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Chapter 84

The next day, in a basement in Nancheng.

A man who looked like a dwarf quietly opened the big iron door a crack, stuck his head out and looked around. After confirming that there were no police around, he opened the door and said to Lin Wanshan and the thugs: "Quick, come in!"

After Lin Wanshan came in, the dwarf man said with a smile: "Hey? Boss Lin, you are the one who mobilized the army, which gang are you going to destroy?"

Lin Wanshan said with a cold face: "Stop talking nonsense and let me see what good stuff you have!"

The dwarf man turned on the light and led everyone to the two shelves. He pointed at the dozens of machetes, sticks, hooks and other weapons of various types in front of him, and said with a smile: "Here! They are all here. Don't worry, Boss Lin."

, my guy is guaranteed to work better than others!"

Lin Wanshan said bluntly without even looking at the cold weapons in front of him: "Humph! They're all garbage!"

"Huh?" The dwarf man looked at Lin Wanshan and asked, "Could it be that what Boss Lin wants this time is..."

After saying that, he made a "gun" gesture with his fingers and said cautiously: "Could it be that Boss Lin wants to privately own a gun this time?"

Lin Wanshan nodded, "Now that you know it, let's take it all out and let the brothers choose!"

The dwarf man was shocked and said in a low voice: "Boss Lin, think twice! Things are not as good as usual these days! Most of the fights and killings between gangs will be weighed by themselves. Even if they hurt someone, they will only have to squat for a few years.

, but if it involves private guns, the nature is different, and if you are caught, you will be the one to blame!"

Lin Wanshan said: "You can take it if you are told! I know the situation better than you, so there is no need for you to talk nonsense here!"

The dwarf man looked at the other person for a long time, and finally sighed. He turned around and pulled out a small box from under a shelf. The box was covered with dust. After opening it, a strong smell of gun cleaning oil came out.

The dwarf man took out five shiny black pistols from the box one after another and placed them on the table.

Lin Wanshan picked up one of them and stroked the metal gun body. A feeling that had lasted for more than ten years emerged in his heart again. Then he skillfully pressed the lock, pulled out the magazine and checked it, then removed the shell, loaded the gun and other actions.

After finishing it in one go, he nodded and said: "It's a good imitation."

Hearing the other party praising himself, the dwarf man also smiled and said: "Of course! Brother, what I made is a standard imitation 54-style police gun. Although the style is a bit older, this gun will survive any harsh conditions, whether it is soaked in water or sand.

There will be no jamming in any environment!”

"I want them all, where are the bullets?"

"Yes! Yes!" The dwarf man pulled out another wooden box and distributed a bullet bag to each person, which was bulging with 7.62mm bullets.

Later, Lin Wanshan chose a machete for each of the thugs from the nearby shelf, then took out a small gold brick from his pocket and threw it to the thug.

"Yo! Boss Lin is so awesome! So awesome!"

The dwarf man smiled from ear to ear after seeing the gold brick, but soon realized something was wrong, so he asked: "Boss Lin, what are you planning to do this time...?"

Lin Wanshan signaled the thugs to go out first, then lit a cigarette and sat down, "Big Li, let me ask you, how long have we known each other?"

The dwarf man had lost count of how many years no one had called him by his real name, but looking at Lin Wanshan's appearance now, he probably guessed that maybe now was the time to say goodbye.

Big Li said: "It's been thirteen years. When Boss Lin was in the 27th Company, he bought his first machete from me."

Lin Wanshan took a puff of cigarette and said to himself: "It's been so long..."

Suddenly, Lin Wanshan changed the topic and said: "To tell you the truth, the police are now looking for me in the whole city. If I continue like this, I will be caught sooner or later, but how can I just sit back and wait for death? So this guy I bought from you this time

This thing is what we brothers have to prepare for a fight with the police!"

After hearing this, Mr. Li was completely shocked and said tremblingly: "Boss Lin... Then this time, wouldn't you..."

He never dared to say the next words, but Lin Wanshan smiled calmly, "Don't worry, even if I am beaten to death by the police, I will definitely take away a few people to be buried with him! But you, don't blame me for not reminding you,

If these private guns fall into the hands of the police, they will be traced to you sooner or later, so just take the money I just gave you and run away!"

Big Li opened his mouth, really not knowing what to say, but seeing that the brother he had known for more than ten years was about to disappear forever, he still felt some unspeakable feelings in his heart.

