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Chapter 16 Yun Ye's Debut

Chapter 16 Yun Ye appears! (Please collect, recommend, and ask for everything!!)

"This blow is not bad, but that's all!"

Iji sneered, and the boots under his feet spurted out gas, causing his speed to suddenly increase several times. In the blink of an eye, he came to Yara. In Yara's horrified eyes, the flames appeared in Iji's fist again: "Give it to me.

Go to hell! Spark·Double Spin!”

Both fists flew out like cannonballs, hitting Yara directly in the chest.

This blow knocked Yara directly away, plowing a long mark on the ground before stopping.


Yara coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood and stood up in embarrassment, with burn marks on her chest.


Some navy saw it and exclaimed.

However, before they could go over to support them, behind them, Germa's clone army also attacked at this time and fought with the naval soldiers.

For a moment, the scene became completely chaotic.

Gunfire, artillery fire, shouts of death, and screams all sounded at the same time!

The scene was in a state of disarray.

Under the attack of the clone legions who are not afraid of death, as well as the strengthened Iji, Niji, and Yuji, the navy is retreating steadily!

War means death.

In just a few minutes, large amounts of blood were already flowing on the ground...

In the field, only Gaji and Reiju did not move.

Jiazhi watched everything that happened with cold eyes, his eyes calm.

But there was an unbearable look in Reijiu's eyes, but she hid it well.

"Reiju, why don't you take action?"

Gaji looked at Reijiu and said calmly.

Reiju was shocked, but she quickly reacted and said, "Father, I think Iji and the others are enough. I have no intention of taking action against the weak."

Hearing this, Jiazhi just nodded and said nothing more.

Reijiu couldn't figure out what her father was thinking, so she didn't say anything anymore and just watched everything that happened in front of her.

But at this moment, Gaji suddenly raised his head and looked in one direction, frowning.

Reijiu also belatedly looked up.

Over there, there is a figure rushing towards you at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, it is not far from here!

The distance got closer and closer, and Gaji and Reiju also saw the general appearance of this person.

Wearing a black and white mask, simple white clothes, and an unsheathed tachi blade on his waist, who else could it be but Yun Ye?

Yun Ye flew all the way and finally arrived at this time. Looking at the two sides fighting, Yun Ye frowned.

'So tragic? Sure enough, the navy is no match for the Vinsmoke family...'

Although he had already guessed in his mind, Yun Ye did not expect that the battle would actually turn out to be one-sided...

The navy is no match for the Vinsmoke family!

But think about it, given the strength of the naval branch in Sihai, how could it be the opponent of the Vinsmoke family?

Only the branch base of the Grand Line has the strength to withstand the attack of the Vinsmoke family.

The navy of the P-5 branch did not escape, but still stood in front of them regardless of their own safety, which already made Yun Ye very impressed!

Yun Ye's speed was very fast, and the power he brought with him was also full. As he got closer and closer, everyone in the field heard the movement.

"If there is a situation, everyone retreats!"

Although Yara was hit by Iji, as someone who specializes in physical arts and has a strong ability to withstand blows, he only suffered some injuries, which were not fatal.

Seeing a mysterious man suddenly appear in the field, he was worried that it was Germa's people who wanted to attack from behind. Being attacked from both sides would make the situation worse, so he quickly asked all the soldiers to be on guard and retreat!

The navy obeyed the order, and after losing dozens of people, they successfully retreated to the side and looked at the mysterious man Yun Ye solemnly.

The same goes for the people on Germa's side, looking at the sudden cloudy night.

They mistook Yun Ye for being from the navy!

Yun Ye landed and did not speak, but walked towards the battlefield step by step.

Jiazhi watched, unmoved and did not speak.


Iji's eyes flashed and he said warily.

Yun Ye still didn't speak, but just walked forward step by step, no, it should be said, towards the direction of Jiazhi.

It's just that Jiazhi's position is at the back of the battlefield, and Yun Ye needs to pass through the battlefield.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Here, the grumpy Niji snorted coldly, moved his feet, rushed out at high speed, and punched this guy who was pretending to be a ghost.

'Dressed in blue, this should be Vinsmoke Niji!' Yun Ye looked at this guy in blue and thought to himself, but he didn't move slowly, and the sword blade at his waist appeared in his hand in the blink of an eye.

A sword was swung out.


The bright sword energy shot through the air, hitting Niji directly, and the huge slash sent Yongji flying away.

However, it did not completely break through the battle suit on his body, only leaving a small gap!

Yun Ye tightened the sword blade in his hand and looked at Yongji who flew backwards and smashed a big hole in the ground. He thought to himself: 'Germa's battle suit is indeed hard, but it is not impossible to cut it open!'

Judging from the feel of the cut just now, although Yun Ye felt hard, it was not impossible to break through!

"You dare to attack our Germa, don't you want to live?"

Seeing his brother being attacked, a cold look flashed in Iji's eyes, and he rushed out in a flash.

The fist once again spread scorching flames, and punched out towards Yun Ye!

On the other side, Yongji followed closely behind.

"Kid, this is not how you use fire?" Yun Ye said lightly, white flames surged in his palm, and then he pushed it out with his palm: "Canghuo Pendant!"

With a "boom", the pale explosive flames directly enveloped Iji and flew hundreds of meters away!

Finally, it crashed down, making a big hole in the ground!

At the same time, Yongji's attack came. He grabbed the gap between Yun Ye's attacks and punched out with a fierce punch!

A ferocious smile appeared on Yongji's face. This man couldn't avoid this punch!

However, Yongji's movements have always been in Yun Ye's perception, how could he be hit?

Yun Ye smiled, turned around instantly, and pointed his finger: "Three flashes of mouth!"

The next moment, three beams of light appeared out of thin air, locking Yongji's body and pinning him.

Yongji was stunned for a moment, not understanding what happened.

"You come over here too!" But before he could think about it, Yun Ye took action again, swung out his sword, and sent Yongji flying away with the force of his sword energy!

Just hearing the sound of "ka-ka", cracks appeared in the combat uniform on Yongji's body, and he flew backwards!

Three strikes to repel three people!


At this time, everyone present was surprised.

Especially Yara, who had fought against Iji, was even more open-mouthed at this time.

Gaji's face on the other side also darkened. He didn't expect that as soon as this mysterious man appeared, he would knock out several of his sons in just a few moves!

"Wearing a mask...are you from the World Government?" A cold light flashed in Gaji's eyes, guessing Yun Ye's identity.

(End of chapter)

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