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Chapter 464 Mino, the Dark History of an Excellent Student

A few years ago, when the police academy was facing the graduation season, Mobei F4 dropped out of graduation that year without any surprise, and Xu Tiannan, who also did not receive a diploma, also suffered the biggest upset that year.

But in addition to these few people, there was another big surprise that year, and that was a fresh graduate named Mino who, like Xu Tiannan, also missed out on his ambition to graduate and join the police force.

Mobei F4's unbearably poor results are obvious to all, so it's no surprise that it failed. Everyone knows what happened to Xu Tiannan, but whenever the instructors talk about the reason why Minuo was deprived of graduation qualifications,

They all showed a secretive attitude.

Therefore, why Minow was deprived of graduation qualifications became a mystery that year.

But soon, during a regular meeting of the school committee before graduation, a student accidentally saw a piece of information placed on the instructor's desk. Only then did he learn the reason why Minnow was deprived of graduation qualifications.

It was because in the final psychological review session, the other party was identified as a "patient with antisocial personality disorder."

Antisocial personality, which is a very terrible mental disorder, is also called heartless personality disorder. It has dangerous characteristics such as high aggression, high IQ, high atavism, and high criminality. It is even mentioned in some authoritative journals.

In a magazine, some experts once called such patients "natural-born criminals."

This disease is usually caused by congenital genetic defects. The external manifestation is that patients do not care about the rules of this society and only act based on their own desires and impulses. They do not care about morality, law, or even family affection, and they are thinking logically.

His basic emotions are also very different from those of normal humans.

All in all, this kind of mental illness is basically incurable. If you put such a person into society, it is equivalent to putting a beast into the flock.

There was once a very famous case of antisocial personality in our country. It was about a man who was about to be released from prison. He had already made plans to continue robbing and killing people after he was released from prison.

But this man remembered one thing, that is, when his mother saw him committing a crime, he could clearly see the pain and sadness in his mother's eyes.

Therefore, this man with antisocial personality did something that no one could understand. After he was released from prison, the first thing he did was to kill his mother. When he was arrested again, he was arrested.

When the police asked why he did such a thing, his answer sent shivers down everyone's spine.

At that time, the man replied: "Because I have to kill my mother first so that she won't feel uncomfortable if I commit another crime."

It can be seen from this that what a terrible mental illness this is. However, it was also during that period that the news that Mino was an antisocial personality patient quickly began to spread in the circle of students, and he was soon attacked.

To the point where my classmates were alienated.

If this incident ended here, it would not be a strange thing. However, just before everyone was about to leave the school, a major incident occurred that shocked the whole school.

It was the day before graduation. The instructor who had conducted the psychological evaluation on Mino suddenly died in a car accident for unknown reasons. However, at the scene of the car accident, a pattern left with a marker appeared.

It was the pattern of a scale, and Xu Tiannan watched helplessly as his mentor died in front of him. At the same time, he also remembered Mino's self-introduction when he first entered school.

"My name is Minos, which means Minos, the judge of the underworld in Greek mythology. I will do my best to judge all injustices and sins."

At the time, everyone thought it was just an impressive self-introduction, but it was not until after the car accident that Xu Tiannan began to go to the library to look up information. Sure enough, he found in a book recording the history of Greek mythology.

The scale pattern at the scene of the car accident is exactly the same as the one at the car accident scene. This is a pattern symbolizing Minos, the judge of Hades.

There is an impartial scale standing there, with human hearts and goose feathers placed on the trays on both sides respectively. When the heart of a sinful person is heavier than the goose feathers, this person will suffer the karma of hell forever.

Therefore, the death of the psychological evaluation instructor first deprived Mino of his graduation qualification, and then he encountered a car accident inexplicably. At the same time, a scale pattern related to Mino was found at the scene of the car accident.

All of this pointed the suspicion of the murderer to Mino, but no matter how the police investigated, they never found any criminal evidence related to him.

In the end, the mentor's death turned into a freezing case, and at that time, Mino suddenly disappeared from the sight of his classmates.

But now, this man is finally back. The former judge of Hades, with his endless hatred and karma, vows to slaughter the entire Mobei.

In the Midnight Ghost Studio, Wen Sibao patted Xu Tiannan and whispered: "Tiannan, is it really him? Is he really back?"

Xu Tiannan: "From any angle, I'm afraid it's true. Mino... actually came back."


Wen Sibao was still confused and said: "But after he came back, why did he attack these guys F4 first?"

Xu Tiannan immediately said: "I remembered something."

"What's up?"

Xu Tiannan: "On the eve of graduation, after several of us were deprived of our police qualifications, Ayou and the others wrote a song and sang it on campus. Do you remember?"

Wen Sibao responded: "I can't remember the lyrics of that song clearly, but I remember it was probably f4. They first made the school very angry, and then they were deprived because you and Mino were just like them.

I am qualified to graduate, so I also made fun of you both in the song."

Xu Tiannan nodded, "I remember very clearly at that time that Mino didn't have many friends and was alone all day long. When he heard the song in the audience, his eyes were filled with hatred for those guys from F4.

I mean, I finally know why Mino wants to kill these four people now, he...he is here to seek revenge!"

This chapter has been completed!
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