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Chapter 383 Setting Up: The Target Flower Worships Buddha (9)

Around 7:45 pm, inside the red brick factory in the northern suburbs.

Just yesterday, this red brick factory received an order with a fairly good amount of money, which was to transport a truck full of red bricks from the northern suburbs red brick factory to Moshan at 10 o'clock tonight.

It is located in a construction site in the southern suburbs of Bei City, spanning the entire north and south of Mobei City. The drive takes nearly an hour.

The sales manager still remembered the man who came to purchase yesterday. He wore wide-rimmed sunglasses on his face. When he spoke, he lowered his voice as if he deliberately did not want others to remember him.

The tail has never been removed.

For a sales manager who has been in the building materials industry for such a long time, he only needs to take a look at the other party's dress and naturally guess that the hands and feet of this kind of buyer who is unwilling to disclose his name and appearance must not be so clean, and there is a high probability that he is not very clean.

It’s because he doesn’t want others to recognize him, and at the same time he secretly takes kickbacks from Party A’s boss behind his back.

Sure enough, the other party's buyer made a special request on the spot, that is, the truck delivering goods to the brick factory tonight must be filled with 25 cubic meters of goods.

According to regulations, the approved carrying capacity of this kind of double-axle truck is 15 cubic meters, but now the buyer of the other party requires the brick factory to proactively overload and transport goods that are 10 cubic meters more than the approved carrying capacity. This is

Serious overloading behavior is also a very dangerous behavior.

This matter is neither big nor small. If it is not discovered along the way and no one pursues it later, it will naturally go away. Many material dealers generally do this in order to make more money and save freight.

Yes. Even if the vehicle is overloaded, if you are held down by the traffic police on the road, if the vehicle is overloaded by more than 30%, you will be fined no more than 2,000 yuan at most.

Therefore, when the sales manager heard this request, he immediately understood what was going on.

Usually, in the sales of the red brick factory, if a call for goods exceeds the carrying capacity of a delivery truck, then the brick factory will add an extra truck for joint transportation, and the extra transportation fee will be paid to the sheep.

Naturally, it will be borne by the purchaser.

However, the delivery distance this time is very long, from the northernmost part of Mobei City to the southernmost construction site. The freight cost of nearly 30 kilometers along the way is also a huge expense.

Therefore, the buyer of the other party asked the brick factory to overload the goods and use a truck to pull all the bricks at once.

The sales manager immediately understood what was going on. The funds that the other party's buyer applied for from the boss must be the freight for two trucks. But if it now becomes one truck, the extra freight will naturally be quietly used by the other party.

Put it in your pocket.

The sales manager himself refused this kind of behavior, but the buyer from the other party very wisely stuffed a small red envelope into his pocket. The sales manager's face changed drastically on the spot, and he patted his chest and pledged that he would definitely do it tomorrow.

Only one truck was used to produce the 25 cubic meters of red bricks, and no one mentioned the savings in shipping costs. Everyone knew this very well.

This was a win-win decision. The sales manager sold the goods and the buyer got a kickback. In the end, the sales manager persuaded the truck driver to overload the goods at the cost of a pack of cigarettes, and the business was finally settled.

Come down.

At this time, the time has come to 7:45, and there are still more than 2 hours before the time requested by the other party. However, the brick factory also loaded all 25 cubic meters of red bricks into the truck early, with green bricks on top.

Oilcloth, and tied together tightly with hemp rope.

After all the preparations were done, the sales manager looked at the loaded car with goods that were even a long way above the front of the car, and said to the driver: "Hey! Brother! You must drive steadily along the way.

! Not only must we be on guard against the traffic police, but we must also pay attention to safety!”

The driver shook his head disdainfully and said: "Hi! Manager, don't worry, there are no cars at this point on Yingbin Road. Besides, I have been driving for so many years. Even if I close my eyes, I know where there are traffic police at this point and I need to go around it! Anyway, this is

Just make sure the goods are delivered to you on time!"

While the two were talking, the sales manager's phone rang. He looked at the caller and saw that it was the buyer who ordered red bricks yesterday, so he picked up the phone and said, "Hey? Hello, brother, the goods are here."

The car has been loaded up and we’re just waiting for departure in an hour!”

The other party's voice sounded very urgent: "My plan has changed. I have to work overnight tonight, so I hope the truck master will come here now, quickly!"

