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Chapter 56 Naval Action4,000 words

Chapter 56 Naval Operations (4,000 words)

Doflamingo's actions did not escape the Navy's intelligence network.

Someone passed the information that Doflamingo was heading to the North Sea to the Navy headquarters.

At this time, a meeting was held among the top brass of the Navy.

During the meeting, a group of military officers were sitting at attention.

Except for a few with different actions.

A blindfold covered his eyes, leaning against a table and chair, as if he was dozing.

One had a lazy expression, raised the corners of his mouth, and looked up at the ceiling, showing a lewd look.

One of them was holding a half-bitten senbei in his hand, as if he was asleep, with snot bubbles coming out of his nose...

Although the three people moved in different ways, no one on the field paid attention to their actions.

Marshal Warring States was talking to himself and didn't care.

On the board behind him, there are several large reward orders -

Joracol Mihawk, Shah Crocodile, Boya Hancock, Moonlight Moriah, Kaiman Jinbe, and Doflamingo!

All of them are bounty orders for the currently active Shichibukai!

Obviously, this meeting at this time is about the "Shichibukai" matter!

But at this time, a major general knocked on the door and ran in, came to Sengoku's side, and reported: "Information came from the North Sea, saying that Don Quixote Doflamingo's ship appeared in the North Sea!"

The major general's words were not loud, but everyone present had keen senses and looked over them immediately.

Warring States frowned and said: "What's going on? Why did this guy suddenly go to Beihai?"

Not long ago, Doflamingo hijacked the Sky Gold to threaten the World Government and successfully joined the Shichibukai.

He has been on the Grand Line since then, and there is even information that he has decided to go to the New World.

But at this time, he suddenly and abnormally ran back to Beihai?

This strange behavior will inevitably make people suspicious.

The major general gave a brief report: "The navy discovered that the pirate group under King Kaiyun also appeared in the North Sea. There may be some secret deal between the two forces, but that island is a gray area and we have no informants.


Although the two parties are not as powerful as the great pirates in the New World, they cannot be ignored, especially the transactions in the North Sea. Naturally, the navy will not sit idly by.

The four seas, in a sense, are the territory of the navy!

Even the great pirates of the New World dare not set foot there easily, at least not openly.

"Hmph! After becoming a Shichibukai, have you stopped hiding your whereabouts?"

Akainu, who was sitting with his arms folded, snorted coldly, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes!

Akainu hated the Shichibukai system very much.

He even felt that the Shichibukai system was an insult to the navy.

Legally plundering pirates?

What is that?

For him who has the concept of "absolute justice", pirates are pirates, evil is evil, and they are existences that need to be eliminated!

However, this is an order from the World Government, and he has no reason to refute it.

Huang Yuan had a wretched look on his face, and the corner of his mouth almost turned to the other side: "Hey, it's really scary. The Qibukai, just mentioned not long ago, have already started to cause trouble..."

Qingzhi also opened his blindfold a little, and after yawning lazily, he said lightly: "Tian Yaksha, King of Sea Transport, two forces in the dark world, secretly conducting illegal transactions? How courageous!"

These two forces, one is the Shichibukai and the other is the King of Darkness in the New World, are both well-known figures.

In the navy, there is naturally a record of information.

I just don’t know why these two forces, one in the Grand Line and one in the New World, appear here in the North Sea.

The veteran Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel also said: "Is there some powerful Devil Fruit that appeared in the North Sea?"

There are only a few things that can attract these people.

Treasure, devil fruit.

A secret deal may even be a powerful weapon.

Warring States looked at Lieutenant General He and said: "Lieutenant General He, you know Doflamingo best, do you have any clues?"

As the "big staff officer" of the navy, Lieutenant General He definitely knew the most information among the people present. She whispered: "Beihai?"

After thinking for a while, she continued: "There seem to be big incidents happening in the North Sea recently. The Vinsmoke family attacked an island and they just settled it. Now this kind of thing happens again. Is there any connection between them?"

Lieutenant General He looked at the major general who came to deliver the intelligence: "Is there any specific intelligence analysis?"


The major general handed a piece of information to Lieutenant General He.

Lieutenant General He fired briefly, and finally stopped at one place, his eyes flashing.

