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Chapter 141 Xu Tiannan's Doubt (1)

Although the farce at the Public Security Bureau last night did not cause any uproar, Xu Tiannan still couldn't let go, because judging from the "demolition planning report" picked up at the scene of the murder, Liu Jianmin was obviously the mastermind behind the demolition of Chen Liangshan's shop.


So what exactly happened between these two people?

Where was Chen Liangshan yesterday?

This question has been lingering in Xu Tiannan's mind since last night, making him unable to feel at ease.

Although this is a seemingly impossible probability, Xu Tiannan's style of doing things has always been to find out all the doubts at the crime scene.

Even if the other party is a person who is kind to him, he will never show favoritism in this matter.

Therefore, Xu Tiannan made excuses to send Murong Shui away early in the morning, and then went to Mobei Old Commercial Street alone. He found that Chen Liangshan's shop was still closed, but when he called the other party's phone number, it showed that it was from

It has been turned off since this morning.

At this moment, Xu Tiannan was sitting in the car, feeling as if a piece of iron had been pressed against his heart, which made him feel extremely heavy. He murmured to himself: "Be kind...you must never be a murderer!"


At the same time, there was a parking lot outside Jianmin Community.

After drinking most of the night with the Rag King last night, Chen Liangshan really didn't want to go home and face his mother-in-law, so he simply slept in the car all night.

Suddenly, he was awakened from his dream by several knocks on the window. When he slowly opened his eyes and looked out the window, he was frightened by the scene in front of him.

Two policemen from the police station in police uniforms were knocking on the car window, indicating to him to roll down the window.

"It's okay...it's okay...it can't be that you're looking for me, calm down..."

Chen Liangshan murmured something to calm himself, then rolled down the car window a crack and asked cautiously: "What...what's wrong?"

The policeman saluted and reminded: "Comrade, let me remind you that the public security in this area is not good and it is not safe to sleep in the car."

As expected, they were not here to catch him. Chen Liangshan was relieved and responded with a forced smile: "Oh! Okay, I'm sorry, I'll leave now."

But who would have thought that as soon as he started the car, he saw the police officer suddenly stretched out his hand to stop the car and said, "Wait a moment!"

The heart that had just been put down suddenly rose again. Chen Liangshan suppressed his nervous expression, but the fingertips holding the shift lever turned white due to nervousness, and responded again: "What...what's wrong?"

After a while, the police officer took out a photo from his body, placed it outside the window and asked, "Have you seen this person?"

With a start, Chen Liangshan had completely sobered up from the wine. However, when he saw the person in the photo, an uncontrollable feeling of fear suddenly came over him.

He discovered that the man in the photo in the hands of the police turned out to be the King of Rags. This was a picture taken from the interview video. After removing the mosaic, it was also processed clearly, and all the facial features of the other person were unreserved.

It shows in the photo.

It seems that the police have obtained the original version of the interview video last night, and have now begun arranging for the police station in the jurisdiction to find the person.

Why are the police looking for the Rag King?

While Chen Liangshan was still thinking about this issue, the police officer in front of him asked again: "Comrade, have you seen this person?"

After asking several times, Chen Liangshan finally recovered from the shock, and he hesitated when he spoke: "Oh! No... I haven't seen it before!"

Chen Liangshan's careless way of speaking immediately attracted the attention of the other two. The policeman who asked the question looked inside the car and did not notice anything unusual, but still ordered: "Comrade, please roll down the window.


Chen Liangshan felt his heart was in his throat. At this time, his mind went blank and he responded blankly: "What...what happened?"

The more the police officer looked at the man in front of him, the more suspicious he became. His right hand immediately reached for the armed belt around his waist, and he said sternly: "I order you to open the car door now and get out of the car slowly!"

Should we just run away? Or get off the car and cooperate with the inspection?

Although I should be safe for the time being, if I really meet a responsible police officer and the other party investigates my itinerary, I will not be able to tell him clearly.

Chen Liangshan was in a dilemma at this time, but he finally decided that it was best to cooperate with the police inspection before causing any trouble, so he suppressed his nervousness and slowly opened the car door.

As the car door was opened, before Chen Liangshan got out of the car, the two police officers in front of him suddenly smelled an unusually strong smell of alcohol, which was also mixed with an indescribable disgusting smell, just like the smell in a public restroom.

A stink.

When the police officer saw the man in front of him smelled of alcohol, he covered his nose and said, "Comrade, are you drunk?"

An idea flashed in Chen Liangshan's mind, and he suddenly pretended to vomit.

