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Chapter 363 Everything is the cause and effect that I planted

"Lin Aji, something happened to her."

Just a few words, but Chen Liangshan's whole body felt as if he had been struck by a lightning bolt. At this moment, his whole body seemed to feel a cold sting, which made his internal organs become distorted and the pain was unbearable.

After a long time, Chen Shanshan finally squeezed out a few words from his mouth and said: "She... isn't she in your detention center? What happened to her...?"

Wen Sibao almost didn't dare to look directly into the other person's eyes as he spoke, and whispered: "You'd better come with me to go see him."

Chen Liangshan followed the other party mechanically. It was not until the other party brought him into the inpatient department that he saw police officers standing on both sides of the corridor.

An older policeman wearing a white shirt and looking like a leader asked Wen Sibao, "How are you doing? Are your family members here?"

Wen Sibao shook his head and said in a low voice: "The family members are still very resistant. They have refused to meet Lin Aji since they learned about his arrest. I have nothing to do now."

The old policeman sighed and responded: "Then let's do this first."

Wen Sibao responded, and then handed a family notification letter from the hospital to Chen Liangshan, explaining: "Mr. Chen, Lin Aji's family refuses to meet. After thinking about it, I think... this word is still for you to come.

It would be better to sign on behalf of someone else, do you think it’s okay?”

Chen Liangshan signed blankly and asked in a low voice: "Where...is she?"

"Come with me."

Wen Sibao led the way to the ward at the end. When he opened the door, Chen Liangshan found Lin Aji lying quietly on the hospital bed.

She was thinner than before, and her withered face looked like someone who had been suffering from illness for a long time. Her once black hair was now twisted together, even at the corners of her eyes and cheekbones.

You can still see the bruises that have not dissipated. It is difficult to imagine what kind of treatment she has suffered to turn a girl who once had a bright eye and full of aura into what she is now.

"Ah...Aji, it's me...I'm here..."

Chen Liangshan felt as if a stone was blocked in his throat. He called the other party's name in a hoarse and almost terrifying voice, but received no response at all.

At this moment, the door to the ward was opened. It turned out that Xu Tiannan and Murong Shui rushed over from the school after learning about the situation.

When Xu Tiannan saw Lin Aji's unresponsive look, he immediately felt something was wrong, so he asked: "Fourth Master! What is going on? Why do things happen to people in the detention center?"

Wen Sibao glanced at Chen Liangshan and found that the other person was still immersed in grief, so he shook his head, sighed and explained: "This girl has been in the solitary room for several days without any incident, but no one expected that tonight

Actually... actually committed suicide!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces were full of shock. Wen Sibao also gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Liangshan with a look of hatred in his eyes: "I guess Lin Aji can do it herself."

She felt that after going through the interrogation in the detention center and the reports from her fellow cells, her expert ability was about to reach its limit. And in order to avoid revealing the real culprit behind these cases, she... actually chose to go to a dead end.


Although everyone could not see Chen Liangshan's expression at this time, they could see that his body trembled violently for a moment after hearing these words.

Murong Shui really couldn't imagine it and asked in confusion: "What is going on? In a place like a solitary room, even the walls are surrounded by soft bags. How can there be a chance of suicide? Fourth Master, please really investigate clearly.

Is there something hidden in this?"

Wen Sibao shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The investigation is clear. Lin Aji committed suicide this time using... paper."


Murong Shui obviously didn't understand what the other party said, and said in surprise: "Paper? What paper?"

Wen Sibao took out a napkin from the cabinet nearby and whispered: "This is the kind of paper. Lin Aji... used this ordinary toilet paper to commit suicide."

Murong Shui was even more confused now. In her world view, real life was not as colorful as martial arts novels. Although there were tens of thousands of ways to commit suicide in the world, "paper" was definitely not included.

Therefore, Murong Shui could not believe that someone would actually use such a thin napkin to commit suicide.

Wen Sibao also saw the other party's doubts, so he prepared to demonstrate to the other party in person.

He first rolled the napkins together and then crumpled them into a ball, and then sprinkled water on them. Soon, the ball of napkins also turned into a sticky state.

Later, Wen Sibao explained: "The toilet paper used in the confinement room is much harder than ordinary paper, so Lin Aji soaked a large amount of toilet paper and forced it into his mouth, which ultimately caused suffocation.


Murong Shui said in surprise: "This... how on earth is this done?"

Wen Sibao shook his head, "I only have so much information now. To be honest... I really don't know why she can do this."

Murong Shui thought for a while and wondered again: "This is impossible! This kind of suffocation with a napkin is as unrealistic as trying to strangle yourself, because at the last moment when death is about to happen, the human body will use instinct to act

Save, swallow it! At that time, you had to either pull out the paper ball or swallow it. What you said, Fourth Master, is... too unrealistic, right boss?"

On the other hand, Xu Tiannan's expression was extremely serious. He had already noticed something strange about the quilt covering Lin Aji when he came in, because he noticed that there was an abnormal bulge in the quilt under the opponent's arm.

Afterwards, Xu Tiannan first checked Lin Aji's throat, and then lifted the quilt, and sure enough, he found that the proximal phalanx of the index finger, middle finger and ring finger of the other person's hands were actually marked.

