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Chapter 133 Fierce Battle against Kaido, Aokiji Arrives! 5,000 words!

Chapter 133: Fierce battle with Kaido, Aokiji arrives! (5,000 words!)

"I am a swordsman, and all my abilities are to serve my sword. Before, my swordsmanship had reached a bottleneck. However, in the battle with you, I gradually understood that my swordsmanship and abilities should be

They complement each other!" Yun Ye said slowly, looking at the [Sword Skills] column on his system panel.

【Swordsmanship】Proficiency 90!

Yes, Yun Ye had already thought it through during the battle.

The reason why his [Swordsmanship] has been progressing slowly is because Yun Ye subconsciously separated [Swordsmanship] from other abilities and classified them as different skills.

This is a habit of thinking, just like when Yun Ye played games in his previous life, one button was a skill, and two abilities could not be used at the same time.

At most, the connection is relatively fast.

Yun Ye fell into this kind of misunderstanding...

Although he often uses several skills together, he still separates them in his heart and does not face his own abilities.

This result is just like the previous Umit's rejection of his Devil Fruit ability, which resulted in the enhancement not being very large when he used his Devil Fruit ability.

There is another reason that although Yun Ye has been using the skills and abilities from the system, he always feels that they are not very safe. He thinks that if the system disappears one day, will all his skills and abilities disappear? Will he?

Being beaten back to the original state?

There is a sense of déjà vu as you pick up the bowl to eat, then put the bowl down to scold your mother...

But this is a real concern in Yun Ye's heart, so he will continue to train his body and domineering strength every day, so that even if he loses his system, he will not be knocked back to his original state and lose it all at once.

Combat strength.

This is caused by Yun Ye's cautious character in his previous life...

If the system is regarded as a Devil Fruit ability, Yun Ye's current situation is very similar to Umit's situation...

Perhaps it is these reasons that lead to the slow growth of his proficiency in various abilities?

Yun Ye was also thinking about this problem during this period of time, but he had no clue.

It was during the battle with Kaido just now that he came to the conclusion, why do you think so much? You have already lived your whole life again, why not be more open-minded?

After thinking clearly and figuring it out, Yun Ye became enlightened!

I have gained enlightenment in swordsmanship!

Although he didn't reach the sky and become a saint in one step... Yun Ye's [Sword Skill] also directly reached 90!

A terrifying sword power erupted from his body, competing with Kaido's overlord color!

Centered on Yun Ye's standing point, long traces spread out as if cut by a sharp weapon!

Yun Ye pointed his sword at Kaido: "Come and fight!"

"The Realm of the Great Swordsman? You little brat..., oh, oh, oh, oh, Patino Yunye, I remember your name! Guys like you should become pirates instead of joining the navy.

!" Kaido felt the sword power emanating from Yun Ye, and his eyes showed fighting intent!

Although the sword power is not domineering, it can still block his overlord's power without being affected!

"This world needs a righteous navy, not chaotic pirates like you!" Yun Ye swung his sword, tearing the air with a terrifying slash.

This time, Yun Ye did not use the Crescent Moon Chong, but the slash he produced at this time was not much weaker than the previous use of the Crescent Moon Chong!

"Really? But even so, do you think you can defeat me? It's still ten thousand years too early!" Kaido waved the mace forward in his hand, shattering Yun Ye's slash.

At the same time, his body moved, he rushed towards Yun Ye, jumped up high, and smashed down fiercely with the mace in both hands!

Yun Ye dodged away, and the silver sword light flickered out of the sword: "Didn't I already say it? Just try it and you will know! Crescent Moon Chong Tian Chong!"

This time, it was terrifying. A more brilliant slash shot out from the sword than before, and a huge crescent moon swept across Kaido.

"Hahaha, it's so powerful!" Kaido was tall and strong, but his speed was not slow. He hit the front with a mace in one hand, colliding with Yun Ye's slash.


A loud noise was heard, and Kaido staggered back a few steps. It was clear that he did not hit Kaido, but there were several blood marks on Kaido's body.

"It hurts, kid!" Kaido laughed wildly. Although he said it hurt, his expression was different. He lowered his foot and killed Yun Ye again.

