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Chapter 268: Candidates for the Pacifists Virgo's Discovery New

Chapter 268: The candidate of the pacifist, Vergo’s discovery, the new fish-man pirates

Navy Headquarters, Akainu Office.

At this time, Akainu looked at the information transmitted by Yun Ye and fell into deep thought...

"Ye Ren..." Looking at this dazzling name, Akainu looked a little gloomy.

Night Blade is getting stronger and stronger. If he continues to be left unchecked, it will become harder and harder for the Navy to suppress him, and he will eventually evolve into another Garp, getting paid but doing nothing.

Of course, this is the best ending. If this is the case, Akainu doesn't have to worry too much. At most, he can have one person to spare...

But if Night Blade has the idea of ​​​​refecting the navy, this will undoubtedly be a huge trouble!

Probably as big a problem as Dorag!

Akainu's eyes were cold. Faced with such uncertain factors, Akainu didn't want Ye Ren to continue to grow!

But there was nothing he could do. As long as Ye Ren acted according to the rules, even if he was a marshal, he couldn't easily touch him.

After all, as Night Blade increases in strength and merits, it defeats more and more enemies, and its influence in the navy is also increasing day by day.

If such a meritorious minister is suppressed, it will inevitably make the people at the bottom feel resentful and think that Akainu has no tolerance for others.

"Yeyeren, I hope you won't do anything stupid, otherwise... Huh!" With a cold snort, Akainu did not continue to think more about this topic, but called the new general Lu Niu into the office.


"Marshal, are you looking for me?" Green Bull Araki walked into Akainu's office and saluted Akainu respectfully. He was very polite to Akainu.

If you look closely, you can see a look of admiration in his eyes.

Green Bull Araki is a loyal supporter of Akainu, and he joined the navy because of Akainu’s ideas!

What he pursues is also absolute justice!

After Akainu became the marshal of the navy, and the world conscription began, at that moment, Green Bull seemed to have seen the opportunity to get close to his idol, and without too much hesitation, he directly chose to join the navy and showed strong combat skills.

With his strength, he won the position of admiral in one fell swoop!

Looking at the green bull, Akainu nodded with satisfaction. Among the current generals, the green bull suited his temperament the best. Both of them are supporters of the concept of absolute justice, and they will have the same way of action. Akainu also likes it.

Only with this and the strength of Green Bull can he become a general!

Akainu said: "General Green Bull, there is a top-secret mission here that you need to complete."

With that said, Akainu handed a stack of information to Midori.

Green Bull took it and looked at it carefully, raised his eyebrows and said, "Pacifist plan?"

"Well, this is a secret from the Naval Science Corps. I want you to go over and help." Akainu looked at Green Bull: "Because you are a natural-type Sensen Fruit user with strong vitality and may be able to survive human transformation.

The pain caused, if successful, will definitely bring great help to the Navy."

Akainu carefully observed the green bull's reaction, paused and then said: "Of course, you are an admiral after all, you can refuse!"

"Pacifist? Interesting!" Green Bull laughed, seeming to be very interested: "Being able to transform my body into a machine, wouldn't it mean that I don't have to eat? And I don't have to absorb nutrients to supply myself?"

Green Bull was a little excited. He was a troublesome person, and sometimes he disliked tedious things like eating. If the body was transformed into a machine, wouldn't it mean that he wouldn't have to eat anymore?

And he also saw the specific implementation of the pacifist plan. If it succeeds, maybe the navy will have a lot more power!

After the Shichibukai were banned, the strength of the pirates increased significantly, and Akainu also felt tremendous pressure!

This pressure comes from the Four Emperors, from the Quincy, and from those Shichibukai who were removed from the list!

Faced with this situation, Akainu naturally thought about how to enhance the strength of the navy. The conscription was one thing, and the other was the pacifist plan that could not be carried out because there were no experimenters!

And just when Akainu was at his wits end, Green Bull Araki joined the navy.

Those with the natural fruit ability are almost the representatives of vitality!

Those who can become generals are all recognized strong men, and coupled with the ability of the Sensen Fruit, Green Bull is definitely qualified for this role!

That's why Akainu approached Green Bull at this time, wanting him to become the experimental subject of the pacifist plan.

However, Akainu didn't say anything too harsh. He just informed Green Bull of this plan. The choice was in Green Bull's hands. He couldn't force a general to do such a risky thing!

"Well, you can think about it, this is for the navy." Akainu looked at the green bull and said solemnly.

Green Bull clapped his hands, looked at Akainu, and smiled: "Since I am the only one capable of this task, I am bound to do it. It is my honor to be able to solve your problems, Marshal Akainu."

