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Chapter 255: Interrogation of Chen Liangshan

The next evening.

Since the arrest in the oil field last night, since the police now have no direct evidence against Chen Liangshan, they are unable to apply for criminal detention. In the end, they had to summon him to the Criminal Investigation Detachment.

At this time, there was only the last hour left before the stipulated time for summons.

However, during this period, the investigators never got any useful clues from Chen Liangshan.

No matter how the investigators interrogated him, Chen Liangshan only had one answer after tossing and turning, and that was that he slept all night in his electrical repair shop yesterday and did not go anywhere.

Regarding this confession, the investigators went to the commercial street where the store was located to obtain surveillance. According to the surveillance, Chen Liangshan did enter his store that night and did not leave until this morning.

But there is an irresolvable contradiction here, that is, since Liu Jianmin's death, the development of the commercial street frontage area has been put on hold. However, the window behind Chen Liangshan's small shop directly faces the area.

At the construction site of the unfinished building, if he really left through the rear window that night, he would have at least three more routes to choose from in order to avoid surveillance.

Therefore, the summons for Chen Liangshan has also reached a deadlock.

In the office, Xu Tiannan spent a long time telling Wen Sibao everything that had happened since he began to suspect Chen Liangshan, and Wen Sibao also fell into deep thought after listening.

For a long time, Wen Sibao asked in disbelief: "So Tiannan... If I heard you correctly, you mean that Chen Liangshan not only killed Liu Jianmin and his secretary, but also Liu Jianren, the Tattered King, Wu Juyang, and Jia Tian

The two lives that night were all his fault?"

Xu Tiannan nodded, his face solemn.

Wen Sibao asked in a low voice: "Tian Nan, these are four cases and seven lives. Are you sure you know what you are talking about?"

Xu Tiannan: "I have no mental problems now, and I also know that there is no necessary connection between these cases, and there is no intersection between these victims. But if we think about it from another angle, if we boldly assume that Chen Liangshan is really

If he is the murderer, his criminal motive is enough to connect all the cases together."

Wen Sibao: "But there is no conclusive evidence for all of your above suspicions, right?"

Xu Tiannan shook his head and sighed.

——"There have been several times when I thought I was very close to the truth, but whenever I went to verify the truth, Chen Liangshan could always prove his alibi either proactively or unintentionally. Is this true?

Could it be a coincidence?"

——"And just yesterday in the oil field, the masked man clearly had a weapon in his hand, but he seemed to be deliberately unwilling to hurt me."

——"Even later, when I fell from the building, he was willing to give up the best opportunity to escape, even if he put himself in danger, he wanted to rescue me at that time."

——"So based on all the above information, besides Chen Liangshan... I really can't think of anyone else besides Chen Liangshan."

Wen Sibao frowned.

——"I do find it strange that the masked man risked his life to save you that night. It stands to reason that a murderer with two lives in his hands would not miss the best opportunity to escape.


——"So if you look at it from my point of view, that person must be someone who cares about you very much, so he can make this choice."

——"But none of the above things can be used as evidence, let alone the reason why we arrest people without evidence now."

——"Tiannan, you should know better than me. Handling a case without evidence and relying only on intuitive guessing or motive goes against the original intention of our 'inference of innocence'. If this continues, what if anything is done?"

If a mistake is made and we are not even aware of it, it can easily lead to an unjust, false and wrongful conviction."

——"And I also have to tell you that based on the clues we have now, these cases cannot even meet the conditions for joint investigation."

Xu Tiannan's eyes were as bright as fire, and he stared at Chen Liangshan who was sitting in the summons room on the screen in front of him, and responded slowly: "Of course I understand what you said, if Chen Liangshan is really innocent... then I am now

He's doing something terrible."

Wen Sibao asked again: "Then... what if he is really guilty?"

Xu Tiannan was slightly startled, and his whole mood seemed to suddenly feel a huge sense of exhaustion. He squeezed his swollen eye sockets due to lack of sleep, and whispered: "Then I will apply for recusal."