Lin Wanshan walked out of the door, and a thug asked: "Boss, are you leaving now?"

"I won't leave until things are done."

The thug asked: "Is there anything else?"

Lin Wanshan took out four photos from his body and handed them to the thug. The thug took one look at them and asked: "Boss, who are these people?"

"This is the target that 13k originally targeted for us. Apart from Yang Wanli, the culprit, these few people were also indispensable for the intervention that led to today's situation."

After finishing speaking, Lin Wanshan pointed to the photos of Wen Sibao and Li Mengxue and said: "13k originally found these two people in the party style construction column of the Public Security Bureau. The man is a criminal police officer of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, and the woman is a forensic scientist."

Later, Lin Wanshan pointed to the photos of Xu Tiannan and Murong Shui and said: "The identities of these two people are unknown, but judging from the fact that they are so close to the police, they are probably consultants of the Public Security Bureau."

At this point, Lin Wanshan's eyes revealed a fierceness, "Since Yang Wanli is hiding now and can't be found, the revenge of the other people must be avenged!"

The thug looked at the photo and asked: "Boss, shall we kill all these people?"

"No." Lin Wanshan thought for a while, "Just kill the man and leave the two women behind. Just in case, if we are really cornered by the police, we must take hostages with us when we leave the city this time!


In the command room of the Public Security Bureau and the task force, the tragic scene of Lin Fei's death was projected on the big screen.

Li Mengxue pointed to the large piece of torn off skin on the back of the deceased and explained.

——"When we found the body, the deceased's hands were tied and he was only wearing a pair of shorts. At the same time, there were about 23,000 square millimeters of lacerations on the skin on his back."

Zheng Jianghu asked: "What weapon caused the laceration?"

Li Mengxue replied.

——“After the skin at the wound was cleaned, no similar chemical components such as ethyl cyanoacrylate were found, which means that the murderer did not use glue like three-second glue to stick the skin of the deceased, and at the same time, he tore the injured area and

No knife edge marks were found.”

——"The forensic team also found necrotic tissue in blisters and granulation wounds under the thumbs of both feet of the deceased. This is a very typical sign of third-degree frostbite."

——"So combined with the above information, the deceased Lin Fei was probably trapped in a very low temperature place by Yang Wanli and the others, and this place must have metal walls or floors, which led to Lin Fei's death

Freezing stickiness on the back and the environment.”

——"After Lin Fei was kidnapped and woke up, in the extreme panic caused by his desire to survive, he forcibly tore off the skin on his back."

Wen Sibao asked: "A cold storage again? Could it be that Yang Wanli and the others, like the murderer last year, took the deceased into the northern suburbs cold storage for quick freezing?"

Li Mengxue said: "It's not clear yet about this, but our colleagues have already set off to two commercial districts in Mobei City where cold storage is concentrated, and the surveillance videos will be retrieved soon."

Wen Sibao turned to look at Xu Tiannan again and asked, "Tiannan, what do you think?"

Xu Tiannan said.

——"I think Yang Wanli and the others will not go to that kind of large commercial cold storage. There are two reasons. One: the time Yang Wanli took Lin Fei away last night was around 11 o'clock in the middle of the night. There were few people at that time, and

A place like that has full surveillance coverage, so he would not choose to go there in order to reduce his risk of exposure."

——"Secondly, Li Mengxue has just said that Lin Fei's back skin has frozen stickiness with certain metal surfaces, but there is one thing I want to explain here, that is, the usual commercial cold storage is for thermal insulation.

For other purposes, the walls and floors are designed with rubber-plastic insulation boards, which are unlikely to stick to human skin.

——"So based on the above considerations, it is more likely that Lin Fei was taken into a certain refrigerated truck at that time. Only the compartments of such refrigerated trucks have metal guards. This is more in line with what Yang Wanli and the others were doing in the urban area.

The possibility of fleeing to commit crimes.”

There was silence in the command room for a moment. When Zheng Jianghu saw that no one raised any objections, he immediately decided: "Okay, let's do this! Xingye will lead two groups of people to first check all the registered refrigerated trucks in the city, and then

Then go to the director to apply for a co-investigation notice from the traffic police detachment. During this period, we will step up vehicle inspections at various intersections."

At this time, a police officer knocked on the door and came in, saying to Xu Tiannan: "Teacher Xu, someone is looking for you in the reception room."

