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Chapter 2 The Weird Visitor

Inside the office.

Li Xianglan explained: "My sister's name is Li Xiangqin. She works in a factory in this city. She made a phone call with me when she got off work last Friday. After that phone call, she has not come home until now, but I have

I receive messages from her mobile phone every day. It is precisely because the intervals between these messages are within 24 hours that the police station cannot open a case! But...but I am sure that it is not her who sent the text messages! Someone must have taken it.

Take her cell phone!"

Li Xianglan turned on her phone, and sure enough, two text messages sent to her recently by her sister were displayed, and these two messages were sent yesterday and the day before yesterday respectively.

——Sister, I want to go out and play for a few days, don’t worry.

——Sister, I won’t go back for the time being.

Li Xianglan said: "The person in the text message is definitely not Qinqin. I know her well. She never calls me 'sister', she always calls me 'old woman'! And I have already made an appointment with her to be together on the weekend."

She went home to celebrate her birthday, so something must have happened to her!"

Hearing these words, Murong Shui blurted out without thinking: "Sister Xianglan, how come you are so honest! You shouldn't have told the police about the text messages when you went to report the crime! As long as you didn't say it,

If no one knows, if they don't know, they have to investigate. Even if this matter is really found out in the future, you can just insist that there is something wrong with the phone."

"Don't be ridiculous! What's the use of saying this now that the matter is over?" Xu Tiannan motioned to Murong Shui not to interrupt, and at the same time asked: "Is there anything wrong with the phone call you and your sister made when you got off work on Friday?


Li Xianglan said: "There is nothing abnormal. She had just got off work from the factory and told me that she was going to go home with her friend Gu Xiaobai. Because the two of them usually played well, so I didn't

I care, but her phone calls have never been answered since then."

Murong Shui asked again: "Then have you gone to see the girl named Gu Xiaobai?"

Li Xianglan nodded and said with a painful expression on her face: "I've looked for it, but that girl Gu Xiaobai is unwilling to say anything, and she even refuses to admit that she went home with Qinqin that day. No matter what I said back and forth,

She didn't even tell me when I asked her. In the end, she simply disappeared from me. I...I really don't know what to do, and there's nothing I can do to her..."

Murong Shui thought for a while and said: "Actually, adolescent girls have more delicate minds. Is there a possibility that your sister is not missing in fact, but is just with a boy with whom she has a good relationship..."

"No! It's impossible! Qinqin is still young, there is no way she would do such a thing!" Li Xianglan picked up the call record and explained: "And look at this call record, she didn't do anything in the three days

Any call records, that's because her phone is always turned off, and the person who got her phone will only turn it on when he needs to send me a text message. Once he sends a text message, he immediately turns off the phone. This must be

has a problem!"

Xu Tiannan, who had been listening, finally asked: "If you follow the rule of receiving a text message within 24 hours, you will receive another message from your sister's phone in a few hours. But if it is like you

I guess the person who sent the text message is not your sister, so I think the other party is obviously delaying time in order to prevent the case from being filed."

Murong Shui asked: "Why is the other party delaying time?"

Xu Tiannan whispered: "The matter of missing persons cannot be hidden. Since the other party is deliberately delaying time, it is very likely..."

Having said this, Xu Tiannan suddenly realized something and stopped talking because he had already thought of the worst possibility.

After a while, Li Xianglan saw that the other party was silent, thinking that the other party wanted to take the opportunity to ask for a price, so she took off the gold ring from her hand, took out all the cash from her wallet and handed it to Xu Tiannan, saying: "Actually, I really don't know what to do now.

, but I saw the news about you in the newspaper, and I learned that sometimes the police will ask for your help when handling cases, so I want to ask you to help me find my sister. As long as I find my sister, all this can be regarded as your reward.


Xu Tiannan pushed the gold ring and money back and explained: "Sister Xianglan, you have misunderstood me. Although I am not a policeman, I am by no means a person who puts interests first. It's just that I need to make sure about this matter.


Li Xianglan said: "What's the matter?"

Xu Tiannan said: "Because I am not a policeman, I will only help those who I think are worthy of help. Now, I want to do something to determine whether you are a person worthy of my help. That is to say, I

Want to determine if you are a good person in the traditional sense."

Although Li Xianglan didn't understand what the other party wanted to do, she immediately agreed: "Okay, okay, as long as you help me find Qinqin, I can do whatever you want."

"Okay, please come over here."

Xu Tiannan motioned the other party to sit in the corner of the office, then pulled out two pairs of electrostatic adsorption stickers connected to wires from a device covered with black cloth in the corner, and then said: "Please give me your hand."