Green Bull is Akainu's fanboy, and he joined the navy because of Akainu. In the original book, in order to get Akainu's praise, he would even risk going to Wano Country, intending to capture Luffy and others.

Now that Akainu is requesting him, he will naturally not refuse, and he is also very interested in the pacifist plan.

No need to eat!

What a happy blessing this is. How could he refuse such a thing?

Akainu chuckled and nodded with satisfaction. How great would it be if all generals were as understanding as Green Bull?

Green Bull happily accepted the order and went to Bega Punk's residence, wanting to know more details about this plan!

Naval Science Corps, this is Vegapunk's residence and where he works!

Much of his research was conducted here.

Vegapunk nodded to Green Bull: "General Green Bull, these are all the details of the transformation! You must stay awake during the transformation so that you can connect the nerves with the machine, and you need strong enough willpower to support your life force.


Green Bull touched his chin and thought: "Vitality... If some masters with strong vitality let me extract it, this would not be a problem."

Vegapunk sorted out the documents in his hand and said calmly: "You need to discuss this with Marshal Akainu. I don't have such a person here."

Green Bull nodded. After knowing some details, he also understood the danger, but it was not a difficult thing for him.

Leaving Vegapunk's residence, Green Bull was thinking as he walked.

He is an esper who ate the Sensen Fruit and can replenish it by absorbing their vitality. The vitality aspect is not a problem.

As long as there is a master willing to let him absorb the life force...

However, there are not many criminals imprisoned in Impel Down City now. Almost all of those criminals escaped during the last riot in Impel Down City...

"Forget it, after all, I just came here and I don't know much about the specific personnel of the navy. Let's go report to Marshal Akainu." Green Bull returned to Akainu's office and explained the matter.

"A master with strong vitality? There are not many criminals in the city now, and there are very few people who can be regarded as masters..." Akainu also frowned, but he did not expect that these conditions are needed to become a pacifist.

As if he saw some of Akainu's concerns, Green Bull said: "Speaking of vitality, the vitality of animal-type ability users is the most powerful. If you can catch a few criminals with animal-type abilities, you don't have to be too strong.

To achieve a similar effect, it would be even better if it were the same phantom beast species as the former Marshal Warring States!"

"Animal-type ability user? After extracting the life force, what impact will it have on the other party?" Akainu asked with a frown.

After being startled for a moment, Green Bull said: "The impact is more or less. Extracting life force will affect life span. If you are just a criminal, you don't need to care at all."

"Well, I understand, I will solve this problem!" Akainu nodded, but his mind was on other places.

There are many people with animal-type abilities in the navy!

If you only lose a little bit of life, this price is affordable...

"Then I'll trouble you, Marshal. During this time, I will also go to the first half to look for any pirates who have eaten animal-type ability users." Green Bull said and went down.

After the green bull left, Akainu took out all the navy's information from the file shelf behind him.

Among them, the navy that has eaten the devil fruit will be unified and organized together.

When I opened the information, the first page that caught my eye was almost full of general information about high-level ability users in the Navy, such as Sengoku, him, Aokiji, and Kizaru.

Akainu focused on the information about Night Blade, the form of the human fruit phantom beast species, the Shinigami.

But then he shook his head, it was almost impossible for Ye Ren to do such a thing.

Continuing to read down, he paused for a moment on Drake and one of the other vice admirals. Finally, when he turned to the end, a name caught his eye.

Candidate Marine, Xiaoya, Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species, White Tiger Form of Thunder...

There is not a lot of information about Xiaoya. After all, she is not officially a member of the navy. Xiaoya has never revealed her relationship with Yun Ye. In the training camp, only Zefa knows that Xiaoya is Yun Ye's sister!

Akainu's eyes flashed and he whispered: "I didn't expect that there would be another phantom beast type user in the training camp..."

"With the help of these people, it should be enough! Although some lifespan will be lost, compared with the power of the navy, these can be ignored..." Akainu pondered for a moment, and finally made up his mind that the pacifist plan must be

Do it as soon as possible without any further delay!

This is related to the future of the Navy and must be arranged first...

Navy G-5 Branch Base, this is one of the few branch bases of the Navy stationed in the New World.

Lieutenant General "Onitake" Vergo of the Navy Headquarters is in charge.

However, the navy in the G-5 branch base all felt that something was wrong with Lieutenant General Guizhu recently. He often stayed alone in the office and did not come out for a long time.

In fact, everyone in the navy does not know that Lieutenant General "Ghost Bamboo" Vergo is actually the top official of the Don Quixote family and Doflamingo's undercover agent in the navy!