A thick layer of splint plaster is fixed on the back of the hand by a horizontal plate.

Xu Tiannan immediately realized that this was a plaster cast that would only be used when the finger was fractured from the root.

After a while, Xu Tiannan finally figured out Lin Aji's method of committing suicide, and his eyes showed an incredible look of surprise. After a long while, he said to himself with lingering fear: "This girl is too cruel to me..."


Murong Shui: "What on earth...is going on?"

Xu Tiannan said.

——"You are right what you just said. The human body will instinctively act to save itself when it is on the verge of death."

——"But Lin Aji, she...she should have used her legs to press on the three longest fingers of her hands."

——"She...she broke the three longest fingers of her hands by force."

——"Perhaps she did all this just so that when she was about to die, she would not be able to put her fingers into her mouth and take out the wet paper balls blocking her throat."

——"But before that, she had to use her fingers to forcefully pinch off a piece of cartilage at the junction of the base of her tongue and the larynx, called the 'epiglottic cartilage.' Only by forcibly destroying this cartilage with external force can the human body lose the ability to seal the larynx.

His instinct was so natural that he couldn’t make the swallowing action at that time.”

——"She...what kind of despair did she feel at that time...to be so cruel to herself."

Wen Sibao was shocked. He never thought that someone could commit suicide with only toilet paper and water, and the person who did all this was actually Lin Aji, who everyone once thought was the weakest.

Then, Chen Liangshan suddenly asked: "Officer Wen, what do the doctors here say? Is Aji's injury serious now?"


Wen Sibao was at a loss for words, and after a long while he responded: "No...it's not serious. The doctor said her trauma can be recovered within a few months, but..."

Chen Liangshan's heart suddenly tightened and he asked hurriedly: "But what?"

When Wen Sibao spoke, he clenched his fists and whispered.

——"The doctor said...Fortunately, the guards at the detention center discovered it in time and used the correct first aid method. If it had been discovered a little later, I might not have been able to save him..."

——"But... although the person has been rescued now, according to the examination by the doctors here, the patient's brain was deprived of oxygen for more than 5 minutes, which caused cardiac and respiratory arrest."

——"So although Lin Aji's vital signs are stable now, it has caused a loss of brain function. When subjected to stimulation, the brain waves do not respond, and he cannot even receive external signals..."

——"That's...that's what we often say..."

Wen Sibao simply couldn't say the next words, and Murong Shui also asked anxiously: "What? What will happen?"

Xu Tiannan bumped into her gently and said in a small voice: "Vegetative state."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a muffled sound, and Chen Liangshan fell to the ground as if he was exhausted. However, he quickly got up again, gently touched Lin Aji's face, and whispered: "Aji, you

Did you hear me? I'm here...I'm right here, look at me! You're talking..."

However, just when Chen Liangshan wanted to hold Lin Aji's hand again, he suddenly heard a "click, click, click" sound.

Looking down, everyone realized that although Lin Aji was lying motionless on the hospital bed, his arms were locked to the guardrail of the hospital bed with a pair of handcuffs.

Of course Wen Sibao knew how Chen Liangshan would feel when he saw these handcuffs, but out of duty, he had to explain in a low voice: "I'm sorry, it's hard for me to break the rules here, so I can only try my best to use the handcuffs."

You have to relax a little."

"Why is this happening?"

Chen Liangshan ignored the other party, but suddenly grabbed the rings on both sides of the handcuffs with both hands, and pulled hard as if he had a deep hatred.

"Goodness, don't be like this..."

Xu Tiannan wanted to step forward to stop the other party, but found that the veins in Chen Liangshan's arms were bulging under his forceful pulling. At this time, the other party was as if he was possessed and no one paid attention to him. He just kept talking to himself.

He said: "Why is this happening? Why... Aji has never killed anyone, why is she treated like this? Why..."

Soon, the flesh of Chen Liangshan's palm that was holding the handcuffs was torn due to excessive pulling, and blood flowed down his palm, but how could he pull the handcuffs away with his mere body.

But how could Chen Liangshan not know that his behavior was futile and ridiculous? But for him now, it seemed that he only felt physical pain. Only such crazy actions could temporarily suppress the pain in his heart that had nowhere to vent.

The next moment, the torn skin wound on Chen Liangshan's palm became larger and larger, and the bright red flesh under the skin was even clearly visible.

"Goodness! What are you doing! Hurry up... let go quickly!"

Xu Tiannan shouted, and the three of them immediately worked together to pull each other up. However, Chen Liangshan also shouted in despair: "Aji is not a prisoner! She has never killed anyone! Why do you treat her like this! Put her...

Let her go!"

"It's enough!"

Wen Sibao finally couldn't bear it anymore and said: "If you hadn't been so selfish from the beginning, how could Lin Aji have ended up like this today? Don't you know it yourself? It was you who harmed her in all this!"

Chen Liangshan suddenly raised his head and looked at the other party with almost angry eyes.

But at this moment, now that the two sides have spoken out, Wen Sibao simply no longer has any worries, but bluntly said: "What? What's that look in your eyes! Do you want to kill me too if you kill me?"

Drop it!"

After a while, Chen Liangshan's eyes gradually lowered, and finally he pulled his hair in pain and collapsed on the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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