Li Xianglan stretched out her hand, and the other party put round electrostatic adsorption patches on both sides of the pulse and temples of her hands, and then put a blood pressure monitor on the armpit. Xu Tiannan explained: "This is the Mobei Criminal Investigation Detachment.

The principle of the newly invented lie detector is that when a person tells the truth or lies, the resistance of the skin will change to varying degrees. I will ask you a few questions later. You only need to answer yes or no. At the same time,

The lie detector behind you will record how truthfully you answered each question, got it?"

Li Xianglan had never seen such a high-tech thing before, and she seemed a little nervous at this time. When she wanted to look back at this high-tech equipment, she was stopped by the other party: "Don't move, the test has already started."

Xu Tiannan took a deep breath, held Li Xianglan's wrist, then took out a children's picture book and placed it in front of him, and asked: "What's your name?"

"Li Xianglan."

"What's your sister's name?"

"Li Xiangqin."

Xu Tiannan pointed to a red picture in the album, "Is this red?"


Xu Tiannan pointed to a pond in the album and asked, "Is this a house?"


"Are you a kind person?"

Li Xianglan replied firmly: "Yes."

"Have you ever lied to anyone?"

Li Xianglan thought for a while and replied: "I cheated."

Xu Tiannan pointed to the green picture again and said: "Is this blue?"


Xu Tiannan paused and suddenly asked: "Have you ever killed anyone?"

Li Xianglan was slightly startled and immediately replied: "No!"

Xu Tiannan pointed to an airplane in the album and asked, "Is this a cannon?"


"Are you a selfish person?"


"Have you ever stolen from anyone?"


Xu Tiannan thought for a while, "Then let me change the question. You stole other people's things when you were a child, right?"

Li Xianglan hesitated for a moment and said: "Yes..."

Xu Tiannan suddenly changed the subject and said: "The reason why the police station did not file a case on your sister's disappearance is because you concealed something from both the police and me, right?"

Li Xianglan immediately responded emotionally: "No, that's not the case!"

Xu Tiannan stretched out his hand to signal the other party to be quiet, then asked a series of long and tedious questions, and finally removed the electrostatic patch on the other party. Li Xianglan immediately turned around and looked at the high-tech lie detector, eager to know her test results.

Murong Shui asked Xu Tiannan in a low voice: "Boss, what do you think of this woman?"

Xu Tiannan smiled bitterly and said: "I don't think she has anything to hide. It seems that she really came to us this time because her sister was missing and she was desperate."

Murong Shui asked again: "Then do you really plan to help her?"

Xu Tiannan said: "What? You don't want to?"

Murong Shui muttered in a low voice: "Actually, it's not that I'm unwilling. I just think... let's do this kind of small case... It's laborious and thankless, just like the theft case on April 15 last time. Although it was

The criminal investigation detachment asked us to help with the case, but everyone knows that we made the greatest contribution, but in the end... we didn't get anything good at all? We didn't even go to the commendation meeting..."

Xu Tiannan glared at the other party and reprimanded: "Why are you starting again? How many times have I told you, if you want to be in the limelight, go to the Criminal Investigation Detachment to do field work and show yourself up. I won't stop you. You can do whatever you want there. Everything will happen in the future.

not my business."

Seeing that the other party was angry, Murong Shui hurriedly apologized, and then used the tried and tested method to admit his mistake in a low voice: "Okay, okay, I just won't complain! From now on, I promise to keep your old man's teachings in mind, for the sake of this land of birth that we love.

Fight, fight for the vulnerable groups in the world, promise to do your best, waste your brains, devote yourself to death, and die..."


Li Xiangqin, who was sitting next to him, stared at the high-tech lie detector and asked doubtfully, "Why does this lie detector... look like a microwave oven?"

Xu Tiannan explained: "Sister Xianglan, please don't mind, because this is really a microwave oven. In fact, there is no high-tech lie detector from the beginning. Everything I do is just to increase your ritual."

The purpose of doing this is to judge whether you lied by observing your facial expression, blood pressure and pulse beat when you answer questions."

Li Xianglan said eagerly: "What about now? Can you help me find my sister?"

Xu Tiannan nodded and said: "There is indeed something fishy about your sister's disappearance, so I will also ask friends from the criminal investigation detachment to help you, but before that, we must understand the situation clearly. According to what you just said, in

Before your sister disappeared, she was with a girl named Gu Xiaobai, right?"

Li Xianglan nodded.

"In that case, take me to see that girl. I want to talk to her and find out what happened that night."

"But..." Li Xianglan said hesitantly: "That girl doesn't know why, but she still doesn't want to mention Qinqin's disappearance. I'm worried that she won't tell you either."

Xu Tiannan smiled and said: "Don't worry, just take me to see her, and then I will find a way to make her talk."

This chapter has been completed!
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