry up." Find out where they went!"

Murong Shui comforted: "Sister Xianglan, don't worry. According to the speed record, it is a national highway from south to north, and the end of that national highway is Highway 302, but that car is not on the public security intranet. From the record of entering the highway, we can judge that Chen Jialuo took your sister to a place beside the national highway, most likely here."

Murong Shui clicked on another web map, and between the national highway and the highway entrance on the map, there was an unusually eye-catching map mark with the name "Beiyang Mountain Leisure Resort".

Xu Tiannan understood immediately and frowned: "Beiyang Mountain Resort? Isn't this the newly developed resort by Chen Jialuo and his family? It seems that Chen Jialuo didn't have any good intentions when he brought Li Xiangqin there!"

Murong Shui nodded, "Yes, according to the official website of this resort, they are not open to the public yet, so there will be no other tourists during this period."

"Miss Murong!" Li Xianglan urged eagerly: "Then quickly call the surveillance camera of that resort to see if Qinqin is there!"

Murong Shui said: "I'm afraid not. The resort's surveillance is their own internal LAN and is not connected to the public security network, so for the time being we can only suspect that Chen Jialuo brought your sister there, but you can look at this picture again.


After finishing speaking, Murong Shui opened another photo of a vehicle violation record. This violation record occurred about an hour and a half later, that is, around 9:30 that night. Chen Jialuo's vehicle drove back to the city from north to south on the national highway.

In the direction of the district, the speed of the vehicle this time was extremely exaggerated, reaching 140km/h, but in the photo it can be clearly seen that the co-pilot of the vehicle is empty.

Murong Shuidao: "I suspect that after Chen Jialuo took Li Xiangqin into the Beiyang Mountain Resort, he drove back to the city alone, and drove very fast when he came back. It can be inferred that something must have happened during this hour and a half.

Something would make him so panicked."

After hearing the analysis, Xu Tiannan muttered: "I took Li Xiangqin to my resort and then came back an hour and a half later. Is it so stressful? This..."

Speaking of this, Xu Tiannan seemed to suddenly realize something, and said in a deep voice: "In the two days since Chen Jialuo returned to the city, someone used Li Xiangqin's mobile phone to send text messages to her sister to report that she was safe! I know

Got it!"

Li Xianglan asked eagerly: "What? What did you find? Tell me quickly?"

Xu Tiannan thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Sister Xianglan, maybe my inference is wrong, but Chen Jialuo is most likely trying to create an alibi."

Li Xianglan asked doubtfully: "Alibi?"

Xu Tiannan nodded, "In the past two days when your sister was missing, people kept using her mobile phone to send you messages to report that she was safe. The purpose was to prevent you from filing a case for her disappearance, and now..."

After Xu Tiannan finished speaking, he looked at his watch and said earnestly: "Sister Xianglan, you may not have noticed yet, but your cell phone has been quiet today, and you haven't received any text messages from your sister until now."

After such a reminder, Li Xianglan immediately noticed it and said in surprise: "Ah! Yes! Qinqin's mobile phone did not send me a message today, so can we go find your friend in the Public Security Bureau to file a case now?"

Xu Tiannan thought for a long time before finally making up his mind to tell the other party his reasoning: "Sister Xianglan, you may not be able to accept some words for a while, but since I have decided to help you this time, I have an obligation to give everything I have now.

Report to you truthfully what may have happened.”

Xu Tiannan paused and continued to explain: "The person holding your sister's cell phone sends you text messages every less than twenty-four hours. The first purpose is to prevent you from opening a missing persons investigation at the police station. The second purpose is to prevent you from filing a missing persons investigation at the police station.

To let you know that she is still alive, or to prove that this person is still alive in a legal sense. Thirdly, you have not received a text message from your sister for more than 24 hours. According to my guess, the possibility of the other party forgetting to send a text message is very slim.

, and the biggest possibility is that the other party no longer needs to send text messages to pretend to report to you that she is safe. The reason for doing so is... your sister is likely to be imprisoned in some way, or... has been killed."

