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Chapter 135: Great Ming Treasure Ship

Because Zhu Gui was only allowed to move within the East Palace, he would not have been able to come to the imperial study without Zhu Yunwen, the emperor's grandson.

Moreover, he also learned a piece of information in advance, that is, the emperor has not been to the imperial study room recently, which also avoided a collision.

But even if he really met Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Gui had already thought of the reason. Naturally, according to Zhu Yuanzhang, he would pass on to Zhu Yunwen the way of governing the country that he discussed with the prince.

Zhu Gui finally understood that no matter what he did, as long as it was good to Zhu Yunwen, Zhu Yuanzhang would agree to it unconditionally.

Maybe this is because Zhu Yuanzhang felt that he owed too much to Prince Zhu Biao, so he wanted to make up for it with Zhu Yunwen?

Zhu Gui didn't know the truth and didn't care.

All he needs to do is seize Zhu Yunwen's 'gold medal to avoid death'.

As for why he came to the Imperial Study Room, it was naturally related to his excuse of 'preaching'.

On the other hand, Zhu Gui wanted to find a treasure in the imperial study.

That is the drawing of the Ming Dynasty treasure ship that will be famous even in later generations.

It was this kind of treasure ship that Zheng He took when he sailed to the Western Ocean. There were 150 ships before and after him, and they made a mark in the history of world navigation.

The Ming Dynasty treasure ships were much more advanced than the Dutch sailing ships that appeared more than two hundred years later.

However, the construction drawings of the Ming Dynasty treasure ships have not been handed down.

The reason is that due to the Ming Dynasty's sea ban, this precious blueprint was shelved as it was no longer useful, and then gradually lost.

But Zhu Gui did not forget this matter.

Although it was still decades before Zheng He's voyages to the West, Zhu Gui believed that the developed shipbuilding industry of the Ming Dynasty should have been accumulated and passed down long ago.

Otherwise, such advanced chartered ships would not have appeared out of thin air.

And a super battleship with a length of more than 100 meters cannot be afforded by the common people. The design drawings of the treasure ship are most likely in the royal study.

Zhu Gui couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth when he thought about this.

If he could really find the blueprints of the treasure ship, he would probably have to change his development strategy.

Datong Prefecture is located in the mainland of China, and Zhu Gui's previous strategy was to connect Datong with the Eurasian continent by land, and then connect the entire continent through railways.

Only fully convenient transportation can prevent a super empire from falling apart.

However, the difficulty of implementing this plan is also amazing.

Even if the entire population of the Ming Dynasty is taken into account, if we build the railway together, I am afraid it will take less than a hundred years to complete this huge project.

Not to mention that Zhu Gui wants to completely conquer other ethnic groups on this continent.

But once there is a treasure ship or even an entire fleet, it is different.

In this era, Europe was still in the age of using small sailing ships, and treasure ships were comparable to the aircraft carriers of later generations.

Zhu Gui can completely use maritime strategy to control other forces under his command before they have fully developed.

"Uncle Emperor, are you okay?"

Zhu Gui was thinking about it when he suddenly heard Zhu Yunwen's questioning voice.

It turned out that the two of them had already entered the royal study. When Zhu Yunwen saw Zhu Gui standing motionless with a faint smile on his face, he finally couldn't help but wake him up.

"Ah, the emperor is fine. The emperor is just amazed that there are so many things in the imperial study."

Zhu Gui found a reason very skillfully.

But what he said was correct.

This royal study covers an area of ​​more than ten thousand square meters, which is larger than a palace, and there are bookshelves on both sides, reaching to the ceiling. There are many ladders nearby for climbing up and down to retrieve books.

"Uncle Emperor, haven't you been to the Imperial Study Room before?" Zhu Yunwen asked curiously.

This question made Zhu Gui quite embarrassed.

In the past, when Zhu Gui was a prince, it was easy to get in and out of the imperial study as long as he didn't run into Zhu Yuanzhang summoning ministers in the imperial study.

But at that time, Zhu Gui was only interested in being mischievous and studying how to tease people, and had no interest in studying at all.

This is something that almost everyone in the palace knows. Only Zhu Yunwen was young at the time, so he didn't know much about it.

"Well, my uncle wasn't very interested in reading in the past. It's only in the past few years that I've learned about the benefits of reading. Okay, go and find the books you've read and show them to me."

Zhu Gui wanted to get rid of Zhu Yunwen and then study the layout of the imperial study.

With so many books, there must be a regular arrangement, right?

However, Zhu Yunwen did not leave after hearing Zhu Gui's words. Instead, he pointed to the right side of the gate and said, "Uncle Emperor, that's where I study."

It turns out that both Prince Zhu Biao and his son had dedicated ‘office’ areas in the imperial study.

At the same time, it became the place where Zhu Yunwen studied.

Zhu Gui felt quite helpless, but the words had already been spoken, so he had no choice but to go there with Zhu Yunwen, but he was thinking about how to find the design of the treasure ship in this vast sea of ​​books?

It's not like he didn't think about going to the system store to find a better solution.

But the items in the system are far ahead of this era, especially those related to technology.

Although it is powerful, there is also a problem, that is, it requires preconditions.

For example, the several drawings related to ships that Zhu Gui has unlocked now all require unlocking steam engines to build them.

Moreover, the largest of those ships was only a hundred meters long, which was far less exaggerated than the treasure ships of the Ming Dynasty.

Not to mention that the experience value required for the shipbuilding drawings in the system is astronomical, and Zhu Gui simply cannot afford it in a short time.

Moreover, what he needed was not just a ship, but a fleet, so after thinking about it, he still felt that it would be more appropriate to use the existing conditions.

Zhu Gui followed Zhu Yunwen and quickly arrived at a corner of the imperial study.

There are many memorials placed on a huge glossy nanmu desk, which should have not been reviewed by the prince before he fell ill.

Behind the desk is a horizontal lounge chair, which is enough for a tall person to rest here.

From the oil lamp on the desk, we can know that the prince used to correct memorials here all night long.

Zhu Gui couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart.

However, his thoughts were quickly interrupted by Zhu Yunwen's voice.

"Uncle, on this shelf are the books that my father assigned me to read. So far, I have only read the top two rows."

Zhu Yunwen pointed to a huge bookshelf over three meters high next to the desk and introduced it to Zhu Gui.

Zhu Gui looked up at the bookshelf and couldn't help complaining in his heart: "It seems that I thought I read more books than him before. I really think too highly of myself."

There should be no less than a thousand books on this bookshelf.

However, a mahogany box in the middle of the bookshelf caught Zhu Gui's attention.

This chapter has been completed!
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