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Chapter 209 I always know where you are when you are sad

In Baima Park, dense raindrops fell on people's heads accompanied by thunder. Everyone left along the path and took shelter under the eaves in the distance.

The park, which was bustling just now, suddenly became extremely quiet and lonely. Occasionally, a few children with big balls broke away from the hands of adults and ran into the lawn like dogs on the loose. However, they were soon caught.

The chasing adults slapped him back several times.

After several children's cries, Xiao Yanran was once again the only one left in the park, but she was very grateful for the timely thunderstorm that gave her a space to be alone without being disturbed.

In this way, she can cry loudly and roar loudly to vent her feelings without restraint, or she can let herself collapse like this and be drowned in the roaring thunder.

No matter how much rain washed down from her head, she felt that the dirt on her body could never be washed away. She didn't even know when her life became a mess.

Xiao Yanran cried very sadly, but she didn't know what the problem was.

Over the years, he has worked hard for this family and has never bought himself a luxury item. Even when he was sick, he did not dare to ask for leave. The purpose was just to let his children live a little more like that. But he himself would rather

I have lived this kind of life just to save more money so that my current scattered family can live a better life.

But in the end, what did I get?

Her children hate her, her husband doesn't want to say a word to her, and even her parents, who have raised her for many years, always look down on her every time they see her, and their eyes are full of the messy life she is living now.

A look of disgust.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yanran felt confused.

Over the years, she would try her best to meet every opportunity that came her way, but in the end it ended up like this.

When Liu Jianmin was murdered, he broke into the scene at the risk of being detained by the police in order to obtain first-hand information and obtain a high bonus.

As far as the facts are concerned, she did do it, but what she paid for it was her loyalty to her family that she had guarded for so many years.

When her husband was injured and hospitalized, but the total money of the whole family was not even enough for hospitalization expenses, she seized the opportunity to interview Mr. Jiang, but once again treated herself as a commodity and exchanged it for him in a despicable manner.


Xiao Yanran screamed loudly at the sky, as if she was asking God, why did she end up like this after giving so much? Did she really not deserve to have a happy life?

Her emotions were almost broken. Tears and rain mixed together, making the world in Xiao Yanran's eyes increasingly blurry and unreal.

But in the next moment, the raindrops hitting him suddenly stopped. When he looked up, he found that through the rain that blurred his vision, Chen Liangshan was sitting with an umbrella.

Around yourself.


Xiao Yanran didn't know how to face her husband at this time. She murmured words that she couldn't hear clearly, but the other party reached out her hand without any concern, wiped away the tears on her face, and whispered: "

I knew that every time you were unhappy, you would come to this park alone."

In the cold rain, Xiao Yanran suddenly felt a familiar warmth in her heart. She hugged her husband regardless and cried loudly: "Husband, I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Chen Liangshan held an umbrella with one hand, but slowly hugged his wife with the other hand, caressing her head affectionately, and whispered: "Yanran, I have said it before, you don't need to say sorry, it's me who is sorry.


As he spoke, Chen Liangshan hugged the other party harder to his chest and whispered: "I have deleted the video and will never see it again."

"Really...really?" Hearing this, Xiao Yanran seemed a little unbelievable.

Chen Liangshan nodded, "Well, don't worry, that video will never be seen by others, and from today on, I will never mention it with you again."

For Xiao Yanran, it's not that she hasn't thought about the consequences of this incident being exposed, nor has she ever thought about what their life will be like when her husband knows about it.

It could be said that she had already thought of the ending no matter how bad it was, but she did not expect it to be the ending it was now.

For her, this moment was like a dream. She couldn't even tell if her husband was angry. She simply couldn't believe it was true.

However, in her husband's eyes, Xiao Yanran found that his eyes were gentler than ever before, as if... he was looking at a child.

This feeling gave Xiao Yanran warmth, and she couldn't help but want to ask: "Don't you...are you angry?"

Chen Liangshan thought about it for a while and sighed softly: "It would be a lie to say that I am not angry. No man in this world can endure his wife's betrayal. To be honest with you, there was a moment when I wanted to leave you there.


After saying that, Chen Liangshan suddenly changed the subject and said, "But I gave up the idea later. Do you know why?"

Xiao Yanran shook her head.

Chen Liangshan explained for a long time: "Because when I heard those words you said when you were drunk and unconscious, I could feel that you cared about me. At that time, you thought that person named Wu was me, right?


Xiao Yanran said nothing, but closed her eyes tightly and nodded.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Chen Liangshan finally smiled, hugged the other party, and said softly: "How can I get angry with you like this?"

