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Chapter 330 Catastrophe (8)

After several hours of intense interrogation, Lin Aji felt more and more that her brain was starting to become confused, and she also realized that all her tricks were simply not enough to deceive the two policemen in front of her.

Simply, she would no longer believe anything Wen Sibao said and was unwilling to mention anything related to the case.

However, the two policemen in front of him seemed not to let him go at all. The other policemen kept looking for logical loopholes in their words, and at the same time produced a series of incriminating evidence related to themselves.

During these few hours of interrogation, the police officers first searched the zoo's breeding area and found dog food with the same grain content as Cheng Huoran's feces. At the same time, they found two open bags of lactation in their dormitory.


However, all the above items, as well as the cage where Cheng Huoran was originally imprisoned, were stained with a large number of his fingerprints, so Lin Aji knew that it was impossible for him to rule out suspicion this time.

So, in such a desperate and struggling situation, Lin Aji also made a difficult decision.

Now that he has been arrested and there is no way to deny it under so much evidence, the only thing he can do now is not to implicate Chen Liangshan again.

Therefore, Lin Aji decided to fight all the crimes alone, and this was the last thing she could do for the man she loved.

But how could this little trick fool Wen Sibao? When he heard Lin Aji voluntarily admit to all the crimes, he immediately understood what the other party was planning, so he asked calmly as before

He said: "Lin Aji, are you mentally normal now? Do you have the ability to behave autonomously?"

She didn't know what the other party meant, but she nodded anyway.

Wen Sibao then asked again: "Then please think clearly and tell me who is the mastermind of the Mobei Hongdu shooting incident?"

Lin Aji looked painful and said: "It was me... I did it all by myself."

Faced with such flawed rhetoric, Wen Sibao was not in a hurry to expose it, but responded: "Lin Aji, do you know? What you are involved in now is a criminal case, and it is not as simple as just wanting to take it on by yourself.

Besides...you can't bear the consequences of this matter, do you understand?"

The other party thought for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Officer, it's really... I really did it alone, without any accomplices!"

"You think our police handling of cases is too simple."

Wen Sibao shook his head and asked: "Since you said you did it all by yourself, please tell me the details of the crime."

Lin Aji recalled Chen Liangshan's modus operandi in his impression and recounted.

——"I know that the Wushi brothers are very powerful, so...so I don't dare to confront them directly, so I made a detailed plan in advance."

——"I have observed the back alleys of Mobei Hongdu before. I know that the Wushi brothers live there, and I also know that the garbage truck comes on time at 8 o'clock every morning."

——"So...so I took Cheng Huoran there in advance that day, and deliberately called the police at 7:55, falsely claiming that someone was going to hang here, because I knew the police had to arrive within 3 minutes.

on site."

——"After the police arrived at the scene, I first released Cheng Huo and bit the driver."

——"Then, the driver will not be able to stop in time and will hit the small bungalow where the Wu brothers live. This movement will definitely attract the police nearby."

——"Because the Wuzhi brothers had criminal records, they definitely did not dare to cooperate with the police investigation, so the two gangs...naturally started fighting."

These words were sound and reasonable, but they could not deceive Wen Sibao. He suddenly asked: "Please wait a moment, I have a question. Why are you so sure? That mad dog named Cheng Huoran will definitely do it."

What about biting the driver of the garbage truck?”

Lin Aji seemed a little flustered when he was suddenly asked this question, but he immediately recalled that the day before committing the crime, Chen Liangshan asked him to use a certain drug to induce the female dog to go into estrus, so as to collect the estrus urine.

Although Chen Liangshan did not tell himself many details of the crime, Lin Aji knew the habits of animals, so he immediately responded: "Because...because I used prolactin to collect the urine of female dogs in heat and applied it on it in advance.

It was in the garbage truck, so... so Cheng Huoran rushed over at that time."

"Oh, so that's what it is."

