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Chapter 158 The life that has been changed (4)

Chen Liangshan asked the old woman to take the children to hide first, while he led Liu Xiaoyue to a room at the end.

Liu Jianren walked into the room and looked at the moldy walls around him with a look of disgust. It wasn't until the thugs wiped the stool in front of him again and again, and then padded it with several napkins that he sat down with a frown.

Go down.

After sitting down, Liu Jianren looked at Liu Xiaoyue in front of him. He was completely different from when he was brought here 2 months ago. He had a thin and sallow little face, and a pair of small hands that had not yet grown up, but were covered with all the things left from working.

Small scars underneath.

Liu Jianren watched for 2 minutes, and then he suddenly put on a serious and caring face like a parent and said: "Xiao Yue, have you had a hard time in the past two months in the orphanage? Do you still remember your past?

I often say that I don’t like playing with poor people. Now you should really realize that this is the life of poor people. Isn’t it terrible? But do you know? Sending you to an orphanage is the most painful decision I have ever made...


Liu Xiaoyue did not respond, but silently watched the other party's performance.

Seeing that the other party did not respond, Liu Jianren simply lowered his head, and slowly squeezed out a few tears from his eyes. He cried and said: "But Xiaoyue, do you know why I have to send you here?

That's because your father owes a lot of money outside, a lot of money... Now that your father is gone, these debt collectors have started looking for you everywhere. I really had no choice but to take you away for your safety.

You don’t blame me for sending it here, do you?”

Liu Jianren picked up a tissue, wiped his tears, and then blew his nose. It seemed difficult to recover from his grief, but the lawyer beside him handed over a document at the right time and placed it in front of Liu Xiaoyue.

Liu Jianren said with a very painful expression.

——"Xiao Yue, uncle, let me tell you the truth. The house, car and money in the bank left by your father are not enough to repay external debts."

——"And I have very bad news to tell you, that is, your father's company lost a lot of money due to poor management. Do you know these words? Look, is there a negative number after the profit?


——"But you know, I am not only your legal guardian, but also your father's lifelong friend. I can never watch you being chased by debt collectors for the rest of your life!"

When Liu Jianren said this, he deliberately used the words "debt collection" and "for life" very seriously. His purpose was to scare the young and ignorant Liu Xiaoyue and make her understand the horror of being targeted by debt collectors.

Then, Liu Jianren suddenly looked at the other party with loving eyes and said softly: "To be honest with you, uncle really doesn't have much money now, but uncle, I plan to do one last thing for you."

After he finished speaking, the lawyer placed another document in front of Liu Xiaoyue, and the title of this document clearly read "Equity Transfer Agreement."

Liu Jianren had a bitter look on his face, thinking about himself.

——"Uncle, the last thing I plan to do for you is to transfer all the shares your father left you to me, so that you don't have to worry about those debts in the future.

Those debt collectors will only chase me for money every day."

——"As for the question of what equity is, your father should have told you before. Simply put, equity is the responsibility a person needs to bear in the company. Whoever has more equity will be looked for by debt collectors.

Who wants money?"

——"Of course, Xiaoyue, you don't have to worry about your uncle. I'm not afraid of those bad guys! Even if they beat me to death, I will never let them trouble you again!"

——"And uncle, I will not only bear the debt owed by your father for you this time, but I will also leave you a large amount of money. This money is enough for you to not have to live in this poor place in the future. It is enough for you."

I will go to school and live in the future, okay?"

After finishing speaking, the lawyer placed a "Declaration of No Injury to the Interests of Minors" in front of Liu Xiaoyue, and then took out his mobile phone and adjusted it to camera mode.

Liu Jianren said: "Xiao Yue, read the content on this piece of paper, and then put your thumbprint on the last page of the equity transfer agreement. We will finish this today. There are some words you don't know.

It doesn’t matter, uncle has written the pinyin on it for you, you just need to recite it, after reciting it, we will stay in a hotel tonight, the most luxurious hotel, okay?"

From beginning to end, Liu Xiaoyue sat on the chair without saying a word. On the contrary, Chen Liangshan finally couldn't help it and burst out laughing.

Liu Jianren thought about it carefully and thought that his performance was perfect from every angle, so he asked: "So and so, why are you laughing?"

Chen Liangshan held back his laughter and said, "You have never raised a child, have you?"

