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Chapter 347 Deadly Despair Inside the Iron Wall (14)

Because the entire cell was punished by the guards today, for the entire night, everyone did not dare to chat, play cards, or engage in any entertainment activities. They just stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, feeling so sad in their hearts.

The anger that had nowhere to vent was naturally transferred to Lin Aji involuntarily.

Time passed little by little, and everyone finally got to bed at 10:30. Li Youzi gave the order first, and everyone lined up and went to the water room to wash up. Then she stood silently on the duty watch posted at the door.

Before, there was a murmur in my heart.

In a place like a detention center, no matter what season or time, there is an unshakable rule, that is, two people must be on duty in the cell at all times at night.

At the same time, in order to avoid accidents, the guards on duty must be highly concentrated. Therefore, it is also stipulated that they are not allowed to "sitting on duty", let alone "lying on duty". They can only wear the hat issued by the detention center and constantly walk back and forth in the cell, that is,

"Little Red Riding Hood" as the prisoners often call it.

The shift on duty starts at 10:30 pm and lasts until 8:30 am the next morning. There are a total of 5 shifts within 10 hours, with a rotation every two hours.

Usually the best shift is the first shift between 10:30 and 12:30, because during this time everyone is generally not asleep yet, and the attendant can not only chat quietly with other people, but sometimes even on holidays, they can be open and honest

Watch more TV.

The second best is the shift from 6:30 to 8:30 in the morning. You can get up directly after sleeping all night, and then work until the wake-up time of the next day. You don’t have to endure being pulled out of bed in the middle of the night.

The pain of waking up.

Other than that, the time slots are pretty much the same, and you usually work on whatever shift you're assigned to. The rules are like this, and no one dares to complain.

But tonight, after thinking about it for a while, Li Youzi suddenly made arrangements: "Eleven, twelve, you two will be on the first shift."

Hearing this, Shisan suddenly felt a sense of loss in her heart, because she remembered clearly that tonight was her only first shift this week, and she never expected that she would be forcibly transferred to someone else by Li Youzi at this time.

But it was obvious why Li Youzi was targeting her so much. It was all just because she helped Lin Aji stand out today and thus broke the other party's rules.

Thirteen opened her mouth, wanting to defend herself in front of Li Youzi, but when the words came to her lips, she responded in a flattering manner: "Okay...okay! Sister Youzi, let Sisters Eleven and Twelve take the lead first."

It’s the first shift, I’ll just go to the 2:30 shift.”

Li Youzi glared at the other person and said sternly: "Stop talking nonsense, you won't have your class tonight!"

Thirteen asked in surprise: "What...what? Sister Yuzi, this..."

Li Youzi said angrily: "Did you fucking hear that? You don't have a class tonight, so go to bed quickly!"

Soon, Thirteen saw a clue in Li Youzi's tone and expression, but in the end he had to lower his head and whisper: "I know...I know."

This was Lin Aji's second night in the detention center. She was surprised why Li Youzi didn't let her go on duty, but she didn't dare to ask, so she had to lie back on the kang with the others.

The six-meter-long Datong bunkang is still very crowded. Even when sleeping, you can only squeeze in with the male and female prisoners on the left and right sides. Everyone is like a compressed sardine can, curled up and holding their hands in their crotches.

Just lie down in this position that takes up the least space.

Once he lay down, no one could move, and Lin Aji knew that he would have to endure another unbearable night. However, it was obvious that the people around him had long been accustomed to such an environment, and soon they started snoring one after another.


Once people calm down, it is easy to think about random things, and Lin Aji happened to be in this state at this time.

Thinking back on how many things had happened in just one day since I came to the detention center, every thing weighed on my heart like a big mountain, causing my fragile nerves to be stretched almost to the limit.

, I don’t know how long I can hold on.

Soon, Lin Aji thought of what her mother said to Meng Qinghan this morning when she knew she had been arrested.

His mother was not even willing to visit him, and the moment he was arrested and taken to the detention center, perhaps the bond between him and her had been severed.

Lin Aji knew that after his father ran away with another woman in his early years, it was his mother who raised him up alone in a place like Widow's Street, during which he probably endured grievances and sufferings that he could not imagine.

But he eventually let her down, and Lin Aji knew that this was not the first time he had let her down.

After she just graduated from school, Lin Aji ignored her mother's obstruction. She was naturally fond of animals and insisted on going to the zoo to become an ordinary keeper.

Although she had always wanted to devote her entire life to the work of animals, she knew that from that time on, her mother no longer had any hope for herself.

However, he has now become a prisoner in the blink of an eye. All these situations now are things that Lin Aji never considered when he assisted Chen Liangshan in committing crimes.

It was only now that she truly realized how heavy the price of crime was.

If life can rush forward, then I will never choose to make so many mistakes again, but now that I have become like this, my only thought is to protect Chen Liangshan and not let the other party go through the same thing again.

The same suffering as myself.

At least in Lin Aji's eyes, although she was wrong now, it was all worth it. She hoped that she could use her freedom to exchange for the happiness of her beloved man.

As long as Chen Liangshan can remember him forever, this is enough. Even if the other person is staying in a warm home at the moment, accompanying his wife and children, Lin Aji still hopes that the other person can get over the pain of losing Xiao Yue as soon as possible, and then take him with him.

Live happily with your own love.

I just don't know why, this is obviously the path I have chosen, and Lin Aji has obviously been mentally prepared for it, but whenever I think of Chen Liangshan lying in the arms of another woman, I always feel an inexplicable pain in my heart.

At this time, even if Lin Aji closed her eyes, the light that stayed on all night in the cell still hurt her eyes. She pulled up the dirty quilt and prepared to cover her head in it and cry silently.

One game.

But the next moment, I suddenly felt someone grabbing my wrist.

After opening her eyes, she found that although Thirteen's back was turned to her, she still reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Sister Thirteen, you..."

Lin Aji was about to ask what was going on, but saw the other party turned his head and whispered: "Shh! Don't talk."

He didn't understand what the other party wanted to do, but Thirteen didn't explain at this time. He just twisted his body like a big insect. Regardless of the yelling and scolding of the people next to him, he finally turned over and came to his side, scolding in a low voice.

: "Xiao Liu, have you memorized all the prison rules in the dog's belly? Have you forgotten that sleeping with your head covered is not allowed here?"

This chapter has been completed!
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