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Chapter 456 Final Chapter: Twelve Years Later, I Finally See You Again

Twelve years later, the world has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Today, when the iron door of the prison was opened, Lin Aji finally walked out.

During the 12 years in prison, she lived a regular day and night, and no matter what she did every day, she had to control her life accurately to a few minutes.

However, when freedom truly came, Lin Aji felt deeply overwhelmed by everything unfamiliar in front of him.

At nearly forty years old, her face has long lost the beauty it had when she was young.

Her hands were covered with calluses from years of working, and her once inky black hair was now covered with thin silver strands. She was obviously much older than her peers.

Even the world she saw in her eyes at this time was no longer what she remembered.

Lin Aji remembered clearly that not long after he was imprisoned, his mother left a harmless letter and left the city, never to be heard from again.

Obviously, he was abandoned.

However, the loneliness of being unvisited for twelve years was nothing compared to the yearning she felt for the man she loved at this time.

Every day, every hour, every moment, every second in prison, she misses the man she still loves deeply - Chen Liangshan.

To this day, she still remembers clearly that after she woke up in the hospital, several police officers came to her quickly, and under the supervision of the prosecutor's office investigators, an interrogation was conducted with three parties present.

During the interrogation, when Lin Aji learned that in the past six months, except for the basic medical expenses reimbursed daily by the Public Security Bureau, all other additional expenses were donated by a mysterious person who did not want to be named, she guessed at that time.


Where can there be any mysterious person? There is no such kind stranger in the world who has never met but is so kind to him. All of this is an arrangement made by Chen Liangshan for himself.

And when she learned that Chen Liangshan was solely responsible for all the crimes, she immediately cried.

She was surprised that the other person would go so far for her. Even if she might become a vegetable that would never wake up in the future, she would never lack the other person's love for a day.

So on the day of the three-party interrogation, Lin Aji made a decision that no one could understand.

She voluntarily admitted her guilt and admitted that she had voluntarily assisted Chen Liangshan in killing those people. At the same time, she also told how Shanshuihe Company forced her to almost commit suicide.

In the end, Lin Aji told the investigators with absolute certainty that he had never been coerced by Chen Liangshan, and the people he killed were all evil people who had escaped legal punishment for many years.

In fact, in the minds of the police officers handling the case, they had already been vaguely aware of it. They did not think that Chen Liangshan was the kind of man who forced Lin Aji to commit crimes.

But when these words came out of Lin Aji's mouth, the police officer handling the case was still quite surprised.

So after a long period of interrogation, Lin Aji finally changed himself from a "coercive crime" that was about to be characterized to a "joint crime."

And the consequences of this are more serious than before. If she voluntarily admitted that she was coerced by Chen Liangshan to commit the crime, the sentence might only be set at 5 years or even less.

But now that Lin Aji has retracted her confession and classified herself as a "joint criminal", the sentence she is about to face will be at least 11-15 years.

After recording the confession and Lin Aji signed the transcript, Wen Sibao, who was responsible for investigating the case, finally couldn't bear it anymore. He quietly asked: "Lin Aji, why did you take the initiative to confess these things? Don't you know

If you do this now, will you face a long prison sentence?"

At that moment, Lin Aji's expression showed a rare sense of relaxation, but her eyes were filled with unprecedented determination.

"Officer Wen, I just want to do my last bit to let everyone know that Brother Liangshan is by no means the kind of person who forces others to commit crimes, and he is by no means a bad person!"

At this moment, Lin Aji finally atones for the sins he committed back then.

She held a thin envelope in her hand, which contained the money she had saved by working in the prison over the past few years.

And she could finally meet the man she loved openly.

Mobei City has changed a lot in recent years. Even the buses are no longer the green buses of the past, but have become the large, air-conditioned double-decker buses they are now.

Lin Aji walked into the car from the front door and was about to insert coins when he heard the driver say: "Please show me the code."

She asked doubtfully: "Code? What...what code?"

The bus driver also looked at the other person with the same confusion, pointed at a QR code picture posted on the back panel and said: "Scan this."

Lin Aji still didn't understand what the other person meant by "scan". The driver explained helplessly: "Use your mobile phone to scan this QR code, do you understand?"

Lin Aji took out his cell phone in confusion. After playing with it for a long time, he found that the cell phone had been out of power and had been turned off for an unknown period of time.

This is the same mobile phone that I had when I was taken away from the zoo 12 years ago. Now even the cracks inside are covered with dust.