"Who are you lying to?" Yun Ye's face was extremely solemn. He had already expected Kaido's difficulty and this would be a protracted battle.

The silver fiber in his hand was dyed ice blue again, and a sword drove the ice dragon to impact.

"It's useless, it's all useless!" Kaido roared angrily, and the mace shattered the ice dragon and hit Yun Ye.

"Whether it's useful or not is not up to you!" Yun Ye raised his sword to block.

With a 'bang', the ground beneath Yun Ye's feet cracked, and the cracks spread out.

Kaido's power suppressed Yun Ye, he laughed ferociously, raised his right leg and kicked out.

Yun Ye couldn't avoid this blow, so he could only resist it with weapons.

With a 'boom', Yun Ye was knocked away, blood spurting from his mouth, and his body crashed into the mountain and was buried under rubble.

After being knocked away again, Yun Ye's expression remained unwavering. He had already expected it and would not think that he could defeat Kaido as a great swordsman!

"Isn't it okay, kid!" Kaido turned into a dragon again, opening his mouth wide and spitting out hot breath, bad wind, tornadoes, thunder, and natural disaster-like power enveloped the island and wreaked havoc on everything!

"Tch..." Yun Ye spat out a mouthful of blood foam, broke apart the rubble on his body, cut Re Xi in half with a sword, and passed by him in two halves.

There was a "boom" and an explosion came from behind.

"Bird icicles!" Yun Ye ignored it and chopped out consecutive ice bullets that collided with Kaido's many attacks.

'Boom boom boom...'

As soon as Yun Ye stepped on it, his figure disappeared as if in an instant. When he reappeared, he came to Kaido's left side and once again swept out a large number of extremely cold ice bullets!

Kaido's body in beast form is too huge and cannot block all of Yun Ye's attacks.

'Bang bang bang...'

The ice bullet shattered, the cold air swept up, and Kaido's body was covered with white frost again.

"With such a big body, are you increasing my attack range? Ice Dragon Spin Tail!" Yun Ye shouted coldly, leaping into the sky, dragging the flowing ice crystals with the tip of his sword, and slashed forward, killing a section of Kaido's body.

Freeze completely!

As time goes by, the temperature of the entire island has dropped by an unknown amount, and snowflakes are floating in the sky!

"It's getting colder and colder. Do you want to fight a protracted war with me? Useless Yunye brat, it's just cold, it won't hurt me!" Kaido's body collapsed, breaking the ice slag, and the dragon body rotated,

Hang up the endless tornado!


A huge tornado appears in the rotation of Kaido's dragon body, and there are wind blades hidden in the tornado. As long as it is blown, even if you don't die, you will lose your skin!

"Wall Ice Formation!" Endless chill formed a wall of ice in front of him, blocking Kaido's attack.

Taking this opportunity, Yun Ye stepped into the air again and came to Kaido's head. He held the sword in both hands and struck again with terrifying strikes!

"One Sword Style·The Ultimate Slash of Ice!"

Above the sky, Yunye's silver-slender sword emitted ice-blue light. Two abilities were combined into one sword, and a sword force enveloped the lower part!

Kaido stopped spinning and suddenly looked up to the sky. At this time, his eyes also showed surprise. He felt threatened by Yun Ye's sword...

"Oh, hey, hey, hey! Come on! Patino Yunye!" Kaido laughed wildly, and his body shape changed again. This time, it was not a human form, but a body with scales all over the body and a mouth full of sharp fangs.

The thick dragon tail behind him swept, creating boundless gusts of wind!

This is Kaido’s human-animal form!

Kaido's mace was held on his right side with both hands, and then a strong wind seemed to arise under his feet, lifting his body into the sky at high speed.

"Roar thunder gossip!"

Kaido laughed ferociously, the mace shone with metallic light, and the red and black thunder beat. Kaido had no intention of holding back this blow!

The two of them rushed out at the same time.

An overlord's color strikes all directions, and a sword surges down!

The weapons in the hands of the two men collided together instantly, causing a huge roar!

On the one hand, ice blue air waves swept across, while on the other hand, thunder exploded violently, showing a countervailing force!

A circular shock wave spread out from the collision center of their weapons...