Xu Tiannan said hello to everyone and then left. He didn't take two steps, but found Murong Shui following him, so he asked: "You came to see me, why are you following me?"

Murong Shui said: "After arresting Lin Fei last night, I finally figured it out. Boss, please try not to leave me more than 2 meters away from me in the future, so as not to cause another accident to you..."

After saying that, Murong Shui stretched out his finger and flicked a bruise on Xu Tiannan's elbow. It was the injury caused by the other person falling down the stairs last night.

Xu Tiannan gasped in pain and could only say: "Oh...that's up to you."

When the two entered the reception room, they suddenly discovered two familiar faces.

A middle-aged woman wearing glasses and short hair, and an uncle with slightly gray hair but a fleshy body came over. The middle-aged woman said enthusiastically: "Teacher Xu, it's really not easy to meet you.

We’ve been here several times, eh?”

The middle-aged woman adjusted her glasses, suddenly looked at Murong Shui behind her, and said with a serious look on her face: "Damn girl, why are you here?"

Murong Shui was slightly startled when he saw the other party, and immediately put on a good-natured look, and said with a flattering smile: "Hehehehe? Mom, why are you here!"

"Go aside."

Shui Gen's mother pushed Murong Shui aside and pulled Xu Tiannan to sit down. Without any explanation, she thrust a large box into his hand and said with a smile: "Teacher Xu, we are here to find you this time because we just want to inquire."

What you mentioned last time...about the school allocating houses to Shuigen, how is it being implemented?"

Xu Tiannan's head was buzzing when he heard this. He didn't expect that when he went back to Murong Shui's house to investigate Yang Wanli's situation, he made up an excuse about "separating houses in school" and the other party took it seriously. However, what made him even more embarrassed was this

Ci Murong Shui was actually still by his side.

So Xu Tiannan hurriedly pushed back the gift from the other party and said in defense: "Well... Auntie! This matter was decided by the school leaders. I don't know the specific situation now. Let's go back first and wait for news.

Can I inform you again?"

"Hey! Why are you so polite to us, young man!" Shui Gen's father said, and forcibly put the big box in Xu Tiannan's hands, so that the other person almost fell down, and said with a smile: "Take it! This is ours

Homegrown sweet potatoes are no better than those bought from outside! Ouch, this young man..."

Shui Gen's father's big, iron-like hands pinched Xu Tiannan's arm, causing the other person to break into a cold sweat. Murong Shui finally heard something and asked: "Dad! Mom! What are you talking about?"

What’s the difference between a messy house and a messy one?”

With a slap, Shui Gen's mother hit Murong Shui on the head and reprimanded: "I don't even know what you, a damn girl, are doing like a dog every day.

I don’t even worry about such a big thing as dividing a house! Okay, just go away and stop talking!”

Murong Shui stood aside helplessly. After half an hour of polite words between his parents and Xu Tiannan, he finally sent the old couple out.

Before going out, Shui Gen's mother suddenly turned her head and told Murong Shui with a straight face: "Damn girl, please listen to me and behave well in front of Teacher Xu! If you can't get a house this time, you will give it to me in the future."

I moved out and slept on the street, do you understand?"

Before Murong Shui could defend himself, Shui Gen's father raised his fist as big as a sandbag and threatened before leaving. Murong Shui stood there dumbly, not knowing what was going on.

Xu Tiannan was about to sneak away quietly, but was blocked by Murong Shui. He only heard the other party say: "Boss! What is going on? Also, when did the school decide to allocate a house to me? Please explain to me. Also, when did the school decide to allocate a house to me?"

Ah! When did you meet my mother? Why didn’t I know?”

A series of questions caught Xu Tiannan off guard. No matter how quick his thinking was, he still didn't dare to look directly at the other person's eyes, as if he had lost his temper. He hesitated and said: "Well... this... this... you said you

Will mom mistake me for someone else?"

Murong Shui said in disbelief: "Did you admit that you were someone else?"

"Yes!" Xu Tiannan said categorically: "According to the rules of genetic coding, there will be at least two people who look exactly like you in the world. This is nothing new!"

After saying this, Xu Tiannan was about to leave again, but Murong Shui suddenly felt something was wrong, so he stepped forward to stop him again and said: "Who are you fooling? When you said these words just now, you dodge your eyes and moved your eyes from the lower left to the upper right.

This is obviously a sign of lying! Did you lie to me?"