The bus driver's eyes quickly fell on the other person's mobile phone, and he said in surprise: "Sister...Sister, you got this mobile phone from...an antique shop, right? Use this mobile phone to scan the code, are you funny?"

Lin Aji was completely confused now. He really couldn't figure out what the "code" the other party was talking about was. However, the passengers sitting in the car finally became unwilling and protested loudly.

——"Master! Can you leave? I'm in a hurry to report back to my unit!"

——"That's right! I said that eldest sister, you don't even know how to use your mobile phone to take the bus? You can buy your own car and drive it, then no one will care about you!"

——"Master, hurry up...I can't hold it in anymore..."

Unable to stand up to the yelling of the passengers, the driver finally said to Lin Aji helplessly: "Sister, how about you get off the car? I don't think you can fix the phone in a while, so don't waste everyone's time, okay?"


Looking at these well-dressed people in front of him, Lin Aji felt uncomfortable.

In the past twelve years, this city has changed a lot.

Wider driveways, more green trees, better means of transportation, and even the cars on the road look much more upscale than they did twelve years ago.

But the indifference between people has never changed at all.

Finally, Lin Aji got off the bus at the urging of the passengers. She looked at the back of the bus and sighed softly, then silently walked back toward the city.

The Prison Service contacted the local community and prepared a small room for Lin Aji in a simple guest house.

The community worker brought a small piece of paper with the address of the cotton spinning factory and told Lin Aji that this was the job they had found for her, with a monthly salary of 1,800 yuan including food and housing, and she also specifically asked two things.


The first thing is to remind Lin Aji that he must take his release certificate to his original household registration police station to apply for an ID card as soon as possible. In today's society, it is difficult to move forward without an ID card.

The second thing is to ask the other party to buy a smartphone as soon as possible and then download a few necessary software. If they don't do this, they will not even be able to take the bus in the future.

After sending the community worker away, Lin Aji had already forgotten what the other party said. She didn't understand why she had to show such a private thing like her mobile phone to others. Don't people have privacy anymore?


But she didn't have the energy to think about that at this time, because she only wanted to do one thing now, which was to meet the man she had been waiting for 12 years.

Afterwards, Lin Aji took a special shower, dressed himself up, and then used the little cash left to go to the supermarket downstairs to buy some cheap fruits and drinks, and then put these gifts in a small

The basket is on its way.

Since Lin Aji couldn't "scan the code" and couldn't take the bus, she had to walk all the way, but her steps were very brisk at this time, and all she could think about were the beautiful scenes of herself and Chen Liangshan together.

Soon, Lin Aji arrived at the Mobei City Cemetery, where Chen Liangshan had been waiting for her for 12 years.

Just 12 years ago, when Chen Liangshan was executed by lethal injection, Xiao Yanran and Nannan buried him here as his final destination in this life.

Soon, Lin Aji followed the address Wen Sibao told him and arrived at one of the areas.

However, as she searched along the tombs one by one, she discovered that there were many people coming to pay homage to Chen Liangshan's tomb, and in the middle of the crowd was Xiao Yanran, who was sitting in a wheelchair.

The other person's face has the same wear and tear marks of time as his own, but from the other person's clothes and the slim Chen Nannan beside him, it can be seen that the family is living a good life now, at least it is a time when they no longer have to worry about money.


In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, Lin Aji hurriedly hid in the bushes and waited silently for the other party to leave.

The group of people cleaned the tomb while talking and laughing, and then filled it with fresh fruits, liquor and cigarettes. Only then did Lin Aji discover that the other two men were Xu Tiannan and Wen Sibao.

The two of them were like old friends, sitting carelessly next to Chen Liangshan's tomb. The two chatted a lot, until Xu Tiannan drank a small glass of white wine and planned to sing a song on the spot, but Murong was finally

Shui tightly covered his mouth.

After a while, these people seemed to have finished talking and were ready to leave.

Xu Tiannan waved, and a fair and tender little girl about 5 years old ran over from a distance.

This child's eyes are big and lively. Just like Murong Shui when she was young, she loves to move and can't stop. But she can play in a place like the cemetery and get herself covered in mud. I can't help but be fond of Murong Shui after she comes back.

A reprimand.

When she was scolded, the little girl quickly climbed onto Xu Tiannan's body and made a proud expression towards Murong Shui. Then, like a little monkey, she jumped directly onto Wen Sibao's body, and her hands were dirty.

The dirty mud instantly left many black mud paw prints on the opponent's white shirt.