Xiao Yanran's words were full of apology, and she responded in a low voice: "But...but you scolded me very harshly that day. I really thought...we would come to an end."


Chen Liangshan gently grabbed the other person's head, pushed it on his forehead, and said softly: "Although sometimes I may say some words that make you sad, we have been married for so long, and I have never forgotten my role as a husband.

Responsibility! I didn’t do it before, I won’t do it now, and I won’t do it in the future!”

The words made Yanran smile so much that her heart almost melted. She hugged Chen Liangshan hard and burst into tears again.

After crying for a while, she smiled and said again: "I'm sorry...husband...actually...there is something I haven't told you..."

Chen Liangshan interrupted: "You want to tell me about the interview with Mr. Jiang, right?"

Xiao Yanran was suddenly startled, and a feeling of nervousness suddenly swept over her body. At this moment, she was like a child who had done something wrong but was discovered by an adult. She spoke carefully and said: "You...you know everything?"

Chen Liangshan nodded and asked: "Is the hospitalization fee that the hospital paid at that time related to your interview with Mr. Jiang?"

It seemed that her husband already knew everything, and Xiao Yanran's heart suddenly rose again, but she did not want to hide anything from her husband anymore.

Therefore, she mustered up the courage and proactively admitted: "Yes, the hospital was pressing for hospitalization fees at that time, but Mr. Jiang had to appoint me to interview him. When I had no choice,

I can only agree to this request..."

As she talked, Xiao Yanran cried again. The scenes of the past that made her feel frightened, disgusted, and ashamed reappeared in her mind. It felt like re-opening the wounds that had just healed and scabbed.

It was torn open once and exposed to the sun.

Suddenly, Xiao Yanran felt herself being hugged by a pair of strong shoulders, and her husband's gentle voice came to her ears.

"Okay, don't talk anymore, it's all in the past."


Xiao Yanran seemed a little unbelievable. She never expected that her husband would have such an attitude, but the man's heavy breathing and strong arms beside her reminded her all the time that this was not a dream.


After a moment of silence, Chen Liangshan finally said: "Yanran, I have paid too little attention to you during this period. I'm sorry, I have wronged you."

All the tension no longer existed. Nothing Xiao Yanran could say at this moment was superfluous, and the only thing she could do was to hug the other person with her deepest love.

At night, heavy rain washed away the entire Mobei City, and the air was filled with the smell of new life.

However, the couple, who had been married for twelve years, walked arm in arm in the tree-lined belt like a couple in love.

Xiao Yanran couldn't remember how many years she had not taken such a walk with her husband, and she had devoted all her life to this family and her daughter over the years, but she neglected that there was another person beside her who was equally struggling, but always accompanied her silently.

My own man.

Chen Liangshan told the story of how he had just cleaned up Wu Juyang. When he talked about stuffing the other person's head into the toilet, Xiao Yanran almost laughed until tears flowed out again.

But this time the tears made her feel happy and moved. However, after this incident, she asked in embarrassment: "Husband, tell me... do I need to resign?"

Chen Liangshan smiled and shook his head, comforting him: "Why do you want to resign? You are already the director of your company's reporter department. If you change to another company, wouldn't you have to start from scratch again?"


When Xiao Yanran thought of this, her good mood was suddenly enveloped in a haze, and she said uneasily: "You hit Wu Juyang this time. Although he is afraid of you, in the future, will he hinder his face and make things difficult for me at work?"

, put on some shoes for me..."


Chen Liangshan suddenly stood still, put his hands on the other person's shoulders and said, "If something like this really happens, you must be patient! For the sake of this family, you must also be patient! Do you understand?"

Xiao Yanran thought about it carefully and felt that what the other party said made sense, so she nodded and agreed: "I will, of course I can endure this, but I don't know... when will this kind of thing come to an end."

The warm hug came again. Chen Liangshan stepped forward and hugged Xiao Yanran tightly in his arms again, and whispered: "Wife, don't think so much. In short, you can do whatever you want from now on. You must believe

, everything will definitely get better in the near future."

"Yes, I believe it."

Xiao Yanran also hugged the other party tightly and whispered: "Well, I believe...everything will be fine."

The old couple hugged each other happily, and Xiao Yanran gently closed her eyes, feeling the sense of security brought to her by this man whom she had not felt for a long time.

Although Chen Liangshan was holding his lover in his hands at this time, all he could think about was Wu Juyang's figure, and his eyes finally showed murderous intent.

This chapter has been completed!
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