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Chapter 448 Murder the Pillow (16)

"Don't shoot!"

Just when the situation at the scene was at a critical moment, the police officers suddenly heard a woman's voice coming from behind.

When I looked back, I realized that another group of police officers were dragging Xu Tiannan and Murong Shui out of the police car that had just been knocked over.

It turned out that just one minute ago, after receiving the information that the target person had escaped, the police car driven by Wen Sibao immediately decided to intercept the car midway.

Although Wen Sibao did not understand why Chen Liangshan drove toward the city, such a chase in the city would most likely cause injury or even death to innocent people.

So under desperation, Wen Sibao decided to ram his vehicle into the other party to stop a chase that could lead to a catastrophe at any time.

Therefore, just before the two cars were about to collide, the three people in the car also fastened their seat belts and faced the collision with protective preparations. Fortunately, they were not seriously injured.

At this time, although Wen Sibao had fastened his seat belt and his body was not hit, he was hit in the head by the airbag that popped up from the steering wheel, causing him to become temporarily unconscious.

The police car was lying on the road in an overturned position. Xu Tiannan and Murong Shui were also buckled into the seats with their heads down by their seat belts, and were trapped in it with difficulty.

Murong Shui took out the dagger from the buckle at his ankle and quickly cut open the seat belt. His whole body fell down and hit the metal plate on the roof of the car with an "ouch" sound.

At this time, the car door had been opened by the rescue police. Murong Shui was the first to rush out, quickly ran to the other car and pulled Xu Tiannan, while shouting to the police in the distance: "Don't shoot! Let us

Talk to him!"

While talking, Xu Tiannan stumbled out of the car and ran desperately towards the off-road vehicle.

"Hey! You're crazy! It's dangerous!"

At this time, the team leader's attention was completely on the off-road vehicle. He did not know Xu Tiannan. When he saw this man running from a distance, he thought it was a crowd of spectators who had broken through the cordon, so he immediately ran forward to prepare for the attack.

He stopped him, but unexpectedly, just before he threw him down, he suddenly felt someone grabbing him from behind.

The leader looked back and saw that it was the girl who had just spoken. He didn't have time to think too much. He quickly dodged and prepared to break free from the other party's hand. However, the moment he withdrew his arm, the girl on the other side actually used a wave of force.

He grabbed his other hand with a strange force, and suddenly he felt the bones of his left arm being twisted and making a creaking sound. A burst of bone-chilling pain forced him to be controlled in place.

The team leader felt humiliated. His big man was actually held in place by a little girl within two moves. However, the severe pain coming from his arm forced him to shout to the others: "Quick! Control these two people.

, don’t let them cause trouble!”

Several police officers rushed over. Upon seeing this, Murong Shui knew that she could not resist the three grown men with brute force, so after she whispered "I'm offended", she immediately tightened her grip on the leader's hand.

With such force, he directly twisted the opponent's entire arm behind his back, causing a dislocation.

"Ah...stop! Stop them both!"

A heartbreaking pain came from the shoulder joint. The leader ignored his own injury and urged the other two to stop each other.

Then, when Murong Shui saw another police officer was about to pass by her, she simply threw a back kick, hitting the opponent's abdomen. The moment the other police officer reached the bottom, she stretched out her legs to clamp him.

The opponent's arm was firmly locked in the opponent's wrist using an anti-joint technique.

Within a few seconds, two police officers were restrained by Murong Shui and fell to the ground. When she raised her head, she found another police officer running towards Xu Tiannan beside her.

At this time, Murong Shui's hands and feet were occupied, and she was no longer able to stop the other party. But at this moment, she had an idea, suddenly opened her mouth wide, and bit the police officer in front of her on the leg.

The opponent immediately let out a loud scream, and Murong Shui was biting the opponent's trouser leg like the proverb describes "a bastard biting his fingers and refusing to let go", and allowed himself to be dragged several meters away on the ground.

