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Chapter 244 Imprisoning the King Rebel Army Action

Chapter 244: Imprisoning the King and Rebel Action

Their location at this time is in the port city of Alabasta, a city called "Rapeseed Flower".

It still takes a while to get to the royal city of Albana.

The Kingdom of Alabasta is rich in many strange animals, which can be used as means of transportation.

Yun Ye and the others encountered two large lizards. Weiwei and Ikarem were both frightened. These ferocious beasts were not easy to mess with here.

However, Yun Ye just looked at them, causing the two ferocious beasts to tremble, crawl down, and look at Yun Ye with fear in their human eyes.

I don’t understand why this human being has such a terrible sense of oppression...

The madness inside reminds them that this person is not to be messed with.

"We just have a mount." Yun Ye jumped on the back of one of the lizards and called for Weiwei and Ikarem to come up.

"Uh, okay..." Both of them were a little confused.

They were also very shocked that Yun Ye subdued the beast that was very ferocious in their eyes with just one look.

However, he had already seen part of Yun Ye's strength before, so he was only shocked for a while before he came back to his senses. The two of them stepped onto the back of the big lizard.

"Go forward." Yun Ye put his foot on the big lizard's back to make it move forward.

The big lizard did not dare to disobey the order of the terrifying human above it, so it moved its limbs and headed in the direction of Albana.

Rainy land.

This is Crocodile's base camp.

In the dark room at this time, Crocodile looked ugly. Through the intelligence provided by his subordinates, he learned about the news that had been circulated recently.

He also knew that two members had left Baroque Studio.

After thinking about it for a while, it is not difficult to guess that it was these two members who revealed the news.

But why was his identity discovered?

The world only knows that there is a Baroque studio here in Alabasta, but they certainly don't know that the man behind this force is Crocodile.

What exactly went wrong?

Looking at the photos of the two people who betrayed him handed over by his subordinates, he recognized Weiwei at first sight.

"She is actually the princess of the Neferutali royal family and has a guard captain? They should have begun to suspect me a long time ago. Did they join Baroque Studio to search for evidence?" Crocodile whispered, with a sneer on his face:

"In this case, we can only completely destroy this country!"

Crocodile picked up another piece of information, which contained information that Nicole Robin had been discovered.

"But the whereabouts of that guy Nico Robin has also been discovered? Could it be that she created the fake news herself? No, it's impossible. She is like a street rat now. How could she do such a stupid thing?


"Could it be that someone from the World Government discovered Nico Robin's whereabouts... No, she must find that thing as soon as possible, otherwise if the navy knows that she is planning Pluto, she will probably take action against herself..."

The expression on Crocodile's face became uncertain.

Then I decided to go to Alba, and I had to ask Nicole Robin to speed up!

At this time, Nicole Robin had already gone to Albana due to Crocodile's order.

However, several days have passed and there is still no information from Nico Robin.

Crocodile even began to suspect in his heart that Nicole Robin had found the news about the historical text, but he just knew it and did not report it.

Nico Robin didn't trust him, but Crocodile still knew himself.

The reason why he was able to work under him peacefully was because Crocodile gave Nico Robin a safe haven.

If this safe haven couldn't protect her from wind and rain, Nicole Robin might betray him the next moment.

In order to prevent this from happening, Crocodile needs to go over and keep an eye on Nicole Robin to prevent her from running away.

Although a bug is installed on her body and can be located at short distances, it will be ineffective if it exceeds a certain distance.

If Nico Robin ran away, it would be difficult for him.

In this world, only Nicole Robin can understand the text of history.

Thinking of this, Crocodile summoned all the members of the Baroque Studio to go to Albana. Without any hesitation, Crocodile went directly to the location of Nico Robin.

On the other side, the Royal City of Albana.

The original king Kobra had been imprisoned by the people from the Baroque Studio and was interrogated.

However, Cobra never let go, even after being tortured inhumanely.

"This damn old guy has such a tough mouth." Pola, a user with thorn fruit ability code-named Miss's two-fingered finger, pierced Kobra's left arm with a thorn deep in his finger and stirred it vigorously.

Because of the pain, Cobra was sweating all over his body, but he still gritted his teeth and did not speak.

The cold bald man on the side, Daz Bonis, codenamed Mr. 1, stood with his arms folded and his eyes closed, as if he was not interested in anything.

"Hey, Mr. 1, why don't you come and help me?" Seeing that Kobra didn't speak, Pola also lost interest and turned to look at Daz Bones, who was sleeping beside him.

"I am only responsible for fighting, the rest is not my responsibility." Daz Bonis opened his eyes and glanced at Pola, and said calmly.

"Tch, what a boring man." Paula curled her lips and looked at Nicole Robin who was reading a book: "Hey, Vice President, haven't you found it yet?"

Nicole Robin flipped through the book, smiled slightly and said, "Almost."

In fact, Nicole Robin had roughly determined where the historical text was located through the royal library at this time, but she did not want to say it.

The two people in front of her said they were here to help her, but it was better to say they were here to monitor her.

Now Nicole Robin is procrastinating as much as she can.

But she also knew that if she hadn't found anything by the time Crocodile arrived, her life would probably be in danger.

So at this time, she was already preparing to escape from here.

Just being stared at made it difficult for her to escape.

The two people in front of me are very powerful, especially Mr. 1. As the vice president, she still knows the specific information about the members of Baroque Studio.

Kobra on the side pursed his lips and remained silent, but his heart was very solemn: 'Did you come here for the underground historical text? Crocodile...'

Then he looked at Nico Robin with his peripheral vision. He seemed to have seen this face there before. When he thought about it carefully, his expression changed slightly. The son of the devil, Nico Robin: 'These two people actually joined forces to want

Are you looking for the secret of the historical text? This is bad...'

