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Chapter 72: Combat Training

Chapter 72 Practical Training

after a while.

This is Yun Ye's third month in the training camp.

Today, everyone in the elite training camp is ready to go.

They are going to perform a special mission.

Practical training!

Every six months, members of the elite battalion, led by Zefa, will go to the four seas to perform missions.

The reason why we chose Sihai is because the criminals in Sihai are generally relatively weak and we will not encounter criminals with more than 50 million beli.

It can reduce the casualties of soldiers.

Although Zefa is strict, he still values ​​the students under him very much.

I won't let them die easily.

"Everyone, gather and board the warship!"

Zefa gave an order, and all the soldiers lined up in formation, and then lined up in an orderly manner to board the warship.

Then, the warship left the port and headed in one direction.

The Navy has specific waterways and uses the three Gates of Justice to form ocean circulation, allowing the Navy's warships to sail much faster.

This time the destination is Beihai!

As for where it is in the North Sea, no one except Zefa knows.

Yun Ye was a little surprised. He didn't expect to return to Beihai.

If you have the chance, you can go back to Donzik Island and take a look. I don't know if my own way can heal Xiaoya's arm.

The injuries on the face should be OK, but as for the arms... we still need to try it out...

Thinking of these, the warship gradually sailed towards its destination.

Bawei Lijiang Island…

Yun Ye was a little speechless.

What kind of coincidence is this? The destination is actually Bawei Lijiang Island.

After the Quincy incident occurred on Bawelijiang Island, the navy had visited the island more than once to check, but did not obtain any useful information.

This time Zefa led the team because a force came into their sight, and that was the suddenly growing Divination Club.

After the Dia Mafia was eliminated, the Divination Club became the only dominant force on the island.

But for some unknown reason, they did not show this ambition at the beginning, and they kept a low profile and did not conflict with the navy...

It was only recently that they began to expand crazily, and it was precisely for this reason that the navy spy who stayed here sent back the news.

Then Zefa saw the news.

It happened that there was a practical training mission during this period, so Zefa took over this mission by the way to find out whether the Divination Club had anything to do with the Quincy.

After Yun Ye learned about this situation, he held a second of silence for Hawkins.

Being targeted by Zefa, it is estimated that Hawkins will not be able to escape so easily.

News of the navy's landing on the island spread instantly from the port to the entire island.

Almost everyone carrying bounty money changed their expressions at this time.

"Damn it, hasn't the Navy already left? Why are they here again at this time?"

"It's all because of that damn Quincy who did such a sensational thing on the island, and why it was targeted by the navy!"

"What a great place, it's almost turned into a navy garrison!"

These criminals cursed fiercely, but they could only curse once.

At this time, seeing the navy landing, everyone hid better than anyone else.

Of course, these people are just gangsters on the island and cannot become popular.

In the dim small room where the Divination Club was stationed, Hawkins also frowned at this time. Why is the Navy here again?

And this divination result... is for me!

After seeing the divination results, Hawkins also became gloomy.

After thinking for a while, he flashed his eyes, came to the hall, and directly ordered to his men: "Everyone prepares to welcome the navy's offensive!"

Suddenly, everyone gathered together.

Of course, Hawkins couldn't give up his foundation, so he chose to face the enemy!

And on the other side of the island.

A pirate ship anchored on the shore.

The "Crooked Scythe" pirate group, which has a total bounty of more than 180 million beli, stops here.

Captain "Kamaita" Peter, a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million beli!

Although they are a group of pirates on the surface, secretly, they are actually the governor of the "Deep Current" who is responsible for affairs in the four seas!

His status in the "Deep Current" is one level higher than that of Simon Sandy!

This time, it was the Shipping King Umit who noticed something was wrong and ordered him to explore Bawelijiang Island.

During this time, the forces of the Sea Transport King and Doflamingo's forces have begun to conflict.

All the dark world turned their attention, including those big pirates.

Both parties are kings of the dark world, and their forces are widely distributed. Their forces started to fight, and both sides suffered losses.

But more often than not, the King of Shipping was suppressed and beaten...

After all, Doflamingo has a special status, accepts both black and white, and has endless logistics, which is far beyond Umit's imagination...

Therefore, the deflated Umit was a little panicked and wanted to ask for peace, but Doflamingo was not so easy to get rid of.

If you say war, you will fight, if you say peace, you will make peace?

Wumit also knew this reason and quickly sent his forces to Bawelijiang Island to investigate.

First, I want to know the whole story so that if I misunderstand something, I can have an excuse when I give in.

So what, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings, it’s all wrong and false news delivered by people below...

The second is to see if he can find the Quincy who defeated Doflamingo and invite him to join his force.

If they could invite the Quincy, then they really wouldn't be afraid of going head-to-head with Doflamingo!

For these reasons, the "Bent Scythe" pirate group came to Bawelijiang Island!

At this time, a little brother ran over from the forest and shouted urgently:

"Boss, something's wrong. The navy has landed. I suspect it's coming for us!"

The young man with an average build and short red hair raised his eyes, looked over with sharp eyes, and said in a calm tone: "Don't panic, what happened?"

The younger brother explained the matter briefly.

"Naval soldiers without epaulettes?"

Peter murmured a few words, then seemed to have thought of something, and said in a deep voice: "Have you seen what the leader of the navy looks like?"

The younger brother shook his head: "I only saw the warship and ran over to inform the boss."

'There are no epaulettes, so he must be a new recruit of the Navy. Could it be that he is a Navy recruit who has come to conduct actual combat exercises?'

Peter thought in his mind.

He is in charge of the four seas area, and the information flow from all over the world will be gathered into his hands, and he knows some information in detail.

I know that there will be a certain period of time in the navy when new recruits come out for training.

The new recruits are not scary, but the veterans who lead the team are scary!

Those who can lead a team start with the rank of major general!

After a pause, he said: "Let everyone hide and don't conflict with the navy!"


Others shouted loudly.

But suddenly another person wiped cold sweat and said: "Boss, the second boss just ran to town..."

The second master in his mouth is the second master on the ship and Peter's biological brother.

The bounty exceeds 50 million Baileys!

He is arrogant, ruthless and cruel!

He is a murderous villain!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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