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Chapter 460 Judge of Hades: I am everywhere (1)

In the comment area, the judge of Hades wrote in jingle:

I am a good little kitty;

Meet the cruel villain IV;

Torn to pieces without a whole body;

The wicked will be punished;

The thunder of heaven is designed to attack evil people;

Become a dead soul under the strong wind;

Being broken into pieces is the destination;

The burning flames will eventually pay off.

Just a few jingles, but it sent chills down the spines of several people.

Wen Sibao asked: "Tiannan, do you see anything from these words?"

Xu Tiannan thought for a moment and responded: "How to die."

Murong Shui: "How to die? What way to die?"

Xu Tiannan thought for a moment and responded: "These words first told the story of a kitten being tortured to death by four bad guys. But soon it also told the story of a bad guy who finally got his revenge. I found that in this jingle, the third

Words like thunder and strong wind appear in the fifth and sixth sentences respectively. Maybe... this already predicts the punishment that the victim will suffer, right?"

Wen Sibao nodded and explained: "As you said, no one paid attention to this ordinary user message at first, but after A Wu and A Ye died one after another a few days ago, we realized their

The method of death was predicted in advance by this jingle, so we concluded that this user named 'Judge of Hades' was probably their murderer."

With that said, Wen Sibao took out two files from the accident investigation site.

According to the first file, not long after the cat abuse video was released, when Ah Wu went downstairs to buy a drink from a vending machine on the street in the middle of the night, a short circuit occurred in the internal circuit of the vending machine, and he was killed on the spot.

Ah Wu was electrocuted to death.

After reading Ah Wu's file, Murong Shui said in surprise: "Boss, the fifth sentence in the jingle, 'The sky thunder is designed to pick out evil people,' could it be that this thunder... is talking about Ah Wu being electrocuted to death?"

Xu Tiannan did not answer, but took out the second file, and was surprised to find that it recorded the manner of death of another deceased named Aye."

According to the file, not long after Ah Wu died, Ah Ye accidentally ran over several banana peels on the edge of the road while riding a motorcycle late at night, causing the motorcycle to suddenly lose control.

, ultimately resulting in a car crash and fatalities.

The current situation is self-evident. The way Aye died on a motorcycle happened to correspond to the sixth sentence in the jingle, "Becoming a dead soul under the strong wind."

After reading the dossier, Wen Sibao looked a little embarrassed and said to Xu Tiannan.

——"You have also seen the situation...this is the situation."

——"Since Ah Wu and Ah Ye were involved in the accident, I realized at the time that there must be something wrong with the message under the video."

——"Things would never be such a coincidence. Just a few jingles predicted the way two people would die."

——"But the trouble is...when our investigators investigated the scenes of the two deceased persons, they ultimately found no clues related to the murders."

——"So these two cases can only be characterized as accidents caused by accidents in the end."

Ayou suddenly jumped up and shouted: "No! This can never be an accident. Although I don't know who the murderer is now, his next target must be me!"

As he said that, Ayou stepped forward and pointed at the next paragraph on the screen, and said in horror: "Look! The next sentence says 'Being broken into pieces is the destination'. This sentence is obviously aimed at me! How will I die?

...how to die..."

At this moment, Ayou's spirit was on the verge of collapse, and she kept repeating: "Shattered into pieces...What exactly is broken into pieces? It's over, it's over...I'm done, no matter what, I will die..."

"Ayou! Calm down!"

Xu Tiannan grabbed the other person's arm and asked in a deep voice: "I can't help you in your current state! Tell me, did A Wu and A Ye have an accident in an environment they are familiar with?"

Ayou forced herself to calm down, but she still seemed a little trembling when she spoke: "Wha... what do you mean they are familiar with the environment?"

Xu Tiannan explained: "I mean, do these two people often have the habit of going downstairs to buy things from vending machines and riding motorcycles to hit the streets?"

Ayou answered immediately without thinking.

——"Yes...that's right. Ah Wu is a person who can't sit still. He often likes to go downstairs for a walk alone in the middle of the night."

——"But we all know that he has a habit, that is, every time he goes downstairs, he will buy a can of beer from the vending machine and only come back after drinking it."

Xu Tiannan immediately asked again: "Yes! That's what it means. This clue is very important. Now think about the other dead A Ye, under what circumstances would he usually ride a motorcycle to bomb the street?"

Ayou said.

——"Aye has a bad temper and often has conflicts with us, but he has the best relationship with Aye. The two of them never quarrel or quarrel, so..."

——"So after Ah Wu died, Ah Ye was the one who suffered the most."

——"In those days, he ignored no one and locked himself in the room alone."

——"But Aye has a habit, that is, whenever he is upset, he will ride a motorcycle to blow up the streets."

——“Because of this incident, residents often complain.”

After hearing these words, Xu Tiannan said to himself: "Well... it really is like that."

Murong Shui: "What? Boss, what did you think of?"

Xu Tiannan explained: "The murderer probably took advantage of the characteristics of A Wu and A Ye. He visited the spot in advance and knew that A Wu liked to buy beer from the vending machine. He also investigated in advance when A Ye was riding a motorcycle and bombing the street.

The only way to pass by, so he laid traps in these two places. So...if the murderer wants to use an accident to cause the death of these two people, the first thing he has to do is to find out

The pattern of actions of the two."

This chapter has been completed!
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