The next moment——


A huge roar erupted in the air, and the shock wave caused by the collision of the two attacks suddenly erupted, sweeping out in waves in all directions!

The movement was extremely huge, as if the sky was falling and the earth was falling!

At this time, the entire island was crumbling under this terrifying shock wave, large cracks appeared on the ground, and even the distant sea began to roar!

The clouds in the sky became thicker, like a dark iron curtain pressing down, containing rolling thunder, and purple thunder crashing down on the sea!

"What...what's going on!?"

In the base, countless people looked up and looked at the explosion, and their hearts were extremely horrified!

Is this kind of movement really possible for people to burst out?

In the distance, Dauberman emerged from the rubble, clutching his chest and vomiting out a large mouthful of blood. At this time, his pupils shrank violently as he watched the battle break out in the sky. Such an attack was terrifying even to him, a lieutenant general!

'This guy Patino Yunye... is so terrifying...' At this time, Dauberman was extremely shocked. Although he knew that Yun Ye had defeated Drought Jack, he did not expect that Yun Ye could compete with one of the four emperors.

Kaido fights to this point!

On the sea surface near the island of the G7 branch base, a figure was running and jumping on the sea surface at high speed. Every time this person landed, the sea surface instantly froze, giving him a place to step. In the blink of an eye, he was 100 meters away from the G7 branch base.

Getting closer!

Aoki looked at the wave of fluctuations that erupted over the island, and his expression was extremely solemn: 'Are you still a step too late? No! Someone is fighting Kaido! Is it Major General Yun Ye?'

Qing Pheasant looked heavy and speeded up again!

The fluctuations in the air gradually weakened, and the snowflakes began to drift down again.


At some point on the ground, a layer of hoarfrost spread across the entire island, making it extremely cold!

Everyone in the distance couldn't help but tremble.

"It's so cold, that's Major General Yun Ye's ability!"

"Over there, is the battle over?"

The navy on the island all looked at the place where the battle broke out, with extremely solemn expressions.

"I believe in Major General Yun Ye's strength. There is no way he will lose like this!" Smoker also looked in this direction with an extremely solemn expression. At the same time, he also blamed himself for being too weak.

Waiting for others is too weak!

Derek took a deep breath and said: "People below the rank of lieutenant colonel should not go there, you will not be able to withstand the impact of the overlord color!"

Then, he looked at Smoker and said: "Smoger, let's go a little closer."

Smoker nodded solemnly and rushed out in a flash.

Both of them have demon abilities and can help more or less than other marines!

In the middle of the island, a huge crater suddenly appeared. It was so deep that it seemed that the end could not be seen at a glance!

I saw endless cold air dissipating deep in the bottom of the cave. Then, I heard a "click, click, click" sound as ice crystals spread up from the bottom of the pit, and soon formed a giant iceberg towering in the center!

On the other side, high in the sky, a figure fell from a high altitude in a free fall. Just when it was about to hit the ground, the man twisted his body and landed on his feet. However, it was too late to release his force, and his feet jumped out of the ground into a deep pit.


Standing in the pothole, Yun Ye knelt down on one knee, spat out a large mouthful of blood, and gasped...

In the collision just now, he was at a disadvantage. He was knocked high into the sky by Kaido's stick. He was entangled and bombarded by the Overlord Color, and almost lost consciousness. If he hadn't also possessed the Overlord Color and was determined, he would have been unprepared from high altitude.

If it falls, you will probably be seriously injured...

He is not a monster like Charlotte Lingling or Kaido, who fell from a high altitude and was still intact...

However, Kaido was also shot down from a high altitude and fell to the ground. The huge hole in front was caused by the impact of Kaido's fall!

Yun Ye looked at the iceberg ahead, without any joy on his face. He knew that his attack would not cause much trouble to Kaido, and would at most cause him some injuries.

Sure enough, I heard the sound of "crack" breaking from the iceberg in front of me. Then, the tall iceberg suddenly collapsed, and a figure jumped out from the bottom.

"It's really dangerous. I almost had you frozen!" Kaido still looked like a human and beast, dragging the mace on the ground in his hand, causing sparks to appear from the friction.

He stepped forward and walked towards Yun Ye step by step, with the ferocious smile still on his mouth: "It seems that you are dying, Patino Yun Ye!"