"What the hell does it have to do with you whether I have raised children or not?" Liu Jianren couldn't help but look a little angry and said: "Don't let me do anything about it. Let me tell you, I hate children the most..."

Liu Jianren was just mid-sentence when he saw the lawyer next to him suddenly touching him. He immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing, so he put on his fatherly and loving smile again and asked: "Xiao Yue, are you ready?"

? How about we get started?"

Liu Xiaoyue didn't even look at the documents in front of her. She suddenly raised her head and said, "You are lying to me!"

Liu Jianren raised his neck in surprise, "Huh? What are you talking about, Xiaoyue! My uncle is your father's best friend. Now that your father is gone, you are my daughter. How could I lie to my daughter?"

Although Liu Xiaoyue's voice was childish, her eyes were very firm as she said: "I don't believe what you said at all. Dad once told me that he had money, lots and lots of money. Not only did he have a lot of money in the bank, but also

There is more money in the company! He also said that the money will be mine from now on, and even the company will be mine from now on! You are simply lying to me! You want to take away dad's company!"

Liu Jianren was so surprised that he almost curled his mouth into a "one" shape, and then unconsciously asked the lawyer in a low voice: "Are all the little kids these days so precocious?"

The lawyer muttered from the side: "That's because you are stupid..."

Liu Jianren raised his face and asked, "What did you say?"

The lawyer shook his head and whispered: "It's nothing... I think Xiaoyue knows everything very well, why don't you start planning!"

Seeing this situation, Liu Jianren thought that it would be useless to continue to deceive him, so he stopped hiding it. He suddenly slapped the table and stood up, threatening loudly: "Xiao Yue! If you don't obey me again, I'll break your legs!"

As soon as the words fell, the thugs rushed in instantly, frightening Liu Xiaoyue to hide behind Chen Liangshan.

However, Chen Liangshan had already known that the other person would come up with such a move. When the thug in front of him approached, he instantly raised the wooden stool in his hand and smashed the opponent's head.

There was a crisp "click" sound, and the wooden stool was smashed to pieces on the thug's head. The thug also swayed twice before being kicked hard by Chen Liangshan and fell to the ground.

However, just as the thug fell to the ground, another thug also took the opportunity to rush forward and punch him. Chen Liangshan protected his head and chest with both arms and took the opponent's punch head-on.

However, the people Chen Liangshan faced were obviously experienced thugs. While he was fighting with the opponent, a third thug quietly circled around him, raised his foot and launched a low whip and kick.

In the crook of his leg.

Chen Liangshan felt his left leg go weak, and he immediately knelt on one knee on the ground. However, the thug in front of him didn't wait for him to stand upright, and directly picked up another wooden stool and smashed it over his head.

Just when the stool was about to fall, he heard the thug scream "ouch", and this voice just bought Chen Liangshan a chance to fight back.

The other party directly hit the thug against the wall.

A rain of punches and kicks came from behind, but when Chen Liangshan was in prison, his seniors had already taught him one thing, that is, the resistance of the back of the human body is several times greater than that of the front, so he did not care about the kicks from behind.

The coming fists and kicks concentrated all the power on the head and slammed into the opponent's door.

Once, twice, but before Chen Liangshan hit him for the third time, his back finally couldn't bear the blow, and he immediately fell to his knees in pain.

It wasn't until Chen Liangshan fell that he realized that Liu Xiaoyue was as vicious as a snapping turtle that bites people and won't let go. At this time, he was still biting the thug's wrist, even biting out the opponent's flesh.

There were several streams of blood flowing down.

"Brother Jianren! That crazy woman called the police!"

Liu Jianren's lawyer walked out after the fight started, but when he went out, he heard the voice of the woman calling the police, so he hurriedly rushed in, put the information into his bag, and said to everyone: "Quick! Quick.


Liu Jianren cursed secretly, and before leaving, he did not forget to threaten Liu Xiaoyue: "Xiaoyue, listen well! If you dare to be so disobedient next time! I will let the debt collectors capture you and sell you to the mountains!"

At this time, Chen Liangshan was in pain all over his body. Although he was beaten so hard that he could hardly stand up, he felt calm in his heart when he saw Liu Jianren leading people away.

This was the first time Chen Liangshan heard Liu Xiaoyue's cry, but at this moment, he finally understood what he could do for Liu Jianmin.

He finally found his own salvation.

This chapter has been completed!
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