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Chapter 385 Setting Up: The Target Flower Worships Buddha (11)

Seeing that Hua worshiping Buddha's thugs were about to start the car and leave, Guapi, who was lying on the ground, suddenly became anxious.

He has been working with Zhang Jiaxuan for five years. Although he has gained the trust of Zhang Jiaxuan through his loyalty, so far, Guapi has never found an opportunity to enter the company's management.

Therefore, despite working hard in the company for many years and doing a lot of dirty work, Guapi is still just a junior, and the only things he can do are the lowest-level jobs such as loan collection and horse detection.

Guapi has long been unwilling to accept the status quo, but for a guy like him with no education or connections, it will be difficult for him to get ahead no matter how he continues to get along.

Therefore, Guapi also knows one thing very well, that is, if you want to achieve a leap in life, you must hold on to the big tree of Zhang Jiaxuan.

The only way is to do something that will impress the other party.

So at this moment, seeing Hua worshiping the Buddha's business car, it had started to slowly start. Guapi knew that something bad would happen if it continued like this, so he suddenly changed his mind, stepped forward and immediately put his feet under the wheels of the other party's car.


In the commercial car, the driver was driving when he felt a sudden bump. Then he heard the howling like a slaughtering pig outside the car. He said in surprise: "This kid is really cruel! He is really playing with porcelain.

Put your legs under the wheels of our car!"

After saying that, the thug immediately opened the car door and walked out again. At this time, he saw Guapi lying on the ground and screaming. Although from the outside, it could not be seen that there was any trauma on his right foot, but the bruise on his trouser leg

From the deep tire tracks, you can still see the traces of being run over by the wheels just now.

At this moment, although Guapi grimaced in pain, he endured the pain immediately after seeing the thug get out of the car, crawled to the thug's side, grabbed the thug's trouser leg, and screamed: "You...

Mom hit my car...and beat me! She even used the car to run me down! Let me tell you...this won't end today!"

Guapi's screams were so loud that several people in the car heard his screams. Hua Baifo frowned, feeling that something was wrong with what happened today.

Logically speaking, a gangster who is trying to get into trouble shouldn't go to such an extent. How could anyone put themselves in there just for the sake of getting into trouble?

After thinking about it, Hua Baifo felt more and more that something was wrong. A deep fear emerged from her heart. Could it be that... an enemy came here to find her today?

Once I had this idea, I couldn't be calm anymore.

At the same time, the thug who got out of the car also felt that this was a bit strange, so for the safety of the boss, he turned to the other thug sitting in the passenger seat and said: "I'll stay here to handle the matter, you take care of the boss."

Let’s go first!”

When Guapi heard this, he immediately became anxious. He had paid such a heavy price, and nothing could be done to make the other party leave so easily.

So he simply gritted his teeth, turned over directly, rolled his body under the tire of the commercial vehicle, and then hugged the tire tightly.

At this time, many people had gathered around to watch the excitement. Guapi shouted at the top of his lungs: "Hey! You... come and see! This man caused an accident while driving and wants to escape! Hurry! Take out your mobile phone.

He took a photo and posted it online!"

From just now, no one in the crowd who was watching the excitement dared to stand up and seek justice. However, when Guapi reminded them, they all took out their mobile phones and took random pictures of the scene of the car accident.

After all, watching the excitement is not too big a deal, and it is easy to get involved in it by being brave, but if you take the video and post it online, and then let the keyboard warriors criticize you, everyone is still talking about this kind of thing.

Later, several thugs in the Mercedes-Benz car saw that the situation was getting more serious, so they bowed to the flower and said, "Boss, let's go down and throw that kid to the roadside!"


Hua Baifo looked embarrassed at this time and explained to the thugs: "This Mercedes-Benz has the license plate of our company. If today's incident is really photographed and posted online, someone will probably take advantage of it."

If the license plate is traced to our company, it will even have a negative impact on my candidacy for the National People's Congress this year. So now not only can we not run away, but we also have to handle this matter in front of so many people and shut everyone's mouths!


The thug looked troubled and said: "But boss...don't you think there is something fishy about today's matter? It stands to reason that how could a rebellious person pay such a high price? Could it be that we are our enemies..."

There is no need to say the next words, Hua Baifo has naturally thought of it a long time ago, so he arranged: "I also feel a little strange, how about we take a taxi and leave first?"

After just saying that, Hua worshiped Buddha and immediately shook his head and said in denial: "No, what if the taxi is also arranged by someone else? Let's do it! You first call the company and call some people over, then get out of the car and go to guard, pay attention

See if there are really people sent by the enemy around!"

After the thugs received the order, they felt that this was the only feasible method now, so the remaining three people immediately got out of the car and surrounded every angle of the commercial vehicle, always vigilant to see if a killer would suddenly jump out from around them.

Under the tire, Guapi knocked away the hundreds of dollars the other party threw, and shouted: "Stop using your stinky money to bribe me! I tell you, you hurt me so badly today, if you didn't

Compensate me...compensate me..."

Guapi kept in mind what Zhang Jiaxuan told him, which was to hold the other party at this intersection for ten minutes no matter what, so he immediately yelled out an astronomical number that was simply impossible.

"If you don't pay me hundreds of thousands today...none of you will even think about leaving!"

The thug frowned, suppressed the anger in his heart, and whispered: "Hey! You're almost done, stop pretending! Do you really think I can't see that you are here for porcelain? Tell me, how much do you want today?


Guapi looked up at the other party and said bitterly: "Two hundred thousand! Give me two hundred thousand and this matter will be settled today!"

"You are so damn ignorant!"

After the thug finished speaking, he was about to beat the other person hard again, but suddenly he felt someone pat his shoulder. Looking back, it turned out that the other thugs in the car had also walked out, and the other person was whispering in his ear.

He said: "The boss just said, don't do anything that damages the company's image. We need to resolve this matter peacefully, and don't let the onlookers take pictures of the evidence!"

The thug thought for a moment and felt that what the boss said made sense. He must not bring any negative publicity to Hua Baifo because of this incident.

After several thugs worked together, they finally decided to call the police. In this situation, it is obviously more appropriate to let the police handle it.

So the thug cursed Guapi in a low voice: "What a fucking fool! I don't even want to give you any money, so you won't even get a penny!"

After saying that, the thug took out his mobile phone and dialed the police number. The police quickly responded and said that the traffic police would arrive at the scene within 10 minutes.

After Guapi heard the news, his hanging heart finally relaxed. Although he was injured now, no matter what, he still completed the task assigned to him by Zhang Jiaxuan.

This chapter has been completed!
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