Yuan Yuan also tried his best to stop the three people in front of him and refused to let go.

Murong Shui's efforts delayed a lot of time, and Xu Tiannan finally rushed to the off-road vehicle. He shouted the other person's name and tried to drag Chen Liangshan out of the deformed cab, but unexpectedly, a cold feeling suddenly came from his forehead the next moment.


Looking up, Xu Tiannan was shocked. The other party actually pointed a gun at him. At the same time, he discovered that the current angle between himself and Chen Liangshan could provide a shooting angle for the sniper's position just now.

Sure enough, the sniper who was positioned on the roof of the car in the distance had already found an angle. When he saw the gangster raising his gun and pointing it at the man in front of him, he was immediately ready to shoot.

However, at the last moment when the sniper was about to shoot, Wen Sibao's voice suddenly came from the intercom channel.

"Don't... don't shoot!"

At this moment, Deputy Director Yang had arrived at the scene in a command vehicle. When he picked up his telescope and looked at the scene, he was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

Xu Tiannan is not only the criminal investigation expert assigned by the detachment, but Deputy Director Yang has already regarded him as his long-term partner.

At this time, his partner was being held to the head with a gun by the gangster, and his life was in danger at any time.

So Deputy Director Yang said angrily: "Xiao Wen, what are you doing! In this situation, saving people must come first! Prepare snipers..."

"No! Don't shoot!"

Wen Sibao firmly interrupted Deputy Director Yang's order again and said to everyone: "Deputy Director Yang, everyone, you believe me this time...just like I believe Tiannan, he will definitely...can handle it! And!

...Who can help me? Get me out first..."

Deputy Director Yang's hand holding the walkie-talkie was trembling slightly. It was not that he didn't know the relationship between Xu Tiannan and Chen Liangshan, but at such a critical moment, he couldn't help but seem a little hesitant about whether to trust the other party.

In the end, Deputy Director Yang finally made up his mind and believed in Wen Sibao.

As the other party said, I believe Xu Tiannan can handle all this.

"All personnel, standby!"

Following Deputy Director Yang's order, everyone took their index fingers out of the trigger position. This practice is also a crucial discipline in the police force, called "trigger discipline".

At the last moment of shooting, even if the gun is aimed at the criminal, the index finger must return to the grip of the gun body to avoid accidental injuries due to unexpected situations.

At this moment, Chen Liangshan's eyes were already covered with blood, but he still held the pistol tightly with his trembling right hand and pressed it against the opponent's head.

But Xu Tiannan suddenly discovered an important piece of information. The index finger of the hand that Chen Liangshan raised the gun was not at the trigger position.

He immediately understood that Chen Liangshan was definitely not planning to resist stubbornly. At the same time, from the slightly moving lips of the other party, he finally saw the purpose of the other party's doing so, as if he had something to say.

"Goodness! It's me! I'm Xu Tiannan!"

Xu Tiannan easily grabbed the gun from the opponent's hand and threw it not far behind him. His move finally made all the police officers lower their guard at this moment, and even Murong Shui gradually relaxed his mouth.

"Tian... Tiannan?"

Chen Liangshan couldn't see clearly the person in front of him at this time, but from the other person's voice, he gradually heard that it was Xu Tiannan's voice. He immediately grabbed the other person's hand and said tremblingly: "It's me... all the sins are mine."

What you did..."

Xu Tiannan shook his head. At this time, he had already forgotten everything related to the arrest, and desperately warned: "Stop talking about this! Just hold on! The ambulance will be here soon!"


Chen Liangshan grabbed the other party's hand and said with the last bit of strength in his body: "My house...will explode...save my daughter quickly..."

Xu Tiannan was shocked when he heard his daughter's name. He called her name loudly, but Chen Liangshan fell into a coma due to excessive blood loss.

"Good! Good! Wake up, you..."

Suddenly, at this moment, everything that happened today was like a slideshow, flashing back in Xu Tiannan's mind.