When Li Xianglan heard this, she felt a stabbing pain in her heart. She felt so heavy that even her breathing stopped at this moment. Her eyes darkened and she fell down.

Murong Shui immediately stood up to support the other party, and at the same time pressed his thumb on the other party's middle part, "Boss, don't be so direct! Tell her in a 'tactful' way, at least give the other party a mental preparation!"

Xu Tiannan said: "We will discuss the issue of my way of speaking later. Now you quickly tell Wen Sibao about the situation and ask him to file a case for investigation first."

A few minutes later, Murong Shui told Wen Sibao about the situation over the phone, and the other party agreed to go to the relevant departments immediately to start the investigation procedures.

Xu Tiannan said: "Wen Sibao is going to go through the formalities for filing his case. We can't be idle. Every minute is precious now. Take Sister Xianglan with us and we will leave for the resort immediately!"

Beiyang Mountain Resort (under construction).

Murong Shui stopped two hundred meters away from the resort's entrance. Her eyesight was excellent and she quickly discovered the clues at the resort's entrance. She explained: "No, although this resort is not open yet, at least the entrance is

There are more than two security guards on duty, and there are cameras on both sides of the road. At this stage, I am afraid that only their own personnel can enter."

Sure enough, not long after, a double-bridge dump truck carrying sand and gravel drove towards the entrance. After getting out of the car, the driver took off his mask at the camera. After facial recognition, the lights of the electronic fence

From red to green, the truck was immediately released.

"Hey! Sister Xianglan, what are you doing?"

Murong Shui reached out and grabbed Li Xianglan who was about to get out of the car. The other party said urgently: "No, I can't wait any longer. Now I have to break through even if I have to break through. I have to go inside to find Qinqin!"

Murong Shui tried to dissuade her: "Sister Xianglan, don't worry! Didn't you see so many security guards inside? If you rush over like this, who will let you in? Maybe they all know that Chen Jialuo tricked your sister into here.

Have a share!"

Xu Tiannan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "We have a solution, look here!"

The two of them looked in the direction Xu Tiannan pointed and found that it was a field road. The distance of this road was not very long. There was a small naturally formed lake at the end. At this time, night was coming, and there were everywhere around the lake.

There are the sounds of frogs and cicadas coming and going, and if you look closely, you can see swarms of mosquitoes hovering on the lake.

Xu Tiannan said: "Drive the car to the end of this small road and try to be as hidden as possible so as not to attract attention."

After Murong Shui parked the car, Xu Tiannan asked her and Li Xianglan to sit in the car and not get out, and then got out of the car alone.

After a long time, Murong Shui was horrified to find that under the influence of the dim light in the car, countless large mosquitoes from the lake flew over in overwhelming numbers and covered the front windshield in such a dense manner that she felt numb all over and got goosebumps.


But misfortunes always seemed to come singly in Murong Shui's life. Perhaps this little white car was too outdated and outdated. After a while, some mosquitoes actually crawled in from the air outlet of the cab, buzzing around inside the car.

Murong Shui couldn't bear it any longer, so he rolled down the window and shouted loudly: "Boss, hurry up...there are mosquitoes here...ah! Bah, bah, bah!"

Before Murong Shui finished speaking, she felt that several mosquitoes had flown into her mouth, and then there was a noisy buzzing sound in her ears. What made her feel even more horrified was that there were already several half-finger-sized mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes hit her face like raindrops. In panic, she immediately closed the car window, and she and Li Xianglan started a fight with the mosquitoes in the car.

After a long time, the mosquito war finally ended with the victory of the two people in the car. At the same time, they were bitten with several blood pockets the size of fingernails. It was only then that Xu Tiannan slowly opened the car door and walked in. Although the mosquitoes

It was also surrounding the top of his head, but it was very magical, as if it was deliberately avoiding him. Except for some dirt, there was no swollen bump from mosquito bites on his body, and even the mosquitoes were not willing to stay on his body.

Murong Shui's arm had been badly bitten by mosquitoes, and he asked Xu Tiannan loudly: "Boss, you are finally back! I was almost... almost eaten by these mosquitoes... Huh? What did you get?"