As if the gap caught Cobra's gaze, Nico Robin turned to smile at him, and then continued to flip through the book.


This is the base camp of the rebel army.

At this time, all the rebels here had gathered together. The leader, Kosha, stood on a high position and looked down. He spoke passionately: "Now that the royal family no longer cares about the life and death of our civilians, we must unite and let the decadent royal family give us

An explanation.”

"Our goal is not to overthrow the royal family, but to survive!"

"What the royal family is doing is driving us to death. We need to resist and we cannot let this country continue!"

The rebels below listened with solemn expressions, their eyes full of fighting spirit, and then they cheered:


"We need an explanation. If the royal family can't do it, then let us run the country ourselves!"


Seeing that everyone below was looking excited, Kosha's eyes flashed, he drew his sword and pointed at the area where the royal city Albana was located and loudly said: "Let's go to Albana!"


"Let's go!"

All the rebels cheered and began to advance towards Albana.

Yun Ye hurriedly and slowly arrived at Albana.

Returning to her home again, Weiwei was a little distracted looking at the slightly dilapidated royal city, but she soon cheered up and said to Yun Ye: "Master Ye Ren, this is Albana. My father was there before I left.

He has been controlled by people from Baroque Studio, and there is a person who can disguise himself as my father. Now there may be danger in the palace."

"Since there is danger, let's eliminate the danger directly." Yun Ye laughed. At this time, his knowledge and experience had spread out, and he could sense a lot of auras.

Although Yun Ye's knowledge is not as clear as that of the revolutionary army cadre Crow, who can clearly detect the gap in strength between the enemy and ourselves, he can still more or less judge the specific strength and weakness.

To sum up, no one can fight!

"Uh..." Weiwei was stunned, and then said: "But Crocodile's side..."

The danger was for her and Icarim. For the man in front of her, except for Crocodile, there seemed to be no one who could get into his eyes.

Although she had seen Yun Ye's actions, splitting the desert with a single sword, but the opponent was also the Shichibukai Crocodile, so Weiwei was still a little worried about this demon who single-handedly controlled their country.

After all, Weiwei was just a teenage girl with little experience, and the reputation of the Shichibukai was enough to overwhelm her.

She couldn't tell which one was stronger or weaker, the Shichibukai or the Vice Admiral.

Ikarem also looked at Yun Ye with some worry. It wasn't that they didn't trust Yun Ye's strength, but that this was Crocodile's headquarters after all, and with Crocodile's reputation as the Shichibukai, it was normal to have some concerns.

"Don't worry, Crocodile is not in Albana at this time. Even if he is, he won't pose much of a threat to me." Yun Ye saw the worries in the two people's hearts and just smiled.

It is true that Crocodile is very powerful, and once even tied his record with Pluto Rayleigh, but it is not something that Yun Ye finds too difficult.

Although the expressiveness of the original work is very impressive, it was only weakened because it appeared too early.

Crocodile doesn't know how to be domineering in two colors?

Yun Ye thinks this is impossible.

Domineering is one of the powers that leads to the peak as Teacher Kai said, and only domineering can surpass everything.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that domineering is definitely a very important force in the world of pirates!

Without domineering, it is simply impossible to reach the top!

Even Kizaru, a natural ability user who was said by Zefa to be too dependent on Devil Fruit, can have two-color Haki, which is enough to prove the status of Haki in this world.

You may not be a capable person, but domineering must be learned!

Moreover, domineering is also a way to compete with natural ability users. Otherwise, you can only find the weaknesses of the ability users themselves, which is too fatal in battle.

Therefore, Crocodile can live at the top level of the sea, and his dual-color domineering cultivation will definitely not be weak!

"Let's go." Yun Ye said, heading towards the location of the royal city.

At this time, the entire Royal City had been controlled by members of the Baroque Studio, and Feng Clay transformed into Cobra and gave the order "No soldiers can step into the Royal City Palace even half a step" and retreated.


The more influential ministers or the captain of the guard, Bell, who ate the bird fruit, and Gaka, who ate the dog fruit, were also imprisoned at this time.

They were all animals, and they realized that this Cobra was a fake, and it was impossible for the real Cobra to do that kind of thing that would harm civilians.

Then when he went to investigate... he was defeated by the people from Baroque Studio and imprisoned.

At this time, the palace in the Royal City was almost filled with members of the Baroque Studio, and there were no outsiders.

Yun Ye and his party did not hide their whereabouts. As soon as they arrived near the royal palace, Weiwei was recognized by the patrolling soldiers.

Weiwei's status and popularity among the soldiers was still very high. A group of soldiers rushed over and asked where Princess Weiwei had been during this time.

Weiwei dealt with it one by one.

Yun Ye said with a smile: "Weiwei, Icarim, you guys just stay here, I'll go to the palace and have a look."

Before Weiwei could answer, Yun Ye disappeared in a flash.

Ikarem's wife Tila Gotan also received the news at this time. As the logistics foreman, she was actually more or less aware that something was wrong in the palace, but she did not have any force and chose to lie dormant.

Later, the palace did not allow anyone to enter, so she became even more suspicious.

After hearing the news about Weiwei and her husband later, she hurried over, took them to a hidden room, and asked nervously: "Princess Weiwei, Ikarem, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Weiwei and Ikarem shook their heads.

Tila Gotan didn't know about Weiwei and Ikarem sneaking into the Baroque Studio, and thought they were just going out to do things, so she told the changes in the royal city during this period. She said worriedly: "Now the palace is very busy.

It may have been occupied by others. Bell and Jaka went to investigate, but there was no news. It may have been..."

After Bell and Gaka secretly sneaked into the palace, there was no news.

Tila Gotan's inner worry became even more intense.

Fortunately, Weiwei and her husband are back now.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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