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Chapter 395 Conversation between Aokiji and Yeren

Chapter 395 The conversation between Qing Pheasant and Ye Ren

Zefa raised his eyebrows. He saw and heard the color radiating out, but he didn't sense anything. However, he trusted his disciple very much: "Why is this guy Aoki Pheasant here? Do you want your help to deal with the Quincy?"

"That's not clear." Yun Ye's eyes flashed, he looked at the slim Xiaoya standing aside, and said with a smile: "Xiaoya, go outside and welcome Marshal Qing Pheaser in."

He was also a little surprised by Aoki Pheasant's visit, but he had more or less guessed it...

"Okay, Brother Yun Ye." Xiaoya nodded obediently, took two steps, opened the door and went out.

With the location given by Yun Ye, Xiaoya soon met Qing Pheasant. She gave a sassy military salute: "Marshal Qing Pheasant, Teacher Zefa and Brother Yun Ye are waiting for you inside."

After Qingzhi entered the central house, he did not deliberately hide his aura. He knew that in front of Ye Ren, his hiding would not have much effect, so he simply walked in openly.

Seeing Xiaoya coming, he was not surprised and nodded: "Okay, lead the way, Lieutenant General Yun Ya."

As a regular force, the NEO Navy has positions similar to those of the Navy. However, in the NEO Navy, there are no generals, and the highest level is only a lieutenant general.

Xiaoya was also one of the lieutenant generals of the NEO Navy at this time. After the guidance of Zefa and Yun Ye, her strength also improved by leaps and bounds. Although she was still not as good as the generals of the navy headquarters, she was still at the elite level of lieutenant general!

Xiaoya was born as an ordinary person in a small village. She had no surname, only a nickname, which was given by the old people in the village.

Like Yun Ye's body, Xiaoya is also an orphan. His parents died in an accident, and she was raised by people in the village.

As the mainstay of the ENO Navy, Xiaoya naturally has to have her own name and title.

After all, Lieutenant General Xiaoya sounds weird...

Xiaoya is a species of animal phantom beast, Thunder White Tiger, Feng Conglong, Yun Conghu, plus Yun Ye's own surname is also Yun, and Xiaoya is his beloved sister, so Yun Ye gave Xiaoya a name -


Xiaoya also likes this name very much. To the public, her name and title are Yunya.

Vice Admiral Yun Ya is also a high-ranking member of the NEO Navy, not only because she is Ye Ren's sister, but she is also recognized for her strength!

However, people who are familiar with her are still accustomed to calling her by her nickname...

After a while, Xiaoya came over with Qing Pheasant. Xiaoya returned to where she was before and stood next to Yun Ye.

Zefa looked at Qing Pheasant and said, "Qing Pheasant, what are you doing here?"

"Long time no see, Teacher Zefa." Qingzhi gave Zefa a military salute. He still respected Zefa very much.

Then he looked at Yun Ye: "I haven't seen you for a while since the last time in Wano Country, Ye Ren."

Yun Ye asked Qing Pheasant to sit down and looked at him: "How come Marshal Qing Pheasant has time to come to my side?"

After Qingzhi sat down, he didn't talk too much and went straight to the topic. He didn't care that Zefa and Xiaoya were still here and said directly: "Yeyeren, I won't talk nonsense. The purpose of my trip is to know what's next.

In this war, where do you NEO Navy stand? No, it should be said, what stand do you stand on?"

Zefa frowned when he heard this. They were discussing this matter before.

The war between the Quincy and the World Government can be said to be the most sensational event in recent times.

Zefa is naturally a little worried. In this war, what should their NEO navy do?

Do you sit back and do nothing, or...

The world government is purging the first half, will it take action against them?

How should they respond?

This has to be considered.

Regarding Aokiji's question, Yun Ye was not surprised at all. He had already guessed the purpose of Aokiji's trip before. He paused and replied: "This time, the war between the World Government and the Quincy can be said to involve

Of all the forces in the world, no one can escape from this storm."

Qingzhi seemed to have heard something and frowned: "Do you want to intervene in this war?"

Yun Ye said calmly: "As far as the world government is afraid of me, do you think he will let me continue to stay in the first half? They will not rest assured that I am here."

Yun Ye laughed: "They are probably thinking about how to deal with us now, right?"

Aokiji did not deny it. This was an obvious thing. As a powerful existence, Ye Ren could not rest assured if he stayed here in the first half!

It is certain that the world government will take action!

I just don’t know how far it will go, whether it will force them to retreat to the new world from the first half, or whether it will use thunder to annihilate them directly...

In addition to giving orders to the navy, the World Government no longer sends people to communicate with them!

What the World Government's plan is, even he, the marshal, doesn't know!

It is likely that Ye Ren's previous actions in Wano made the World Government a little wary and suspicious of their navy...

During the battle in Wano, Night Blade destroyed the ancient weapon Pluto, killed Kaido, Barret, and a group of cadres of the Beast Pirates. The Beast Pirates were almost completely destroyed.

As for the Navy, Night Blade only killed the Green Bull and a group of pacifists who belonged to the World Government, and spared the other Marines. This move can be said to have removed those who belonged to the World Government from the Navy.

Got it!

If you think about it carefully, it's hard not to think of certain situations...

Qingzhi sighed: "I can see that the World Government no longer trusts the navy, and even has a little precaution, so I am worried that the navy may become a victim of the war this time...


"Are you blaming me for purging the Navy of the Green Bulls and others who belong to the World Government for you?" Yun Ye looked at Qingzhi and said calmly: "The Navy should have thought about breaking away from the control of the World Government, right? The Navy is the Navy.

, not a dog of the World Government! This is the main reason why I left the Navy and excluded Akainu."

Regarding Wano Country's killing of Green Bull and a group of pacifists, Yun Ye was not only hostile to Green Bull, but also had other motives.

That is what drives the wedge between the Navy and the World Government.

Making Qing Pheasant owe him a favor in public was done deliberately to show others!

In addition to people like Green Bull who have a clear attitude and are of the same mind as the World Government, there must be spies of the World Government secretly who will inform the Five Old Stars about this matter!

To make the world government doubt the navy, this is Yun Ye's purpose!

Warring States abdicated and recommended Qing Pheasant. Yun Ye roughly guessed something. Warring States also wanted the navy to make some changes.

However, this proposal was rejected by the World Government, and Akainu, a tougher person, took over.

Although the tough-minded Akainu is also difficult to control, his ideas will not conflict with the World Government and are more suitable for the situation at that time.

At that time, Ye Ren was still in the navy. With such a thorn, Akainu needed to restrain him!

The way of balance, the world government is very good at playing!

I just didn't expect that there would be a thunderstorm later, and because of a conflict, Akainu died in the hands of Ye Ren...

Yun Ye had no control over the series of things that happened next.

However, in the upcoming decisive battle, Yun Ye does not want the navy to get involved. He does not want to kill his colleagues who once had a good relationship with him!

Therefore, he deliberately pushed the distance between the Navy and the World Government!

Let Aokiji owe him a favor, he wants Aokiji and the Navy not to interfere in the war between him and the World Government!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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