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Chapter 167 Zefa Injured The Resolution of the Five Elder Stars

Chapter 167 Zefa is injured and Wulaoxing’s decision

However, this comparison is quite unnecessary.

After all, both of them are Yun Ye himself.

The abilities are not separated, they are just distinguished so as not to expose the two identities.

At the same time, Yun Ye also understood that even if he exploded with all his strength and used two abilities at the same time, he might not be able to crush the Four Emperors.

At most, it can gain an absolute upper hand!

There is still room for improvement, and this room is much larger than everyone else in this world!

When the proficiency of all of his powerful skills reaches 100 and his physique reaches its peak, then he should be able to stand on top of the world.

Then Im, I guess by that time, I’ll be sprinkling it~

Therefore, Yun Ye doesn't have any ambitious ideas, so he should settle down at this stage.

After my "enlightenment", I don't know if it was an illusion, but my proficiency seemed to improve faster.

Of course, it may also be due to the blessing of two bodies practicing at the same time, but what is certain is that the progress of proficiency has indeed been faster recently!

After a few days, Yun Ye returned to Yue Ye Island.

He didn't go out again for a while and worked hard to exercise his domineering power.

During this period, Ye Qi and others also successfully completed Yun Ye's mission and absorbed all Piecro's forces.

However, Yun Ye heard that Ye Qi seemed to have experienced a life-and-death fight, and almost died at the hands of an enemy with a bounty of nearly 200 million.

Fortunately, she succeeded in killing the enemy in the end and did not disappoint Yun Ye.

It was also because of this battle that Ye Qi's name appeared in the new world for the first time.

Moreover, the bounty amount has also jumped directly from 60 million Baileys to 200 million Baileys!

Moreover, in the new world, they also knew that Ye Qi was a person under the Quincy banner, and they were all in an uproar for a while!

After all, the Quincy's popularity during this period is not much weaker than that of the Four Emperors...

Navy Headquarters.

A warship landed at the port early in the morning.

However, this warship seemed to have experienced a shipwreck and was in a very messy state.

A section of the mast was broken, the sails were severely damaged, and even the hull looked like it had been baptized by gunfire, with craters everywhere!

Then, a group of people rushed forward, carrying a seriously injured person behind them!

Someone took a closer look and saw short purple hair and a tall build, and discovered that this was actually the former general, Black Wand Zefa!

He is also an instructor at the current training camp!

"What's going on? Why is Teacher Zefa like this?"

"Who did it?"

"Stop talking nonsense and send it to the medical department quickly!"

At this time, the navy at the port looked extremely gloomy and asked.

For Zefa, many people in the navy regard him as their revered master, but now when they see this scene, their pupils shrink violently. What on earth happened!?

However, some people still realized that they could not drag it out any longer and quickly sent Zefa for treatment!

A sailor who got off the warship had tears in his eyes and choked up: "It's all because of us that Teacher Zefa..."

This person explained everything exactly.

The thing is very simple.

Zefa routinely took the new recruits out to perform missions, but during the mission, they encountered a group of pirates.

A big battle broke out between the two sides!

As a result, the strength of this group of pirates exceeded their expectations. One pirate in particular had terrifying strength!

The abilities that can be displayed are also diverse!

However, facing the former general Zefa, he still fell behind and was beaten by Zefa!

However, this man was so despicable that he actually used the navy recruits to threaten Zefa.

In order to protect the students, Zefa was successfully attacked by the man and injured his lungs. In the end, he fought back all the pirates with his seriously injured body, allowing the students to evacuate quickly.

Fortunately, the sailing speed of warships is much faster than other ships, otherwise they might have been wiped out by now!!

Later, it took them a few days to rush back to the navy headquarters. However, due to the battle, all the medical soldiers on the warship were brutally attacked, and they could only stabilize Zefa's injuries.

Zefa's injury was too serious, and it damaged his lungs, making it difficult for him to breathe. The ventilator on the warship was also destroyed due to artillery fire. As a result, Zefa's injury did not improve in the following days, but became more serious.

Got it!

It is already very dangerous now. Zefa has completely lost consciousness. However, because of the lack of timely treatment, he has also left incurable sequelae!

We can only wait and see if the Navy’s medical team can cure Zefa!

Something unexpected happened in Zefa here, and it quickly spread throughout the entire navy headquarters.

No, there are people spreading this news not only at the Navy Headquarters, but also in other parts of the world.

It's like someone deliberately spread it.

This is how the news spread——

[The man who defeated the former general, "Black-armed" Zefa! Gamenio!

He is undoubtedly a rookie who has only recently become famous. Being able to defeat "Black Wrist" Zefa is enough to prove his strength!

I heard that his goal was to become a Shichibukai. He wanted to let the world government know how powerful he was, so he set his sights on the former general!

For such a powerful man, will the World Government consider him to join the Shichibukai?】

An island in the first half of the Grand Line.

A man dressed in green, wearing a green mask on his head, with his tongue hanging out, looked at the newspaper in his hand, and couldn't help but show an evil smile: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, if you do this, I don't know if you can make the world government

People notice my existence? Shichibukai, I have a very good identity!"

"You can't go back to the New World for a short time, but now that you've come to the paradise, you must have a decent identity. The Shichibukai feels pretty good!"

"However, no matter how strong the retired general was, he almost fell over. Fortunately, the old guy had very obvious weaknesses, so everything went smoothly."

"But it's a pity that the old guy is not an esper. Otherwise, he would have gained a very good ability!"

The man licked his lower lip with his long tongue, grinned evilly and said: "Well, I heard that the current three generals of the Navy are all natural ability users. I wonder if I can have the opportunity to copy them. I hope the people in the World Government can help.


Holy Land Marie Gioia.

Wulaoxing's office.

At this time, the five people were sitting or standing.

The five old stars with swords wiped their sword blades and said: "Now there is one missing piece of the puzzle of the Shichibukai. Do you think the guy who suddenly appeared is suitable? This matter cannot be delayed any longer."

Wulaoxing, who had a scar on the left side of his face, said: "The navy has no target for a long time. It seems that they are resistant."

Another Five Old Star snorted coldly: "Let's be direct. Although Zefa has retreated, he is definitely stronger than the lieutenant general. Since that person can defeat Zefa, there is no doubt about his strength."

"Anyway, as long as it can form a countervailing force to the New World, what else do you expect from those seemingly bedbugs?"

"If that's the case, then, so be it!"

"Inform the navy and ask them to contact that guy and send the invitation."

"But the Navy may have objections to this."

"Opinions? Who dares to have opinions? Haha..."

"One more thing, it seems that those two families have started to take action. Some CP people have already gone to the New World. It seems that they are still unwilling to give up."

"What an idiot. Now that the Quincy is in the spotlight, have you seen an opportunity? Yes, even Big Mom was injured, and the Quincy must have been seriously injured as well. It's inevitable that they have ideas."

"Do you want to stop it? This is too messy."

"The captains of CP0 have been sent over. It can be seen that their determination cannot be stopped. Let Stussy conduct a thorough investigation. After all, only the Quincy is a threat in Wangxu Palace. If we operate carefully, there is no chance.


"The Quincy is ambitious and wants to unify the entire dark world. This conflicts with our interests. It would be better to resolve it as soon as possible."

"Let the navy also prepare for action. It would be a good thing if it can be annihilated in one fell swoop."


(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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