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Chapter 187 Leave

However, Zhu Gui still looked calm when faced with this situation.

"Father, I have asked General Xu Yingxu to lead 10,000 elite cavalry to be stationed on the grassland to prevent the Mongols from causing trouble again."

"Xu Yingxu? You've done quite well in this regard, but how can 10,000 people be enough? Come on, go to the Ministry of War immediately to mobilize 30,000 Ming troops to join General Xu."

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand and immediately issued a military order.

After hearing this, all the civil and military officials immediately began to flatter him, but Lan Yu remained silent with a gloomy face.

"Forget it this time, you will never be so careless when facing the Mongols in the future. Do you understand?" Zhu Yuanzhang had been dealing with the Mongols for half his life, so he was very cautious.

"My son, please remember this," Zhu Gui said.

In this way, the celebration lasted all day before dispersing.

Only then did Zhu Gui have time to take a look at the prince, but his face was even uglier than before he left. Zhu Gui had no choice but to take out a few pills of pills and give them to Zhu Yunwen again, and told him: "The emperor's uncle was negligent. These pills

Give the prince one pill a day."

"Thank you, uncle. Your uncle has made great achievements this time. Grandpa Huang must be very happy, right?" Zhu Yunwen's expression was a little complicated, and his attitude was not as cordial as before.

Zhu Gui secretly complained in his heart. It seemed that Zhu Yunwen was already wary of him, but he had no intention of competing for the throne with him, not to mention that the matter was already a certainty and depended on Zhu Yuanzhang's attitude.

Even if he wins a few more battles and wipes out the entire Mongolian people, Zhu Yuanzhang may not pass the throne to him. Zhu Gui already knows this.

What's more, Zhu Gui knew that his biggest opponent was not Zhu Yunwen, who was two years younger than him, but the King of Yan, Zhu Di.

"Imperial nephew, don't think too much. I am just sharing the worries of the court and have no other ideas. The throne is yours. This is known to all. Don't believe other people's words to sow discord."

After Zhu Gui finished speaking, he glanced at a thin young man standing not far away.

If his prediction was correct, this person should be Fang Xiaoru, the most famous person during Zhu Yunwen's time abroad.

Although this man was upright, it was his strong advocacy of reducing the vassal that led to the outbreak of the Jingnan War. Although he finally fulfilled his name of loyalty, it also led to Zhu Yunwen's throne being taken away by Zhu Di. The merits and demerits of Zhu Gui

I don’t want to comment either.

Zhu Yunwen trembled when he heard Zhu Gui's words and then lowered his head and said: "What the emperor taught you, Yunwen must remember."

Zhu Gui patted Zhu Yunwen on the shoulder and left.

Half an hour later, he finally returned to Prince Dai's Mansion again.

Princess Xu Miaoqing has been waiting in the hall for a long time.

When he saw Zhu Gui come in, he immediately stood up and came to Zhu Gui's side and said, "Wang Yan, when are we going back to Datong Mansion? It has been almost two months since we left."

Zhu Gui stroked Xu Miaoqing's hair and said with a smile: "Come on, we will return to Yunzhou after this matter rests."

"Okay." Xu Miaoqing smiled and snuggled into Zhu Gui's arms.

Early the next morning, Zhu Gui received an imperial edict announcing his entry into the palace.

Zhu Gui did not dare to delay, and immediately followed the eunuch who announced the decree to Fengtian Hall.

Zhu Yuanzhang was already sitting on the dragon throne, "Zhu Gui, tell me everything about this expedition. I have never fought such a beautiful battle in my entire life."

It turned out that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to hear the details of the war, and Zhu Gui breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Guiyuan told Zhu Yuanzhang the whole story of the war, but gave the main credit to Xu Yingxu.

This was done to avoid arousing Zhu Yuanzhang's suspicion and classifying him as an obstacle to Zhu Yunwen's accession to the throne. At the same time, Zhu Gui was already ranked as the vassal king, and no amount of credit could make him go further.

But how could Zhu Yuanzhang not hear his little thoughts? Zhu Yuanzhang squinted his eyes and listened to everything Zhu Gui said without any interruption.

"Yes, you did fight well in this battle, but I have nothing to reward you. Tell me, what do you want?" Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said.

"My son is doing all this just for the sake of serving the Ming Dynasty. I don't want any reward. However, if my father really insists on rewarding my son, he only needs to make my son a normal vassal king."


Zhu Gui said unusually calmly.

The so-called 'normal vassal king' is King Sai who can have three personal guards. Now, although Zhu Yuanzhang has partially lifted the ban on Zhu Gui's power to form personal guards, he only has only a thousand people, compared to the 30,000 of the other three kings.

The Guards are really insignificant.

This time, taking advantage of Zhu Yuanzhang's happiness, Zhu Gui proposed such a condition.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a while and nodded and said: "Okay, originally this was your right as the vassal king. I was just worried that you were too young to command the personal guards. Now you have shown me your strength.

Then I will naturally not hinder you anymore."

Zhu Gui remained calm on the surface, but he was extremely excited in his heart. As long as he could form the three guards normally, he would have the capital to play a role in the Battle of Jingnan. This was also his biggest idea that he wanted to complete. Now

After so many twists and turns, it was finally achieved.

"Tell me, what else do you want? These are not enough to reward you for your contribution this time." Zhu Yuanzhang continued.

"My son hopes that General Xu Yingxu can continue to stay at the Datong Prefecture Guards, and I ask my father to grant it." Zhu Gui lowered his head and said.

After all, judging from Xu Yingxu's military exploits during this period, he was already enough to ascend to the throne and become one of the top generals in the imperial class.

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a moment, with a thoughtful look on his face. Although he knew that Zhu Gui played the most important role in this war, it was indeed inappropriate to leave Xu Yingxu in Datong Mansion.


But after all, Zhu Gui had made such a great contribution, it would be unreasonable for his only request to be rejected.

"Okay, I can promise you that General Xu will continue to be stationed in Datong Mansion, but only for three years. After three years, he must return to Nanjing to serve." Zhu Yuanzhang said after thinking again and again.

"Thank you, Father." Zhu Gui was secretly happy. After all, the prince was seriously ill and Zhu Yunwen's accession to the throne was not long ago, so the so-called three-year period was like no time limit.

Zhu Yuanzhang continued to chat with Zhu Gui about some things and then asked him to leave.

Before leaving, Zhu Gui proposed the idea of ​​returning to Datong Mansion, but Zhu Yuanzhang just waved goodbye and left.

"Is this agreed? Just take it as agreed." Zhu Gui immediately hurried back to Prince Dai's Mansion and started to get people ready.

This chapter has been completed!
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