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Chapter 64 Step into the great route!

Chapter 64 Entering the Great Route!

Go back a few days ago.

After Yun Ye killed the ghost spider, he did not leave the island, but came to a hidden place.

Holding back the pain radiating from his body, Yun Ye unlocked a reply.

He replied that his presence in the original Bleach is not strong, and even the specific skill name does not appear.

There are also very few people who have learned it. Except for the fourth team, very few people will learn the Tao.

The Fourth Division, the medical division, is even looked down upon by other divisions. You can imagine how weak the presence of Hui Dao is.

In the Death panel, there are only two or three paths that appear.

[Reply to the Road·Spring comes out of dead trees]

This is a return skill unlocked by Yun Ye and cost 500 achievement points.

The introduction is very simple, and it probably means treating injuries...

Similarly, the method of execution is also physical strength.

However, Yun Ye's body is now close to its limit, and he doesn't even have the physical strength to perform the return path...

After resting for a long time, Yun Ye had the strength to use his return path to repair his injuries.

There will be a slight glow on the body when it is being used, which means it is being treated.

Not only can he heal himself, but he can also heal others. Coupled with the monster-like recovery speed in the pirate world, Yun Ye recovered in just one day.

Although the two bodies are synchronized in spirit, energy and spirit, the injuries will not be synchronized, so there is no need to worry about it affecting the navy Yun Ye.

Navy Yun Ye is still training in an orderly manner...

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, Yun Ye was a little surprised. The surprise was not that he was offered a reward, but that he was offered a reward of nearly 200 million Baileys from the beginning?

The Navy is really generous!

Do you think you are too much of a threat?

But think about it, as soon as he appeared on the scene, he smashed a Shichibukai and Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral.

Everyone will feel that they are very dangerous!

If this was not the first time the reward was offered, the reward at this time should be doubled again!

Throwing the newspaper away casually, Yun Ye turned around and returned to his temporary residence.

It is a cave in the forest of Bawei Lijiang Island, opened by Yun Ye.

He has been staying here for the past few days.

There are substances stored inside, as well as the Devil Fruit that was snatched from King Kaiyun's hands and has been kept here.

Yun Ye sat down and began to think about his next action.

Now that the injury has recovered, it is time to leave the North Sea and enter the Grand Line.

In Beihai, Yun Ye can no longer get too many achievement points.

Even Simon Sandy, who had a bounty of more than 40 million beli, only had 150 achievement points, let alone other rotten fish.

There are too few strong men in Beihai!

Moreover, the current Doflamingo and the others are probably on an island in the first half of the Grand Line.

The deal with their Don Quixote family has not yet been completed, and the ransom has not yet been received.

Cooperation is cooperation, ransom is ransom, don’t get confused!

'Either come to the door, or let them come to you...'

Yun Ye smiled and looked at the devil fruit.

With this thing, are you still afraid that the Don Quixote family won't come looking for you?

After roughly going through the next arrangements in his mind, Yun Ye went to sea.

Yun Ye is a lone ranger, and he only has one small boat when he sets sail.

But for Yun Ye, it was enough.

At least, winds and waves cannot pose much of a threat to him now.

It's just that the materials are lacking and there is no storage space, which makes Yun Ye troubled.

Along with the Devil Fruit, I just found a box and put it away, throwing it aside.

Stepping onto the boat, Yun Ye pressed his feet hard, and the sea surface seemed to sink. Then, the sea water seemed to be pressed down by a spring, and the boat ejected and rushed out in an instant!

[Battle] The skills derived from 80 are very easy to use...

Ten days passed, and Yun Ye finally arrived at the entrance of the Grand Route.

The unreachable red earth continent has stretched here for countless years. It is majestic and majestic, as if it is guarding something here.

A countercurrent waterway came into Yun Ye's eyes.

"Upside Down Mountain..."

Yun Ye whispered, and then laughed.

Driving the boat along the current, over the upside down mountain, Yun Ye entered the Grand Route.

Upside Down Mountain Twin Gorges.

Yun Ye sensed a breath, presumably the ship's doctor who had followed Roger for a while.

Called Icarus?

I forgot, but Yun Ye ignored it and didn't intend to go there. He drove the boat directly towards the distance.

Kurokas, who was in the lighthouse, also frowned and saw Yun Ye's figure.

"This mask... hiss... is the Quincy who defeated Doflamingo? Has he also entered the Grand Line?"

Kurokas pushed up his glasses and picked up a reward notice next to him. There was a photo of Yun Ye on it.

His eyes shone brightly, and he thought to himself: 'Haha, I'm really looking forward to it. Will such a new star stepping into the new world make the new world more turbulent?'

Another few days passed.

Grand Route Chuanluo Island.

This is the island where a magnetic route begins.

Generally, pirates who have just set foot on this route will stop at this island.

So the island is in chaos all year round.

All kinds of people will appear here.

Vendettas, robberies, violence, and rape were common occurrences.

Pirates are the representatives of chaos, and it is not surprising to do anything they do!

There are only a few adventurers like Luffy in the original novel. The other pirates are all extremely vicious existences!

Yun Ye set foot on the island with a clear goal and went to an auction on the island.

If I remember correctly, Doflamingo's Don Quixote family seemed to run many underground auctions, and Yun Ye planned to try his luck there.

Even if not, Yun Ye can still put this devil fruit up for auction!

With his current reputation, with a little publicity, the news should spread quickly.

As long as the Don Quixote family knows about it, then... I think they will come to you soon, right?

There was no cover in the cloudy night, and he appeared openly on the island.

Almost everyone who saw Yun Ye was slightly startled, and then suddenly their expressions changed drastically.

Some people even exclaimed:

"That mask is... the Quincy who defeated the Shichibukai that was spread throughout the sea!"

"Hiss... it's true, stay away quickly. This guy is a powerful person. He even dares to kill a vice admiral. Isn't he afraid of the navy's revenge?"

The black and white mask has almost become the symbol of Yunye. When I see the black and white mask, I think of the Quincy, which is currently in the limelight!

However, there were also bounty hunters whose eyes flashed after seeing Yun Ye: "Haha, I don't know if it's true. Those guys in the Navy only exaggerate things. Maybe it's just an error..."

He didn't believe that a person who was offered a bounty for the first time could reach a level of nearly 200 million. It was very possible that the navy had made a mistake!

Another person sneered and said: "Can you go over and try it?"

"Huh, do you think I don't dare?" The bounty hunter couldn't stand the excitement, snorted coldly, and stepped out.

This man's name is Vic, and his strength is not weak. He once defeated a pirate who had a bounty of 50 million beli, and he is also one of the best among the nearby bounty hunters.

"Haha, there is a good show to watch!"

"This guy Vic is really lacking in brains. He is an idiot. But he is obviously an idiot, but he is actually quite strong. I guess the Quincy would have to use some tricks to defeat him, right?"

"Who says it's not the case? You have a simple mind and well-developed limbs!"

People around started talking.

(End of chapter)

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