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Chapter 2 Death Template

Chapter 2 Death Template

Looking at the bloody scene in front of him, Yun Ye didn't feel any discomfort at all. Instead, he was thinking in his heart: 'Let's take this opportunity to completely integrate the chaotic area...'

at the same time.

In Yun Ye's mind, a metallic electronic sound sounded:

[Ding, kill hundreds of "Evil Wolf" members, and you will be rewarded with 50 achievement points! 】

[Obtain the achievement of ‘Killing a Hundred People’ and be rewarded with 100 achievement points! 】

Yun Ye was not surprised at all when he heard the voice in his mind, he was already used to it.

Every time you travel through time, there will always be danger.

The same goes for Yun Ye.

When I first woke up, a panel appeared in my mind.

A plug-in that he calls [Death Template].

The God of Death is not the God of Death in the Western world, but the God of Death who is also one of the three major migrant cartoons!

[Host: Yun Ye]

[Achievement Points: 155]

[Cut]: Swordsmanship (Proficiency 85)

[Fist]: White punch (Proficiency 65)

[Walk]: Instant Step (Proficiency 75)

[Ghost]: The 4th Broken Path·White Thunder (Proficiency 100), the 33rd Broken Path·Blue Fire Pendant (100 Proficiency), the 63rd Broken Path·Thunder Cannon (Proficiency 60), the Binding

Tao No. 30·Three flashes of mouth suddenness (proficiency level 75)

【Special Category】:......

Yun Ye has also been exploring this plug-in during this period.

As the most basic combat system in the world of Death, Zhanquanzuki is intuitively reflected in the panel.

Appears in the form of four branches of [Zhan Fist and Walking Ghost].

Behind each branch are skills that Yun Ye is familiar with or unfamiliar with.

For example, in the [Zan] branch, apart from the most basic swordsmanship, what follows are almost the names of various Zanpakutō.

The Ultimate Hyōrinmaru of Ice, the Ultimate Fire Blade of Fire, Sky Lock Zangetsu, Senbonzakura, Kyoka Suigetsu...

All the initial solutions and swastika solutions that appeared in the original work can be found in the [Zhan] branch.

The same is true for other branches, [Fist] is the white body fighting technique, [Walk] is the instant step movement technique, and [Ghost] is the breaking of bonds and returning to the three realms!

As for the [Special Category], I don’t know what will appear after the current Yun Ye lights it up.

However, Yun Ye had some guesses, maybe it was Hollow's ability, the Quincy's ability!

As long as you have enough achievement points, you can even have all the abilities in Death!

Make a false move on the left, break the path on the right, return to the edge on one side, and swastika on the other?

Just thinking about it, Yun Ye felt shocked!

However, it takes a lot of achievement points to light up "skills". Yun Ye estimates that even if he spends his whole life, he won't be able to light up all the skills, right?

The achievement points required were so huge that Yun Ye couldn't even imagine it.

If you have a collecting habit, you will probably be in despair...

Fortunately, Yun Ye didn't.

Moreover, this is not the only place to spend achievement points.

Achievement points can also be used to improve skill proficiency, and the cost is not small...

Of course, in addition to spending achievement points, skills will also increase proficiency as Yun Ye uses them, which is good news.

At the beginning, Yun Ye spent 2 achievement points to light up the [White Thunder] skill, and used 5 points to raise the proficiency to 100.

This gave Yun Ye a certain fighting power and allowed him to survive in this world.

Because there is no spiritual power in this world, or it may be due to plug-ins, the driving force became Yun Ye's physical strength.

Any skill cast will consume Yun Ye's physical strength, which is very similar to Devil Fruit.

It is also very simple to get achievement points, either by defeating and killing enemies, or by making achievements in certain aspects.

Yun Ye's initial accumulation was obtained through the animals in the forest.

[Swordsmanship] was turned on at that time. After the proficiency level is 80, Yun Ye can also perform flying slashes, reaching the level of a swordsman!

But now, defeating and killing animals will no longer increase achievement points.

Yun Ye guessed that it might be related to his own strength growth.

Even if you kill someone who doesn't threaten you, you won't gain any more achievement points.

Throwing the thoughts out of his mind, Yun Ye set off to the next location.

The territory of the three major underground forces - the "Iron Hand Gang".

The three major forces are a cancer on the island, similar in nature to "evil wolves".

Bullying men and dominating women and doing all kinds of bad things are the biggest hidden dangers in their lives for civilians.

The residents who rescued Yun Ye were all honest and responsible people. They had been forced and exploited by the three major forces all year round, and many of them even died because of it.

Since Yun Ye has chosen to take action, he must naturally eliminate the root cause without leaving a trace of future troubles!

Soon, Yun Ye had arrived at the lair of the "Iron Hand Gang".

Here is a bar. It is approaching evening and it is not dark yet, but there is already loud singing and dancing inside.

There were two guards guarding the door, and a sign with blood-red fonts was placed at the door.

It says - no entry, violation will result in death!

The bright red paint flowing on the word "death" seems to be made of blood!

'Singing and dancing about your own impending death?'

Yun Ye smiled and walked step by step.

Naturally, Yun Ye's actions could not be hidden from the eyes of the guards at the door, and they immediately became vigilant.

One person shouted loudly: "Stop, who are you?"

Yun Ye ignored it. There seemed to be a red light flashing in the eyes exposed by the black and white mask, which made people feel chilling.

The two guards suddenly felt a sense of palpitations in their hearts for no reason, but when they thought that this was the territory of the "Iron Hand Gang", their territory, they suppressed the palpitations in their hearts!

Everyone on the island knows that daring to cause trouble on the Iron Hand Gang's territory is tantamount to seeking death!

Another person took out his pistol and pointed it at Yun Ye, saying in a cold voice: "You are pretending to be a ghost! Do you want to die?"

As he said that, he didn't hesitate at all, pointed at Yun Ye's head with a grin, and shot.

'Bang bang bang!'

Several gunshots rang out in succession, and the two people at the door seemed to have seen the scene of this pretentious guy's head completely exploding, and they laughed extremely wildly!

However, Yun Ye raised his sword to block and easily deflected all the incoming bullets.

Guns pose no threat to Yun Ye at all.

The person at the door was just a young man. When had he ever seen such a scene? His mouth opened wide for a moment, with an expression of disbelief.

The bullet was, was deflected?

"Are you ready to pay the price for taking action against me?" Yun Ye said calmly.

With a wave of his hand, there was a 'buzz' sound, and a sword energy more than ten meters long shot through the air, slicing down the guard at the door and the bar behind!

With a 'boom', the bar collapsed and smoke rose!

"What's going on? What happened? Was there an earthquake??"

"Oh my leg, my leg is broken! Help me!"

Shouts came from the ruins, and then dozens of people crawled out of the ruins and looked around blankly.

Tie Shou, the boss of the Tie Shou Gang, was the first to crawl out, and his face turned gloomy.

His strength is stronger than that of ordinary members, and he immediately guessed that they were being attacked!

This made him, who had always been arrogant, suddenly become furious and his eyes turned completely red!

"Who is it? Who is it?"

He roared loudly, and finally looked at the masked man in front of him!

Everything showed that this person was the one who attacked them!

"Who are you? Why do you want to attack my Iron Hand Gang?"

Tie Shou looked at Yun Ye with a ferocious expression, his voice was hoarse, and he was obviously on the verge of rage.

"What reason do I need to kill you?" Yun Ye raised his hand, slashed through the air, and went straight with his iron hand!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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