She tapped her index finger on the table to attract everyone's attention. She looked around everyone and said slowly: "The bounty hunter, the Quincy, has appeared on the island in the gray area!"

"Bounty hunter Quincy?"

Some people are confused and obviously don't know the name.

"I remember it was Major General Bastiu who mentioned this name for the first time? It was a new bounty hunter who appeared in the North Sea."

Vice Admiral Dauberman said calmly.

Bastiu was his subordinate and reported it to him first, so he remembered it quite clearly.

Obviously, it sounds from Dauberman's words that Bastiu did not specify the time of Donzik Island in detail.

Probably for merit?

"Well, that's what the intelligence described." Lieutenant General He nodded and said slowly: "But there is a doubt. This person once appeared on Donzik Island, and this time... it is the same!"

"Could this be a coincidence?"

"Indeed, it is a gray area after all. It is normal for bounty hunters to go there. Moreover, no matter how bold a bounty hunter from the North Sea is, he cannot provoke a strong man of Doflamingo's level!"

Some navy think this is just a coincidence. How could a mere bounty hunter from the North Sea dare to provoke the Shichibukai?

Even thinking about it seems impossible.

However, Warring States raised his brows and ordered the major general: "Show me the information on this bounty hunter."

"Yes!" The major general nodded and quickly handed a piece of information into Warring States' hands.

Warring States glanced at it, it was very ordinary, nothing out of the ordinary.

After all, only a few months have passed since Yun Ye went to sea.

There are only so many shots.

Another time I was covered up by Bastiu...

Therefore, at this stage, there are only two or three descriptions of the information about Quincy.

[Wearing a mask, suspected of being a devil fruit user, using a sword,]

Suddenly, Sengoku looked at Dauberman and asked, "Is Major General Bastiu on a mission now?"

Dauberman was startled, thought for a moment, and replied: "No, during this period his task is to be an instructor in the training camp."

Warring States nodded and said: "Then please invite Major General Bastiu to come."

Soon, Bastiu came to the conference room.

Warring States didn't waste any time and went straight to the point. He looked at Bastiu and asked, "Major General Bastiu, you should know about the bounty hunter Quincy..."

Suddenly hearing this familiar name, Bastiu, who was not prepared at all, was startled. His body trembled, but his expression was not noticed because of the mask.

Bastiu froze on the spot and did not answer Sengoku's words, but a thought emerged in his heart: 'Could it be that his false claim of merit has been exposed?'

Although Bastiu's slight shaking movement was very subtle, everyone present could tell at a glance that something was wrong with Bastiu.

"What's going on? Major General Bastiu?"

Warring States frowned, and there was a surge of momentum in his body!

At this moment, all the senior navy officials looked over.

"War...Marshal of the Warring States Period...this..." Bastiu's body shook even more...


Everyone frowned, what's going on?

Being stared at by everyone, Bastiu broke out in cold sweat.

Then, Bastiu, who was unaware and thought that the matter was exposed, told the complete story of what happened on Donzik Island under the eyes of everyone...

Everyone listened, but after hearing that the Quincy defeated the Vinsmoke family with one person's power, everyone's expressions became slightly moved.

They are more or less aware of the strength of the Vinsmoke family.

Being able to defeat the Vinsmoke family, this Quincy's strength is at least at the level of Vice Admiral!

As Lieutenant General Bastiu, Dauberman looked at Bastiu and snorted coldly: "Humph! Major General Bastiu, you really disappoint me!"

In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the navy. Many people have done it by pretending to take military merit. There are very few people here who have not done this kind of thing.

It has even become a common rule, provided that you cannot be discovered...

However, the unlucky Bastiu revealed this matter in the sight of all the top navy officials...

The main reason is that Bastiu himself didn't expect that it had been a few months since the incident. He thought that things had turned over, but he didn't expect to be suddenly hit like this.

Without any psychological preparation, Bastiu still showed his weakness.

All I can say is that time is destiny.

Bastiu went down and received the punishment.

Although the military rank has not changed, a lot of merit has been deducted, which is enough for Bastiu to suffer from pain for a long time. He really lost his wife and lost his army.

Even because of this, he held a grudge against Yun Ye's Quincy vest...

He didn't dwell on this matter for too long. Warring States also knew that there were many such things in the navy.