"Ugh... ugh..."

When the two young police officers saw this situation, they immediately backed away and shouted: "No! Don't vomit like this! Go vomit in the ditch over there!"

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Chen Liangshan pretended to swallow, causing the two police officers in front of him to feel nauseated. Then he responded with a frightened look: "I...I'm not driving under the influence! Officers, you guys can't.

Don’t accuse me wrongly!”

The policeman frowned, and after thinking for a long time, he turned out to be a man who had been drinking and was afraid of being caught for drunk driving, so he said in a deep voice: "Please take out your ID card!"

Chen Liangshan handed over his ID card while explaining that he was drinking and not driving. This situation was completely unexpected by him.

Sure enough, the police officer inserted the ID card into the mobile police terminal and checked it. He found that the man in front of him was not an Internet fugitive, so he returned the ID card to the man and warned: "Comrade, look at what you are doing now."

If you look like you're drunk, don't drive now and take a taxi home later, do you understand?" (Note)

The crisis was finally resolved. After watching the two police officers in front of him leave, Chen Liangshan's heart was still pounding, but he immediately realized a problem.

Why are the police looking for the Rag King?

He thought about it for a long time, and there were only two possibilities. One: the police needed the Tattered King to return to the station to assist in the investigation in order to determine the identity of the perpetrator in more detail.

Judging from the current situation, this possibility is very high, but what Chen Liangshan is really afraid of is the second possibility, that is, the police discovered that the Tattered King was lying, and this behavior of providing false information to the police investigation has completely ended.

It constitutes a crime of concealment, so what the police want to do now is to bring the Rag King into the police station and use high-pressure interrogation to pry open the other party's mouth to obtain information about the real murderer.

Thinking of this, Chen Liangshan broke out in a cold sweat. No matter what the situation was now, he had to make preparations in advance.

So after he waited for the two police officers to go away, he quickly got out of the car and ran to the abandoned public toilet where he and the Rag King had a drink last night.

A few minutes later, the Rag King was still lying on the floor of the public toilet, sleeping soundly. Large areas of vomit around him had dried up and stuck to the ground, and the guy was still snoring in a daze.

"Wake up! Hey! Wake up quickly!"

The Rag King was shaken so much that he almost vomited out again. When he opened his eyes in a daze, a bottle of mineral water was suddenly poured on his face.

"Cough! Cough..."

After coughing for a while, the Tattered King saw clearly the person in front of him and said in surprise: "Chen...Brother Chen? What's wrong with you?"

"I just saw two policemen looking for you!"

"Ah!" The Rag King was so frightened that he sobered up and asked hurriedly: "What's going on? Why are the police looking for me?"

Chen Liangshan covered the other person's mouth and whispered: "I don't know what's going on now, but the police are definitely not doing anything good by looking for you! Maybe they found out that you lied during the interview!"

The Tattered King said nervously: "Ah! How could this happen? No...it can't be!"

Chen Liangshan: "Those policemen are eating this bowl of rice. Maybe they have discovered the problem through some clues at the scene!"

"Then...then what should I do now? It's over...I'm done!"

"Calm down!" Chen Liangshan reprimanded the other person in a low voice, then patted the other person's shoulder hard and said: "King of Rags, remember! Regardless of whether the police find you lying, we must be prepared.

!And you are my brother now, and I will never let anything happen to you! Do you understand?"

The Rag King suppressed his nervousness and gasped: "Ming... understand! I don't want to be caught by the police!"

"Okay! Now you listen to my arrangements!"

After saying that, Chen Liangshan stuffed a hundred yuan into the other party's pocket and whispered: "You don't need to register for the small hotel over there on Widow Street. It only costs 20 yuan a night. You can go there and stay there now and don't come out.

Wait for my news about the matter, do you understand?"

The Tattered King was so nervous that his lips trembled a little, and he whispered: "I understand...but, how should I wait for your news?"

"By the way, do you have a mobile phone?"

The Rag King shook his head, "No, I can't use that thing."

Chen Liangshan wrote his phone number on a piece of paper, and then handed the other party two hundred yuan, saying: "Go to the second-hand market to buy the cheapest mobile phone, and then apply for a phone card. I will wait for you to move in."

After entering the small hotel on Widow Street, just send me a junk text message about winning the lottery, and I will know your number. Do you understand what I am saying?"

The Rag King casually put the money into his pocket and whispered: "Don't worry, Brother Chen, I'm going now! Before I hear from you, I...I will never run around!"

This chapter has been completed!
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