Yun Ye took a deep breath and stood up slowly. His momentum remained unabated, and he smiled coldly: "I'm about to die, but someone has come to replace me!"

Just as Yun Ye finished speaking, a tall man wearing a navy cloak and an eyepatch on his forehead flew over from a distance.

At this time, this man's whole body was freezing, and his eyes were as cold as ten thousand years of ice!

It’s none other than the Navy’s highest combat power, General Aokiji!

"Alala, the fighting was too fierce! The island was destroyed by you!" Aokiji exhaled cold air from his mouth and came at high speed. He looked at Kaido in human-animal form with a heavy gaze.

"Oh, who is it? It turns out it's you, Aoji, you came very quickly!" Kaido turned around and saw Aochi, and grinned with a sneer: "Why, you too

Want to join in the fun?"

As he spoke, red light flashed across Kaido's eyes, he raised his mace and waved out a terrifying shock wave: "King Kong Dysprosium!"

Kaido was naturally not afraid when he saw Aokiji, he would directly attack and a terrifying shock wave would be unleashed!

"Hey, hey, I don't like your greeting at all! Pheasant Mouth!" Qing Pheasant came on the moon steps, stretched his palm forward, and the cold air froze, and a lifelike ice bird shot out from his palm.

Go out and collide with Kaido's attack!

The ice bird shattered, and endless chill instantly filled the entire place, making the already cold air cool down again!

"Ice Cube·Two Thorn Spear!"

There was no ripple on Aoki's face, and as the cold air surged around his body, several spears condensed into shape, and then turned as black as ink in the next moment, and pierced towards Kaido!

Ice is solid, and it is easier to entangle armed color and domineering energy than other elements!

Kaido turned back to avoid Aokiji's attack. Seeing the ice ability again, he couldn't help but curl his lips: "Ice again, your navy is so annoying!"

Rather than fighting with these strange abilities, Kaido prefers to fight with people like white beard and red hair.

The real touch of punches or weapon exchanges is great when fighting. Fighting with these admirals is really boring.

It's either magma or ice, it's light, and it doesn't feel strong at all.

I originally thought that Yun Ye, the animal-type phantom beast that had robbed them, would be physically powerful and capable of hitting the flesh with his punches, but I didn't expect that he was also an elemental-type one...

"Is it ice?" Qing Pheasant landed and came to Yun Ye's side. He couldn't help but look around. Looking at the towering icebergs, protruding ice spikes, and hoarfrost-covered field, he couldn't help but look curiously.

Cloudy night.

Although I have long heard that Yun Ye's ability is ice-based, now I see that Yun Ye's ice is no weaker than his!

Moreover, Yun Ye's strength was a bit beyond his expectation. He didn't expect Yun Ye to be able to fight Kaido to such an extent!

"General Qing Pheasant, if you don't come, I will really be defeated." Yun Ye chuckled at Qing Pheasant, his tone still very calm.

"Major General Yun Ye's strength is really astonishing." Qing Pheasant looked at Yun Ye and couldn't help sighing.

"Compared to you, I'm still far behind!" Yun Ye chuckled, feeling humble.

"Hey, do you think I don't exist?" Kaido saw the two people ignoring him and talking to themselves. Kaido was very angry and opened his mouth to spit out a hot breath and attack them!

A little below the Qing Pheasant's feet, a wall of ice rose up, blocking the front of the heat.

There was a "chi" sound, and the hot breath melted the ice wall into water, creating a hole, but it did not penetrate through.

After Yun Ye took a few breaths, he grinned: "If you have anything to do, wait until Kaido is dealt with, General Aokiji!"

Feeling the fighting spirit and momentum surging in Yun Ye, Aoki's eyes flashed and he said: "Okay, let's wait until Kaido is dealt with!"

"Is this the second round about to begin? Two versus one? Just what I want!" Kaido was not afraid at all, and even became more excited.

"Let us freeze you completely! Kaido of the Hundred Beasts!" Yun Ye smiled coldly and took the lead: "Crescent Moon... Tian Chong!"

The terrifying sword energy slashed horizontally again, striking out with mighty force!

(End of chapter)

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