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Chapter 391 Declaring War and Leaving

Chapter 391 Declaration of War and Departure

"Huh? Your body is getting stronger and stronger? No, it should be said that it is vitality..." Yun Ye stepped on the air, stopped in mid-air, and looked at Im: "It seems that you still have a secret..."

Now Im's life force is getting stronger and stronger, and his aura is getting stronger and stronger!

This guy Im probably still has some trump cards that he hasn’t used...

A person's vitality cannot be so terrifying, not even Kaido has such a strong vitality!

Yun Ye guessed that this should be some kind of trump card of Im!

'Since the one that emits the world-destroying divine thunder is some kind of man-made technology, then...this kind of powerful life fluctuation is not possessed by humans at all! It should be Uranus, the king of ancient weapons...' Yun Ye's eyes flashed,

Guessing in mind.

Of the three ancient weapons, Pluto is a man-made technology, Neptune is a living thing, and the possibility of Uranus being some kind of living thing is very high.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the King of Heaven is a man-made creature...

However, the vitality fluctuations in Im's body that are so powerful that they are not like what humans can have, give Yun Ye a vague premonition in his heart——

This kind of life fluctuation should come from King Uranus!

There must be some kind of connection between Im and King Uranus that he doesn't know...

Of course, this is just a guess. Yun Ye will not make a decision easily before it is confirmed!

As for whether that thing in the sky is the King of Heaven, it will be clear after waiting for Vegapunk to be taken away and asked!

"..." Im didn't speak, but his eyes became colder and his aura became stronger and stronger!

He opened his big hand, activated his abilities, and various natural disaster-like attacks appeared again!

"This terrifying vitality should be the key to the success of the immortality surgery... I don't think the other five elder stars can live forever!" Yun Ye grinned and looked at Im.

Yun Ye could tell that Wu Laoxing had not been subjected to the immortality surgery. The specific reason was unclear, but this was something that was certain!

In other words, so far, the only successful case of ageless surgery is Im!

Do you think Wulao Xing would not covet the ageless surgery?

Yun Ye didn't believe it. With Wulao Xing's status, it was not difficult to get the fruit of the operation, but Wulao Xing did not succeed. In other words, there were conditions for the immortality operation!

And this condition is likely to be achieved by no one except Im!

Yun Ye couldn't figure out what the reason was, and he didn't want to think too much about it. As long as it was a problem, he would be able to figure it out sooner or later!

"Death!" Im didn't reply, and a natural disaster-like attack blasted towards Yun Ye!

"Fusion!" Looking at the incoming natural disaster attack, Yun Ye sneered. Using the Soul Soul Fruit, the two Homitz appeared again and merged together.

It turned into a human form condensed with the power of thunder and flames.

Five thunder flame dragons roared out from the figure, sweeping in all directions!

‘Boom boom boom——’

The attacks collided, annihilated each other, shattered, and the shock waves did not spread much!

This is anti-ghost killing!

"Forget it, I'm just here to test you this time. I have no intention of fighting you to the death here." Yun Ye laughed wildly, and the Homitz turned into a stream of light and merged with the beating two-color light behind him.

Yun Ye really didn't plan to fight to the death with Im here. When he was on Fish-Man Island, he asked Mrs. Charlie to do a divination for him.

I saw two scenes——

One scene is a battle between two people, one is him and the other is Im!

The battle between the two caused the entire Red Earth Continent to collapse, seawater poured in from all over the world, and hurricanes blew up in the windless zone. It was obviously just a battle between two people, but it felt like the end of the world...

He knew that the combat power Im displayed now was not his full strength!

Im still having reservations!

Of course, so does he...

Another scene shows two people sitting opposite each other in a place, and no fight breaks out...

Two scenes, different results...

Why there are two different results? Yun Ye also has a guess. It should depend on his thoughts. If he is hostile to the World Government, then the first scene will appear.

If Yun Ye was not hostile to the World Government, maybe the second scene would have appeared?

Of course, it may also be due to his special nature. Even if it is divination, it will be based on his thoughts and present the two most likely results?