The office suddenly became quiet. After a while, Wen Sibao responded: "When the time comes... let's talk about it later."

Later, Wen Sibao asked again: "What do you think of the two people who died last night?"

Xu Tiannan: "Wu Chachui's home is covered with photos of him stalking Wu Juyang, and the investigators also found the '36c' phone card that contacted Wu Juyang, but I don't think Wu Chachui is the murderer."

Wen Sibao nodded in agreement, "Well, as soon as we found the guy named Hua She, he told us that the murderer was a man with a height of 1.8 meters. This characteristic also happened to match Wu Chachui's height. All this was simply

It’s like it was arranged by someone.”

Xu Tiannan added: "Yes! If we hadn't found the place last night based on the location of the Hua She Taxi, I'm afraid all the evidence of Wu Juyang's murder would now point directly to Wu Chachai."

Wen Sibao whispered: "So the situation may be as we analyzed it. The masked man last night threatened Hua She, forcing him to give false testimony to the police, and then killed him and silenced him."

Xu Tiannan: "Then we will kill Wu Chachui and Hua She. The case will be over. After all, the dead will never complain."

Wen Sibao: "Do you really suspect that the masked man last night was...Chen Liangshan?"

Xu Tiannan held the pen and smeared the white paper in front of him into darkness, and whispered: "If someone told me that he single-handedly confuses the police, I would really believe it, but until now, we have not yet

I don’t know why the murderer had to kill Wu Chahui. If he just wanted to frame the blame, he could have framed the blame on another person who could more easily succeed, unless..."

Wen Sibao: "Unless the murderer has a reason to kill Wu Chachui!"

Suddenly, Wen Sibao's cell phone rang. He answered it, listened for a while, then hung up, and then said to Xu Tiannan: "Let's put this matter aside for now... Chen Liangshan's wife came over and called her by name.

What should I do if I want to find you?"

Xu Tiannan: "Let's go, some things cannot be avoided."

Although Xu Tiannan knew what he was going to face before he walked into the reception room, and he was even mentally prepared to be slapped by Xiao Yanran, but after he opened the door and walked in, he was still shocked by the scene in front of him.


Xiao Yanran did not say bad words, nor did she behave like other family members. Instead, when she saw Xu Tiannan come in, she quickly stood up with the photographer and recorder and surrounded him.

Xiao Yanran couldn't help but turned the microphone over and said, "Hello, Mr. Xu Tiannan, if you don't mind, I would like to ask you a few questions."

Xu Tiannan obviously did not expect that this woman would do such a trick, and he had almost forgotten the identity of the other reporter, but when he looked back, he found that Wen Sibao had long disappeared.

But Xiao Yanran didn't want to give the other party time to respond and asked directly: "According to the information provided by the public, this time the Public Security Bureau directly brought a man named Chen Liangshan back to the station for interrogation without any evidence.

Is this something you did personally or was it the unified deployment of the criminal investigation detachment?"

Faced with this "proposition", Xu Tiannan knew that he could not underestimate the woman in front of him. The other party was deliberately saying such unreasonable things, and he would fall into a trap if he was not careful, so he immediately responded: "Sorry,

What you just said is not correct. This is not an interrogation, let alone an arrest. Mr. Chen is just a normal summons as a witness during our investigation this time. It does not involve detention or criminal detention. Moreover, this

The summons will not exceed the maximum time limit of 12 hours."

Xiao Yanran: "Excuse me, how long does it take to reach the deadline?"

Xu Tiannan looked at his watch and responded: "There are about 40 minutes left."

"Thank you for your cooperation, goodbye."

No one expected that Xiao Yanran would end the interview after only asking this question. At this time, she also said to the driver and photographer behind her: "If you don't see anyone released after 41 minutes, let's take this case."

The incident was reported to the Mobei People's Livelihood Forum, and the city's media will be notified at the same time."

Xu Tiannan was stunned, because in Xiao Yanran's eyes, he could no longer see the warm and familiar look in Xiao Yanran's eyes.

But he knows very well that even if he is right in this world, once some things are done, they can never be taken back.

This chapter has been completed!
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