After Doflamingo was defeated by Fire Fist Ace and his whereabouts were unknown, Vergo became very worried and stayed in his office during this period just to see if he could contact Doflamingo.

But these days, he has not contacted Doflamingo, and Doflamingo has not taken the initiative to contact him!

This made him realize the seriousness of the matter!

My young master is definitely not hiding as everyone in the world thinks, but something is definitely happening!

If he was hiding, he would definitely send him a message as soon as possible. Now that no message has been sent, it means that something may have happened to Doflamingo!

"Damn it, what happened in Dressrosa? The young master actually lost news..." Vergo hammered the table, his face gloomy.

"Fire Fist Ace..." He took a deep breath. After all, he was qualified for the undercover position. Vergo's psychological quality was first-rate and he forced himself to calm down.

During this period of time, he has also been searching for information about Fire Fist Ace through the navy's channels, not letting go of any clues!

As a spy who can work undercover in the Navy, his penetration into the Navy is still very strong. At least in the intelligence department, there are also his people, so that he can know the orders issued by the Navy headquarters as soon as possible, and he

This information can be passed on to Doflamingo!

After spending some time, Virgo also gained something, searching for some special information from clues.

Fire Fist Portcas D. Ace actually has the word "D", and Fire Fist Ace's starting point is actually the East China Sea Windmill Village!!

Windmill Village may not seem like anything special at first glance, but the country where Windmill Village is located is the Kingdom of Goa!

The reason why the Kingdom of Goa is famous in the world is because a famous figure appeared in the Kingdom of Goa, that is, the naval hero, Lieutenant General Garp!

After investigation, it was found that Lieutenant General Karp’s hometown was actually Windmill Village!!

Judging from these two points, Virgo discovered an incredible secret!

That means Fire Fist Ace and Garp were born in the same place!

Following this clue and the surname Portcas, Vergo set his sights on a family on Batelila Island in the Western Sea!

As for Badelila Island, a figure suspected to be the Pirate King Roger once stayed there, and it was suspected that he left an heir there...

The Navy also conducted a rigorous investigation afterwards, but to no avail. The Pirate King Roger has no heirs in the world!

However, Vergo, who integrated the information, discovered a blind spot, that is, Garp had also gone to Batelila Island in the Western Sea, and stayed there for a while, on the grounds that he had gone to explore Roger's descendants!

One Piece Roger's sword was Ace...

I took out Roger's bounty order and compared it with Ace's bounty order, and found that there was a bit of similarity between the two people's features!

D, Portcas, Ace, Roger, Garp, combined with all the clues, Vergo got a piece of information that shocked him!

That is, Fire Fist, Portcas D. Ace is probably Roger's surviving heir, and this heir was raised by Garp!!

"This is really... no wonder the young master failed. It turns out that Fire Fist Ace is the son of Roger, the Pirate King! Garp really hid it deep enough!!" Vergo was shocked at the same time, but also felt inexplicably excited, like

It’s like discovering some big secret!

If the news that Roger has an heir is spread, it will definitely cause turmoil in the sea!

The world government and navy will never tolerate the news that Roger Houmai is still alive!

Doflamingo was defeated by Fire Fist Ace, and now his life and death are unknown. With such a great hatred, Vergo would like to eat Ace alive!

But because of this incident, Vergo saw the possibility of revenge!

"Fire Fist Ace, Roger's bloodline, Whitebeard's second division captain, haha, if this matter is made public to the world, the world will definitely become lively! Navy, World Government, Fire Fist Ace, Whitebeard

The pirate group... will definitely break out into a shocking battle!" Vergo showed a cold smile.

Fire Fist Ace is his mortal enemy, so why not the World Government and the Navy?

If this news is handled well, it may be able to trigger a violent conflict between the two parties!

At that time, it will be regarded as revenge for the young master...

Under the sea, a pirate ship made of huge logs was wrapped in bubble wrap and sailed on the sea floor.

After a period of sailing, the Blackbeard Pirates also arrived at Fish-Man Island!

"Hahaha, is this Fish-Man Island? It's really beautiful! But from today on, this is my Blackbeard's territory!" Blackbeard looked at the beautiful Fish-Man Island, and an evil figure was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

of arc!

His revenge plan starts from here!

Whether it's the World Government or the Whitebeard Pirates, he wants to come back with revenge bit by bit!

And snatching the Fishman Island is his first step!

Start accumulating strength from Fish-Man Island and fight your way back to the new world little by little!