These scattered pictures were finally pieced together into a complete picture, and a plan that followed logic and had a beginning and end emerged in Xu Tiannan's mind.

The last date led by Chen Liangshan.

Chen Liangshan behaved strangely at the bus stop, forcing Xiao Yanran to take a taxi home temporarily to change clothes.

But in the end, Chen Liangshan did not take his daughter away due to a mistake in his plan, so he would rather give up the opportunity to sneak away than take the risk to save her.

All the mysteries were solved at this moment, and the incomplete clues finally came together into a completed plan at this moment.

That is, Chen Liangshan has already laid some kind of trap at home, just waiting for Xiao Yanran to return home, and the biggest mistake in this plan is that Nannan walked home at this time for some unknown reason.

"I will definitely... help you save my daughter!"

Xu Tiannan quickly responded to the other party, regardless of whether the other party heard him or not, and ran towards the outside of the cordon, shouting: "Shui Gen! Go to Chen Liangshan's house, my daughter is in danger!"

During the battle, Murong Shui never asked unnecessary questions. When she received the opponent's instructions, she immediately let go of the police officer in her hand and quickly chased after him.

At this time, Xu Tiannan discovered that this small intersection was already surrounded by dozens of police cars, and cordons were set up in four directions around the intersection. The crowded social vehicles in all directions could not be seen at a glance.

Now that the police cars of the Criminal Investigation Detachment are being requisitioned, they will probably be stuck inside and unable to move.

However, the next moment, Xu Tiannan and Murong Shui both looked at the same location, which was the Grunt mobile armored command vehicle that Deputy Director Yang was riding.

"Water roots."

"I know."

There was no need for the two of them to say anything at this time. The tacit understanding they had formed over a long period of time also made a bold plan emerge in their minds at the same time.

That is to commandeer Deputy Director Yang's tank-like command vehicle, and then just like in the movie, it will drive over the top of the row of police cars in front of you!

Just as the two were about to rush into the command vehicle, they were suddenly stopped in place by a dark shadow in front of them, and at the same time they heard a huge mechanical roar.

After stopping, he discovered that the large-displacement motorcycle that Xingye was riding on Zheng Jianghu had suddenly stopped in front of the two of them with its rear wheel drifting.

The other party seemed to see what Xu Tiannan was thinking, and Xingye, as the calmest person, quickly gave up the motorcycle at this time, and then gestured to the two of them with his eyes, as if to say, "This is what you need."


Without any unnecessary nonsense, Xu Tiannan and Murong Shui quickly got on the motorcycle, but Murong Shui was obviously a little worried and whispered: "Boss, can you do it?"

"Cut the nonsense!"

Xu Tiannan was still confident in such a desperate situation because he always remembered the method that Zheng Jianghu taught him how to position a fuel-burning motorcycle when he arrested Yang Wanli.

First hold the clutch, then step on the gear shifter under your foot to neutral, quickly step on the starter with your right foot, and after hearing the sound of the motorcycle starting, step on the gear shifter with your left foot.

After doing all this, the motorcycle began to move slowly, but Xu Tiannan suddenly turned the throttle handle on his right hand.

As the gearbox roared like a dragon, the motorcycle under the two of them made an ejection movement. With countless vehicles blocking the road in front of him, Xu Tiannan was like a gust of wind with only the rear wheel on the ground.

It passed through several small gaps and sped away into the distance, leaving everyone at the scene stunned.

At this time, even Xingye secretly lamented Xu Tiannan's driving skills in his heart. No one knew when this man had developed his driving skills to such a height that he was as good as a stuntman. He was so handsome.

After a gust of wind, Xu Tiannan and Murong Shui disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant, and only their shouts could be heard in the distance.

"How come the more you twist the brakes, the faster you go!"

"Boss, what you're tightening isn't the brake, it's the accelerator!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

The current time: 7:02, the time until Nannan gets home: 3 minutes.

This chapter has been completed!
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