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Chapter 330 The Navy Arrives in Wano Country!

Chapter 330 The navy arrives in Wano!

Naturally, the turmoil in Wano cannot be hidden from everyone in Wano.

The capital of flowers.

Black Carbon Orochi looked nervously at the actions of the members of the Beasts Pirates outside, and frowned: "What is this guy Kaido doing? He actually made such a big noise?"

The country of Wano is in a closed state, and the news is blocked. There is no news coming in at all.

Therefore, Black Carbon Orochi has no idea what happened in Wano Country.

At this time, a subordinate hurriedly ran in and reported: "Sir, the movement outside seems to be that someone has discovered the whereabouts of some ancient weapons in Wano Country. At this time, the Beast Pirates are searching for such things!"

"Ancient weapon? What is that thing?" Black Carbon Orochi frowned even deeper. Ancient weapon, what is that thing?

Black Carbon Orochi doesn't know what the ancient weapon is, but even that guy Kaido cares about it, and it's not something ordinary at first glance!

As Kaido's partner, he knows Kaido's character well.

I know that this guy will not react easily to something, unless this thing is very important, even Kaido wants it!

Thinking of this, Black Carbon Orochi ordered: "Ask your subordinates to search for this kind of thing together. If you find it, you can sell it to Kaido to save face!"

"Yes!" The subordinate responded and went down.

Nine miles.

Kozuki Sukiyaki, who went by the pseudonym of the swordsmith Tenguyama Totetsu, stood in front of his swordsmith shop, looking at the changes in Wano Country with solemn eyes, and said to himself: "What on earth happened? Why is the entire Wano Country in turmoil?

Get up...over there...who is fighting? Kaido?"

Kozuki Sukiyaki was a former general of Wano. He was framed by the Kurotan family and was forced to lose his position as general of Wano. He was imprisoned underground in Orochi City. He escaped by chance and later hid his identity.

Hiding in Weili Village, waiting for the opportunity to come!

'What happened? No, I have to go out and investigate...' Kozuki Sukiyaki made up his mind and headed towards the place with the highest concentration of people.

At this time, he looked at the turmoil in Wano Country, and thoughts came up in his heart again, but he didn't know what caused the turmoil in Wano Country, so he decided to go out to investigate, at least to know what happened...

On the Oni Island of Wano Country, a beautiful and slim woman stood on the Oni Island with shackles on her hands. Her sense of perception was very strong and she could sense that the entire Wano Country was in turmoil. She

He frowned slightly and said, "Why is the country of Wano suddenly in turmoil? Over there, father... Is Kaido fighting with someone? The battle fluctuations are actually transmitted here..."

Kaido and Barrett fought in a desert in Baiwu, which is far away from here!

And this woman, named Yamato, is none other than Kaido’s daughter!

However, because Yamato picked up Oden's notes and saw Oden being executed, he admired Oden very much and called himself after Kozuki Oden...

Kaido was very unhappy about this. In order to reverse Yamato's thoughts, he imprisoned her here to let Yamato, a rebellious girl, think about it carefully. Kaido would not let her leave Onigashima until she thought about it!

Well, she is an out-and-out...unfilial daughter...

At this time, dozens of naval fleets were slowly approaching in the outer sea of ​​Wano Country!

They passed through the special passage of the Holy Land Mariejoia and used some of Vegapunk's sailing technology to rush to Wano Country's naval force!

On the leading warship, Marshal Aokiji, the three generals, and all the top naval officials arrived at Wano Country and began to move towards Wano Country!

All high-ranking navy officials looked at Wano Country with solemn expressions!

This is the first time Aokiji has launched a large-scale attack on the New World since he came to power. This battle is crucial!

Not only are they competing for the ownership of ancient weapons, but also the confidence of their navy to establish a foothold in the new world!

Momotu frowned and looked at the falling waterfall, then looked at Aoki: "Wano Country seems unable to send all its warships up at once..."

The navy is naturally very clear about the territory of the four emperors. It knows that the geography of Wano Country is very unique. There are only two ways to enter Wano Country. One is to use carp to bring a ship to enter, and the other is to pass through Wano Country.

Underground secret passage.

However, the secret passage under Wano Country is guarded by the Beast Pirates. Unless it is destroyed from within, it will be difficult to get through...

The only way is to enter through the waterfall.

However, they have a large number of warships coming this time, and it is not that easy to land in Wano together.

Aokiji raised his head and looked at Wano Country: "Kizaru, go and deal with the members of the Beast Pirates in the secret passage first, and guide the warship through. We will use the moon steps to go up first to see the situation..."

"Okay." Kizaru did not show any impatience this time, and his body turned into golden light and disappeared directly.

His ability is just enough to rush over quickly. Regarding the situation in Wano Country, their navy has a record.

Among the forces of the four emperors, there are informants from their navy.

After all, the Yonko Pirates are so complex that it is impossible to eliminate all spies from other forces. Basic information will still be leaked.

This is also a problem that cannot be avoided. No matter what force you are, you cannot avoid spies from other forces, unless you are a lone ranger like Redfield, who can act alone...

"Then let's set off!" Aokiji looked at the others who were already prepared, and rushed towards Wano Country on moon steps!

The other generals, including General Peach Rabbit, General Green Bull and other elite lieutenant generals, all jumped out and headed towards Wano Country!

It is worth mentioning that originally Garpuzhan, Sengoku, Otaku, Vice Admiral Tsuru and another group of navy also went to Wano Country, but in the meantime they received an order from the World Government to go to Music Island to deal with

Another crisis!

Among the Four Emperors, Red Hair and Katakuri originally had the goal of Wano Country, but due to the appearance of Soul Soul Fruit, they changed their target and went to Music Island.

Since the other four emperors have not gone to Wano Country, the pressure on Wano Country has been greatly reduced, and it is not impossible to send some manpower to Music Island...

Although the Warring States Period abdicated, his co-ordinating ability is still there. Although his strength has declined a bit, it doesn't matter. If it is left to these veterans, Aokiji is still very relieved!

Katakuri went there because of the Soul Soul Fruit, while Red Hair went there to deal with the Quincy!

As we all know, the Quincy has a deep obsession with the Soul Fruit, and Uta revealed that the Soul Fruit is in her hands. This is almost like deliberately attracting the Quincy...

Regarding his adopted daughter, the red-haired man couldn't understand what she was thinking.

Hongfa has been following up on Uta's situation. Knowing that Uta is already a famous singer around the world at this time, he is very clear about Uta's dream. For this, Hongfa is still

Very gratified...

It's just that this time... Uta's actions made him a little confused...

Worried about Uta's life safety, Hongfa would still go and check it out even if he didn't receive any news from Wulaoxing!

To ensure Uta's safety!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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