Hearing this, the manager said doubtfully: "Ah? Come over now, are you in such a hurry? What's going on over there?"

The other party didn't explain, but looked very eager when he spoke: "Don't ask so many questions, just come now! What? Haven't you loaded the goods into the truck yet?"

The manager hurriedly said: "It's installed. It's been installed a long time ago. If that's the case... then I'll let the master have some food and set off. Please wait a moment!"

"No! It's 7:45 now. I need you to deliver it within 40 minutes, otherwise I might be delayed!"


The manager suddenly seemed hesitant. The route he and the driver had previously calculated was from Yingbin Road in the northern suburbs to the construction site in the southern suburbs. It would take at least an hour to get there, but now the other party suddenly shortened the time for himself.

By the 40th minute, I had undoubtedly brought myself a big trouble.

So the manager said in embarrassment: "No...brother! It's hard to do it in such a short time! Although there are no cars on Yingbin Road, once the master drives into the city, he has to go back and forth to avoid the traffic police.

40 minutes... really can’t be reached!”

The other buyer hesitated for a while and then responded: "Then I'll give you 50 minutes! I really can't delay it any longer. You can get on your way now! Brother, please this time. If you can arrive on time within 50 minutes, please turn back."

I will definitely give you my personal expression again, do you think that’s okay?”

When the manager heard that the other party wanted to "express" himself alone, he immediately responded with a smile: "Okay, okay, what you said...then we will leave immediately! We will be there within 50 minutes! Don't worry!"


After hanging up the phone, the sales manager immediately took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, stuffed it into the truck driver's pocket, and said, "Here! You heard it, the other buyer gave us 50 minutes.

It’s all up to you whether you can pull it somewhere!”

The truck driver put away the cigarette with a smile, smacked it and said, "Isn't it just about shortening the one-hour journey to 10 minutes? Just leave it to me, and you can just wait for the final payment!"

After saying that, the loaded truck, loaded with twenty-five cubic meters, roared and sped out of the factory.

At this moment, in the Shanshuihe Company in Beijing, the buyer who had never revealed his true identity actually appeared in Mr. Jiang’s former office. Opposite him, behind the huge desk, sat

It was Zhang Jiaxuan. Seeing that the other party had finished the phone call, she asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

"Sister Xuan, everything is in line with our plan. The trucks from the brick factory have already set off, and they sound very anxious."

Zhang Jiaxuan nodded approvingly and said: "Very good, what about Guapi? Is it going well for him to follow Hua to worship Buddha?"

The other party nodded again, "I asked Guapi just now. According to the news he got back, he has followed the Mercedes-Benz business car where Hua worshiped Buddha all the way, and will soon arrive at the intersection of Yingbin Road with him.


Zhang Jiaxuan nodded and said to himself thoughtfully: "Okay, let's continue like this..."

"Sister Xuan? I still don't understand."

The man finally couldn't help but asked: "What is the purpose of these things you told me to do? Is it... related to paying homage to Buddha with flowers?"

Zhang Jiaxuan's face suddenly darkened and she said sternly: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Knowing too much will not do you any good!"

The other party immediately stopped talking, and Zhang Jiaxuan asked again: "When you went to the brick factory to purchase, did anyone on the other side see your face?"

The man pointed to his bare chin, shook his head hurriedly and explained: "No! Absolutely not. When I went there yesterday, I wore big sunglasses and didn't even shave. Even if they stand in front of me now, they would probably admit it.

Don’t leave me!”

"Good job."

After Zhang Jiaxuan finished speaking, he took out a thick envelope from the drawer and threw it to the other party.

After opening it, the man was surprised to find a thick wad of hundred-dollar bills inside. He couldn't help but asked in surprise: "This...Sister Xuan, what does this mean?"

Zhang Jiaxuan said: "There will be no more tasks for you from now on. Take the money and go to any city in the south to stay for two months and then come back."

Seeing that the other party's eyes were still full of doubts, Zhang Jiaxuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, even if you are not here, you will not miss a penny of the money that is due to you every month."

The man finally showed joy and was too busy to respond loudly: "Okay! Okay! Thank you Sister Xuan, thank you Sister Xuan! I will leave tonight, and I promise not to cause any trouble!"

This chapter has been completed!
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