Wen Sibao pretended to be angry and made a face, but "Little Xu Tiannan" climbed onto the other person's neck without any fear. While grabbing the other person's hair, he waved to the side to call Chen Nannan over, and then continued to ride.

With the gesture on Wen Sibao's neck, he and Chen Nannan played a clapping game.

Although Xu Tiannan and Murong Shui are both older, looking at the appearance of the two of them when they left, they are still the same as they were more than ten years ago. They keep bumping into each other while walking.

When there are pebbles in the distance, they rush forward at the same time to compete with who can kick the pebbles away first.

This group of people are the same as before, no one has changed. It seems that time can only leave some traces on their faces, but not the vicissitudes of life.

Finally, after these people left, Lin Aji walked out of the forest again.

Although the fruits she brought were very cheap, she wiped each one carefully and placed them neatly in front of the tomb.

The surroundings were quiet, with the occasional chirping of birds passing through, and then the calm quickly returned.

But in such an empty world, Lin Aji felt that he and Chen Liangshan were closer than ever before, and the other person seemed to be living in his heart and becoming a part of his life.

"Brother Liangshan...I miss you so much..."

After saying just a few words, Lin Aji burst into tears. She looked at the porcelain-polished color photo in the tomb. Chen Liangshan's smile on it was the same as it was more than ten years ago, which made her feel warm.

And at this moment, she seemed to have become the ignorant girl again, but she completely trusted and relied on him.

This was also the first thing Lin Aji did after he was freed, crying freely.

Tears fell and wet the ground under his feet.

It wasn't until a long time later that Lin Aji took out a small fruit knife from his pocket and slowly placed it on the pulse point of his wrist.

——"Brother Liangshan, there is nothing in this world that I miss anymore."

——"I have never told anyone. Just 12 years ago, when I learned that you were sentenced to death, I had the idea of ​​​​leaving with you."

——"I...I have no relatives anymore. You are my last relative in the world."

——"And today...I can finally go see you, I'm so happy..."

The moment the cold blade was about to cut across his pulse, Lin Aji suddenly felt as if someone had grabbed his wrist.

When he looked up, he was suddenly frightened.

A middle-aged man who was also older, but tall and thick, was holding on to him tightly.

"Don't...don't do this!"

Lin Aji was so frightened that he hurriedly wanted to withdraw his arm, but unexpectedly, the man's hand in front of him grabbed him tightly like an iron pliers.

After a while, the man realized that he seemed to have pinched the other person, so he carefully took the fruit knife away, let go, and asked: "Excuse me... are you Lin Aji?"

Lin Aji nodded cautiously, still feeling afraid of the man in front of him.

A trace of joy immediately flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes. He first closed the fruit knife, then placed it on the ground not far away, and said in as low a voice as possible: "I...I'm waiting for you."

During the many years in prison, Lin Aji not only learned some hand-made darning, but also learned one thing, that is, no one in this world is worthy of his trust.

So she quickly stood up and planned to leave. However, before she took a few steps, she heard the other party shout again: "Wait...wait a minute, what I said is true. Brother Liangshan asked me to wait for you here."


Hearing Chen Liangshan's name, Lin Aji stopped immediately, but still kept his guard up and asked: "He...why did he let you wait for me here? How long have you been waiting for me?"

The middle-aged man sighed and whispered: "It's been 12 years. I've been waiting for you for 12 years."

Lin Aji said in surprise: "Who...are you? Why are you waiting for me here?"

The middle-aged man responded: "My name is Li Tieniu, Brother Liangshan is my benefactor, and Brother Liangshan wrote me a note before his execution, which said that if I am released from prison in the future, let me pay attention to you at any time.

news, and will wait for you here on the day you are released from prison, he said you will definitely come."

Lin Aji: "You...who are you? Why have I never heard Brother Liangshan talk about you?"

Li Tieniu scratched his head in embarrassment, "I'm ashamed to say that we actually met in the detention center. At that time... when Brother Liangshan was arrested, I happened to be the cell leader there, so... I took care of him by the way.

, but I never thought...he would actually help me so much later."

Lin Aji looked at the other person carefully. Although this man named Li Tieniu was tall and fierce, he could tell that he had no ill intentions towards him.

Besides, the other party probably wouldn't covet anything from a woman of her age, so she believed the other party for the time being.

A long time passed, and Li Tieniu finally told some of what happened at the tomb.

After listening, Lin Aji asked in surprise: "So you mean...it was Brother Liangshan who found a very powerful lawyer for you and then got you out of the detention center?"

