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Chapter 115 Unconsciously, the life has been changed

After a few glasses of wine, Chen Liangshan suddenly asked again: "Miss Murong, actually when I saw you in the newspaper last year, it was because of the case you handled called the 'Nemesis' case."

Upon hearing this, Murong Shui immediately became energetic.

"Aha? It turns out you saw the case we handled!"

Chen Liangshan nodded, "Yes! I read in the newspaper that the principal culprit in that case was a young woman."

"Yes! That's right!"

"Was that case difficult for you?"

Murong Shui thought for a while and replied in a relaxed manner: "It's difficult... I can't say it, but it is indeed very dangerous, and it is the most annoying case among the cases we have handled."

"Oh? What's that like? Can you tell me?"

Murong Shui said: "Since the newspaper has reported that the case has been closed, I think there is nothing that can't be said, but the content in the newspaper... has been deleted after all. The content that was actually released is actually only the content of the whole case.

A drop in the bucket.”

Having said this, Murong Shui looked at Xu Tiannan, who was lying on the table next to him, and said to him: "Boss, Brother Liangshan is your best brother. You should be able to say something, right?"

At this time, Xu Tiannan was already asleep and could not hear what the other party was saying.

When Murong Shui saw this, he said to Chen Liangshan: "To tell you the truth, the murderer woman is actually not very powerful, it's just..."

Murong Shui suddenly stopped, then looked around, and when he saw that no one was paying attention to his side, he lowered his voice and said: "It's just that the woman's method of committing crimes was so strange that for a long time, the police were unable to convict her.


Chen Liangshan also became interested at this time and asked: "Is there anything special about it?"

Murong Shui did not answer, but asked in a mysterious manner: "Before answering this question, let me ask you a question first, what kind of crime do you think is seamless?"

"It's perfect?" Chen Liangshan thought for a moment, smiled and shook his head: "Sorry, I can't think of it."

"It was an accident."

"Accident?" Chen Liangshan didn't expect the other party's answer, so he looked very surprised.

"Yes! It's an accident!"

Seeing that the other party didn't understand, Murong Shui explained.

——"In that case, the female murderer did not use an ordinary murderer. She used a crime method that no one had ever used before, that is, the accidental homicide method."

——"After the police conducted investigations at each victim site, they found that these people had encountered various accidents, including car accidents, falling from buildings, gas explosions, or dying of their own sudden diseases."

——"Therefore, for a long period of time, the police were unable to conclude the case as a murder, and therefore were even more unable to combine the cases, which made the detection of the case a lot more difficult."

Chen Liangshan thought for a while, then shook his head with a wry smile, "I'm afraid only Tiannan can deal with such a powerful opponent."

"Isn't that what it is!"

Murong Shui also seemed very happy when he heard someone praising Xu Tiannan, and kept praising the other party's extraordinary methods when he and Xu Tiannan worked together on the case.

The meal lasted until nearly 11 o'clock in the evening, and finally Chen Liangshan and the other party reluctantly said goodbye.

In other words, Chen Liangshan was just saying goodbye to Murong Shui alone, because at this time, Xu Tiannan was already so sleepy that he couldn't even hear anyone calling him.

After seeing off the other two, Chen Liangshan returned to the restaurant, picked up the wine glass on the table and went to the bathroom. He drank several glasses of tap water and rinsed his mouth until the smell of wine in his mouth was no longer so strong, then he slowly left the restaurant.

Walking towards home.

It was almost midnight, and Chen Liangshan finally returned to a community called "Fugui Garden" on the outskirts of Beicheng.

This is an old community that has been around for nearly 20 years. It is located at the urban-suburban junction of Mobei. In the 1990s, because the name of the community contained the word "wealth and honor", it attracted a large number of people who were struggling to make ends meet.

People living in the area bought their houses here.

Everyone's wishes are very good, and they hope to live a "rich" life after living here, as advertised in the community.

But things are unpredictable. When this group of people with beautiful illusions moved in, they experienced a series of "sheep-herding" operations such as the developer's mortgage loan ran out, the house and land certificate could not be processed, and the property only paid fees but did not work. In the end,

It turned the "rich community" into a "plague community" that everyone would avoid after hearing about it.

The voice-activated lights in the stairwell are always broken, but Chen Liangshan has already memorized the number of stairs on each floor. However, before he reaches the door of his house, the sound of crying comes from the room with no soundproofing effect.

It was passed down from the sixth floor and reached his ears.

Chen Liangshan opened the door and said into the room: "Yanran! I'm back!"

After a while, I heard that my wife in the house did not respond to her. When she heard her father's voice when he came back, she suddenly cried louder, as if she wanted her father to hear her.

"Cry for me again!"

Following the scolding from his wife in the house, there was another sound of bamboo sticks hitting his body, and his daughter's crying suddenly became so heartbreaking that it almost made Chen Liangshan's eardrums buzz.


"Yanran, why are you crying?"

Chen Liangshan asked inside the house while changing his slippers, but his angry wife did not want to reply at all, which made him sigh softly. Unexpectedly, after returning home from the outside, the atmosphere became even more depressing than outside.

His wife is a descendant of the Hui ethnic group, so she has a very rare surname. Her surname is "Xiao" and her full name is Xiao Yanran.

Since Chen Liangshan first met each other many years ago, he has been attracted by his optimistic and cheerful personality. At the same time, Xiao Yanran did not mind that she had served a prison sentence, so the two quickly came together.

He clearly remembered what Xiao Yanran said when he saw him for the first time: Dad often said that my smile was beautiful, just like the old saying "Smile with a beautiful smile", so he named me Xiao Yanran.

Once upon a time, life was full of beauty, hope and sunshine, but until now, Chen Liangshan still can't figure out when his marriage became like this. It's as if the couple would feel happy whenever they see each other's face.

A nameless anger burst out.

However, at this moment, Nannan's eardrum-shaking cry once again brought Chen Liangshan's thoughts back to reality.

This chapter has been completed!
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