"Ahem... This is not easy... Ahem, Kaixia Jinbei has always been here on Fish-Man Island. As the former Shichibukai, his strength should not be underestimated..." Poison Q coughed a few times,

He said in a weak voice.

"Kai Xia Jinbei? This is indeed a difficult problem, but I heard that he seemed to have had a fight with the current captain of Whitebeard's second division before, and he should be injured now." Badgers, the helmsman of the Blackbeard Pirates, showed a smile.


"The former Shichibukai, his strength is quite good." Lafitte looked at Blackbeard and said, "It would be good if such a strong man could be recruited into our pirate group."

"Hahaha, let's see what Jinbe thinks. If you don't agree, you can only kill him! After all, this guy respects his father very much!" Blackbeard laughed, as if everything was wrong.

It's all under control!

"Then go and have a look, Fish-Man Island, I'm very yearning for it too!" Sniper Van Oka pushed up his monocle and said.

The pirate ship continued to move forward and soon approached the entrance.

"There's no one watching over you? Hey, you're really brave. Do you think you have dad's protection so you dare to act like this?" Blackbeard saw the color radiation and went over to find that no one was watching at the entrance. He couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.


But at this moment, Fan Oka came over with a frown: "Captain, there are fishmen surrounding us."

Just as Blackbeard's pirate ship approached here, a dozen fishmen surrounded them, with weapons in their hands, wary of them!

"Harmon Harmon, pirate? Leozo, it seems we have something to do!" One of the moray eel men swam to the front of the Blackbeard pirate ship and looked at an octopus man with octopus legs next to him. said.

The octopus man Leozo held his sword and looked at the people on the Blackbeard Pirates' ship jokingly: "Take them all to Boss Aaron, Hammond!"

Hammond, the eel fish man, looked at everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates: "These guys all look so ugly. They can't be sold at a good price and can only be used as thugs."

The people from the Blackbeard Pirates were also looking at the fish-man in front of them. Lafitte said: "Is this the fish-man? It's really an ugly species!"

Badgers gave a sneer: 'They seem to be hostile to us... Haha, it's really interesting. Are they Jinbe's subordinates?'

"Hahaha, kids, it seems we have something to do! Since they dare to take advantage of us, we must teach them a lesson!" Blackbeard grinned.

The battle is about to begin!

But it ended soon!

These new fish-men pirates were nothing more than rubbish. They were easily defeated and captured by the Blackbeard pirates.

Badgers stepped on Hammond's head and couldn't help but shake his head: "That's it? It seems that except for Jinbei, all the fishmen are trash!"

Poison Q squatted in front of Bao Zang, extracted the venom from Bao Zang's body with his hands, tasted it in his mouth, and couldn't help but shake his head: "Your poison is so rubbish, it has no taste at all."

"You, who are you?" Hammond was stunned. These pirates in front of him were so powerful. He and others were not enemies at all and were easily defeated!

"Damn it, do you know who we are? We are the new fish-man pirates! Boss Aaron will not let you go!" Leopard Zang also roared loudly, his lower body and tail kept swinging, and his body was I am numb with poison and cannot control myself...

"New Fishman Pirates? Jinbe's Pirates?" Blackbeard sat on a chair, holding a glass of red wine in his hand.

He didn't take any action at all, but his men easily eliminated these people.

None of them are Devil Fruit users, so they can do it in a few clicks after entering the sea.

"Let's interrogate the origins of these people." Lafitte pulled the cane out of a fish-man's body, licked the blood on it and said in surprise: "The blood is actually the same as that of humans. It's really strange..."

As a former police sergeant, Lafitte is very proficient in interrogation and torture.

However, it was precisely because of his violent torture and his cruel style that he was expelled from the country and became a pirate. Later, he was attracted by Blackbeard, and after being convinced, he joined the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Then I'll leave it to you!" Blackbeard nodded.

Lafitte showed a cruel smile and dragged several fishmen into his room.

Soon the screams came.

After a while, Lafitte wiped off the remaining blood on his hands, stepped out, looked at everyone and said: "The New Fishman Pirates are not Jinbe's force, but were established to resist Jinbe."

Hearing a laugh, he continued: "The captain of the new fish-man pirates is a sawtooth shark named Aaron, and the vice-captain is a great white shark named Huo Di Jones. He was once a prisoner of Jinbe and was imprisoned in prison. However, after they escaped from prison, they formed a new fish-man pirate group!"

"They also have a partner, Vander Deken IX, the captain of the Flying Pirates, who formed an alliance. Their goal is the same as ours, which is to seize Fish-Man Island!" Lafitte said to everyone. Said slowly.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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