"I did not lie to you."

Murong Shui immediately said again: "Look, look! When you lied, you deliberately omitted the subject 'I' before the predicate, otherwise you should have said 'I didn't lie', but this unconfident lie of yours did not even bother you."

You don’t even dare to bring it in! You are obviously lying!”

Xu Tiannan was stunned. He couldn't understand how Murong Shui, who usually had a long reflex arc, suddenly became so smart and used the micro-expression analysis method he usually taught her on himself.


Looking at Murong Shui's aggressive gaze, Xu Tiannan racked his brains and couldn't think of a good lie at this time, so he gritted his teeth and finally hid himself from the other person. He went to the other person's house that day to do a "personal background check" 15

Said it out ten times.

After hearing these words, Murong Shui also looked at the other party in disbelief. He didn't know what to say for a long time, and finally asked slowly: "In other words... Boss, you used the excuse of dividing schools into separate houses to lie to my mother that day.

, is it actually just to investigate me?”

"No, no, no." Xu Tiannan hurriedly explained: "How could I investigate you? I mean, I wanted to find out Yang Wanli's real purpose of approaching you, and then... I acted as editor-in-chief and lied.

I thought this matter would just go away, and I didn’t intend to cause you any trouble, but I didn’t expect your parents to come over like this today..."

Xu Tiannan still didn't dare to look directly into the other person's eyes as he spoke, but he could still feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere at this time.

For a long time, Murong Shui didn't respond. She just looked at Xu Tiannan with a strange look and asked in a low voice: "Boss, why didn't you just ask me directly?"


Xu Tiannan didn't know how to answer this sentence, and finally decided to tell the truth: "You and Yang Wanli were very close at that time, and I thought that you had already... reached that kind of... that kind of close state.

I'm also afraid of affecting the relationship between you..."

"Boss, what are you talking about?"

Murong Shui seemed a little angry at this time. She explained: "Let's put aside for the moment that Yang Wanli deceived everyone in the task force, but have I told you about this from the beginning? It's my mother.

She is forcing me to go on a blind date, and she is in charge of all this. And have I told you a long time ago that I am most disgusted with Yang Wanli's practice of giving girls gifts all day long to win people's hearts? I don't like him!"

The two sides were silent for a moment, and Murong Shui finally said: "Boss, I always thought that apart from my parents, you were the only person in the world worthy of my trust, but now I feel... you don't trust me."

Xu Tiannan hurriedly defended: "How can this mean that I don't trust you... I was just not sure about Yang Wanli's true identity at the time, so I didn't want my wrong judgment to affect the relationship between you and him... Besides, he proposed to you

Isn’t it..."

Murong Shui took a deep breath at this time, and his tone seemed a little trembling, "Boss, there is something I want to ask you."

Xu Tiannan said: "You tell me."

Murong Shui: "Some time ago, that night at the Beiyang Mountain Warehouse, Yang Wanli told you about the continuation of the bet between you two. I want to know what exactly the bet between you two was?"

Xu Tiannan let out a long sigh, "At that time, all my guesses about him were only at the stage of reasoning, and I didn't have any evidence of his crime. But I knew that he was an out-and-out mental patient, so I thought

, the best way to get him to leave your side is to win the bet."

"Then what if you lose?"

Xu Tiannan thought for a while and whispered: "If you lose, I will never see you again."

Murong Shui couldn't believe that the other party would do such a thing, and frowned: "Boss, what do you think I am? A bargaining chip to satisfy your victory in the bet?"

Xu Tiannan quickly waved his hand and said: "How is this possible!"

Murong Shui shook his head and whispered: "Anyway, the case is about to be solved. I want to apply for a few days of rest recently."

After saying that, Murong Shui prepared to leave without waiting for the other party's consent.

"Water roots!"

Xu Tiannan didn't know what to say to the other party now, but he didn't want to let the other party go just like that. However, when he held the other party's hand, he was suddenly thrown away. He only heard Murong Shui say: "I really don't understand what you are doing now."

What do you think of me? And I feel that besides not trusting me, you actually...actually..."

Murong Shui's voice became lower and lower, but she could clearly feel the change in her mood. At this time, she lowered her head and said in a deep voice: "You are still investigating my life without telling me. You... are too much.


The door to the reception room was slammed shut, and the loud sound seemed to hit Xu Tiannan's heart, making him stand there and unable to let go for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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