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Chapter 417 Setting Up: Target Xu Tiannan (1)

Three days later, in the evening, it was the day both parties agreed to take action.

According to Chen Liangshan's request, Zhang Jiaxuan selected a dozen strong thugs who had been with him the longest and were ready to fight tonight.

Everyone waited in an abandoned factory in the northern suburbs for about half an hour, and as expected, Chen Liangshan drove here alone.

After getting off the car, Chen Liangshan first took out a long mountaineering bag from the trunk and threw it in front of everyone, and then explained: "I just saw Xu Tiannan returning to his dormitory after work. It seems that he is not going anywhere tonight."

If he goes, it's a good opportunity for me to ask him out."

Zhang Jiaxuan asked: "You haven't told me yet, what is your plan?"

Chen Liangshan said.

——"Xu Tiannan lives a very monotonous life. Apart from teaching at school, he only spends the rest of his time traveling between the Public Security Bureau and the crime scene."

——"In other words, there will always be people around him, which undoubtedly makes it more difficult for us to do it."

——"So, the place we choose to take action this time must be an environment with no outsiders present, no surveillance, and an environment that is not easily exposed like in the city."

"So you plan to invite him here to do it?"

Chen Liangshan: "It definitely won't work here. This abandoned factory extends in all directions. If Xu Tiannan escaped at that time, or if he hid and had the opportunity to tip off the police, doing so would put all of us in danger."

Zhang Jiaxuan felt that what the other party said was reasonable, so she asked: "Then what is your plan?"

Chen Liangshan said: "After a while, I will find an excuse to invite Xu Tiannan to the parking lot at the top of Beiyang Mountain. I plan to do it there."

"Beiyang Peak?"

Zhang Jiaxuan said, hesitating: "I remember that the parking lot at the top of the mountain is a very wide area. Not only is it connected in all directions, but there is no place suitable for hiding. Don't you think it is easier to be exposed there?"

Chen Liangshan then took out a topographic map of Beiyang Mountain from his bag, pointed to the area outlined with a red pen and said: "Listen to me, the place where we really start tonight is not the top of the mountain, but the place on the way to the top of the mountain.

White Horse Carousel.”

Everyone looked at the topographic map and found that there was a small traffic roundabout on the way to the top of the mountain. Anyone who had been there knew that that area was the only way to the top of the mountain from the city, and that one used

The carousel at the intersection where vehicles pass by each other is often called the White Horse Carousel because there is a stone statue of a white horse placed in the middle.

Chen Liangshan explained.

——"In the past few days, I have gone on an on-site inspection. The roads around the White Horse Roundabout are not wide, and the emergency lane can only barely allow three cars to drive side by side."

——"But one thing should be noted. The woman named Murong Shui who has been following Xu Tiannan is a master. We should try to avoid a direct confrontation with her."

——"So the plan is like this. Before I invite Xu Tiannan there, I need to arrange a few cars in advance to block the direction of the White Horse Roundabout."

Then, Chen Liangshan drew a circle on the right side of the map carousel with a pen and explained.

——"It must have been very late at that time, so naturally no passers-by would pass by."

——"So we only need to arrange a few vehicles in advance to completely block the road on the right side of the roundabout."

——"Because Xu Tiannan's line of sight will be blocked when his vehicle turns, so only after he turns to the right side of the roundabout will he notice that the road ahead is blocked."

——"At this time, several of our other vehicles lurking on the left side of the roundabout immediately went over to block his sides and retreat, and tried to stay as close as possible to the other vehicle's vehicles. The purpose was to prevent him from being able to escape at that time.

Open the car door and escape."

——"All that's left to do is..."

After saying that, Chen Liangshan took out a metal rod about 30cm long from the long backpack on the ground. The metal rod had a round end and a pointed end, and a long rubber handle in the middle.

"This is a window breaker, specially designed to break open car glass quickly."

Then, Chen Liangshan took out several metal pressure cans that looked like moisturizing sprays and explained.

——"The ether you found before was very unstable, so I stored it in this sealed tank under pressure."

——"My plan is this. When Xu Tiannan is surrounded by other vehicles, he will definitely be unable to escape. At this time, we need two people from our side to quickly break open the other party's car glass with a window breaker, and the rest

As long as one pulls the safety bolt on the spray, the ether gas will leak out immediately, and just throw it into Xu Tiannan's car."

——"If nothing else happens, Xu Tiannan and Murong Shui should be the only two people in the other party's car. Therefore, due to the emergency situation at that time, they should and must not have time to call the police."