The navy is too powerful and it is impossible to completely prevent this kind of thing.

So he changed the subject and said, "Everyone, what do you think?"

The flying squirrel sat up straight and said: "Now that we know the strength of the Quincy, it is very suspicious for him to appear on Baweilijiang Island... It is very likely that the people of the Don Quixote family are going there for him!


Dauberman nodded in agreement and guessed: "Could it be the Quincy who ruined the deal between Doflamingo and King Kai?"

"Hey, you actually dare to attack two kings of the dark world. What a terrifying bounty hunter..." Kizaru curled his lips in a joking tone.

"Hmph! This kind of person is an unstable factor. He may become a pirate at any time. The enemy should be completely eliminated! Moreover, what if it is the Shichibukai? If they dare to conduct transactions under the nose of the navy, our navy will not be released.

In your eyes?"

Akainu's eyes turned cold and he snorted coldly. As a representative of the hawks, he was very angry when he saw those evil people acting unscrupulously under his nose: "I suggest sending troops directly to disrupt their actions!"

There is some truth to what Akainu said, and many hawkish lieutenant generals agreed with his concept of "absolute justice" and nodded in agreement.

Aokiji raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Don't forget, Doflamingo is now a legitimate pirate recognized by the Shichibukai and the World Government. If we take action, we may cause dissatisfaction with the World Government!"

Akainu hammered the table and snorted coldly: "So, General Aokiji wants to leave them alone? Where does this general put the navy's face?"

"I didn't say that, and if it passes now, is it really too late?"

"We can ask the branch in Beihai to send troops."

Aoki sat up straight and looked directly at Akainu: "Do you think the soldiers from Beihai will be their opponents? Do you plan to sacrifice these soldiers for the sake of the navy's face?"

Akainu stood up suddenly, looked directly at Aokiji, and said coldly: "As a navy, that is their duty!"

Even in the conference room, the two of them felt tit for tat.

The two generals competed with each other, but the others did not rush in to avoid causing trouble.

Kizaru pretended not to hear it and did not intend to get involved.

Warring States frowned, trying to stop the fight between the two.

A soft sound of "Boom" sounded in the field.

Then, a confused voice reached everyone's ears.

"Huh? What's wrong? Is dinner ready?"

Garp touched his head, looked left and right, and muttered a few words.

As soon as Garp opened his mouth, the solemn atmosphere in the field was immediately broken. Many lieutenant generals breathed a sigh of relief. The fight between the two generals just now put too much pressure on them!


Warring States' face was covered with black lines and he coughed lightly.

"Haha, dinner hasn't started yet, I thought the meeting was over!"

Garp touched his head, laughed heartily, and turned a deaf ear to Sengoku's reminder.

Warring States said angrily: "Garp, shut up you old guy!"

"It's not over yet, why did you wake me up..."

Garp muttered, stuffed the senbei in his hand into his mouth, and started to bite it.


Everyone pretends not to see it.

Warring States also held up his forehead, and then didn't want to pay attention to this funny joke.

After this interruption, Akainu and Aokiji did not speak again.

After lightly hammering the table twice, Warring States glanced at the whole place and then said: "Which lieutenant general in the headquarters is closest to Bawei Lijiang Island now?"

A lieutenant general flipped over the book in his hand, stood up and said, "Marshal, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider is on an island not far from Upside Down Mountain. It only takes a few days to get there!"

'A ghost spider?'

Warring States pondered in his heart, and then said: "Inform Lieutenant General Ghost Spider and ask him to go to Beihai."


The major general who came in before responded and then went out.

Now that the Warring States Period has finalized the matter, they will have the next meeting.

It was still the previous meeting related to the Shichibukai.

Now there are six Shichibukai, and they are finalizing the quota for the seventh one...

A strong man with strength, reputation and power!

And on a warship sailing on the Grand Route.

Ghost Spider hung up the phone and thought to himself: 'Doflamingo, Ocean King, bounty hunter Quincy... what a trouble!'

Originally, his mission was almost completed and he could go back and have a good rest. Unexpectedly, this unexpected incident occurred.

It made him feel very unhappy.

He snorted coldly, waved his hand and ordered: "Right rudder, head to Beihai!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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