Wen Sibao nodded thoughtfully, and then suddenly asked: "That's strange. As far as I know, garbage trucks usually smell very strong, so the driver will close the windows tightly when driving. Do you think that

Is it really that easy for a mad dog to jump into the car? Aren't you afraid because the driver had the window closed at the time?"


Lin Aji was speechless for a moment. She had never considered such a situation at all, but she quickly thought of another thing.

That is, the night before Chen Liangshan took action, she had been out alone for a long time. At that time, she knew that the purpose of the other party's departure was to spill the dog urine in heat into the garbage truck in advance. So presumably, it was at that time that she broke the relationship.

The window of a garbage truck is the right one.

So Lin Aji immediately responded: "I'm sorry, I...I remembered that I broke the window of the garbage truck the night before the incident. I forgot to mention it just now."

Wen Sibao: "Where was it broken?"

Lin Aji vaguely remembered that when Chen Liangshan went out that night, he took him to the Environmental Sanitation Department, so she replied: "Yes... it is in the parking lot of the Environmental Sanitation Department."

Wen Sibao nodded and asked, "What color is the car seat?"


Lin Aji suddenly panicked and heard the other party ask: "Since you said that you went to the sanitation office in person and broke the car window, please answer me, what color is the car seat in the cab, and then you

What was used to break the glass?"

At this time, Lin Aji was completely unable to answer, but Wen Sibao had no intention of letting him go and continued to ask: "According to our police investigation, the murderer destroyed the surveillance system when entering the parking lot of the Environmental Sanitation Department.

Equipment box, since you said you did it alone, can you tell me what method you used to destroy the monitoring equipment?"

In panic, Lin Aji hesitated and said: "I...I used scissors to cut the wires in the equipment box."


Wen Sibao retorted: "The murderer burned out the fiber optic cable in the equipment box in an attempt to create the illusion of an accidental short circuit and fire, but our police officers saw that it was man-made arson based on the location of the fire point and the spread of the fire.

!Since you have always insisted that you committed the crime alone, why can’t you answer so many questions?”


Lin Aji's voice became weaker and weaker, and she slumped down on the interrogation chair helplessly. She never expected that the police interrogation would be so strict and detailed. As long as she told the slightest lie, she would be found out immediately.

Suddenly, the door of the interrogation room was opened, and two police officers from the Second Brigade, one fat and one thin, poked their heads in. The fat police officer among them said cautiously: "Captain Meng, please... come out."

When Meng Qinghan saw that it was a member of her team, her expression immediately became displeased. She was very concerned about the way the other party interrupted the rhythm of the interrogation.

But the fat police officer didn't seem to give up. He kept waving his hands and seemed determined to call Meng Qinghan out.

In order to comply with the requirement that two police officers must be present at the same time during interrogation, Meng Qinghan had no choice but to suspend the interrogation and let Lin Aji rest for a few minutes before walking out.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the pre-trial room, Meng Qinghan said coldly: "Don't you two understand the rules? Don't you see that the suspect is most taboo about being interrupted when his heart is shaking?"

The fat police officer hurriedly explained: "No, no, Captain Meng, listen to me, this matter is really urgent, so I won't do it if I don't say it."

Meng Qinghan: "Hurry up!"


The fat police officer glanced at Deputy Director Yang who was not far away, then pulled Meng Qinghan to a corner away from the crowd, and whispered: "The thin man and I... met this man named Lin Aji before when we were monitoring Chen Liangshan.


Meng Qinghan looked stern and whispered: "When did you see him?"

Fat police officer: "Just... I saw it on the night when Usopp was killed."

"Speak clearly!"

The fat police officer recalled.

——"Just a few days ago, didn't you ask us to go to the funeral home to monitor Chen Liangshan around the clock?"

——"I was fine and safe the past few days, but on the night when Usopp was killed, I was on duty in the car, and as a result..."

——"It turned out that this girl named Lin Aji...she was riding a motorcycle, but in the end because it was too dark, my car didn't turn on the lights, so she just rode her bike and got on my butt!"

This chapter has been completed!
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