Li Tieniu scratched his head sheepishly and explained.

——"Actually, that's not the case. In today's society, no one can just take advantage of others. It's just..."

——"All of this is just because I was so hot-headed that I beat the parent of a classmate who bullied my son to death in the street."

——"Although I am uneducated, I still understand the principle of killing to pay for life, so at that time I thought I was dead."

——"But I never expected that after Brother Liangshan was released from the detention center, he would arrange a lawyer for me."

——"That lawyer was very powerful. He investigated my case at that time. Later it was discovered that the parent of the classmate I beat to death had heart disease."

——"So the situation at that time became clear. My punch actually did not cause serious injuries to him, but later it caused his heart disease, and he eventually died on the spot."

——"Besides, the situation at that time was that the parent of my son's classmate led a group of workers to beat me, so I was forced to fight back out of desperation."

——"In the end, thanks to the lawyer's efforts, my case was determined to be death due to self-defense in the second instance, and the other party also needs to bear a certain degree of responsibility."

——"So...I only stayed in there for 1 year and 8 months before I was released."

Lin Aji could not have imagined that so many things had happened during the time when she was in a coma, but at this time she had no doubt about the authenticity of the other party's story, because she knew that only Chen Liangshan could do such a small kindness.

The behavior of broadsheets.

Having said this, Li Tieniu's steel-like body also trembled a little. He secretly wiped away his tears and whispered: "I have never had any good luck in my life. In the early years, my wife thought I was poor and gave birth to a son."

After that, I ran away with another man, and later I was almost shot for beating someone to death. Now it seems...Brother Liangshan is the only good person I have met in my life..."

Lin Aji took a long breath and whispered: "Yes, he is such a person. He spends his whole life thinking about others and never really lives for himself."

Li Tieniu nodded and suddenly said: "Oh, by the way! I'm waiting for you here because he has something he asked me to hand over to you."

Later, Li Tieniu took off the black backpack behind him and handed it into Lin Aji's hands.

Lin Aji just stretched out his hand, but was suddenly pressed down by the heavy force, and his backpack was hit to the ground like a big stone, making a muffled sound.

As the zipper was opened, Lin Aji was so surprised that he could hardly speak.

Because there are several heavy gold bars placed in this backpack. If you weigh it casually, it is obvious that it weighs nearly ten kilograms.

"This...what is going on! Is there something wrong?"

Li Tieniu zipped the zipper back up and handed it over to the other party's hands, saying in a low voice: "You're right, I'm sure you're right. This is really what Brother Liangshan left for you."

"Then...where did all this money come from?"

Li Tieniu explained.

——"It's a long story."

——"Actually, before Brother Liangshan prepared to sneak away and escape, he had already entrusted my son to the Mobei Orphanage for temporary care."

——"I only found out later that the Mobei Orphanage was built with a donation from Brother Liangshan, so the director there was very kind to my son."

——"But the day before he smuggled in, he handed a suitcase to my son and told me to wait until I came out to hand the suitcase to me."

——"So when I came back after serving my sentence, I discovered that the suitcase was filled with money and gold, and it was also the kind of colorful foreign money."

——"Later, I searched online for a long time and found out what the money was called...US dollars, which is the money used by Americans."

——"At the same time, there was a letter left for me in the suitcase. After reading it, I realized that the money was left to you by him."

——"I later checked many newspapers from that year and found out that Brother Liangshan failed to smuggle in and was caught by the police, and he also left behind a wife and daughter."

——"So when I found out about this, I kept thinking...there must be something wrong here."

——"But I couldn't figure it out in my head, and I didn't dare to ask others, so later..."

——"Later, I took it upon myself to convert all the money into gold. It took me a long time, but... I left half of the gold to Brother Liangshan's wife and children."

——"Although this matter was done without his consent, I feel...if he were still alive, he would definitely ask me to do this."

——"Well...sister, you don't blame me for doing this, do you?"

After hearing these words, Lin Aji had already burst into tears, and tears fell down her cheeks. She kept shaking her head and said: "No... no... how could I blame you!"

"That's good!"

Li Tieniu chuckled, as if he had finally fulfilled his wish. He opened his hands and stretched, and the stone that had been in his heart for so many years finally fell to the ground.

When Lin Aji raised his head again, he had already disappeared.

In the huge cemetery, I was alone again.

She looked at the heavy, golden gold in the bag in front of her, just like the heart of the man she loved, pure and shining.

This chapter has been completed!
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