However, when things have developed to the point where they are now, there is no need to consider these things anymore, and they are basically moving towards the first divination.

He will not let the world government go, and the world government will not let him go!

This time I just came to test Im's intelligence and expose Im to everyone's sight.

"Next time, my army will be dispatched! At that time, the world government that has stood for hundreds of years will be destroyed in my hands!!" Yun Ye's momentum surged again, and he looked at Im with a sneer.

Im floating in the air without any fear, looking directly at Yun Ye: "Are you declaring war on the entire world government?"

"Declaring war, so be it!" Yun Ye laughed.

"I won't give you a chance to escape from here!" Im said indifferently, and the life fluctuations in his body became stronger and stronger. Faintly, the entire red earth continent began to shake, as if something was awakening inside!

This is not the case for a region, but for the entire Red Earth Continent...

"I want to leave, no one can stop me!" Yun Ye sneered, and the two-color light danced behind him. After merging with Lei Yan Homiz, his condition became stronger at this time!

Dark light appeared on Yun Ye's fingertips and he aimed it at Yi Mu. He could see that Yi Mu seemed to be preparing something, and he had no intention of letting Yi Mu take action first.

Although he was curious about what Yi Mu’s trump card was, Yi Mu’s vitality fluctuations were getting stronger and stronger, which also gave him a sense of threat...

Let’s save the decisive battle for last. Now, it’s time to leave!

"Destroy the Void Flash!" Yun Ye pointed out, and the jet-black ray was like a javelin penetrating the sky, penetrating everything and rushing towards Im!

"Huh!" Im just snorted coldly. On him, there seemed to be the sound of some kind of beast's roar. Then, he stretched out his hand and pushed, and a terrifying armed color, the product of the combination of vitality suddenly erupted and turned invisible.

The impact rushed towards Xudian!


Just like Mars hitting the earth, two powerful offensives in the air collided in the air, setting off a violent impact!

The space is vibrating, turning into ripples and rolling out!

Wave after wave of shock waves radiated all around, and large chunks of the Red Earth Continent collapsed. Everything in the impact was destroyed!

Finally, with a "boom", the impact swept across, and the red earth continent in this area was directly sunken, and a large number of red boulders fell down!

From a distance, a huge gap appeared in the entire red continent! This gap even exceeded the size of some large islands!

Impacted by this shock wave, Im flew out crazily and crashed into the red earth continent, blasting a huge hole in the red earth continent in that area. Countless cracks spread out and even spread.

Arrived below 10,000 meters!

"I, the Quincy, on behalf of the Wangxu Palace, officially declare war on your world government. Be prepared. When the time comes, my army will completely destroy you! Hahaha!" Yun Ye looked at Yi Mu and was knocked away.

He left behind an extremely arrogant voice, and then his body disappeared in a flash.

Arriving at the side of the revolutionary army, Yun Ye glanced at everyone present, and finally looked at Bega Punk, and said calmly: "Come with me, I need you to do me a favor."

Dorag looked at Yun Ye. Facing Yun Ye at this time, he also felt inexplicable pressure and nodded slowly: "Okay."

Several people flashed and left the Holy Land Marie Joa...

"Quincy!!!" From the other side, a roar came. Im rushed out of the pit and stood in the air. There were many scars on his body, but they were being repaired visibly to the naked eye.

He glanced around with cold eyes, but at this time Yun Ye could no longer be seen!

The powerful overlord color on Im's body was raging crazily, overwhelming everything. Because of his anger, the whole world seemed to be enveloped by a natural disaster. Thunder struck down, a hurricane formed, the earth's fire surged, and faintly, there was a roar of some kind of beast that shook the sky.

The sound vibrated the air, causing ripples to appear!

He, the majestic master of the world government and the master of the entire world, was actually repelled by others and was even injured!

How long has it been since he felt pain?

Hundreds of years!

I haven’t been hurt in hundreds of years!

Anger, boundless anger filled his heart. Just like pain, he had not felt anger like this for hundreds of years!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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