——"But remember, you must not make too much noise when taking action in a place like Beiyang Mountain. Even if Xu Tiannan and the two are unconscious and have to be taken away from the scene, you must not make too much noise, otherwise they will inevitably be attacked by people in the mountainous area.

The forest police station patrolling the mountain heard it.”

After all the plans were explained, Zhang Jiaxuan suddenly laughed after being silent for a long time, and whispered softly into the other person's ear: "The ideal man in my mind should be like this. Not only can he have a perfect mind, he can even be ruthless.

Deliberately attack your closest friends."

Afterwards, Chen Liangshan drove at the front, and many other Shanshuihe vehicles also headed towards Beiyang Mountain in batches.

Two hours later, everyone was ready at the top of Beiyang Mountain. It was now almost 11 o'clock in the evening, and this area was just as planned. There were no traces of pedestrians or tourists in the entire mountainous area.

Everything was quiet.

Chen Liangshan parked his car at the edge of the top of the mountain. From here, he could just overlook the White Horse Carousel not far away. There was a breeze blowing in the mountain tonight, and the dark clouds almost obscured the moonlight. It was a good day to do it.

Soon, the thugs lurking at the turntable below also reported from the intercom: "Sister Xuan, everything is ready."

Zhang Jiaxuan responded and said to Chen Liangshan: "Okay, brother Liangshan, it's about time to call Xu Tiannan over, right?"

Chen Liangshan took a deep breath, as if to calm down his mood, then turned around and walked towards the quiet place on the other side, but suddenly heard Zhang Jiaxuan say: "No, just fight here."

Chen Liangshan frowned, "What did you say?"

Zhang Jiaxuan: "I'm very curious about how you two brothers usually talk, so let me listen, okay?"

Chen Liangshan understood. It was obvious that Zhang Jiaxuan still couldn't truly believe him. After hesitating for a moment, he took out his mobile phone, dialed Xu Tiannan's number in front of the other party, and set the speakerphone.

The call was quickly connected, and Xu Tiannan's somewhat sleepy voice came from the other end.

"Liang Shan, why are you calling so late?"

Chen Liangshan lowered his voice and said as calmly as possible: "Tian Nan, I have something to tell you."

"Okay...just tell me."

Chen Liangshan: "No, I didn't say it on the phone. I want to tell you in person, and only tell you one person. Can you come to me?"

Xu Tiannan thought for a while and quickly responded: "Okay, but I have to bring Shui Gen with me. You know, since I encountered danger last time, she must follow me wherever I go now."


"That's, that's..."

Chen Liangshan smiled and said, "Ah Shui is one of our own, so of course I won't have any objection if you take her."

Xu Tiannan's voice seemed to be heard getting up from the bed on the other end of the phone, "Okay! I'll call her now. Where can we meet?"

Chen Liangshan: "I'll wait for you at the top of Beiyang Mountain."

"Yo? Are you a thief? Are you running here so late at night?"

Chen Liangshan lowered his tone at this time and said: "This matter is very important. I don't want others to see us meeting in a crowded place!"

This time, Xu Tiannan no longer hesitated, but responded: "Okay! I'll be over right away. If you have anything to say, you can tell me in person."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Liangshan said to Zhang Jiaxuan: "I'm waiting for him here. I believe that I won't need to take action in the subsequent plans."

Seeing how obedient the man in front of him was, Zhang Jiaxuan also said with satisfaction: "Thank you for your hard work, Brother Liangshan. After this incident is over, I will satisfy everything you want."

After saying that, Zhang Jiaxuan left Chen Liangshan alone on the top of the mountain. Her task at this time was to find another hidden corner and silently observe everything that happened here.

However, just as Zhang Jiaxuan was about to leave with his thugs, he suddenly turned around and said, "Brother Liangshan, there is one more thing I have to do to you."

Chen Liangshan: "What?"

The other party did not answer, but several thugs around him also came over and took the mobile phone from Chen Liangshan's hand.

Afterwards, the thugs checked Chen Liangshan's car again, and after confirming that they did not find any communication tools, they nodded to Zhang Jiaxuan.

"I'm sorry, Brother Liangshan, in order to avoid any unpleasant misunderstandings, your mobile phone will be temporarily handed over to me for safekeeping."

After saying that, Zhang Jiaxuan and his thugs were about to leave, but this time Chen Liangshan suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

"What? Is there anything else?"

Chen Liangshan did not respond. Instead, he stepped forward, took out the cigarettes and lighter from one of the thugs' breast pockets, and asked, "Is that okay?"

Zhang Jiaxuan smiled and said: "Of course, please do it."

This chapter has been completed!
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