Xu Tiannan was holding a greasy, black thing in his hand, which was particularly disgusting. After Murong Shui saw it clearly, he suddenly screamed "Wow" and said loudly: "Ugh... where did you grab it from?"

Here comes a toad! Hurry! Hurry and move away! It stinks!"

Xu Tiannan smiled and said: "I want to correct you on two points. One: This is called a bullfrog, not the toad you mentioned. Comparing the two, the bullfrog has a bigger belly, smoother skin, and feels better to the touch. Two:

In fact, I could just catch a bullfrog from the lakeside, but in line with the principle of not killing, I just found a bullfrog there that hadn't been dead for long."

Murong Shui was most afraid of such disgusting things. He shrunk his body and squinted his eyes and said incoherently: "I, I, I... I don't care whether you are a bull or a toad! What on earth are you going to do!"

Xu Tiannan did not explain, but looked towards the entrance of the resort in the distance. In the distance, he could see another car full of sand and gravel, driving over from a few hundred meters away, and immediately said: "Quick! Turn off the lights!

Get off the car and follow me!"

Murong Shui felt a hundred reluctances at this time, but in order to investigate the case, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and get out of the car. He instantly felt mosquitoes flying over the car outside the car.

The three of them left the lake path and hid on a slope next to the main road. Xu Tiannan casually folded a reed pole in the haystacks on the roadside, and then made something that Murong Shui thought about a few months later.

It makes me feel numb all over when I wake up.

"Boss...you...what are you doing!"

Murong Shui watched in horror as Xu Tiannan inserted the reed rod from the anus of the bullfrog into his belly, and then directly held the reed rod in his mouth and blew air hard. The frog did not die for long, and the smooth bullfrog's body instantly resembled a balloon.


"Ahhh! Stop it! I'm going to vomit! You're so evil... vomit... vomit!"

Xu Tiannan ignored Murong Shui's protest, and after blowing hard for a few times, he broke the reed stem, spit out his chewing gum and stuck it in the hollow. In an instant, a blue-black, round "bullfrog balloon" was placed on the side of the road.

Xu Tiannan said to the two of them: "Listen carefully, the plan is like this. According to my observation, their own construction vehicles will not be inspected when entering the resort, so as soon as you two hear the signal, follow me immediately

Mix them together into the dump bucket of the sand and gravel truck, it’s that simple, do you understand?”

Murong Shui thought for a moment, "I understand, I understand, but what do you mean by the signal...?"

Xu Tiannan said: "You will understand by then. Now give me some tissues."

Murong Shui took out a few tissues from his pocket and handed them to the other party, then asked: "Why do you need tissues?"

Xu Tiannan made a shushing gesture and said, "Okay, stop talking. You will know later."

After a while, the sand and gravel truck got closer and closer. When the truck passed in front of a few people, there was only a loud "bang" sound, and the "bullfrog balloon" made by Xu Tiannan was pressed right on top.

Under the car's tires, there was a huge explosion sound in the quiet night, just like the sound of a car tire blowout, which scared the driver and immediately stepped on the brakes.

The car stopped, but then there was a strong smell of rotting animal carcasses.

This huge stench finally became the last straw that broke Murong Shui's mind. Her patience had reached its limit. After a burning sensation in her stomach, she felt a heat at the top of her throat, and she immediately vomited it out.

"Now! Get in the car!"

Xu Tiannan had already expected that Murong Shui would never be able to accept such a scene, so he put the paper towels in his hands in advance and found the right opportunity to cover the other person's mouth. In the end, Murong Shui was dragged and dragged into the dump truck by Xu Tiannan.

, and the disgusting stomach acid water that was about to be vomited out just now was swallowed by myself at some point.

The driver of the sand and gravel truck got out of the car and checked, but found no flat tire. He cursed to himself and returned to the car.

With the sound of the vehicle restarting, Xu Tiannan and others finally mixed into the resort among the gravel dumped behind the vehicle.

This chapter has been completed!
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